Route 63 Diner aims to make you feel at home with good food and friendly service

Bonnie Ames saw the empty restaurant building on Ellicott Street Road near Shepard Road and knew it was the place for her.
"I saw the building was empty and when I walked in it reminded me of a place when I was very little, and I said, 'oh, my God, I've got to do it.' "
Ames, with daughter Amy Goodenow, has opened the Route 63 Diner in Batavia.
She said it's just a traditional diner with good American food.
She's undaunted by the fact four other restaurant owners have tried to make it at the same location in the past few years.
She said the reason she's optimistic is she's met a lot of wonderful people during her first four weeks in business and they all seem to appreciate a good home-cooked meal.
"They're wonderful," she said. "I feel that with the way they feel about the food, they are coming back. It's a great location. I think our attitude, and good food, is what's going to make it."