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Rochester Regional Health

NY restricts travel, adds rules for bars & eateries, as several states' COVID-19 rates spike and NY's slows

By Billie Owens

From Rochester Regional Health today (July 28) regarding the latest information on the coronavirus pandemic, reopening, and travel restrictions in New York:

Travel Restrictions

As positive coronavirus cases spike around the country, travelers arriving to New York State from designated states will be met with restrictions, according to Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s updated Executive Order. Gov. Cuomo added 10 more states to the list of states that will require travelers to quarantine for 14 days upon entering New York. 31 states in total are on the list as of July 21.

The new states added are: Alaska, Indiana, Delaware, Maryland, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, Nebraska, Virginia and Washington.

The quarantine applies to any person arriving from a state with a positive test rate higher than 10 per 100,000 residents over a seven-day rolling average or a state with a 10 percent or higher positivity rate over a seven-day rolling average. Essential workers are excluded, as well as anyone returning to New York from a designated state in which the visit was for less than 24 hours.

"The last 137 days have been hell for New York as we were the epicenter of this pandemic,” Gov. Cuomo said. “However, New Yorkers stood as one, acted responsibly and—as many other states in this nation are now grappling with new spikes of this insidious virus—the beast, for now, has been brought to bay in this state.”

Newest Rules for Bars & Restaurants

All restaurants and bars in New York State can now only serve alcohol to people who are ordering and eating food, according to a new statewide requirement announced by Gov. Cuomo July 16. All service at bar tops must only be for seated patrons who are socially distanced by six feet or separated by physical barriers, and customers are prohibited from ordering directly from the bar.

To comply with the requirement, the New York State Liquor Authority say that bars and restaurants must sell sandwiches, soups or other foods, whether fresh, processed, precooked or frozen, to customers in order to sell them alcohol. Other foods can be salads, wings, or hotdogs. However, a bag of chips, bowl of nuts, or candy are not enough to satisfy the requirement.

Cases Spike in Florida, Arizona, Texas, California

Almost half of all states are spiking at a faster rate than they had been in the spring, according to a new USA TODAY study. Florida broke the single day record for positive cases with 15,300 new cases on July 11 and reported a record-high of new single-day COVID-19 deaths with 132. Arizona has seen nearly 40 percent of its total yearly cases occur in July alone with more than 50,000 positive cases since July 1. Texas reported 110 deaths and 10,791 new positive cases on July 15, its second straight day of record-high cases in the state and the sixth straight day of more than 10,000 active COVID-19 hospitalizations, according to The Hill

The full list of states on the New York State travel advisory is below:

  • Alaska
  • Alabama
  • Arkansas
  • Arizona
  • California
  • Delaware
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Iowa
  • Idaho
  • Indiana
  • Kansas
  • Louisiana
  • Maryland
  • Missouri
  • Mississippi
  • Montana
  • North Carolina
  • North Dakota
  • Nebraska
  • New Mexico
  • Nevada
  • Ohio
  • Oklahoma
  • South Carolina
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Virginia
  • Washington
  • Wisconsin

New York State Slows Spread

Hospitalizations in New York State have dropped below 700 for the first time since March, and the state recently reported its lowest three-day average death toll since March.  

A new study by “The Truth About Insurance” named New York the most responsible state in fighting COVID-19. “We've used data and science to drive this fight and fuel our reopening strategy, but make no mistake, this distinction is shared by every single New Yorker who did the right thing these last months, ignored the politics, socially distanced and wore a mask,” Gov. Cuomo said.

“But we can't stop now. We must remain disciplined and we must remain New York Tough. We've come too far to go back to where we were."

What Rochester Regional Health is Doing

Rochester Regional Health has implemented diligent processes in place to help team members comply with this new requirement. Employees who are currently traveling or plan to travel to any of the designated states are permitted to work upon their return, provided they follow a strict set of guidelines and processes.

Reopening Schools

Gov. Andrew Cuomo recently released guidance for reopening schools in New York State. The guidance allows for regions in Phase 4 to reopen if the infection rate remains below 5 percent using a 14-day average. Schools will close if the regional infection rate rises above 9 percent, using a seven-day average. A summary of the full guiding principles created by the New York State Department of Health and can be read here.

Phase 4

Phase 4 has begun for the greater Rochester area and the Finger Lakes Region. Phase 4 allows businesses to reopen in the industries of art, education, recreation, and entertainment. Malls are also reopening, however, not all stores in malls are reopening immediately. Gyms, casinos, movie theaters, and amusement parks remain closed. Museums and aquariums are opening with proper safety protocols in place.

