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Richmond Reads

Richmond's summer reading suggestion is a musical mystery

By Howard B. Owens

The obstacles faced by a young black musician and untangling the mystery of who stole his priceless violin makes for a compelling story, said Samantha Basile at the reveal of the Richmond Memorial Library's summer reading selection.

"This year, we had a lot of strong contenders, but we kept coming back to one in particular," said Basile, the community and adult services librarian at the Richmond library. "So this year's title selection is a debut novel. It is part mystery part coming-of-age story. It was a Good Morning America GMA book club pick."

The selection is The Violin Conspiracy by Brendan Slocum.

Basile said the selection committee, which has been reading review copies of multiple novels over the past year, was "drawn to the powerfully written passages about music, the element of mystery, and the no holds barred portrayal of the obstacles faced by a young black classical musician and contemporary America."

Basile played a short video from Slocum in which he described and discussed his debut novel.

"It's a story about perseverance and hard work and the power of one person believing in you and believing in yourself," Slocum said. "It's a story of Ray, who discovers that his old family fiddle is actually a priceless Stradivarius violin. This discovery catapults him into superstardom in the world of classical music. And right before the Tchaikovsky Competition, which is the Olympics of classical music, his violin is stolen."

And thus the mystery begins, and a determined protagonist works diligently to uncover, from among many suspects, who stole his violin so he can recover it in time for the competition.

"This story came to me in the summer of 2020 When everything was shut down for everyone," Slocum said. "As a professional violinist, I wasn't playing any concerts. I wasn't teaching any lessons. I wasn't practicing for any recitals, or performances or anything. So it really gave me an opportunity to sit down and write."

Members of the Genesee Symphony Orchestra's string section performed during the reveal and Library Visits Coordinator Lucine Kauffman read a passage from the book (see video below).

Slocum will be at Richmond library, 19 Ross St., Batavia, at 7 p.m. Oct. 7  to discuss his book and sign copies.

The Richmond Reads Committee will host additional book discussions and readings during the summer.

Copies of the book are available now to borrow at the library in regular or large print, and on the Libby app as an eBook or audiobook. Copies may be purchased at the front desk for $20, cash or check made out to the Friends of the Richmond Memorial Library.

Photos by Howard Owens

Richmond Reads Committee reveals 2021 title for community reading on July 8

By Press Release

Press release:

Join the Richmond Reads Committee on Thursday, July 8 at 7 p.m. to celebrate the reveal of the 2021 title selection! 

Richmond Reads is a community one book program that began in 2019 at Richmond Memorial Library. Each year, a committee reads dozens of titles and selects a work of fiction to share with the community. Programs and discussions are then created around the selected title.

Prior selections include "Southernmost" by Silas House and "Nothing More Dangerous" by Allen Eskens. 

“This program is already developing into a tradition here at Richmond,” said program coordinator and librarian Samantha Basile. “We’re so encouraged and excited by the support we have from the community.

"The committee is looking forward to revealing the title, which we believe holds the note of hope that everyone is seeking after a long year.” 

The reveal program will take place outside at the library, pending good weather, with a rain location in the Reading Room. The event will include refreshments, the title reveal, and a special guest reader who will read from the first chapter of the book.

Copies of the title will be available for sale for $15, cash or check made out to The Friends of the Richmond Memorial Library, and the library will have plenty of copies to borrow. Copies will also be available to purchase at the library until the virtual author visit in October. 

Registration is requested at:

The author will visit virtually on Thursday, Oct. 21 at 7 p.m.!

More programs and book discussions will be announced throughout the summer.

2020 Richmond Reads selection is 'Nothing More Dangerous' by Minnesota author Allen Eskens

By Billie Owens

By Samantha Stryker, Community and Adult Services librarian, Richmond Memorial Library:

At a small gathering last Thursday, the Richmond Reads committee and Richmond Memorial Library revealed the 2020 Richmond Reads title -- "Nothing More Dangerous," a 2019 mystery by Minnesota author Allen Eskens.

The reveal was also streamed live to the library’s YouTube page so viewers could watch from home.

The Richmond Reads committee, comprised of six community members and Community and Adult Services Librarian Samantha Stryker, met for months to find the perfect book to select.

Of the dozens of titles read this year, "Nothing More Dangerous" stood out for a number of reasons.

“It’s a mystery, which appeals to many readers,” Stryker said. “It also has strong themes of coming of age, racial justice and family that will strike a chord with those who read it.”  

