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Steve Hawley

Assemblyman Hawley hosts blood drive on Friday

By Billie Owens

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia) is hosting a blood drive at the Batavia Salvation Army Headquarters, 529 E. Main St., from noon to 5 p.m. tomorrow, Feb. 17. The assemblyman is encouraging anyone able to donate to stop by the event and help save a life.

“Every donation to our local blood banks is critical in their efforts to save the lives of our friends, family and neighbors,” Hawley said. “Giving the gift of blood truly is giving the gift of life, and I look forward to seeing both new and familiar faces at this event helping our community.”

All those who have not donated since Dec. 23 are encouraged to participate. If you wish to donate, you may call 1-800-RED CROSS to schedule an appointment, or visit Walk-ins are accepted as well.

Anyone age 17 or older, weighing at least 110 pounds, and in good health is eligible to donate blood. In New York state, 16-year-olds may donate blood provided they bring an original signed "New York State Informed Parental Consent for 16-Year-Old to Donate Blood" form to the blood drive. The form can be found at

Hawley touts jobs program for veterans

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia) is encouraging the heroic returning soldiers of Western New York to take advantage of Governor Cuomo’s recently enacted “Experience Counts” program. The initiative will remove bureaucratic roadblocks from veterans looking to obtain a Commercial Driver’s License if they drove similar vehicles while defending our freedom.

Hawley, who served as a 1st Lieutenant in the Army Reserves as well as with the National Guard, is a member of the Assembly Committee on Veterans Affairs, and hopes that this measure will mark the beginning of many positive developments for veterans during the 2012 Legislative Session.

“Our service men and women put their lives on the line to defend our freedom, and the least we can do is make their transition back into civilian life as smooth and prosperous as possible,” Hawley said. “I commend the governor for advancing the ‘Experience Counts’ initiative so we can honor our veterans while helping them gain employment, and I offer my full assistance to local veterans looking to take part.”

The waiver is now available for up to 90 days after discharge, or for active duty military and active duty New York National Guard members that currently hold a valid driver's license. Applicants must be regularly employed, or have been regularly employed, within the last 90 days in a military position requiring operation of a commercial motor vehicle, and also have operated a vehicle that is similar to a civilian commercial vehicle for at least two years immediately preceding discharge from the military.

Applicants must fill out a "CDL Certification for Military Waiver of Skills Test" form (CDL-102), which is available at any DMV office, or online at Applicants must still pass a written test and pay the written test fee, but the $40 road test fee will also be waived by completing the certification.

For more information, please contact Assemblyman Steve Hawley at 121 N. Main St., Suite 100, Albion, NY 14411, by phone at (585) 589-5780, or by email at:

Hawley promoting tuition reimbursement for volunteer firefighters

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,I,C-Batavia) is promoting a tuition reimbursement program for volunteer firefighters in Western New York. The deadline for the Firemen’s Association of the State of New York (FASNY) Higher Education Learning Plan (FASNY HELP) has been extended to Feb. 15, and the assemblyman believes it is a well-deserved benefit for Western New York’s courageous volunteers.

“I have always felt that the safety and security provided by our selfless, volunteer firefighters is a cornerstone of a strong community, and that it is our duty to thank and reward them for their sacrifice,” Hawley said. “FASNY HELP is a great way to show our appreciation for these brave men and women, and I hope that this program is a productive incentive in volunteer recruiting, because we truly can never have enough help at our local fire companies.”

FASNY HELP was developed as an incentive for people to serve in New York’s volunteer fire service. This program will provide tuition reimbursement to student volunteers allowing them to attain up to eighty (80) credit hours from their closest New York state chartered community college, or one located within 50 miles of their primary residence.

Under the FASNY HELP tuition reimbursement program, student volunteers will be eligible to have up to 100 percent of their tuition reimbursed in exchange for maintaining defined grades and fulfilling defined service requirements as a member in good standing in one of New York’s volunteer fire companies. There is no restriction on the type of academic course(s) the FASNY HELP student volunteer can pursue.

For more information, contact John D'Alessandro, FASNY deputy Volunteer Programs coordinator at 518-694-3136, or visit FASNY HELP on the web at

Hawley circulating petition on mandate relief

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia) is circulating a petition calling for mandate relief during this year’s legislative session seeking public support for a measure that will decrease costs to local governments and drive down taxes. Hawley stated that by showing the governor that Western New Yorkers are on board, real progress stands to be made.

