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Scott German

County Treasurer Scott German announces bid for fifth term in November election

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Genesee County Treasurer Scott D. German announced today (Jan. 20) that he will be seeking a fifth term as County Treasurer in November’s election.

German is in his 27th year in the office, the last 16 of which have been as Treasurer. Among the many accomplishments of the Treasurer’s Office is the extremely successful refinancing of county debt, which saved Genesee County taxpayers more than $1,000,000 in interest expense over six years.

German also hired the firm of Three + One to assist him in maximizing interest earnings while minimizing risk and complying with state regulations. In 2019, German earned more than $1.6 million in interest for the taxpayers. 

As Treasurer, German is the chief fiscal officer and tax enforcement officer for the County. Among a wide range of responsibilities as County Treasurer, German is responsible for: the safeguarding of all county monies; the processing of county payroll; the processing of vendor payments; collection of delinquent taxes; tax foreclosures; maintaining the financial records; overseeing of the independent audit; and working with state and federal auditors.

German hopes the voters of Genesee County return him to office this November so he can continue serving the people of this fine county.

German holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Management with a concentration in Finance from the State University of New York, College at Brockport.

German is a past President (2012) of the New York State County Treasurers and Finance Officers Association; 2016 Finance Officer of the Year and currently serves as one of two New York State delegates to the National Association of County Collectors, Treasurers & Finance Officers.

He is also a member of the 2004 class of Leadership Genesee. German is a lifelong resident of Genesee County.

Scott German to seek fourth term as treasurer

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Genesee County Treasurer Scott D. German announced today that he will be seeking a fourth term as County Treasurer in this November’s election.

German is in his 23rd year in the office, the last 12 of which have been as Treasurer. Among the many accomplishments of the Treasurer’s Office is the extremely successful 2010 refinancing of county debt, which saved Genesee County taxpayers more than $1,000,000 in interest expense over six years. Another highlight of German’s tenure is the successful office merger with Real Property. Merging operations with the Real Property Department has allowed for the sharing of resources, which in turn has saved county taxpayers money.

As Treasurer, German is the chief fiscal officer and tax enforcement officer for the County. Among a wide range of responsibilities as County Treasurer, German is responsible for the safeguarding of all county monies, the processing of county payroll, the processing of vendor payments, collection of delinquent taxes, tax foreclosures, maintaining the accounting records, overseeing of the independent audit and working with state and federal auditors.

German hopes the voters of Genesee County return him to office this November so he can continue serving the people of this fine county.

German holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Management with a concentration in Finance from the State University of New York, College at Brockport. German is a past president (2012) of the New York State County Treasurers and Finance Officers Association and currently serves as one of two New York State delegates to the National Association of County Collectors, Treasurers & Finance Officers. He is also a member of the 2004 class of Leadership Genesee. German is a lifelong resident of Genesee County.

County Treasurer Scott German announces reelection campaign

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Genesee County Treasurer Scott D. German announced today that he will be seeking a third term as Genesee County Treasurer in this November’s election. German is in his 19th year in the office, the last eight of which have been as treasurer.

Among the many accomplishments of the Treasurer’s Office, the one that comes to mind first is the extremely successful 2010 refinancing of county debt, which saved Genesee taxpayers over $1,000,000 in interest expense over the next six years. Another highlight of German’s tenure is the successful office merger with Real Property.  Merging operations with the Real Property Department has allowed for the sharing of resources, which in turn has saved county taxpayers money.

As treasurer, German is the chief fiscal officer and tax enforcement officer for the county. Among a wide range of responsibilities as county treasurer, German is responsible for the safeguarding of all county monies, the processing of county payroll, the processing of vendor payments, collection of delinquent taxes, tax foreclosures, maintaining the accounting records, overseeing of the independent audit and working with state and federal auditors.

German hopes the voters of Genesee County return him to office this November so he can continue serving the people of this fine county.

In addition to German’s busy workload, he is also currently the president of the New York State County Treasurers and Finance Officers Association.

German holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Management with a concentration in Finance from the State University of New York, College at Brockport. He is also a member of 2004 class of Leadership Genesee.  German is a lifelong resident of Genesee County.

County treasurer elected president of New York association

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

At the fall meeting of the New York State County Treasurers and Finance Officers Association, held in Syracuse, Genesee County Treasurer Scott D. German was elected as the association’s president.

