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Stafford Fire Department

Stafford firefighters receive awards, recognition and thank-yous during annual banquet

By Joanne Beck
Stafford fire 2023 Charm/Jamie

Out of all the recognitions cited during Stafford Fire Department’s annual banquet, one of them featured a guest in the audience who has never donned a firefighter’s full gear or raced into a burning building.

In fact, quite the opposite. Charm Robinson, who lives in Stafford, was the recipient of the department’s finest when a fire broke out in a hay field adjacent to Robinson’s home. Toward the end of the banquet Saturday at Batavia Country Club, she thanked the firefighters from Stafford and other fire departments that showed up that day in July 2021, and for being volunteers.

“We appreciate everything that you do to help the people in our communities,” she said. “You are awesome.”

Robinson further explained to The Batavian what happened and what it meant to her to express her appreciation in person.

“Two years ago, I was at Crossroads House, and they were getting ready for their annual garage sale. And I got two phone calls. My brother called me up, and he goes, 'it looks like there's a fire at your house,' and then a neighbor called me up and said the same thing. 

"And there was a fire, a big hay fire in the field on the north side of my house in about five acres burned,” she said. “They all worked hard, and they put that fire out, and it was coming up towards my house. And it was coming up towards the barn that's next to my house. And the firemen saved my house. All these people are all volunteers, and they did that, and how much it meant to me, and how much I wanted to say thank you to them.”

While numbers and statistics may be important to gather and review, she said, it’s the faces of people who are affected by the dedication of firefighters, including her nephew James Call, a City of Batavia firefighter and volunteer at Stafford, on a daily basis, she said.

There were other fire units alongside Stafford that day, she said, and “I tried to go out and thank all of the firemen.”

Chief Timothy Eckdahl shared similar sentiments. He thanked all of the firefighters for their past year of service.

“As we honor a few members tonight, I want to acknowledge that ever has played a part in the success of the Stafford Fire Department this past year,” he said.

Training is one of the most important tasks that they do throughout the year, he said. And this year, the department completed 1,329 training man-hours for both EMS and fire.

Third Assistant Chief Brian Breemes presented the top fire training hour recipient award for a year with 1,188 completed man hours of fire training, topics from SCBA confidence, hose line skills, ladder training, ventilation, gas emergencies, EVOC, bus extrication and other topics for public emergencies.

That award went to Chad Rambach.

The Top 10 responders were named from the 10th up to number one, with a tie of Kari Breemes and Don Hall 10th spot; Brian Pocock for ninth; Ashley Swartzenberg eighth; Jason Smith seventh; Mark Dougherty sixth; Chris Penkszyk fourth; Tim Eckdahl third; Randall Henning second; and Brian Breemes earned the top responder spot.

Stafford Fire Department responded to 298 calls, up from last year’s 271, with 60 percent being EMS and the remaining being structure fires, motor vehicle collisions, good intent, gas leaks, water problems, CO alarms and providing mutual assistance to neighboring districts.

There were 141 total man-hours of EMS training, with topics from CPR and blood pathogens to first aid, patient extrication and many other topics and tasks, including filling out the paperwork necessary for EMS calls.

Stafford Kari Breemes 2023

Julie Bobo was named top EMS training hour recipient.

The final award for the evening went to Matt Hendershott as 2022 Firefighter of the Year for his “truly remarkable” leadership during the pandemic. He was also presented with a proclamation delivered by state Assemblyman Steve Hawley.

Hendershott was credited for being willing to help train and share his knowledge with others, guiding the department and keeping all responders safe while responding to calls throughout the unknowns of COVID-19 and pandemic protocols.

Not one for the spotlight, Hendershott said he did what he was supposed to do. He was chief at the time, serving from 2020 to about six months into 2022, and a member of the fire service in Genesee County for 15 years.

He would talk about working alongside his fellow department members, since serving is about getting the job done, he said.

“The membership is the only reason I was successful at all. They responded well to a doer that wants to be out front leading, and who's not afraid to speak his mind and tell them what he's seeing. I think in the county, especially here, we need more of that,” he said. “And there's a lot of good chiefs that are coming up now that are taking those roles on more where they're not just a command. They're actually a doer, they're gearing up with their guys for mutual aid calls. 