"Tale for Three Counties" author Thomas Mullen described the book as "both heartwarming and hard-nosed” and “a coming-of-age page-turner that probes the dark heart of small towns and the resilient strength that keeps families together.”

The book was a “Best Crime Fiction of 2019” selection by Library Journal and a Finalist in the 2020 Minnesota Book Awards. It appeared on many lists of “best crime fiction” for 2019.

"Nothing More Dangerous" centers on 15-year-old Boady Sanden, who wants nothing more than to escape the small town of Jessup, Mo., where he lives with his widowed mother. His life changes in unexpected ways when the Elgins – a black family – move in across the street and cause Boady to reexamine his understanding of the world as he knows it.

The town has also been unsettled by the sudden and ominous disappearance of Lida Poe, a black woman who kept the books at the local plastics factory. As Boady delves into this mystery and navigates the racial tensions around him, he uncovers more than he expected about his family, his neighbors and himself.

“The small-town rural theme resonated with us; it felt like we could be reading about any small town in Genesee County,” Stryker said. “The messages are universal and especially essential now, as our nation is so divided and issues of racial inequality are at the forefront.” 

Author Allen Eskens is the bestselling author of "The Life We Bury," "The Guise of Another," "The Heavens May Fall," "The Deep Dark Descending," "The Shadows We Hide, and "Nothing More Dangerous." After practicing criminal law for 25 years, Eskens published his first book in 2014 and his work has been translated into 26 languages.  

In a short video recorded for the event, Eskens said that "Nothing More Dangerous" is “the novel I became a writer to write,” noting that he began writing it in the early '90s. Eskens worked on other projects for nearly 20 years before completing it. The video can be viewed at the library’s YouTube page here.

Richmond Memorial Library will host Eskens for an author visit at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 22 at 7 p.m. With the ongoing conditions regarding the COVID19 pandemic, the visit may be virtual or in person, but more announcements will be made as the date gets closer.

The library will also host book discussions in the fall, with dates and format to be announced.

A community one-book program that began in 2019, Richmond Reads is sponsored by The Friends of Richmond Memorial Library.

Copies of the book in hardcopy and audio are available to check out at the library and audiobook and eBook copies are available via OverDrive. Limited copies are available to purchase for $24 at the library. Contributions to the Friends of the Library to support this and other programs are always welcome.

Richmond Memorial Library is now open regular hours for limited services, including browsing for materials, checking out materials, limited computer use, photocopying and faxing. Anyone entering the library must wear an appropriate face covering.

Richmond Memorial Library continually provides access to physical and virtual resources and services that meet the educational, informational and recreational needs of its diverse community in a safe and comfortable environment. Learn more at

Richmond Memorial Library is located at 19 Ross St. in the City of Batavia.

'Southernmost' author Silas House visits Richmond library in Batavia

By Billie Owens

Submitted photos. 

By Samantha Stryker, Richmond Memorial Library Community & Adult Services librarian​

On the evening of Thursday, Sept. 26, the Reading Room at Richmond Memorial Library was filled nearly to capacity for the inaugural Richmond Reads author visit.

The purpose of the Richmond Reads one-book program was to bring the community together through the common experience of reading a book, engaging in thoughtful discussions about it, and hosting a visit from the author.

This year’s selection was the novel "Southernmost" by Silas House, who visited the library that evening to share a reading, give a talk and, as he put it, “have a conversation” with the audience.

The Richmond Reads program began months prior, when the book selection was announced in February. Many related events followed, including a contest during Summer Reading for a chance to win attendance to a tea with the author, a Joni Mitchell tribute concert by artist Leah Zicari to celebrate the musical influences in "Southernmost," a film screening of the documentary "Hillbilly" and community book discussions.

As homage to the Tale for Three Counties program, the Richmond Reads committee also decided to revive the review contest that had been a hallmark of Tale. Four winners were selected to attend a small tea event with the author for a chance to interact one-on-one prior to the main event.

Reviews were judged anonymously by the Richmond Reads committee for creativity, originality and writing quality. The four contest winners chosen were Ruth Andes, Sue Blanchard, Laurie Mastin and Rita Nan Tresco. Excerpts from their review are included below.

Ruth Andes (Elba):
"Southernmost requires each of us to look back at pivotal points in our lives. We confront the beliefs we hold and realize that they no longer fit the person we have become. The two gay men forced Asher to take that public stand. Once confronted, we cannot go forward in the life we have constructed. Change is required and often that change is radical.”