German was unanimously chosen by his peers statewide. Members of the association are elected county treasurers or comptrollers and appointed county commissioners of finance and their deputies from throughout New York State.

German has been a member of the association since he became deputy treasurer of Genesee County in 1994. He has been treasurer of Genesee County since 2004 after the retirement of John F. Flint. German succeeds Terri L. Ross, Allegany County Treasurer, as president of the association.

County sales tax receipts continue upward trend

By Billie Owens

Here's a news release from the Genesee County Treasurer's Office.

Genesee County Treasurer Scott D. German announced today that sales tax receipts to the county are up for the fourth straight quarter.

"Today's payment was the last to be received for the first quarter of 2011 and we are up 8.19 percent compared to the first quarter of 2010, or $639,588," German said.

For the first quarter, the county received $7.62 million. Of this, the county retains 50 percent, 16 percent goes to the city and 34 percent goes to the towns and villages. For 2011, the county budgeted $12.2 million of its 3 percent share of sales tax. The other 1 percent share is used to pay debt service and capital projects.

"During these very tough economic times, people seem to be spending money, even though, I'm sure some of the increase is due to the higher prices at the fuel pump," German said.

County sees uptick in sales tax revenue for 2010

By Howard B. Owens

Press release from County Treasurer Scott German:

Genesee County Treasurer Scott D. German announced today that sales tax was up in Genesee County in 2010 compared to 2009. We are up $723,777 (before distribution) over last year, German said.

We still ended up underbudget, German said. In both 2009 and 2010, the county budgeted $12,500,000 for its share of the 3 percent of sales tax. In 2009, the county ended up short of the budgeted amount by $467,000 and we will end up about $197,000 underbudget for 2010.

For the 2011 budget, the county budgeted $12,200,000 for sales tax, a $300,000 reduction from the previous two years.

County could see a jump of $3 million in retirement benefits over next two years

By Howard B. Owens

The number of retiring Genesee County workers over the next two years could increase county expenses by as much as $3 million.

That's according to figures released Wednesday by County Treasurer Scott German at the Ways and Means Committee meeting.

Afterward, he said the looming increase is troublesome.

"I’m very concerned about that because I’m not sure how we’re going to be able to come up with that kind of money without raising taxes," German said.

In other items German shared with the legislators:

  • The recent tax foreclosure auction turned a slight profit for the county of $6,900.  Initially, German didn't think the auction was profitable -- the amount spent by auction winners compared to the amount of property taxes owed -- but the early figures included interest payments on the back taxes, which did not need to be included.
  • The county has a fund balance of $9 million for 2009. This is up $397,022 from 2008. The fund balance is a measure of all money either collected or due the county from various sources, such as property taxes and state and federal sources. It doesn't necessarily mean the money is in the bank or that it has even been received.
  • The county's bond rating was bumped two grades to AA-. German noted that a two-grade bump is very rare and is "reflective of financial policies being practiced by the County Legislature and Treasurer's Office."
  • Interest earnings continue to decline. Earnings in 2009 dropped to $412,000, which is half the earnings of 2008, at $700,000. And 2008 was half of 2007, which was $1.4 million.
  • Revenue from sales tax dropped in 2009, which is the first drop since 2003 and only the second drop since 1991. Sales tax revenue is expected to be flat in 2010.

Bond refinancing will save county taxpayers more than $1 million

By Howard B. Owens

County taxpayers will save more than $1 million in interest payments, thanks to an effort by County Treasurer Scott D. German to refinance four old bond issues.

German got permission from the County Legislature in January to try to refinance the bonds, and closed on all four issues -- from 1996, 1998, 1999 and 2001 -- on March 16.

The total savings turned out to be $1,113,632.50 over the next six years.

"We did better in the market place than we anticipated, we did about 10% better than expected,” German said in a press release today. "I couldn’t be happier to help provide these savings to the taxpayers.

The $10.7 million in bonds helped build the court facility, make improvements to the county building and old courthouse, build the GCC technology center and renovate the county nursing home.

From the press release:

Since we are experiencing low rates of interest in the bond market, German asked Fiscal Advisors, the county’s financial advisor, to take a look at refinancing  to see if it was worth while, “as it turned out it was a gigantic savings to the taxpayers,” German said.  “It is not often that I can save taxpayers over a million dollars, I am so glad I asked the question,” German said. “Bottom line, this is a great savings to Genesee County taxpayers."

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