"Phase 4 presents the greatest risk because the amount of variation of facilities that are on the slate to reopen in Phase 4 is more than variable than in Phase 1 through 3," said Dr. Michael Mendoza, Monroe County public health commissioner. "So doing so in a measured, coordinated way will allow the health department to follow the data very close and make course corrections as needed because the last thing we want to do is set ourselves all the way back."

Indoor restaurants in all regions have opened with safety precautions, as well as nail salons, tattoo parlors and spas. Outdoor seating is allowed with outdoor tables spaced six feet apart, all staff must wear face coverings and customers must also wear face coverings when not seated.

Sweet! Tompkins donates Oliver's Candy Bars to frontline workers at Rochester Regional Health

By Billie Owens

Submitted photo and press release:

In an effort to brighten the day for local frontline workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, Tompkins Bank of Castile, Tompkins Insurance Agencies and Tompkins Financial Advisors donated 3,400 Oliver’s Candy Bars to the Rochester Regional Health Staff.

The sweet treat will be handed out to all employees as a way to say "Thank You!"

Pictured from left are: Steve Beardsley, senior vice president, Commercial Banking regional manager, presents Jim Creighton and Gina Burden-Rambert of Rochester Regional Health with 3,400 candy bars to distribute to their staff.

Rochester Regional Health clarifies Cuomo's statement about free statewide testing for COVID-19

By Billie Owens

From Rochester Regional Health:

We have heard of confusion based on the announcement from Governor Andrew Cuomo this week concerning statewide COVID-19 testing being free and open to all patients. We want to clarify to the public what this means.

As per the statement on the ny.govwebsite, if you go to a New York State testing site, it is free and anyone can get tested. If you go to any other site that is not state-run, you must follow the requirements of the specific organization, hospital, company, etc. set forth as far as testing.

At Rochester Regional testing sites we are still not testing everyone. There are certain criteria.

Right now, the closest state-run (free) testing site in the area is Monroe Community College. If any individual wants to get tested, they can do so at this site for free. This is the site (locally) Governor Cuomo was referring to when he said anyone can get tested for free.

This is a fluid situation and testing requirements may change. We will update the public as needed.

Here's a link to test sites:

Please call the testing site or your health care provider before you go for testing.

If you go to a test site run by New York State, there is never any charge for your test.

If you go to a test site operated by local governments, private companies including pharmacies and medical practices or not-for-profit organizations, you are advised to check with the testing site and your insurer in advance of being tested to confirm you will not be responsible for any fees associated with your test.

Please be safe (fireworks are great only if you don’t hurt yourself). Keep your gatherings, if you have them, small and with people you know. Stay socially distanced if you can. If you are in public, wear a mask. If you don’t want to wear a mask, stay home. Wash your hands. Be kind. Have fun. Go Bills! (even if there may be no season or one we are not used to).

Rochester Regional Health wants to stress visitation rules, eliminate confusion

By Billie Owens

Press release:

As you all know, visitation began at our Rochester Regional Health hospitals today at noon, including United Memorial Medical Center in Batavia.

Today visitors were welcome from 12 to 1 p.m. and they will again be welcome today from 4 to 7 p.m.

After today, the visiting hours are 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., and 4 p.m. – 7 p.m. seven days a week.

There has already been some confusion at some of our facilities about what the visitation rules are. We would like to reiterate the following points:

  • Each patient is allowed to designate two visitors for the length of their hospital stay.
  • Each patient can have ONE VISITOR at a time for a MAXIMUM of FOUR hours a day.
  • Two visitors will NOT be permitted at the facility at the same time (we are having people show up in pairs). If they show up in pairs, one will have to leave the facility and come back when the other has finished visiting and left the building.
  • Visitors will have to register at the entrance to the facility and provide an ID.
  • Visitors MUST wear a mask and wear it PROPERLY. If they do not have a mask, we will provide one. The proper way to wear a mask or face covering is to COMPLETELY COVER YOUR NOSE AND MOUTH. If visitors fail to comply, they will not be allowed to visit the patient and be asked to leave.

Please know that we are doing our best to follow the NYS guidelines for visitation. We know people want to see their loved ones and we want to allow them to do that, but we have to continue to make safety the priority and do all we can to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

This is a tough time for everyone and we appreciate your patience and understanding.

For yesterday's press release regarding visitation and the strict policy in place for it, click here.

