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Second Amendment

Mark Your Calendars: All welcome to summer picnic Aug. 10 hosted by SCOPE at Batavia Coon Hunters club

By Press Release

Press release:

The Genesee County Chapter of S.C.O.P.E -- Shooters Committee On Political Education -- announces a summer picnic Aug. 10 at “The Sportman Coon Hunters Association,” located at 8770 Hopkins Road, Batavia.

The gathering will start at 4 p.m.

Members, former members, and the public are welcome to attend.

Come out, have some picnic food, and meet others interested in preserving the Second Amendment.

Picnic is FREE and you could win a FREE door prize.

Questions? Contact Dave Kaufman (585) 690-7429.

Hawley outraged over passage of NY bills he says are 'unconscionable violations' of Second Amendment rights

By Press Release

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley is outraged following the passage of a series of bills that would restrict the Second Amendment rights of New Yorkers, all of which he voted against.

They would drive gun sellers and manufacturers out of the state through burdensome regulation. One of the bills passed would make firearms manufacturers and dealers liable for harm caused by their weapon even if that harm is not reasonably foreseeable, if deemed a “public nuisance” (A.6762B).

“These bills won’t make anyone safer, and are nothing but shallow attempts to regulate sellers of firearms out of the state and make it impossible to sell handguns here in New York,” Hawley said.

“These measures are unconscionable violations of the constitutional rights of New Yorkers, and are just another step toward making it impractical, if not illegal, to buy and sell firearms in New York State.”

National Rifle Association endorses Hawley for reelection

By Press Release

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley is celebrating his endorsement and continued partnership with the National Rifle Association (NRA) as he continues his reelection campaign. Hawley, a gun owner himself and a firm believer in the Second Amendment, is proud to continue his relationship with the NRA.

“I am both humbled and honored that the NRA has recognized me for endorsement,” Hawley said. “New York continues to push forward egregious and unnecessarily restrict gun laws, which often times do little but hinder the rights of law-abiding gun owners.

"Albany needs to understand that gun owners are not second-class citizens, and I will continue my fight to ensure the Second Amendment rights of New Yorkers are protected.”

While widely recognized today as a major political force and America's foremost defender of Second Amendment rights, the NRA has, since its inception, been the premier firearms education organization in the world.

But their successes would not be possible without the tireless efforts and countless hours of service their nearly five million members have given to champion Second Amendment rights and support NRA programs.

Hawley denounces NYS Attorney General for 'callous, politically charged' lawsuit to try and dissolve NRA

By Press Release

Assemblyman Steve Hawley is denouncing the recently revealed efforts of New York State Attorney General Leticia James, who is seeking to dissolve the National Rifle Association (NRA) in a lawsuit that points fingers at the leadership for not following nonprofit guidelines. Hawley calls the move a “callous and politically charged attempt to sow dissent during an already tumultuous election year.” 

“The NRA has been a valuable ally for Americans wishing to have their Second Amendment rights preserved, and it’s why state leadership is so afraid of them and so desperate to have them gone,” Hawley said.

“The nature and timing of this lawsuit are so clearly politically motivated that I’m flabbergasted the Supreme Court would even take on such a case. This case doesn’t seek justice; it seeks to upend justice and further strangle Americans’ God-given rights and liberties.”

The suit currently claims to be looking at civil violations as opposed to a criminal case, but the attorney general is not ruling out that a criminal case may come about in the future.

Meanwhile, Hawley continues to fight for the rights and liberties of Americans in the Assembly, and he will be working to ensure that whatever the outcome, honest citizens are not restricted by excessive governmental oversight.

Jacobs given 'A' rating from gun group

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Congressional Candidate Chris Jacobs (NY-27) was given an A rating from the Gun Owners of America New York (GOANYS) following a vote by members at its recent meeting, and an A+ Rating from the Second Amendment Show.

“We do not hand out A ratings lightly to candidates," GOANYS Communications Director Bill Robinson said. "However, Chris Jacobs’ record of fighting against the unconstitutional SAFE Act and fighting for privacy rights of pistol permit holders as County Clerk, and his voting record against red flag laws and SAFE Act expansion made this decision very easy.

"Chris has a strong record of defending the Second Amendment, and we have the fullest confidence that he will uphold this commitment to our constitutional rights in Congress. Andrew Cuomo has ravaged our rights in New York for too long and we look forward to having a Congressman who will fight back.”

The A rating from GOANYS and the A+ rating from the Second Amendment Show are the most recent shows of support Chris Jacobs has received from the Second Amendment community. He has also received the endorsement of the National Rifle Association (NRA) for his record of defending the Second Amendment.