"They're leading from the front instead of managing, and that's something that I did that my department responded to," Hendershott said. "And they responded well, and we were very successful.”

Stafford Matt Hendershott
Stafford fire awards 2023
Stafford installation 2023
Stafford fire awards 2023
Stafford fire dinner 2023 Eckdahl middle
James Call at Stafford fire dinner 2023


Top Photo of Charm Robinson with her nephew, Stafford volunteer firefighter James "Jamie" Call; Matt Hendershott was named 2022 Firefighter of the Year for his “truly remarkable” leadership during the pandemic; the Top 10 responders were named from the 10th up to number one, with a tie for Kari Breemes and Don Hall 10th spot; Brian Pocock for ninth; Ashley Swartzenberg eighth; Jason Smith seventh; Mark Dougherty sixth; Chris Penkszyk fourth; Tim Eckdahl third; Randall Henning second; and Brian Breemes earned the top responder spot; several firefighters were sworn in during a brief installation ceremony; the top fire training hour recipient award went to Chad Rambach for a year with 1,188 completed man hours of fire training, topics from SCBA confidence, hose line skills, ladder training, ventilation, gas emergencies, EVOC, bus extrication and other topics for public emergencies; and James Call served as Master of Ceremonies. Top photo by Joanne Beck, remaining photos by Howard Owens.


Stafford FD Retro Jam & Musician's Reunion

By Lisa Ace

4th Annual Stafford Firemen's Father's Day Retro Jam & Musician's Reunion
Sunday 16, 2019 • Live Music 1-7pm
Located behind the Stafford Fire Department, Route 5, Stafford NY.

Food Trucks, BYO Lawn Chair/Cooler.
Bands Appearing: Ryan & Scott, Front Porch Pickers, Ghost Riders, Howe's That, TONK (RET.), Rock-a-Bully's, KW Does Country, Guests and Friends. 
Band schedule subject to change.

Good Fan's, Good Families, Good Food, Good Music, Good Friends, Good Times!

Event Date and Time

Stafford Fire holds annual dinner, installs 2017 officers

By Howard B. Owens

Randall Henning left the Stafford Fire Department's annual installation dinner at Batavia Downs with a handful of hardware, having logged the most training hours for both firematic training and EMS training. Each of those categories have their own awards, and there's also an award for most combined training hours, which Henning won, with 191 total training hours in 2016.

The department responded to 271 calls on the year. Of those 22 were fire calls, 166 medical, 11 hazardous conditions, 15 service, 54 good intent and three false alarms.

With 165 answered alarms, Timothy E. Eckdahl had the most responses for the year.

Firematic officers installs: Brian Pocock -- chief, Stephanie Call -- 1st assistant chief, Christopher Bobo -- 2nd assistant chief, Timothy Eckdahl -- 3rd assistant chief, Michael Dorgam -- 4th assistant chief, Matt Hendershott -- rescue squad captain, Michael Dorgan -- rescue squad lieutenant, Ben Fox -- fire police captain, Stephen Johnson -- fire police lieutenant, and Mark Dougherty -- master mechanic.

Administrative officers: James Call -- president, Stephen Johnson -- vice president, Ashley Swartzenberg -- secretary, Stephanie Call -- treasurer. Trustees: James Call, Ron DeMena III, Timothy Eckdahl, Stan Gere and Matt Hendershott. Auditors: Dean Brooks and Randall Henning.

Assemblyman Hawley urges people to write letters of support for local nonprofit raffles

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I- Batavia) today encouraged groups that hold raffles for fundraising and charity to write letters of support to Assemblyman Gary Pretlow (D-Mt. Vernon), chair of the Assembly’s Racing and Wagering Committee, encouraging him to introduce legislation that would help groups like the Stafford Fire Department legally operate their raffles.