Sue Blanchard (Lockport):
“While reading this story, you can’t help but put yourself in the same set of circumstances and examine your own prejudices, values, morals, and beliefs. Not only was the book a well written story, but it challenged my thinking. I admire Asher for standing up for what he believed was right, despite the negative impacts, and, in the end I believe he made the right decision. Southernmost illustrates the struggle that judgement and hatred cause – Asher was judged by his community, and he judged his brother - both situations caused emotional turmoil. Tolerance is indeed a hard quality to embrace.”

Laurie Mastin (Pavilion):
“ 'Brainwashed: persuaded, convinced, indoctrinated, molded.' (courtesy-- Thesaurus: English (U.S.))
The term was only used twice in this book but it struck me as a central theme. Aren’t we all brainwashed by the experiences we’ve had and the people we are surrounded by?

"Reading this novel was thought provoking at a time when our country is being divided by extremely different points of views on many of these issues. It’s time to reconsider our past brainwashing, and use critical thinking to reach common ground.”

Rita Nan Tresco (Batavia):
“To flee with his son Justin is the only option Asher Sharp, a small Tennessee preacher feels he has after examining his conscience and finding his voice to speak to his congregation, on the topic of tolerance and human kindness. Preacher Sharp loses everything; his wife, family, and congregation and is also shunned by his community. With little access to the son he loves above all else, he sees no way out but to run…Along the way, as the story unfolds, we find our author, Silas House, weaving his words to be like a musical river of honey with many bends, twists and turns. The lovely conclusion has a beautiful message of learning to care for others through kindness, finding forgiveness in your heart, and being tolerant and respectful of each other. But mostly this lovely story is about finding the voice and the courage to love all of humanity.”

The Inaugural Richmond Reads Event

During his talk Sept. 26, Silas spoke to the themes in the book as they related to his personal experiences, ranging from his own journey as a father to his experience growing up in the evangelical church. He read passages from the text, particularly those that spoke to his theory that dogs are symbolic of “the presence of the divine.” Indeed, throughout the book, we see the pivotal part that dogs play as a metaphor for the lost and found faith of the main characters.

During an interactive discussion with participants, House graciously answered questions ranging from “what are you working on now?” (he said he has many “pots on the stove,” or projects, all at once -- one of which is a novel about a man and dog traveling across Ireland, set in the near future) to “what are you reading now?” ("Whiskey When We’re Dry" by John Larison, which he highly recommended, along with "Women Talking" by Miriam Toews) and answered many questions about his themes and characterizations in the novel.

The only question he declined to answer (to avoid spoilers) was what he thought happened to his main character, Asher, after the end of the book. He did note, however, that he likes to end his books with hope, which was certainly the case with "Southernmost."

After his talk, House signed books and interacted even more with attendees, sharing his open and generous spirit. He was warmly received, with one attendee showing him true Western New York hospitality by gifting him with some heirloom tomatoes to take home!

Making it Possible

This project would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of the Richmond Reads Planning Committee, comprised of Sue Briggs, Sue Chiddy, Leslie DeLooze, Irene Hickey, Frances McNulty and Judy Sikora. Thanks also to Lift Bridge Book Shop, of Brockport, for selling books at the event. 

Richmond Reads was sponsored by The Friends of Richmond Memorial Library, as well as through a grant through GO ART!

This project was also made possible with funds from the Decentralization Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature and administered by GO ART!

Richmond Memorial Library continually provides access to physical and virtual resources and services that meet the educational, informational and recreational needs of its diverse community in a safe and comfortable environment.

Richmond Memorial Library is located at 19 Ross St. in the City of Batavia.

About Silas House

Hailing from Kentucky, Silas House is the best-selling author of six novels, three plays, and a book of creative nonfiction. He is a former commentator for NPR’s “All Things Considered,” is the recipient of three honorary doctorates and has won numerous prestigious awards for his work. "Southernmost" in particular was long-listed for the Andrew Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Fiction and was honored with many more awards.

House recently produced, wrote, and was featured in the documentary "Hillbilly," which examined the myths and stereotypes of Appalachia, historically and in the context of the 2016 election season. "Hillbilly" was chosen as the winner of the Best Documentary at the L.A. Film Festival and was long-listed for an Academy Award.

Silas currently lives in Lexington, Ky., with his husband, Jason, and has two children. 

