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Resurrection Parish

Fifteen young Catholics celebrate first communion at Resurrection Parish

By Howard B. Owens
first communition

Fifteen young Genesee County residents celebrated their first communion on Sunday at Resurrection Parish in Batavia.

"Communion, also known as the Eucharist in the Catholic Church, is the source and summit of the Catholic Faith," said Jason Smith, director of Faith Formation at the church. "Catholics believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, and when students receive their First Eucharist, they have been thoroughly prepared through Faith Formation classes so that they understand and appreciate this concept.  It is a significant event in the Catholic faith, and is one of our seven Sacraments.  Sacraments are designed to draw us closer to God and experience God's love and grace."

Photo by Steve Ognibene.

Batavia parishes hold confirmation classes

By Howard B. Owens

Resurrection and Ascension parishes hosted their annual confirmation retreat on Sunday morning at St. Mary's in Batavia.

The class was led by Jason Smith and Ron Chrzanowski.

Smith said that Father Ivan offered a blessing after the 9:15 mass, and then candidates engaged in several activities, including making a coat of arms, and church collages symbolizing elements of the faith. They also studied the Corporal Works of Mercy, and presented their Saints in an interview style.

Candidates will be confirmed on May 28 at St Joseph’s Cathedral in Buffalo by Bishop Fisher. 

Submitted photos and information.

Resurrection and Ascension hold joint commitment mass

By Press Release

Press release:

Resurrection and Ascension Roman Catholic Parishes had a joint Confirmation Commitment Mass today at 11:30 at St Joseph’s Church for our shared Confirmation candidates, to be confirmed this spring.  Parents and sponsors attended and participated as well.

Prior to Mass, families and students gathered as part of our joint Faith Formation program.

Submitted photos.

Resurrection and Ascension parishes to hold joint faith formation classes

By Press Release

Press release:

Registration is now open for the 22-23 Faith Formation Program at Resurrection and Ascension Roman Catholic Parishes in Batavia.   The parish families are excited about this joint venture to share the faith with our families and children.  All sacramental preparation classes (Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation) will be offered and enriching programs for the entire family.

Please contact Jason Smith from Resurrection Parish at or Ann Pratt from Ascension Parish at for information.

Classes will begin on Sunday, Aug. 28 at 10 a.m. Mass at Ascension Parish, followed by lunch, meetings, and a fun kick-off event!  Come and join us!

Batavia's parishes offering joint catechism classes

By Press Release

Press release:

Ascension Parish and Resurrection Parish will be joining forces to provide faith formation to the children and families of our parishes!  This is an exciting and needed opportunity to tap and combine the strengths and resources of both our parish--and we need YOU!

To kick of this exciting venture, there will be a special Mass on Sunday,  June 12 at 9:15 at St. Mary's Church, concelebrated by both Father Ivan and Father Dave.  Following Mass, there will be coffee and donuts in the church hall for all returning, new catechists, and anyone interested in supporting this fundamental program of our faith) so we can begin to share ideas!

If you cannot join us, perhaps you can tap someone on the shoulder who you think would make a great catechist!

If you have any questions, please contact us below:

Thank you for considering...
Ann Pratt, Ascension Parish
Jason Smith, Resurrection Parish

Photo: First Communion

By Howard B. Owens

Eight children had their first communion today at Resurrection Parish.

Photo submitted by Jason Smith.

Photos: Resurrection Parish hosts confirmation retreat

By Howard B. Owens

Resurrection Parish hosted a confirmation retreat this morning at St. Mary's Church.

Candidates made coats of arms, studies in the Corporal Works of Mercy, made church collages, and presented their saint research projects via role-play style interviews among other faith-based enrichment exercises. 

Jason Smith and Ron Chrzanowski facilitated the retreat.

Candidates will be confirmed on Pentecost Sunday, June 5 at St Joseph’s Cathedral in Buffalo by Bishop Michael Fisher.

Photos and information submitted by Jason Smith.

Notre Dame High School 67th Graduation

By Steve Ognibene

On Sunday, at Resurrection Parish, Notre Dame High School held its 67th commencement exercises for the Class of 2021. 

Principal Wade Bianco and Assistant Principal Michael Rapone presented senior awards, academic honors, scholarships and diplomas. 

Valedictorian Amanda Mary Bergman addressed the 2021 class. Class President Bernard Skalny presented the senior class gift.

Anne Del Plato received an honorary diploma from the Class of 1971 honoring their 50th anniversary. Eric Ricks Jr. provided concluding remarks.

To view or purchase photos, click here.

Principal Wade Bianco

Valedicatorian Amanda Mary Bergman


Class President Bernard Skalny

Assistant Principal and Athletic Director Michael Rapone

Anne Del Plato recieivng the honorary diploma Class of 1971.

Concluding remarks, Eric Ricks Jr. 

