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Photos: Talent Show at BHS

By Howard B. Owens

Students, faculty and staff of Batavia High gathered in the auditorium Wednesday night to show what they could do entertainment-wise to an appreciative and enthusiastic audience.

Here are a few photos of some of the performers.

More photos after the jump:

Photo: Tonawanda Creek rail bridge at sunset

By Howard B. Owens

I've made several attempts at getting a picture of the Tonawanda Creek rail bridge at sunset. This evening, when I got there, I thought at first maybe I got there a few minutes too late. But this is probably my favorite so far (and don't be surprised if I post more of this subject if I like what I get in the future).

Barn Storm - LeRoy, NY

By Darrick Coleman

Take a look at more WNY photos at my blog at!

Photos: Driving in Genesee County

By Howard B. Owens

You know if I'm out in the towns, I'm going to be looking for barn pictures.  This one I found on Bethany Center Road.

After the jump are more pictures I took today as I drove between Batavia and Genesee County Park.


Photos: Three barns in southeast part of county

By Howard B. Owens

On a story quest that didn't quite work out, I was down in the Bethany area.

The barn above is at Putnam and Sheppard roads. Below is a barn on Transit Road and a barn on Silver Road.

Photo: Car with flag on Cedar Street

By Howard B. Owens

When I drove past this oddly parked car with a flag sticking out of the passenger window, I had to turn around go back and get a picture. I have no idea why the car is parked this way. Perhaps it's somebody's creative way of trying to draw attention to the building behind it that's for rent.

Photos: Spring means baseball

By Howard B. Owens

When I drove past Batavia High today, I saw the JV baseball team getting ready for a game. Coach Buddy Brasky told me the varsity team was getting ready for a game at Dwyer, so I went over there and snapped a couple of photos, too.

More pictures after the jump:

Photos: St. Joe's annual Mammoth Sale

By Howard B. Owens

A big crowd and lots of great bargains this morning at St. Joe's annual Mammoth Sale.

The sale covered three floors, for the first time, this year.

More photo after the jump:

Photo: Old tree on State Street Road

By Howard B. Owens

Coming back from the accident this afternoon, I spotted this old twisted tree on State Street Road near Batavia-Elba Townline Road and thought with the overcast sky it would make an interesting picture.

Photo: Tulips at St. Mary's

By Howard B. Owens

There are now pots of yellow tulips surrounding the statue of the Virgin Mary and infant Jesus in front of St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church on Ellicott Street, Batavia.

Photo: Cherry Blossoms behind Upton Monument

By Howard B. Owens

The cherry blossoms (or I assume they are cherry blossoms) are in bloom behind the Upton Monument outside the Old Court House at Main and Ellicott streets.

BTW: We still might get thundershowers today and tonight, and there's still a chance of snow on Friday night.

Dozens of kids show up for Pembroke fire company Easter egg hunt

By Howard B. Owens

Dozens of children found treats, prizes and candy today at the Pembroke Volunteer Fire Department Easter Egg Hunt at the department's facility.  The sun was out and everybody seemed to have a good time.

More pictures after the jump:


Photos: Three pictures from Pembroke

By Howard B. Owens

On my way to and from the Pembroke Easter egg hunt, I took a few pictures. Up top are some sheep in a field off Route 5, a mile or so east of Route 77. This looks like it will be a picture worth going out to take again when the trees fill out and maybe again in autumn.

Below, an old one-way sign outside the Pembroke Fire Hall, and below that, an old commercial building in Pembroke.

Batavians out enjoying the summer-like Sun in April

By Howard B. Owens

Kristen Anderson catches a Frisbee tossed by her friend Steve Martino (below) while they were out enjoying the sun at Centennial Park this afternoon with their friends Lauren Rohan and Katie Porter (not pictured) and dogs Tucker and Milo.

Above, Ian Fuchs, 7, helps with the family car wash on State Street.

An unidentified bicyclist tooling down Washington Avenue.

Photo: Barn on Macomber Road, Oakfield

By Howard B. Owens

I was in Oakfield this evening chasing what turned out to be a story that didn't pan out, but I figured so long as I was out that way and the sun was setting, I should try to find a barn to photograph at sunset. This is what I came up with. It's on Macomber Road near Galloway.

Photos: Two old barns

By Howard B. Owens

Slow news day. That's not entirely bad, because it gives me a chance to catch up on other work, especially the work related to revenue. Though, I'm sure on any given day, you would rather have the stories.

After all day in the office doing business stuff, I went out and searched around for something to take a picture of, hoping, really, for a good sunset shot. None was forthcoming, so these are the two pictures I did get.

Top barn is on Sprague Road, and bottom is on Upton Road. I think both are still in the Town of Batavia.

Photos: A cabin, a barn, a hotel

By Howard B. Owens

When I'm out and about in the county, I usually try to find roads I've never driven down before. In coming back from the two accidents this morning, I came across three photo opportunities.

Above, the Magadore Hillton and Pembroke Hotel, at the intersection of North Pembroke and Beckwith roads. The spelling on the sign is "Hillton." That's not  a typo. The proprietor, according to the sign, is Linda Smith. It's hard to tell if this is an active business. There is a sign next to the building that advertises fish fry and beef on weck, but it also looked like it might be vacant, except for a possible residence on the side.

UPDATE: We just got this e-mail:

"Hi, my name is Linda Smith I have owned the bar for 30 years. It was built in 1850 and has been a working bar for a very long time. I have a little restaurant that serves fish frys every friday. We are open 6 days a week."

Below is what looks like an old hunter's cabin along Stegman Road, across from the Tonawanda Creek. 

The last picture is of a yellow barn -- don't see too many of those. It was on Powers Road.

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