“It is gravely important to our end goal of bringing back the Stafford car raffle that local groups write letters to Assemblyman Pretlow urging him to introduce the legislation that I have written,” Hawley said. “This is the first step in getting legislation passed. We have to show Assembly leadership that there is intense grassroots support for this legislation and that thousands of non-profits and charitable organizations will be gravely impacted if this injustice isn’t corrected.”

Current gaming regulations do not allow charitable groups and non-profits to collect raffle fees using check or credit cards and do not allow the sale of tickets outside of the county which the event will be taking place. The Stafford Fire Dept. previously sold tickets nationwide for its annual car raffle and used the proceeds for charitable donations and to fund the department.

Letters to Assemblyman Pretlow should include information about the group’s previous raffles and what profits were used for. A copy should be sent as soon as possible to Pretlow’s Albany office, his district office and Hawley’s district office. If you have any questions please call Hawley’s office at 585-589-5780. Pretlow’s office addresses are below.

Assemblyman Gary Pretlow
LOB 845
Albany, NY 12248

Assemblyman Gary Pretlow
District Office
6 Gramatan Ave.
Mt. Vernon, NY 10550



Assemblyman Steve Hawley

District Office

121 N. Main St.

Albion, NY 14411 

NYS Gaming Commission suspends Corvette raffle for Stafford Volunteer Fire Department, refunds will be issued

By Billie Owens

We received this from the Stafford Volunteer Fire Department:

Under our licensing agreement with the New York State Gaming Association Commission, our activities are audited just to make sure that we follow their rules and regulations.

As we understand it, there were some changes in the rules and regulations that we inadvertently did not notice. As a result, they have suspended our raffle for this year.

Therefore, we are in the process of returning all funds received in connection with this year's raffle. We are very sorry for what has happened and wish to thank all of you for your continued support over the years.

We have contacted the Gaming Commission and Stafford fire officials for more details and will provide them as able.

Stafford FD raffle winner announced

By Julia Ferrini

She had a job to do. There was no time for playing. This was serious business. 

With all the attentiveness her little 4-year-old body could muster, she reached into the bin holding the slips of paper and drew out a name. 

“She was very serious about doing her job pulling the ticket,” Yvonne Freeman, the little girl's mom, said. “Most kids, when you put them in the bin to draw the name, play with the paper, not Teaghan, she was very serious about the whole thing.”

For more than 25 years the Stafford Fire Department has raffled off a car; for more than a decade, it’s been a classic Corvette. About every other year, someone from the local area wins the grand prize. This year, Cortland Kopp, of Attica, won his choice between a 1967 cherry red Corvette convertible or $50,000 cash.

“I own a 1972 Corvette,” Kopp said, “have for 30 years. I decided to take the cash.”

The Attica corrections officer has been buying the raffle tickets since 1976. This is the first year he showed a return on his $30-a-year investment.

“After taxes I figure it’ll be about $35,000,” Kopp said. “It’s been a wild, surreal week.”

Raffle organizer and Stafford Fire Department social member Robin Krenzer reported thousands of tickets are sold for the raffle. While there is one Grand Prize winner, there are 10 winners of $1,000 each as well.

“There were only 200-something of that car made,” Krenzer said. “We will sell this vehicle and then purchase a different one for next year’s raffle.

“The last time we had a local winner was two years ago and she took the cash, too,” Krenzer said. “A man from Texas won last year and he took the car.”

While the cars are purchased yearly, this ‘67 ‘vette has an appraised value of $92,000. Additionally, organizers scour the region for a different car every year. Occasionally they are bought from individuals, other times, car dealers, they really never know what year the next model will be.

According to Krenzer, proceeds from the raffle helps to fund the department’s budget for the year. Additionally, the Stafford Fire Department donates $5,000 to Mercy Flight every year from the proceeds of the raffle.

But right now, in this moment, Kopp is living a surreal sort of life, getting ready to enjoy his new windfall.

Auditors tell Stafford Fire Department to improve its record keeping

By Howard B. Owens

The Stafford Fire Department board of directors needs to improve the department's record keeping and financial procedures, according to an audit completed by the state Comptroller's Office.

