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Nuisance Skunk at Batavia Middle School

By James Burns

The demands of modern police are wide and varied, some days they are enforcing traffic laws, acting as counselors in domestic disputes, substituting for crossing guards, arresting violent criminals or, like today, standing around in the sleet and snow waiting for a safe clear shot at a skunk at the Batavia Middle School. 

The reports started about 10am of a skunk wandering in circles in front of the school. The Batavia PD waited and did what they could, but the skunk never left the street or sidewalk and could not be corralled into a safe area. No one is sure what is wrong with the skunk and why it is acting in this fashion.  The skunk is posing a traffic nuisance at Ross and Washington and is potential danger to pedestrian traffic in the area.  


Fliers, flitters, hoppers and stinkers: life in the late summer-early autumn meadow


This monarch uses its proboscis to probe goldenrod for nectar. While not as numerous as in years past, the monarch butterfly still lends color and grace as it flits about the meadow.

A twelve spot skimmer takes five

Its getting to be the time of year when the tansy leaf aster rivals the goldenrod for dominant color

A leopard frog does its best to remain concealed as it moves about the meadow grass.

A red tail hawk surveys the meadow from a favorite perch......

the red tail is the apex predator during the day shift in and around this neck of the woods.  After the sun sets its another story.........

Once darkness falls there are three characters vying for top dog: the coyote, the great horned owl and, as of late, at least one fisher has been making its presence known in the vicinity of the meadow......

Though I doubt any of them have this guy high on their menu. But lets give this  little stinker some credit - he's very good at digging up destroying yellow jacket nests!

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