“I am honored to have received an A rating from Gun Owners of America New York and an A+ rating from the Second Amendment Show," Jacobs said. "I have always taken the responsibility of defending the Second Amendment extremely seriously, and I am fully committed to continuing this record of defending and protecting our constitutional rights in Congress.

"I urge everyone to get out and vote on June 23rd so we can ensure Western New York has a Congressman who will respect, protect, and defend the Second Amendment."

Hawley: Downstate attacks charities with proposed firearm raffle ban

By Billie Owens

From Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

In response to Assembly Bill 1413, which outlaws firearms as prizes in games of chance, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) has vocally opposed this legislation as another example of Downstate government overreach.

Firearm raffles are an important source of funding for community activities and many local organizations, specifically fire departments, use the funds generated by these raffles to support the department and purchase equipment used to protect the community.

The legislation is authored by Jo Anne Simon, a Democrat from Brooklyn and sponsored by over a dozen New York City Democrats.  

“The widening disconnect between Downstate politicians and Upstate matters is alarming,” Hawley said. “It is the not the place of legislators in New York City to determine laws that significantly affect upstate affairs.

"Law-abiding gun owners have been subjected to increased regulations and harmful laws that blatantly violate their Second Amendment rights, and banning firearms as raffle prizes is yet another example.”

The standards of gun ownership do not change whether it’s purchased from a licensed dealer or won in a raffle. In order to claim possession, one must still pass the background checks and have the necessary permits. 

“Gun ownership is a proud and storied tradition in Western New York,” Hawley said. “It is not the business of city legislators to infringe on your constitutional rights and ultimately hurt our local charitable organizations.”

Free, grassroots strategy meeting on Second Amendment rights' infringement is April 15 at Days Inn, Batavia

By Billie Owens

Press release from Brian Graz:

Greetings Gun-owners and Supporters of the Constitution & Liberty.
Sunday April 15 there is being held a Town Hall Meeting (2 to 4 p.m. at Days Inn, 200 Oak St., Batavia) concerning the current aggressive anti-gun movement (which truly has become very concerning). This is a strategy meeting to try and create a better way to guard against and overcome the 2nd Amendment infringements, that NY State and the Federal Government continue to push on us.
The meeting will be chaired and run by Jim Ostrowski. Jim is a premiere local 2nd Amendment attorney and author of several books, from Buffalo, who has argued lawsuits against the State of NY and Governor Cuomo and has an active case going right now which he is seeking to get before the Supreme Court.
Also of note, Jim has been a featured guest on several conservative think tank discussions; the Mises Institute {}, Lew Rockwell {}, and Ron Paul's Liberty Report {}... just to name 3.
Of course this is a non-partisan, gathering open to all concerned people. All are invited and encouraged to come. There is No Fee to attend. 

Please mark your calendar and try and be at this critical meeting. Time is running out and we can not afford to procrastinate any longer. Hopefully this meeting will be the grassroots of a new WNY (and beyond) awareness and action group of proactive citizens. 

Thanks for your time and I hope to see you there. 
Brian Graz
What: Second Amendment Town Hall meeting on strategy
Who: All supporters of the right to bear arms
Where: Days Inn, 200 Oak St., Batavia
When: 2 to 4 p.m., Sunday, April 15

Hawley to pistol owners: 'Preserve the Second Amendment by keeping your pistol certified'

By Billie Owens

Press release:

In his ongoing efforts to preserve our Second Amendment rights, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today reminded pistol permit holders to recertify their permits by Jan. 31 in order to prevent them from becoming invalid.

If your pistol permit was issued before Jan.15, 2013, you must recertify your permit before Jan. 31. If your permit was issued on or prior Jan. 15, 2013, the deadline is five years after the date the permit was issued.

“Unfortunately, this is a new mandate on pistol permit holders in New York and the first year that owners have to recertify,” Hawley said. “The deadline is coming up and many New Yorkers may be unaware of these new requirements.

"As much as we may disagree with the unconstitutional Safe Act, if we come out in droves to recertify it will send the message to state leadership that we cherish our Second Amendment right to bear arms, and will not be silenced by any big government policies, as frustrating as they might seem.”

If you are a New York state pistol permit holder and need to recertify your license or would like more information, please visit the New York State Trooper Website here. Additionally, feel free to contact my office with questions at (585) 589-5780, or email me at

Collins introduces legislation aimed at prohibiting states from enacting gun laws more restrictive than federal statutes

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Congressman Chris Collins (NY-27) has proposed new measures for protecting Second Amendment rights by introducing legislation to limit states authority when it comes to regulating rifles and shotguns, commonly used by sportsmen and sportswomen.