Photos: Confirmation service held at Resurrection Parish

By Howard B. Owens

Resurrection Parish held Confirmation on Thursday evening with Father Ivan Trujillo.

The confirmation service had been delayed from the spring.

The 2020-21 faith formation program begins Oct. 25 at Resurrection Parish and Jason Smith can be reached at

Smith is the teacher for confirmation and director of Religious Education at the parish.

Top photo: Sam Chmielowiec, Maxwell Tenney, Evan Preston and Elizabeth Kingston.

Photos and information submitted by Jason Smith.

Ariana deSae Frias is kneeling, anointed with holy chrism oil, signifying receiving the Holy Spirit.

This year's Faith Formation Team at Resurrection Parish in Batavia welcomes you

By Billie Owens

Photo and information submitted by a reader.

Here's a photo of the Resurrection Parish Faith Formation Team for the academic year 2019-2020.

Resurrection Parish (St. Joseph Parish / St. Mary's church (on Ellicott Street)) is a Roman Catholic church located at 303 E. Main St. in Batavia.

So far, 18 families and more than 30 students have committed to learning about the Catholic faith this year! More are welcome and encouraged to learn about their faith.

Pastor is Father Ivan Trujillo and Jason Smith is the director.

Classes begin Sunday, Sept. 15 and people can contact Smith at:

Queen of Hearts BINGO winner gives back to her local community

By Steve Ognibene

I have been going for the last five weeks with my cousin Susie and knew it was in Envelope #1 said Cheryl Kowalik who’s tickets was drawn for a 50/50 chance to win the Queen of Hearts at last Friday Night Bingo.   The previous Friday April 1st there was still no winner after nearly one year has passed which narrowed the weekly drawing and two choices remained.  The event is held weekly at Resurrection Parish (St. Mary’s) church hall, 18 Ellicott St. Batavia. 

A huge line formed prior to the 430pm time when the doors opened said Cheryl who waited an hour to get her boards and tickets for the Queen.  Two weeks ago a friend of her had a ticket drawn but she did not pick number #1 which when she opened it and it was not the Queen, I felt like this was just reserved for me.  I was supposed to usher at Harvester 56 that night with my girlfriend Barb but knew from saying a lot of prayers, they would were heard and hopefully answered.

I won part of the split pot which was just before the queen that totaled $600.00 I split it with two other people and received two hundred dollars.  I went up at intermission and bought more tickets on the queen.  Already spent ten dollars but spent an additional fifteen on more tickets.  Two tickets that I saw that was left to chose from was 507 and 508 which I said that I will take those too.  Announcer Chad Zambito called the last three numbers being 507 and I said, It’s me, It’s me.  Once I stood up everyone who attended was excited and cheered me on, which I felt humbly thankful for a small community and did not get any negative comments spoke about.

I went up to Chad and said #1, #1, #1 please.  He said this woman knows exactly what she wants and when Kathy Goras opened the envelope with the queen revealed and I almost touched the ceiling which at my age I almost didn’t even think I could jump that high.  The total winning amount was $5904.00 after taxes Kowalik will get $4428.00.

Her future plans is to pay her some property taxes, donating to Batavia High Schools new foundation in her moms memory Ruth Kowalik who was a teacher at Jackson School so they have some start up money.  I have a girlfriend who I am donating money towards a dress for her daughter.  My birthday is this Thursday and treating my staff to lunch who I work with at Darien lake.  To Barb and Susie I am taking them to dinner at the Red Oiser.  My grandfather who helped build the church Ascension Parish on swan st. is in need of a roof .  the good lord provided me so I am donating some money towards their roof fund.

Photo above is business manager Marcia Huber handing Cheryl Kowalik her winnings at Resurrection Parish Rectory today.

Pancake Breakfast this Sunday for Catholic education

By Steve Ognibene

The Monsignor Kirby Council #325 Knights of Columbus will be holding their semiannual pancake breakfast this Sunday at Resurrection Parish (St. Mary's Worship Site) at 18 Ellicott St. in Batavia from 8-11 a.m.

This is open to the public and costs $5 adults, $3 for children age 4 to 12; kids under 3 eat free. All-you-can-eat pancakes, breakfast includes sausage, eggs, juice, coffee, tea, milk.  

There will be basket raffles from many local businesses and also a 50/50 drawing. Tickets can be purchased at the door and all proceeds will support local Catholic schools education.

Pictured above from left are co-chairman Joe Gerace, Grand Knight Brad Rogers and co-chairman Steve Ognibene.

Batavia's Father Ivan, with roots in South America, happy to see Argentinian elected pope

By Howard B. Owens

For Father Ivan R. Trujillo, today's election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, had a special meaning and brought Trujillo a special joy.