“Here in Western New York, we’re tired of property taxes and other fees skyrocketing year after year due to expensive and unnecessary programs forced on us by state government,” Hawley said.

“We took a step in the right direction with last year’s budget, alleviating some of the pressure on local governments, but we need to do much more. I am hopeful that local taxpayers will join me in showing the governor just how important this is to Western New Yorkers so we can build on last year’s momentum and provide real savings on our tax bills.”

This year, nine state mandates will account for 90 percent of the county’s local property tax levy. The petition can be signed at

Hard copies are available at the assemblyman’s district office. The assemblyman can be reached at 121 N. Main St., Suite 100, Albion, NY 14411, by phone at 585-589-5780, or via e-mail at

Hawley issues statement on Le Roy illnesses

By Howard B. Owens

Note: Hawley's office issued this press release Wednesday, but I didn't see the email until just now, but thought it still important to post:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia) is working with state and local officials to diligently address the health issues facing Western New Yorkers. In the wake of the disturbing developments regarding Tourette's-like symptoms displayed by 12 students attending Le Roy Junior-Senior High School, the assemblyman is doubling down on his efforts to protect the health of the entire Western New York community.

“The strength of our community relies on the health, safety and happiness of Western New Yorkers, and I am committed to making sure that no stone is left unturned in the quest to protect those needs,” Hawley said. “By working with health and environmental officials at the federal, state and local levels, I am pursuing every channel to ensure that we are doing everything in our power to prevent threats to the community’s health.”

The assemblyman has spoken directly with both state Health Commissioner Nirav Shah and state Department of Environmental Commissioner Joe Martens to share his concerns regarding the developing tragedy in Leroy.

“The situation in Le Roy is infinitely tragic, and swift action is imperative,” Hawley continued. “Above all else, it is the duty of public servants to protect our children, seniors and families. Nothing takes priority over the health of our fellow Western New Yorkers.”

Hawley holds public outreach meeting Thursday afternoon City Centre

By Billie Owens

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia) is hosting his regular monthly outreach meeting for Genesee County residents at the Batavia City Centre on Thursday, Jan. 26.

It will be from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the Community Room, second floor.

“The meeting will provide the people of Western New York with an opportunity to share their thoughts on how to improve the quality of life in our area,” Hawley said. “I strongly encourage all local citizens to attend this event.”

Hawley and Ranzenhoffer respond to Cuomo's speech

By Howard B. Owens

From the office of Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

The governor touched on many important issues worthy of attention in his State of the State Address, but nothing is more pressing for Western New York than mandate relief and job creation. In fact, if we are to fix either problem, we must fix both.

Unfunded mandates have sent local taxes through the roof for years, and I have been fighting to eliminate this burden since my first day in state government. While taxes climb, business owners and job creators flee Western New York in droves. If we are to truly embrace job creation, we must put an immediate ban on any new mandates and begin examining the litany of unnecessary and expensive requirements that can be repealed.

In addition, Western New York’s low-wealth schools have been unfairly burdened by education cuts in recent years. We must protect our community’s schools from having their budgets pilfered in favor of wealthy, downstate districts.

I am encouraged by the governor’s commitment to economic development, but the question, as always, is “How will we pay for this?” As we turn the corner on economic recovery, we must fund these worthy projects by eliminating wasteful spending, not by raising taxes.

From the office of Sen. Michael Ranzenhofer:

By working together in 2011, the State Legislature reduced spending and the size of government, closed a $10 billion deficit without new taxes, and lowered tax rates for the middle class. For 2012, the State Legislature must continue to work together and further build upon its successes of the prior year.

The State Legislature must again close a $3 billion deficit with cuts to spending, not with tax increases. Mandate relief – especially pension and Medicaid reform – must be passed to ensure the property tax cap works for both property taxpayers and local governments. However, the critical goal for this year should be ensuring Albany supports policies and programs that will encourage companies to locate and create jobs in Western New York.

That is why I am encouraged by the governor’s proposal to provide $1 billion in multi-year economic development incentives for the Buffalo region, to attract major companies to invest billions of dollars and create thousands of jobs in Western New York. I am even more pleased to hear his proposal for a second round of $200 million in competitive grants for our regional economic development councils.

As the 2012 Legislative Session begins, I am hopeful that the governor and State Legislature can again work together to build on the successes of last year.”