The Second Amendment Guarantee Act (SAGA) would prevent states from implementing any regulations on these weapons that are more restrictive than what is required by federal law. Upon passage of this bill, most of the language included in New York State’s Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement (SAFE) Act of 2013 signed into law by Governor Cuomo would be void.

“This legislation would protect the Second Amendment rights of New Yorkers that were unjustly taken away by Andrew Cuomo,” Collins said. “I am a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment and have fought against all efforts to condemn these rights. I stand with the law-abiding citizens of this state that have been outraged by the SAFE Act and voice my commitment to roll back these regulations.”

Governor Cuomo’s SAFE Act violates federal regulation and the following provisions would be void under the proposed legislation:

-          Cuomo’s SAFE Act expanded rifle and shotgun bans to include semi-automatic guns with detachable magazines that possess certain features.

-          The Cuomo SAFE Act banned the capacity of magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition. It further limited magazines to seven rounds at any time.

In the Collins’ bill, States or local governments would not be able to regulate, prohibit, or require registration and licensing (that are any more restrictive under Federal law) for the sale, manufacturing, importation, transfer, possession, or marketing of a rifle or shotgun. Additionally, “rifle or shotgun” includes any part of the weapon including any detachable magazine or ammunition feeding devise and any type of pistol grip or stock design.

Under this legislation, any current or future laws enacted by a state or political subdivision that exceeds federal law for rifles and shotguns would be void. Should a state violate this law, and a plaintiff goes to court, the court will award the prevailing plaintiff a reasonable attorney’s fee in addition to any other damages.

Congressman Collins was joined today by local, county, and state elected officials and citizen supporters of the Second Amendment during events to unveil his bill in Erie and Monroe counties.

Hamburg Rod and Gun Club:

Assemblyman David DiPietro

Erie County Sheriff Tim Howard

Erie County Comptroller Stefan Mychajliw

Erie County Legislator Ted Morton

Representatives from SCOPE

Rochester Brooks Gun Club:

Senator Rich Funke

Senator Rob Ortt

Assemblyman Peter Lawrence

Monroe County Legislator Karla Boyce

Representatives from SCOPE


To read the text of H.R. 3576, the Second Amendment Guarantee Act, click here.

Hawley speaks with pro-2nd Amendment groups

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) spoke with pro-Second Amendment groups as well as a number of hunters, sportsmen, wildlife and fishing advocates from around the state on Wednesday at Albany’s annual Sportsmen’s Day.

Among the groups in attendance were the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association (NYSRPA), the New York State Crossbow Coalition, New York State Conservation Council Inc. and Sportsmen’s Association for Firearms Education (SAFE).

“I have always prided myself as being an outdoorsman and advocate for the Second Amendment,” Hawley said. “Things like hunting, fishing and target shooting are ingrained in Western New York’s culture and require consistent protection from downstate interest groups who seek to infringe on our rights.

"I was one of the first legislators to fight against the unconstitutional SAFE Act and have consistently advocated for hunting and trapping rights in the counties I represent. I enjoyed speaking with various statewide groups and was impressed by their knowledge, passion and commitment. I look forward to this event each year and thank those who came to advocate and participate.”

Congressman Collins receives endorsement and an A+ rating from National Rifle Association

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Congressman Chris Collins (NY-27) today announced he has earned an A+ rating and the full support of the National Rifle Association (NRA), the nation's premier firearms education organization.

“The unconstitutional regulations passed in Washington and Albany have stripped Western New York gun owners of their Second Amendment rights and freedoms," Congressman Collins said.

"In Washington, I have been proud to advocate on behalf of the law-abiding gun owners whose constitutional rights are constantly under attack by President Obama and Governor Cuomo. I am honored to receive an A+ rating and the full support of the NRA, and will continue to fight for our Second Amendment rights."

Chris Cox, chairman, NRA-PVF, said: “On behalf of the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) and our five million members, we are proud to endorse Chris Collins. His pro-gun record and steadfast support for the Second Amendment speaks for itself, earning him an 'A+’ rating from the NRA-PVF. New Yorkers can trust Chris Collins to fight against the gun control agenda of President Obama, Hillary Clinton and former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg in Congress."