Bergoglio, now known as Pope Francis I, is the first pope from South America, and though Bergoglio is from Argentina and Trujillo is from Bolivia, it is a good thing for the church that a new pope was selected from the 455 million Catholics in South America, home to 42 percent of all Roman Catholics in the world.

"I'm very happy that they elected somebody from South America because most South Americans, most Latin American people, are Catholics, I'd say 80 percent" Trujillo said. "They are very happy. I'm very happy."

Trujillo is pastor of Resurrection Parish, which includes Batavia's St. Joseph's and St. Mary's. He was ordained in Jamestown in 1990 and became an assistant at St. Mary's in 1995. Four years ago, when St. Joe's and St. Mary's merged to form Resurrection Parish, Father Ivan was appointed pastor of the parish.

It was a Jesuit, like Pope Francis, who inspired Trujillo to become a priest. In Bolivia, while studying philosophy, the rector of the school was a Jesuit. The priest had a passion, as most Jesuits do, for working with the poor.

A good deal of Father Ivan's work in Western New York is with the poor and less fortunate. He works with the poor and sick in his own perish, ministers to inmates at Attica and Wyoming correctional facilities, and works with migrant workers in Genesee, Orleans and Niagara counties.

Pope Francis -- taking the name of St. Francis Xavier -- has a reputation for humility and caring for the poor, living an austere life in Buenos Aires. For a time, Bergoglio gave up riding in a limo and instead took public transportation around the city, but had to give up the practice for security reasons.

"I believe it is a great sign that he will be a pope for the poor and everybody else," Father Ivan said. "I’m pretty sure he’ll be trying to reach the most needy people."

Trujillo believes that Francis, coming out of the Jesuit Order, will be a capable administrator as well as a spiritual leader, which is something, he said, the church needs now.

"It's a good time to celebrate," Trujillo said. "I know there are many problems with the church, but knowing about Jesuits, I'm sure he's well organized and he'll be a good asset for our universal church."

Trujillo was returning from Wyoming when church staff called him to say that a new pope had been elected. He returned to St. Joe's in time to see Pope Francis introduced to the crowd in Vatican City and a worldwide television audience.

It was an thrilling moment, he said.

"At the moment I’m a little bit shocked and so glad," Father Ivan said. "I wish the best for the pope and the whole church. One thing that impressed me with him was that he asked first to be blessed by the people in Rome and after that he blessed the people. After he was blessed by the people, he blessed them. That was a very nice symbolism that he will be a pope for the people and at the same time he brings some order that we need."

Two upcoming events to benefit family of Batavia man with cancer

By Daniel Crofts

Family and friends of Patrick Suozzi, a Batavia man facing terminal cancer, are asking people for support.

On Jan. 27, there will be a benefit/fundraiser for Suozzi's wife, Mary Beth, and son, PJ, from 1 until 6 p.m. at Resurrection Parish (St. Mary's) Recreation Hall, at 18 Ellicott St. in Batavia. All proceeds will help offset their ongoing medical expenses.

The fundraiser will include a meal of spaghetti, salad, bread, beverages and dessert, as well as a TV raffle, a Chinese auction, a bake sale and face painting.

Admission is $10 for adults and $5 for children ages 10 and under.

To purchase tickets, make a donation or obtain more information, contact Lori DiFilippo at (716) 474-2895 or Kim Turman at 356-8922

There will also be a rock 'n' roll benefit on Jan. 26 at T.F. Brown's, at 214 E. Main St. in Batavia. It will feature three local bands: Bob Lovelace (acoustics), Amanda's Rage and Savage Cabbage (main band). The event will last from 9 p.m. until 2 a.m.

Admission is $3 at the door, and there will be a 50/50 raffle. For more information, call 343-1547.

Photo submitted by Steve Ognibene

Photos: 2011 Resurrection Parish Lawn Fete and Parade

By Howard B. Owens

The summer doesn't officially begin in Batavia until the Resurrection Parish Lawn Fete and Parade.  The weather was near perfect yesterday and a large crowd turned out for the fun and the food.

Another 50 or so pictures after the jump.


Resurrection Parish raffling new Chevy

By Howard B. Owens

Barbara Bezon stands besides a Chevy Malibu LS that Resurrection Parish is raffling off as a fund-raiser for the church and St. Joseph's School. The car is provided by Ken Barret Chevy-Cadillac. The winner can select the car or $10,000 cash (taxes will be withheld). The drawing will be held during the Resurrection Parish Lawn Fete, June 12, 13 and 14.  Bezon spent the afternoon at a table outside the church selling tickets.

Lawn Fete at St. Joseph School, Batavia

By St. Joseph School
Lawn Fete at St. Joseph School
corner of Main & Summit, Batavia
Friday June 12th through Sunday June 14th
Friday (6-11pm), Saturday (1-11pm) and Sunday (12-10pm)
Carnival rides, food, children's games
please call the church office with questions 585-343-5800
Event Date and Time

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