Hawley supports proposed increase in funding for low-wealth schools

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia) is highlighting his support for a recent proposal by the state Board of Regents to increase aid for low-wealth school districts.

The proposed change in the school-aid formula would commit 73 percent of state funding to low-wealth schools. This funding would be used to support teaching aides and new classrooms, while providing incentives to excel at performance and improve efficiency.

Hawley has consistently advocated for changes to the formula that determines which districts receive the lion's share of funding, and sees the regents' plan as a sign of positive adjustments on the horizon.

“This is exactly the kind of common-sense approach to school funding that I have worked with our local schools and superintendents to implement,” Hawley said. “The bottom line is that low-wealth school districts rely more heavily on state aid than high-wealth districts, because they have less alternative revenue to draw from.

"The lack of state education aid for local schools has forced property taxes to skyrocket in recent years, leaving many Western New York homeowners paying the highest tax rates in the nation. I will continue to fight for these reforms that will end the practice of sorely needed state support being siphoned out of Western New York and into downstate communities.”

Hawley: Final agreement gives shot in the arm to families, businesses

By Howard B. Owens

Press release from Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

The final package of legislation voted on today included added measures providing tax relief for families and businesses that Western New Yorkers desperately need.

By reducing income levies on tax-paying citizens and business owners, we are embracing the families and job creators that make New York the Empire State. Additional provisions that support our educational institutions address even more issues facing our region, making today’s vote a victory for Western New Yorkers.

In addition, I supported a pair of hostile amendments that would have addressed the most pressing issues facing New York – mandate relief and a state spending cap – which were denied by the Assembly Majority.

These are solutions to problems that have plagued New York State for years. Until we address these issues, we cannot dig New York out of the financial hole it persistently finds itself in, but the numerous other benefits of this legislation are steps in the right direction for Western New York.

Families, friends of Vietnam vets urged to send photos for new Washington center

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia) is encouraging family and friends of Vietnam veterans to submit photos of their loved ones to The Education Center, which is being constructed in Washington, D.C.

The facility will feature photos of veterans whose names appear on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall, attaching a face and story to the names of the courageous heroes that make up the wall.

“We must all do our part to tell the tale of each and every brave soul whose name is featured on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall so that future generations can honor and appreciate their sacrifice,” Hawley said.

“The Education Center being built in Washington will serve as both an informational and somber tribute to our Vietnam veterans and their place as heroes in American history. With so many courageous soldiers hailing from Western New York, I know our community and region will be well represented when The Education Center opens its doors.”

For more information about The Education Center, please visit, or contact the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund at (202) 393-0090.

Hawley blasts school funding inequality

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia) is voicing his opposition to cuts in state funding to the least-wealthy school districts, the bulk of which are located in Western New York.

Recent analysis from The Alliance for Quality Education (AQE) shows that per-pupil support for students in economically disadvantaged areas has been disproportionately reduced relative to more affluent districts in the last two years. The assemblyman recently issued a letter to school superintendents statewide seeking their input on how to best provide equitable education aid regardless of geographic location.

“We cannot allow Western New York’s students to suffer while out-of-touch politicians siphon crucial education funding downstate,” Hawley said. “Less-wealthy districts have a smaller tax base than affluent areas, which means they rely on state support more than anyone else.

"To see so many Western New York school districts bearing the brunt of the pain while the wealthiest areas keep raking in state support is both baffling and appalling. I will continue working with the governor and the legislature to make sure Western New York’s children get their fair share.”

AQE crafted a formula to calculate “community wealth ratios” based on personal income and property wealth. Nearly all of the schools in nearby counties fell into the “poor” or “poorest” categories. The report can be found at

Farm Bureau backs tighter restrictions on welfare benefits

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The Genesee County Farm Bureau recently voiced its support for legislation sponsored by Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,I,C – Batavia). Resolutions in support of the bills, which seek to ensure that state benefits are offered to the proper applicants, received unanimous support from the bureau at its annual meeting.

In order to protect the essential services that families rely on, we must ensure that the state’s limited resources are not being spent in the wrong places,” Hawley said. “This legislation will ensure that public assistance benefits are allocated to true New York residents that are not abusing tax dollars for illicit use. Having the unanimous support of the Genesee County Farm Bureau bolsters our ability to accomplish goals on the state level, and I look forward to continuing our efforts to make Western New York’s voice heard in state government.”

