Darien lifter sets state and national records at strongman competition

Darien resident Lucas Birkby came home Sunday with five medals from a powerlifting competition in Mamaroneck sponsored by United States Strongman Inc.
Birkby set official state records for the axle clean and press at 320 pounds, the 18-inch deadlift at 700 pounds, deadlift at 650 pounds, the log press at 310 pounds, and the atlas stone, at 360 pounds. The axle clean and the 18-inch deadlift are also national records for the heavyweight teen division.
His father, Scott Birkby said, "In addition to training at home, Luke has been training twice a week at Iron and Stone Strength gym in Clarence. His trainer is Tony Kalisz. We found this Strongman gym through a Google search since Luke's ultimate dream is to become the world's strongest man.
"I've got the feeling that the fellows there raised an eyebrow when we wrote to them and said that a teenager (he was 17 and just turned 18 this February) wanted to do strongman, but they said: 'go ahead and send him in.' That was about 10 months ago. Luke and the guys (and girls!) at the gym have had a great time since he showed up.
Birkby has qualified to compete at the nationals in June in Columbus, Ohio.
Scott said his son is PED-free (performance-enhancing drug), adding, "Our grocery bill has taken a pretty big hit for this."
Photos and info submitted by Scott Birkby.