UMMC to allow limited-capacity visiting starting Thursday, issues strict policy

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Visitors will be allowed in Rochester Regional Health hospitals (Rochester General Hospital, Unity Hospital, Newark-Wayne Community Hospital, Clifton Springs Hospital & Clinic, and United Memorial Medical Center (Batavia)) in a limited capacity beginning Thursday, June 25.

The policy outlined below is the same for all five hospitals.

It is important to note, and we ask that you stress, there are still no visitors allowed in long-term care facilties (except for end-of-life situations).

Rochester Regional Health Visitor Policy -- This policy applies to hospitals (acute care) only:

  • Patients may designate two visitors throughout their stay;
  • Only ONE visitor is allowed at a time for no longer than four hours daily.
  • Visiting hours for all RRH hospitals are 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., and 4 – 7 p.m. daily.
  • No visitors will be permitted for*:

           --- Emergency Department patients

           --- COVID-19 positive patients

           --- Suspected COVID-19 positive patients

           --- Cancer infusion centers

           --- Inpatient behavioral health

*The four exceptions to the above list of prohibited visitors include

  1. Pediatric patients may have one designated guardian on-site at a time.
  2. End-of-life patients may have one on-site visitor at a time.
  3. Obstetrical patients may have one on-site visitor at a time.
  4. Patients with intellectual, developmental, or other cognitive disabilities.

There are no restrictions on the hours of visitation for this (exceptions) list of visitors.

Visitors must be older than 18 years of age.

Visitors must be screened upon entering the facility; they will be denied entry if they report significant COVID-19 exposure or symptoms during the prior 14 days or have a temperature over 100.0 degrees Fahrenheit.

Visitors will be registered in an electronic system within the EMR (Care Connect) upon entry for each visit. The registration log will include the name and contact information of the visitor, the date(s) of their visits, and the name of the patient(s) visited.

Patients undergoing same-day procedures may be accompanied to the facility by a companion, but may not stay during the procedure.

A companion may drop them off and pick them up outside the facility.

They may not be with the patient inside the facility.

Visitors may not be present during procedures and in the recovery room except for pediatrics, childbirth, and patients with an intellectual, developmental, or other cognitive disability.

Visitors will be instructed to remain in the patient’s room throughout the visit except when directed by hospital staff to leave during aerosol-generating procedures or other procedures during which visitors are usually asked to leave.

Within areas of our facilities that do not allow us to accommodate social distancing, we reserve the right to refuse visitors for their safety and the safety of our patients and staff.

Visitors must be wearing their mask or cloth face-covering upon arrival to the facility. If the visitor does not arrive with a mask or cloth face-covering, the hospital will provide the visitor with a mask. The visitor will be instructed to keep their mask or cloth face-covering on at all times.

Visitors will be instructed to comply with strict hand hygiene and personal protective equipment practices.

Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60-percent alcohol. Cover all surfaces of hands and rub them together until they feel dry.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

Visitors will be provided written information regarding the potential risks and benefits of visiting a patient within the hospital as well the expectations regarding their visitation, which includes: the hours of visitation; remaining in the patient room during the entire visit unless otherwise instructed; wearing their mask or cloth face-covering during their entire visit; and instructions regarding meticulous hand hygiene.

Visitors who fail to comply with the outlined expectations will be asked to leave the facility.

Le Roy Medical Campus Lab Services open Monday on limited basis

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Rochester Regional Health is continuing to reopen clinics and resume outpatient services as part of a phased, coordinated plan that aligns with state and county health guidance.

On Monday, June 22, Rochester Regional Health will resume lab services at our Le Roy Medical Campus, located at 3 Tountas Ave., on a limited basis as follows:

Monday, Wednesday and Friday  –  7 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Phone is (585) 768-6530.

The Le Roy Campus is also accepting Primary Care and Orthopedic patients.

Please know, as our facilities reopen, the health and safety of our patients and community are our top priorities.

We have diligently put new safety measures and processes in place to protect patients.

While care may look different, please rest assured that we are delivering the same high-quality care we always have.

To learn more about our Le Roy Medical Campus or the ways we are safely transforming healthcare delivery, please visit

Employees at Rochester Regional Health in Batavia take a knee for George Floyd

By James Burns

Photo by Jim Burns.

Batavia employees of Rochester Regional Health / United Memorial Medical Center take a knee at the War Memorial at Jerome Center at 8:46 this morning.

