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By Allison Lang

A 13 week session of Divorce Care will begin on Saturday, January 16,  from 6:00-7:30 at Northgate Free Methodist Church.  Divorce Care is for anyone who is separated or divorced and would like support and encouragement during this difficult time.  There is a $15 charge for materials, scholarships are available. To sign up visit… For more information call the church office at 343-4011.

Event Date and Time


By Allison Lang

Grief Share is a 13 week group designed to help and encourage those grieving the loss of a loved one, due to death. The format is a weekly video presentation and time for discussion that will offer hope, encouragement and comfort.  Meetings begin January 19nd at 6:00. Cost is $15 for materials, scholarships are available. To sign up, visit: For additional information please call 343-4011 or email

Event Date and Time


By Allison Lang

Tens of thousands of women worldwide participated in the IF:Gathering, either in person at the sold-out event in Dallas, Texas, or via livestream to locations like Northgate. Representing a variety of cultures and denominations, these women hold one thing in common: they want to live like God is real. The IF:Gathering provides space for women to wrestle with essential questions of faith, to dream, and to connect with one another.

Event Date and Time

Lessons and Carols

Come and hear the story of Advent and Christmas and join in the singing of traditional Christmas carols. Tickets:
Event Date and Time

‘Celebration of Life’ service at Penuel Christian Fellowship, Le Roy, with founder of Life Center of Long Island

Penal Christian Fellowship, Le Roy, invites you to a time of worship and fellowship to encourage those in the community who choose and defend life. Keynotes speakers Frank and Lorraine Gariboldi will share their experiences ministering to men, women and families. Lorraine was a founding member of the Life Center of Long Island where she served as executive director for 24 years.
Event Date and Time

Christmas Eve service with live nativity scene, Scripture and carols inside Yunker’s Barn in Elba

A decades-long tradition continues this evening at CY Farms with a Christmas Eve service inside the Yunker Family barn on Transit Road in Elba. It is located at the northwest corner of Transit and North Byron roads. The service, provided by the Elba First Presbyterian Church, features a live nativity scene, the reading of Scripture and prayerand carol will be sung. The service is short. The barn is not heated. Barn stairs lead to the service benches. Candles will line the approach to the barn. Everyone, regardless of faith or denomination, is welcome.
Event Date and Time

"Interfaith Peace Witness", Thursday, March 3, 12:30-2:00 PM, at GCC

By James Renfrew

An “Interfaith Witness for Peace” will take place on Thursday, March 3, 12:30 – 2:00 PM at Genesee Community College (Technology Building, Room T-119). Representatives from many of the different faith traditions found throughout Genesee County will share reflections, prayers, and a common yearning for peace. There will be no speeches, sermons, homilies or political activity. The event will include music, a brief video, and light refreshments. The program is free, and all are welcome.

Event Date and Time

The Lord's Sabbath

By Kevin Palmiter

The First Seventh Day Baptist Church of Genesee is holding a bible study , the Helping Hand, at Calvary Baptist Church Lake Road in LeRoy. Anyone interested please come on over. It is the first and third Saturday of each month at 4:00 p.m.. As we grow so will the dates we meet. We are a Baptist group with a difference; we recognize the biblical Sabbath ( 4th commandment - Saturday) as a day of worship in obedience of our God and King. For more info call me at 259-2989. Hope to see you there...

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