Hawley is the main sponsor of Assembly Bill 6059, which, if passed, would require recipients of public assistance benefits to be New York residents for at least 90 days prior to applying. The assemblyman is a co-sponsor of A.4474, which would institute drug tests for certain recipients of public assistance benefits.

Related, Hawley's office also released this announcement today:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,I,C – Batavia) has been named to the 2011 Farm Bureau Circle of Friends based upon his voting record on issues of importance to New York agriculture. Hawley thanked the organization for their contributions to farming and agriculture across the state.

“I am extremely proud to be recognized by an organization like the Farm Bureau that provides such a critical service to the people of this state,” Hawley said. “Over the last 35 years, as a former president and member of the Farm Bureau, I have seen firsthand how tirelessly the group works to support our proud farmers and further the growth of agriculture in New York.

"Here in Western New York, agriculture is not only the backbone of our economy, it is a tradition ingrained in our way of life that has been handed down from generation to generation. I look forward to continuing my work with the Farm Bureau and making sure New York’s farmers are given the tools they need to succeed.”

The Farm Bureau is a non-governmental, volunteer organization financed and controlled by member-families for the purpose of solving economic and public policy issues challenging the agricultural industry.

Hawley urges action on mandate relief for local governments

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,I,C – Batavia) wrote to Governor Andrew Cuomo, urging action on mandate relief. The assemblyman said that the state Senate and Assembly must be convened as soon as possible to address this issue that is crushing local governments and school districts.

“As representatives of New York state, we are all shirking our duties by our inaction regarding the financial position we have put local governments in by not instituting true mandate relief,” said Hawley in his letter to the governor. “I am asking you to reconvene both houses of the Legislature immediately to begin the arduous task of reducing the burden on local governments and taxpayers.”

Summer Reading Challenge had a great response

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,I,C – Batavia) recently announced the overwhelming response to this year’s Summer Reading Challenge. Students from all over the region participated, spending their vacation honing both their reading skills and their minds.

“The students in our area certainly made good use of their time off this summer,” Hawley said. “Children in communities like Albion, Medina, Holley Pavilion, Hilton, Brockport, Batavia and
more learned firsthand the joys of reading this summer.

"Their participation makes the Summer Reading Challenge such a gratifying program, and I thank them for joining me in promoting the joy of literature.”

Children that read for 40 days over the summer wil receive a New York State Assembly “Excellence in Reading” certificate from Assemblyman Hawley.

Photos: Annual Patriot Trip departs from Batavia Downs

By Howard B. Owens

At Batavia Downs this morning, more than 100 people boarded buses headed for Washington D.C. as part of the annual Patriot Trip hosted by Assemblyman Steve Hawley. The trip includes visits to Arlington National Cemetery, the Washington Mall and various war-related museums and monuments.

Assemblyman Hawley invites residents to Town Hall Day this Saturday

By Billie Owens

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,I,C – Batavia) is inviting all residents of the 139th Assembly district to attend a special Town Hall Day on Saturday, Sept. 17. The town-hall tour will include meetings in the Village of Corfu/Town of Pembroke, Town of Alabama, Village and Town of Oakfield as well as the Village and Town of Elba.
“This is a great way for constituents to make their voices heard by giving their thoughts, suggestions and concerns directly to their elected representative,” Hawley said. “I look forward to meeting with the people of our community so that I can more effectively serve them and the needs of the district.”

Town Hall Day Schedule

Village of Corfu/Town of Pembroke
9:30 to 10:15 a.m.
Corfu Village Hall -- Community Center
116 E. Main St.

Village of Oakfield/Town of Oakfield
12:30 to 1:15 p.m.
Oakfield Village Office
37 Main St.
Town of Alabama
10:30 to 11:15 a.m.
Alabama Town Hall
2218 Judge Road
Village of Elba/Town of Elba
1:30 to 2:15 p.m.
Elba Town Hall
7 Maple Ave.

Hawley uses Facebook to gather constituent opinions on legislative issues

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,I,C – Batavia) today released the results of questions and answers from his virtual town hall, which were posted on his Facebook page. The purpose of the survey questions was to gain feedback on issues important to the residents in Hawley’s district.

In response to question #1, “Do you favor having two New Yorks?” by a ratio of nearly 6 to 1, residents favored Upstate breaking away from New York City.