The time of 8:46 signifies the length of time a white police officer in Minneapolis, Derek Chauvin, knelt on the neck of George Floyd May 25, killing him. The police were called after a store clerk suspected Floyd of using a counterfeit $20 bill at the store. Three other officers at the scene are also charged in the case: J. Alexander Kueng, Thomas Lane and Tou Thao.

A message from Rochester Regional Health President and CEO Eric Bieber, M.D.:

"Today, we as healers at Rochester Regional Health stand with you for healing. The events we have witnessed in our nation and community these past few days are almost unbearable to describe. Already frayed by fighting COVID-19, we witnessed the brutal death of George Floyd — a horrific repeat of too many deaths gone before. Then in our own Rochester community, a peaceful protest devolved into violence.

"Each member of our Rochester Regional Health team is touched by these tragedies—more than 17,000 souls, along with our friends, loved ones, neighbors, and families. And of course, you, our patients. Many of you were born and raised in Rochester. Others hail from every continent on earth. We are diverse in every possible way — race, ethnicity, job description, cultural background, and religion.

"While diversity is our strength, there is more work to be done to bridge the divide. Today we are united in our grief and our resolve. All throughout the coronavirus pandemic, we have been telling you that we will get through this together. Those words mean more now than ever. Together is the way we will get through this to mend our hearts and community.

"Thank you, each of you, for your precious differences and united spirit."

'Once a bedside nurse, always a bedside nurse.' Twice-retired Mary Sage answers the call from UMMC

By Mike Pettinella

Mary Sage, a longtime nurse at United Memorial Medical Center in Batavia with two “retirement” dates on her resume, said she didn’t blink an eye when hospital officials summoned her back into duty during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“They called me out of the blue. I didn’t expect it but I never hesitated. I said, ‘Yeah, I’ll come back; not a problem,’ ” Sage said today during a Zoom videoconference set up by the Rochester Regional Health public information department.

Sage has been assigned to the medical surgery floor, located on the second floor’s new wing, and is taking care of a variety of patients, including those infected with the coronavirus.

She said she is tapping into her vast experience and knowledge gained over 30 years in the profession to provide just what is needed during what she calls a “very frightening” time.

“I am a better nurse today and a better person today because I’m older (she’s 72) and as you age, you certainly get wiser,” Sage said. “I’ve had to take care of a sick husband, I’ve been a patient myself, and I do believe that makes me a better nurse …”

She said that she has dealt with all kinds of illness, but nothing like the coronavirus that has swept through the world.

“I had a patient last week who they all of a sudden put her on COVID restrictions. It’s very frightening for them. I didn’t hesitate. I garbed up and did what I do,” she said. “But I realized very quickly that the patients are very frightened because they don’t understand what’s happening. You have to go through a lot of explanation – there’s a lot of testing, a lot of this and a lot of that. We have to garb, they have to put the mask on – and it’s just very frightening. But I think with a lot of reassurance, they get through it.”

Sage, who has held several positions at UMMC including supervisory roles, said she recalled the time many years ago when an infection control specialist came to the hospital and taught the nursing staff about pandemics.

“We kind of laughed, but I’m not laughing today … this is the real deal. It’s scary for everybody,” she said, adding that the woman patient with the virus was retested and fortunately the results came back negative.

Since coming back for another stint at UMMC, Sage said that learning the computer has been a “big-time change but it has been fun.”

“I understand that we’re in the information age, however I am a bedside nurse,” she said proudly. “You come into this facility and I’m going to take care of you. So, for me, the computer is secondary but it’s still important. Nursing at the bedside and taking care of your every need is more important to me.”

Sage, who also has volunteered in the surgical waiting area at UMMC since 2011 – racking up 728 volunteer hours through 2019, said she is currently working on a per diem basis. She retired as a full-time nurse for the first time in 2010 and then again in 2016.

“I have been working a couple days since I came back trying to gear up – orientation, learning the computer, getting back in gear,” she said. “It just depends … if we have another surge in the fall, I may work sporadically through the summer and come back in the fall – and I’m perfectly willing to do that.”

Her willingness to jump back into the fray exemplifies the caring nature of nurses and casts a bright light on the profession, which is celebrating National Nurses Week through May 12th, which happens to be the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing.

“I remember that when I was very young, this was something I always wanted to do,” said Sage, who grew up in Wyoming County and now lives in Clarence. “Unfortunately, … my parents didn’t see education as very important in those days. But I was still determined. I worked for a year, I saved my money and came to Catherine McAuley School of Practical Nursing here in Batavia that was associated with St. Jerome Hospital. That’s where I got my initial training – in 1967.”