Top photo: The Richmond Reads Planning Committee pictured with author Silas House. Back row, from left: Irene Hickey, Sue Briggs, Sue Chiddy, Judy Sikora and Leslie DeLooze. Seated: Samantha Stryker, Community & Adult Services lbrarian and Richmond Reads coordinator, and Author Silas House. (Not pictured: Frances McNulty) (Photo credit: Jim DeLooze)

Photo below: Author Silas House speaks to a packed room at Richmond Memorial Library for the inaugural Richmond Reads Program. (Photo credit: Jim DeLooze)

Below: Summer Reading and Review Contest winners attend a small one-on-one event at GO ART! with the author ahead of the main event.

Below: Author Silas House signs books following his talk for the 2019 Richmond Reads Program. (Photo credit: Jim DeLooze)

'Richmond Reads' events: Meet 'Southernmost' author, see film on hillbillies, listen to Joni Mitchell's music

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Richmond Reads Committee is pleased to announce the following events as part of “Richmond Reads,” the one book program designed for the Richmond Memorial Library community.

All programs are free to attend and participate in.

Community Book Discussions

Join us to discuss the novel "Southernmost," written by Silas House. Discussions will be led by Samantha Stryker, Community & Adult Services librarian, and members of the Richmond Reads Committee.

The only requirement to attend is that you’ve read the book!

Copies are available at the library in regular print, audio and large print.

Ebook and audio copies can be accessed via our Hoopla and OverDrive Apps at

(Editor's Note: For the Kirkus review / synopsis of "Southernmost," click here. For the interview of Silas House published in Kirkus about his newest book, click here.)

Book Discussion Dates:

  • Monday, Sept. 9 at 6:30 p.m. and Wednesday, Sept. 11 at 8 a.m. at Richmond Memorial Library
  • Thursday, Sept. 12 at 7 p.m. at GO ART! (featuring cash bar), 201 E. Main St., Batavia
  • Saturday, Sept. 21 at 10 a.m. at Moon Java Café, 56 Harvester Ave., Batavia. Refreshments will be served at Moon Java.

Richmond Reads Reel Discussion

Thursday, Sept. 19 at 6 p.m. at Richmond Memorial Library

Watch the documentary "Hillbilly," which was produced and written by our Richmond Reads author Silas House. He also appears in the film. "Hillbilly" examines the iconic hillbilly image in media and culture. "Hillbilly" was the winner of the Best Documentary Feature at the L.A. Film Festival in 2018.

Concert: The Songs of Joni Mitchell by Leah Zicari

Tuesday, Sept. 24 at 7 p.m. at Richmond Memorial Library

Join musician Leah Zicari for a free concert dedicated to the music of Joni Mitchell. The impact of music in our lives plays a huge role in "Southernmost."

One character in particular -- Bell -- finds solace in the music of Joni Mitchell, such as the tune with the same title as Mitchell's debut concept album "Song to a Seagull." (This is reflected in the name of the complex of rental cottages owned by Bell.) "All I Want" is a number from Mitchell's fourth studio album released in 1971, "Blue," and House cites the song as central to Bell's character and the album itself as playing a pivotal role in his book.

(Editor's Note: Find the music playlist chosen by Silas House for "Southernmost" here.)

Review Contest -- Win a chance to meet the author one-on-one!

Submission deadline: Monday, Sept. 9.

Submit a review of "Southernmost" for a chance to attend an afternoon tea with Richmond Reads author Silas House before the main author event on Sept. 26! The review should be 200 words or less.

Four winners will be chosen anonymously by the Richmond Reads Committee. Summer reading contest winners will also be in attendance. Visit our website or the library for all rules, information and the entry form.

Author Event: Silas House & 'Southernmost'

Thursday, Sept. 26 at 7 p.m. at Richmond Memorial Library

Author Silas House (inset photo right) will join us for a reading, talk and book signing. Copies of the book will be available for sale. All are welcome to attend this free event!

For more information, visit

Richmond Memorial Library continually provides access to physical and virtual resources and services that meet the educational, informational and recreational needs of its diverse community in a safe and comfortable environment. Learn more at

Richmond Memorial Library is located at 19 Ross St. in the City of Batavia.

Richmond Reads is sponsored by The Friends of Richmond Memorial Library and made possible with funds from the Decentralization Program, a regrant program of the NYS Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the NYS Legislature and administered by GO ART!

Photo of Silas House courtesy of Tasha Thomas.