NRA ratings for Members of the 114th Congress are based on their respective votes and efforts to promote and protect the Second Amendment. Since he was elected to Congress, Congressman Collins has voted in support of a number of Second Amendment legislative items, including:

H.R. 402 – National Right to Carry Reciprocity Act

Amends the federal criminal code to authorize a person who is carrying a valid, government-issued identification document containing that person's photograph and a valid permit to carry a concealed firearm in one state, and who is not prohibited from possessing, transporting, shipping, or receiving a firearm under federal law, to possess or carry a concealed handgun (other than a machine gun or destructive device) in another state in accordance with the restrictions of that state.

- H.R. 4321 – Separation of Powers Restoration and Second Amendment Protection Act

This legislation and would prohibit federal funding for enforcement of any executive action in violation of the Second Amendment.

- H.R. 3516 - Social Security Beneficiary Second Amendment Rights Protection Act

Would prohibit Social Security from entering seniors into the National Instant Criminal Background Check System as a “mental defective” if they use a “representative payee,” which would prohibit them from gun ownership.

Congressman Collins also introduced H.R. 1488, the Protecting Gun Owners in Bankruptcy Act. This legislation ensures that despite financial troubles, Americans' Second Amendment rights will be protected.

Congressman Collins was elected in 2012 and reelected in 2014 to represent the 27th District of New York. The district includes 105 towns spread out over all or part of Erie, Niagara, Orleans, Genesee, Wyoming, Livingston, and Ontario counties.

A "Common Sense" Poposal

By Kyle Slocum

Picture the future:  A Press Release From Senator Nannystate sometime in the near future.

Approximately 33 thousand people died on the roads of America in the last year.  To address this horrific tragedy that plays itself out year after year in our country, we must have “common sense” restrictions on the availability and use of “Assault Vehicles”.

These “Assault Vehicles” are vehicles which are styled after military vehicles and have no legitimate transportation purpose.  They have only one reason to exist and that is to kill. 

People do not use these Assault Vehicles to go to Whole Foods and pick up organic groceries.  They do not use them to drive to the Park and Ride to catch the transit authority bus to get to work.  They don’t use them to move their furniture to their new apartments.  They don’t use them to take their garbage to the dump.  They don’t use them to drop their kids off at school.  They use them only to kill.  It’s only “Common Sense” to ban these “Assault Vehicles”. 

What is an “Assault Vehicle”?  It is any vehicle with an Open Cargo Area and at least Four Wheels that has any of these military-style features:

A Trailer Hitch installed on the rear of the vehicle

A Brush Guard installed on the front of the vehicle

A Winch Mount or Installed Winch anywhere on the vehicle

A Deep water fording kit, with or without prominent snorkel

Mud Flaps which protrude conspicuously below the wheel wells

A Pintle Designed to mount a machine gun, rocket launcher or thermonuclear device

We must, as a moral imperative, pass an immediate and total ban on these dangerous and completely unnecessary tools of death.  I have included a FAQ about this very important “Common Sense” bill below to help you convince your friends and neighbors of the importance of this “Common Sense” measure:

Q: What percentage of the motor vehicle deaths that you present in the justification for this law are related to what you are defining as an “Assault Vehicle”?

A: You are a shill for the National Truck Owners Association, aren’t you?  You hate children and want to see more dead bodies on the road, don’t you?

Q: How, exactly, do the “Military-style features” you have identified effect the lethality of the Open Cargo Area four wheeled vehicles you are seeking to ban?

A: You are mentally deficient and hate the children.  You are too heartless and too stupid for me to waste my time debating.  And, you hate the children.

Q: Won’t these restrictions make it more difficult for trail riders, who take their vehicle off-road for exploring and camping, to do so safely since you would ban the tools they use to extract themselves when they get stuck, or need to help others who get stuck?  What about privately owned tow trucks which would fall into the “Assault Vehicle” category?

A: People should not be leaving any area with street lights.  Don’t you realize it gets dark out there?  If people get stuck they should call the police for assistance, if people start getting themselves out of ditches and mud holes on their own there will be chaos:  You are advocating anarchy.  Tow Truck companies will have to get special licenses and have extensive background checks.  There will be a progressive fee schedule for the license and the licensed “Assault Vehicles” will have to be limited to seven gallons of gasoline in the fuel tank.

Q: Some of your colleagues have advocated the complete banning of all vehicles, stating that they should only be in the hands of the military and government.  Isn’t this just a starting point to the total ban on private transportation?

A: No one is talking about taking your car away.  You are just a conspiracy nut who hates the children.  You are dangerous and should not be allowed to express your vile and hate-filled opinions.  You are a tool of the car lobby and you hate the children.  Besides, you can always take the subway or the bus anywhere you need to go.  A car is a dangerous luxury that common people don’t need.

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