A graduate of Genesee Community College and Daemen College in Buffalo, Sage explained just how far nursing has progressed.

“We carried our meds on a little tray, we gave enemas and passed a few aspirin. The doctors did everything else. When the physicians came into the nurses’ station, you stood up and gave them your chair,” she said. “The information age has certainly enhanced nursing, but once you’re a bedside nurse, you’re always a bedside nurse."

Sage said as she matured she “changed her MO” as far as taking care of patients – shedding a task-oriented approach – and finding satisfaction in knowing she is helping another person.

“I probably would have come back here for nothing because I like doing what I’m doing,” she said. “… that’s what I love the most, that I can go into a patient’s room, I need some basic information and pick up right away. That’s what I care about the most.”

Her children have followed her into the medical field.

Daughter, Barbara, an Elba resident, is a registered nurse at UMMC in charge of the surgical associates’ office, and her son, Jeff, whose home in Akron is not far from his mom’s house, is an athletic trainer at Daemen College in Buffalo.

Asked if it was a good thing that her son is nearby, Sage said it usually is but not at the moment because of the social distancing mandates.

“I can’t see the grandkids right now, so on my way home I’m going to stop and do a dance outside their window,” she said, noting she also enjoys gardening. “You gotta keep moving.”

Photos at top: Mary Sage, taken while speaking via Zoom videoconferencing service earlier today with Stacey Pastuszynski of Rochester Regional Health public information office in background; Sage, second from left, on the UMMC medical surgical floor; Sage and her nursing colleagues.

Tents at hospital for patient evaluation, not just COVID-19 testing

By Billie Owens

Information from Rochester Regional Health:

Rochester Regional Health added tents at three locations this week, including the ones at United Memorial Medical Center in Batavia, as an extension of primary care services.

The other tent sites are at Unity Hospital in Greece and Clifton Springs Hospital & Clinic.

The sites are designed to keep patients and individuals safe while decreasing the potential of exposure to COVID-19. They are for general patient evaluation of medical issues and evaluation of potential COVID-19 patients, not just for COVID-19 testing.

Contact Primary Care Provider First

Patients, especially those who are sick or experiencing symptoms of illness, are still urged to call their primary care physicians first -- before coming to the locations. The UMMC tents are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. seven days a week.

This is a multi-tent “drive-thru” system set up to support primary care, urgent care and the hospital system in a manner that allows for social distancing. It is designed to further protect patients, employees, and the community by decreasing the chance of exposure, therefore reducing the risk of further community spread. 

The multi-tent “drive-thru” system does not guarantee patients will be tested for COVID-19. Patients will receive an evaluation and then it will be determined if they need to be tested based on clinical criteria.

For more general information regarding COVID-19, visit or call 922-INFO.

Rochester Regional Health temporarily redirecting GC lab services

By Billie Owens

Press release:

During this COVID-19 pandemic, Rochester Regional Health remains focused on the health of our community and continuing to deliver safe and accessible care for individuals who need it. Effective today, March 23, we are temporarily redirecting all lab draw services to the Rochester Regional Health Laboratory located at:

  • Rochester Regional Health Laboratory City Center, 106 Main St., Suite 47B, Batavia

Our Batavia (16 Bank St.), Le Roy (3 Tountas Ave.), and Pembroke (860 Main St.) laboratory service centers are closed until further notice. We appreciate your understanding.

Rochester Regional Health is rescheduling elective surgeries starting tomorrow

By Billie Owens

From Rochester Regional Health Chief Medical Officer Robert Mayo, M.D.

“As the COVID-19 outbreak continues to evolve, Rochester Regional Health joins leading health systems around the world to proactively reschedule elective surgeries at all RRH facilities beginning Monday, March 16 and continuing through March 29. This time frame may change as we monitor developments surrounding COVID-19.

"Our decision, made in lockstep with our physician leaders across the health system, was guided by the recommendations of the American College of Surgeons and the United States Surgeon General. Patients are being contacted to reschedule their procedures to a later date. We are making every effort to make this rescheduling process as convenient for our patients as possible.

"This is one of many safeguards Rochester Regional Health is implementing in our ongoing effort to limit the spread of COVID-19 in our community and to protect the health and safety of our team members and our patients."

Video: Healthy Moms Community Resource Fair at the YWCA

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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It can be tough being a mom and Friday, UMMC and the YWCA came together for a Mom's Health Resources Fair at the Y to provide local moms with help and advice.

Authentically Local