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Robert Bausch

Letter from GC Legislature Chair: NY leaders should reject new unfunded state mandates

By Billie Owens

A letter sent today from Genesee County Legislature Chair Robert Bausch:

The State Budget currently being negotiated by state lawmakers is a double negative for local taxpayers.

On the one hand, it includes the Internet Fairness Act, which will require New Yorkers to pay sales taxes on more of their online purchases. At the same time, it takes the local share of those tax revenues and devotes it to funding programs that were cut in the state budget.

Specifically, the budget proposal creates a new mandate for county property taxpayers to backfill $60 million in state funding cuts to nearly 1,300 towns and villages. It also uses local tax dollars for other state initiatives such as early voting, bail reform, and a new lead monitoring program.

These new mandates are on top of the 9 state mandates that already consume more than $12 billion in local revenues from counties and NYC each and every year. That’s $1 billion a month in local tax dollars that was never invested in the local economies, infrastructure, services, and programs. These were local tax dollars taken by state leaders and spent the way that they see fit.

In Genesee County, we spend $28.7 million on state mandated programs and services, which consumes 98 percent of the property taxes we collected last year.

We urge Legislative Leaders and the Governor to demonstrate their commitment to all of our communities by rejecting the new unfunded state mandates proposed in this state budget.

After 27 years of public service, County Legislator Bob Bausch won't run for reelection in 2019

By Howard B. Owens

When Bob Bausch joined the County Legislature in 2010 he said he was making at least a four-year commitment to serve. Nine years later, at age 75 and with a new four-year term looming, he thinks it's time to step aside.

Bausch announced today that he's not going to seek reelection this year.

"When I was pushing for the four-year terms, I knew that at 75 I shouldn't run for a four-year term," Bausch said. "I'm in good health but I'm 75. There's no denying it."

Bausch editorialized and lobbied in support of staggered four-year terms for the county legislative members, replacing a system that had all nine members up for election every two years. County voters approved the reform in November.

Before joining the Legislature, he served as a Village of Bergen trustee for eight years and for 10 years before that, he was on Bergen's Zoning Appeals Board.

He became chairman of the County Legislature in 2017.

Once his term is up at the end of this year, after 27 years in either elected or appointed office, Bausch said he will have plenty to do to keep himself busy. He will continue to serve on the boards of community groups. He also has family spread across the country from Philadelphia to San Jose, Calif., and so will travel occasionally to see them.

"There are still things I would like to get done but I should step aside," Bausch said.

Photo: File photo.

Zambito to be new county attorney; Bergen's Bausch to represent District 2

By Howard B. Owens

County Legislator Charles Zambito is about to become the new county attorney, and Bergen Village Trustee Robert Bausch will be appointed to replace him in District 2.

The Zambito and Bausch appointments were approved unanimously yesterday by the Ways and Means Committee and will be placed on next Wednesday's agenda for the full Legislature to vote on.

Hollis Upson chaired the Ways and Means Committee meeting yesterday (normally Zambito's position) and praised both his fellow legislator and the incoming local lawmaker.

On Zambito: "He was rather heartily endorsed as a candidate who knows the county’s business intimately and he is good to work with, so we’re looking forward to it. We expect no bumps and lots of continuity in the service."

On Bausch:  "He has a long history of community service. Quite impressive. Very dedicated public servant in private, non-profits and many boards over the years, so we think he will be a great addition to the Legislature."

Bausch spoke with The Batavian's news partner WBTA and said he's looking forward to the job and took it with the idea that it is at least a four-year commitment, not just something he is going to do for a year and then step aside.

"Primarily, the major issue I see with the county is the nursing home. It is the cash-flow issue because they do not have a normal financial plan for the people at the county nursing home."

He said his range of experience with various groups and boards will be a benefit in his new role.

"That really helps mature a person for a position like this because you understand there are two sides to a story, you’ve just got to understand where everybody is coming from," he said.

Zambito will take over from John Rizzo, who is retiring and taking a job with an area bank, on April 5.

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