Question # 2, “Do you favor a 90-day residency requirement before anyone can receive Medicaid benefits?” 86 percent voted in favor, while 12 percent voted not in favor and 1 percent voted “no opinion.” Hawley has introduced A6059, which would require a 90-day residency. 

Question # 3, “What do you favor as New York state’s vegetable?” 66 percent of residents favored sweet corn, while 19 percent of residents favored the onion and the remaining 15 percent chose “other.” 

Hawley noted that he would like to have more question and answer sessions like this via his Facebook page in the near future due to the high volume of feedback received.

In the meantime, Hawley encouraged constituents and supporters to follow him on Facebook (Steve Hawley) so that they can stay informed and up-to-date on legislative updates and issues of importance to residents of the 139th Assembly District.

American Legion Auxiliary #332, Batavia, donates $1,000 for annual Patriot Trip

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,I,C – Batavia) recently announced that the American Legion Auxiliary #332 Batavia has contributed $1,000 to his annual Patriot Trip, a program that brings area veterans to Washington, D.C., for a tour of military monuments and memorials.

The crucial funding will be used to help provide a profound experience available to as many local veterans as possible.

“The contribution made by American Legion Auxiliary #332 will directly serve the veterans participating in this year’s Patriot Trip, and I cannot thank the people of this organization enough for their generosity and commitment to supporting Western New York’s veterans,” Hawley said.

“The Patriot Trip is an inspiring, moving experience for everyone involved, and donations such as the one presented by Auxiliary President Brenda Burg are vital in the effort to provide a trip that will have a lifelong impact on our proud veterans.

"Contributions go directly to enhancing this experience for our local veterans, and it is groups like Auxiliary #332 that make the Patriot Trip affordable for our patriots.”

Patriot Trip IV will include roundtrip private coach transportation from Western New York to Washington, D.C., and accommodations at Quantico Marine Base in Virginia. The trip also includes tours of the World War II, Vietnam War, Korean War and FDR memorials, as well as Arlington Cemetery, the Marine Museum, the Udvar Hazy Aerospace Museum and the U.S. Capitol.

Most meals are included with the trip cost of approximately $300.

Individuals and organizations interested in making a contribution, as well as those looking for more information about trip details, pricing, or to sign up, please call Assemblyman Hawley’s district office at (585) 589-5780. Approximately 20 openings remain!

Hawley hails regional economic development effort

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,I,C – Batavia) recently attended a press conference at Monroe Community College announcing the creation of the area’s first Regional Economic Development Council. Joining Governor Andrew Cuomo and Lieutenant Governor Robert Duffy, Hawley expressed his optimism to see such hands-on efforts to improve the economy here in Western New York.

“Today signals the beginning of a new day for the Western New York economy,” Hawley said. “I am especially pleased to see that Lieutenant Governor Robert Duffy will be the chair of all 10 regional councils. Hailing from our region, he has been a tremendous advocate on behalf of Western New York, and I have full confidence that he will be even more helpful in this new capacity.

"I have had a number of face-to-face and phone conversations with him to discuss the priorities facing the business owners and job creators in my district, and I know that the formation of this regional council will only continue to spur the growth and revitalization of Western New York’s economy.”

Ten regional economic development councils will be created across the state to compete for $1 billion in funding that will be geared toward jump-starting local economies. The panels are comprised of leaders from government, business and academia, and will partner with community leaders and state legislators to craft projects that will benefit their geographic and demographic needs.

Hawley announces support of 'Caylee's Law'

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,I,C – Batavia) is sponsoring legislation that would require parents and legal guardians to report the death or disappearance of their child to law enforcement in a timely manner. “Caylee’s Law” comes on the heels of the highly publicized Casey Anthony murder trial in Florida, which has highlighted a glaring shortfall in New York state law that does not mandate such timely reporting. The pair of bills being co-sponsored by Assemblyman Hawley would close these loopholes.

“It is sad to think that it took the unfathomable circumstances leading to Caylee Anthony’s death to highlight the need for this legislation, but there will be progress made in the wake of this unspeakable tragedy,” Hawley said. “Parents, guardians and caretakers have the responsibility to report the death or disappearance of their child in a timely manner so that law enforcement may seek out the missing person and work to prevent other children from falling victim to similar circumstances. I am proud to join my colleagues in a bipartisan effort to make sure that “Caylee’s Law” will keep another child from suffering from the abuse and neglect that took Caylee’s life.”

Under the legislation, a person found guilty under “Caylee’s Law” would be charged with a felony.

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