The audit found no evidence of missing funds, but said some of the lack of proper approval for expenditures could lead to unauthorized or improper expenditures.

The audit covered a 19-month period beginning with Jan. 1, 2013.

The department's revenue in 2013 was $550,130 and it spent $543,145.

While the department's treasurer maintained appropriate records and submitted monthly financial reports to the board, the treasurer did not properly receive all cash receipts.

For example, in 2014, the department collected $11,181 in cash from its annual carnival, but only $3,685 was turned over to the treasurer.

The department's president used the remaining $7,496 to pay for various carnival-related expenses, including a carnival ground cleaning service, food and supplies for a party for carnival workers and carnival set-up costs. 

"Although these expenses were supported by invoices and handwritten documents," the audit states, "the board was not given the opportunity to review and approve the payments before they were made."

The Ladies Auxiliary collected collected and deposited all of the department's banquet, hall and pavilion rental revenues into its own bank accounts, though there's no provision in the department's bylaws for this practice.

The Auxiliary collected $7,970 in banquet revenue, $2,305 for hall and pavilion rentals in 2013.

The auditors also reviewed 601 department checks with a total disbursement of $1.7 million from June 1, 2013 to May 31, 2014 and though financial activity was properly recorded and payments were supported, there were 131 transactions that were not properly reviewed by the board.

These expenditures totaled $394,897 and were made by the Classic Car Committee.

The bills, the board told auditors, were not always submitted prior to the appropriate board meeting.

The Comptroller's Office made four recommendations for changes, and President Dave Wallace, responded in writing with the board's plan of action to address the recommendations, and it is as follows:

  • The bylaws will be changed to require checks for payment of all bills and all cash to be returned to the treasurer. Itemized bills are required for all expenditures;
  • A contract will be drawn up with the Auxiliary for financial transactions;
  • Committees must present their bills to the board in a timely manner;
  • The department will hire an independent audit service.

Winner of Corvette raffle takes the cash and will take wife to Hawaii

By Howard B. Owens

Clarendon resident Charlie Snook couldn't help but look at the silver Corvette with a bit of glint in his eyes.

When he was a young man, he said, he would have taken the car, but the cash will get him and his wife to Hawaii for the first time and then take care of some recent unexpected expenses.

Snook is this year's winner of Stafford Fire Department's annual Corvette raffle, and Snook almost didn't get a ticket.

He intended to make it to Stafford on the Saturday of the carnival, but one thing led to another and he never got out of the house.

And Sunday's weather, of course, was miserable.

"Wind, mud, rain, I wasn't even going to come," Snook said. "Things like this don't happen to me. They happen to other people."

Snook and his wife bought two books of tickets and one of those tickets was the winner.

Pictured with Snook are Robin Krenzer, of the car committee, and Fire Department President Dave Wallace.

It's a beautiful car, Snook admitted, but he gladly took his check from Krenzer.

"Twenty years ago it would have been different," he said.

The total cash prize was $50,000.

Stafford Fire Department honors top volunteers, installs 2011 officers

By Howard B. Owens

The Stafford Volunteer Fire Department held its annual installation dinner and awards ceremony at the Clarion Hotel in Batavia on Saturday night.

Above, Karen Nostrant, who received the Chief's Award from Fire Chief Dave Rumsey, dedicates her award to the late 3rd Assistant Chief Paul Hendel, who died Feb. 17 at the age of 49.

Brian Breemes (pictured below with Rumsey) was named Firefighter of the Year. Breemes achieved 226.7 hours of firematic/EMS activity.

Ben Fox won the EMS Achievement Award with 154 hours.

The most EMS training hours were achieved by Chris Scopano with 170.5 hours, while Chris Bobo had most firematic training hours at 126.17.

The department has 40 active members. Total activity and training hours for the department in 2010 was 3,880.48.

The department responded to 237 calls: Fire, 39, rescue and EMS, 146, hazardous condition (no fire), 10, service calls, 2, good intention calls, 28, and false alarms, 12.

More pictures after the jump:

Tom Laird, master of ceremonies.