Richmond Reads: new community reading project at Batavia library

By Billie Owens

By Frances McNulty, committee member Richmond Reads

Do you remember the former Tale for Three Counties community reading project? The program was extremely popular and after its conclusion in 2016 readers and library patrons expressed their disappointment and often asked whether it might revive sometime in the future.

Although not as far-reaching as the Tale project, the new Richmond Reads community reading project, hosted by Richmond Memorial Library, hopes to satisfy those requests.  

Readers are encouraged to read the featured book, "Southernmost" by Silas House, and after doing so to write and submit their review of the book.

Details of the review contest are available below and on the Library’s website and include suggestions of what to consider when preparing your review and comments.

One does not need to be a professional or creative writer to participate.

The suggestions provided should prove helpful for composing your review. Reviews will be judged anonymously by the Richmond Reads Committee, using the criteria of creativity, originality, and writing quality.

The reading project will include several opportunities for folks to join in discussions about the book. If you have never participated in a group book discussion, and choose to do so, you may be pleasantly surprised and find it to be a very satisfying and socially enjoyable experience.

There will be an occasion to hear the author during his visit and talk about the book.  

But consider the benefit of winning the review contest. Four winners, who are anonymous to the selection committee members, will be invited to a special event to meet the author one-on-one.

This is a wonderful chance to have a firsthand encounter, ask questions, and have a book signed. It will provide an unforgettable memory.

I know, because I was fortunate to have had such an opportunity in the past, and can attest to its worthiness. I encourage readers to consider reading the book, to participate in the programs, and submit a review. 

How to enter:

  1. Read "Southernmost" by Silas House. Copies are available on audio, regular print, large print, and as and e-book and audiobook on Hoopla and OverDrive. Copies of the book are also available for purchase at the library compliments of Lift Bridge Bookstore in Brockport.
  2. Write a review of the book in 200 words or fewer. Instead of simply summarizing the book, consider the following as you write your review:

How did this book impact you? Were you able to relate to any characters or situations?

What were the most significant moments in the plot?

What truths do you think were expressed through the ending?

How does the setting affect the story?

  1. Submit your review by 5 p.m. Monday, Sept. 9. Reviews can be submitted at the library, via our online form at or mailed to: Richmond Reads Review Contest c/o Richmond Memorial Library, 19 Ross St., Batavia NY 14020

Contest rules:

  • Reviews must be received by 5 p.m. Sept. 9. This is a firm deadline and postmarks cannot be considered.
  • Review forms are available at the library or on our website If not using a form, include your full name, town in which you reside and telephone number. Reviews will not be considered for selection without this information.
  • Reviews must be written legibly or typewritten if possible.
  • Reviews will be judged anonymously by the Richmond Reads committee. 
  • Winners will be announced on Sept. 12.
  • Any reviews submitted may be shared for marketing purposes by Richmond Memorial Library via printed materials, on our website and through social media.

 Richmond Reads is a program of Richmond Memorial Library. The program is sponsored by The Friends of the Library and through a grant from GO ART!

Richmond Memorial Library continually provides access to physical and virtual resources and services that meet the educational, informational and recreational needs of its diverse community in a safe and comfortable environment.

Learn more at

Richmond Memorial Library is located at 19 Ross St. in the City of Batavia.

This project was made possible with funds from the Decentralization Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature and administered by GO ART!

Richmond library announces new community reading project 'Richmond Reads'

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Richmond Memorial Library is thrilled to announce a new initiative entitled “Richmond Reads -- A Community One Book Program”!

Since the end of "A Tale for Three Counties," the community has frequently asked if there will be a replacement program. We are happy to share that a committee has been hard at work to make this a reality, which will begin with an inaugural program this fall.

Richmond Reads is a community reads project created especially for the Richmond Memorial Library community. Much like the Tale program, we will invite our community to read a book and join in discussions about it -- culminating in a visit from the author!

Adult & Community Services librarian Samantha Stryker says that “the author chosen by the committee has received prestigious recognition for their work and we are excited to bring this program to our vibrant community of readers!”

We will host a reveal event to announce the chosen title and author for Richmond Reads on Monday, Feb. 25 at 7 p.m. in the Reading Room at the library. More information about the program will be shared at this event. The event will include light refreshments and a chance to win a copy of the chosen title.

Richmond Memorial Library continually provides access to physical and virtual resources and services that meet the educational, informational and recreational needs of its diverse community in a safe and comfortable environment.

Learn more here.

Richmond Memorial Library is located at 19 Ross St. in the City of Batavia.

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