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St. Paul Lutheran Church & School

Chiavetta's Chicken BBQ - St. Paul Lutheran Church and Sch

By Diane Burroughs

Sunday, April 3, 2022 at St. Paul Lutheran Church and School, 31 Washington Ave., Batavia, N.Y., from 11am - 2 pm. Drive thru only. Dinner includes: 1/2 Chiavetta's BBQ Chicken, Homemade Potato Salad and Coleslaw, Roll and Butter. Cost is $14. Tickets can be purchased at the Church Office, M - F, 9 -2 or call Diane at 585-356-8789

St. Paul Lutheran School issues guidelines on masking, wellness, facility, operations, COVID-19

By Mike Pettinella

St. Paul Lutheran School officials have released their 2021-22 safety plan, a multifaceted set of guidelines that addresses masking, wellness, facilities/school operations, and scenarios concerning the coronavirus and illness.

According to the four-page document, the school, located at 31 Washington Ave., Batavia, will follow all guidelines provided by New York State, including the directive of whether or not in-person instruction of distance learning will take place.

The safety plan could change as guidelines surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic evolve, officials reported, with any changes to be communicated to families, students and staff immediately.

Key points of the plan are as follows:


While masks are not required in classrooms and when proper distancing can be maintained (such as in the lunchroom or chapel), they must be worn by students when they enter the building and are in the hallways.

Families may request that their children wear masks, and all visitors must wear a mask when a distance of 3 feet can’t be maintained.


Anyone with a temperature of 100 or more, or appearing ill, will have to leave the school, and must stay home until they are free of a fever for 24 hours without medication, receive a negative COVID test result and/or approved by a health care provider.

Additionally, anyone who is sick must stay home; handwashing will be required throughout the day, and students must have a personal, refillable water bottle. Hand sanitizer will be in each classrooms and gloves will be supplied to teachers.


Maintenance personnel will clean and disinfect the building, classrooms and bathrooms on a daily basis, and desks will be arranged to accommodate for social distancing.

Sharing of items will be limited, with class birthday treats or food for activities needing to be commercially packaged. Field trips are postponed until further notice.

All bathrooms will be one-person use only, and stairways will be one-directional only.


The school will follow recommendations of the Genesee County Health Department in the event of positive tests for COVID for students, staff and family members, which include notification of families, staff and health department personnel while maintain confidentiality.

Should a student get sick during the school day (cough, fever, etc.), he or she will be removed from the class, have his or her temperature taken, and be required to wear a mask while waiting for transportation (other than the bus) home.

In the event of a school closure, distance learning will take place, under conditions described in the document (see link to the safety plan in the third paragraph of this story).

St. Paul Lutheran Church & School hosts drive-thru chicken BBQ this Sunday

By Press Release

From St. Paul Lutheran Church & School:

St. Paul Lutheran Church & School is hosting a drive-thru Chiavetta's Chicken BBQ this Sunday, Oct. 11 from 11:30 a.m. till sold out.

It is located at 31 Washington Ave., Batavia.

Tickets are $12 per dinner, which includes chicken, potato salad, macaroni salad, roll & butter.

Presale tickets are available by phoning Diane at 356-8789 or the Main Office at 343-0488. (School families can send in an envelope addressed to M. Keberle containing your name, payment and number of tickets.)

You can also purchase tickets the day of the event at the drive-thru.  

"We hope you all will participate in supporting St. Paul Church and School!"

You're Invited to the Scholastic Book Fair

By Diane Burroughs

Scholastic Book Fair

(sponored by St. Paul Lutheran School)

Wednesday, December 1 - Thursday, December 2

9 a.m.- 2 p.m. & 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.

Friday, December 3

9 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Sunday, December 5

9:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.

Special Events

Story Time with Curious George or Clifford

Wednesday - 6:30 p.m.

Thursday - 10:00 a.m. & 6:30 p.m.

Coffee, Tea and Donuts for Grandparents - A "Grand" Event

Friday - 9 a.m. - 10 a.m.

Crafts for Kids

Anytime during the Book Fair



By Diane Burroughs

Authentically Local