Chris Bobo

Bill Taylor, "Best Patient of the Year." (Taylor volunteered many times to be the "victim" in training sessions).

Truck loses trailer on Rt. 33 Stafford

By scott kibler

At about 2:30 a.m. Monday June 21, 2010 a truck coming from the Stafford Carnival lost the trailer it was towing on Rt. 33 about a mile east of the Griswold Rd.

The trailer filled with prizes and some sort of game that was at the carnival traveled about 300 to 400 yards on its own causing the trailer to hit a mail box, a parked pickup truck that was for sale and coming to rest at a telephone pole about 200 yards west of the Waterman Road breaking it almost in half about 10 feet high.

Stafford Fire Dept. responded with Engine 94 and set up a light tower. Stafford units were back in service at 3:30 a.m.

There were no injuries.

Photos: Stafford carnival

By Howard B. Owens

There was no shortage of fun at Saturday's carnival in Stafford. The Stafford Fire Department will open the fair again on Sunday, culminating with the drawing in its annual Corvette raffle.

More pictures after the jump:


Stafford Fireman's Carnival runs through the weekend

By Daniel Crofts

The Stafford Volunteer Fire Department's annual four-day carnival starts at 6 p.m. tonight and ends at 9 p.m. on Sunday.

The carnival takes place at the fire station, at 6153 Main Road in Stafford, and will include rides, games, refreshments, parades, live music, a drawing for a 1965 Nassau Blue Corvette Convertible, a clam stand, a flea market, a fireman's chicken BBQ, a Kiddie Tractor Pull and Saturday evening fireworks and more.

The dates/times are as follows:

6 to 10 p.m., Thursday, June 17

6 to 11 p.m., Friday, June 18 (there will also be a fish fry at 4 p.m. in the Fire Hall)

Noon to 5 p.m., and 6 to 11 p.m., Saturday, June 19

Noon to 5 p.m., and 6 to 9 p.m., Sunday, June 20

Fore more details, including costs, visit the Stafford Volunteer Fire Department's website at, call 343-2909 or e-mail

Stafford Fireman's Carnival starts tonight

By Daniel Crofts

The Stafford Volunteer Fire Department's annual four-day carnival starts at 6 p.m. tonight and ends at 9 p.m. on Sunday.

The carnival takes place at the fire station, at 6153 Main Road in Stafford, and will include rides, games, refreshments, parades, live music, a drawing for a 1965 Nassau Blue Corvette Convertible, a cam stand, a flea market, a fireman's chicken BBQ, a Kiddie Tractor Pull and Saturday evening fireworks and more.

The dates/times are as follows:

6 to 10 p.m., Thursday, June 17

Event Date and Time

Stafford Fire Dept. 2nd Annual Waterball Tournament & Co-Ed Volleyball Tournament

By scott kibler

Stafford Fire Dept., Inc. 2nd Annual Waterball Tournament & Co-Ed Volleyball Tournament -Proceeds to benefit the Stafford Fire Dept. Health & Ed Fund- Date - July 17, 2010 Time - Waterball will start at 8:00 am Volleyball will start at 11:00 am until ???? Where - Stafford Fire Dept.

Event Date and Time

Stafford Fire Department offering up Corvette in annual, money-making raffle

By Howard B. Owens

Bob Fitzsimmons and Mike Boyle get a little sun sitting next to an eye-catching jet black 1963 Corvette Convertible. Fitzsimmons and Boyle said they will be in the same spot everyday, outside the Stafford Fire Department building, from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. selling raffle tickets for the vehicle (or $50,000 in cash) until the drawing on Father's Day.

This is the 26th year the SFD has raffled off a Corvette. Fitzsimmons said it's a very successful fund raiser for the department.

"We own all our own engines, the building and the land behind it," Fitzsimmons said. "The town gives us a little bit of money, but not much. It (the raffle sure helps with my taxes, I'll tell you that."

The raffle is known throughout the world, Fitzsimmons said. They publicize it through their own mailing list as well as magazine ads.

Tickets are $1 each, or three for $2, or $10 for a book of 15.

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