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Photo: A bunch of turkeys in Byron

By Howard B. Owens

Ed Glow shared this photo of a rafter of turkeys about 30 yards from his home on Merrill Road in Byron.

He said he first saw a tom and three hens and a few young birds about three weeks ago. They reappeared a couple of days ago and he figures the young ones have doubled in size since then.

He counted 21 birds total. 

"Almost makes me want to start hunting again," Glow said.

A swamp country fable: the turkey and the possum


Why did the turkey cross the road? To prove to the possum that it COULD be done.

"No way!!!!" exclaimed the possum.

"Piece of cake" said the turkey...."Watch me".......and off he went.

"Cool beans" said the now believing possum. "Let me give it a try!"......

Meanwhile, a lone turkey vulture patiently watches in anticipation...........

He made it...much to the vulture's disappointment! 

Gobblers & Bushytails



The turkey pictured above is roosted in a cottonwood tree normally patrolled by a little red squirrel we call "Meany," so named because he routinely harrasses the much larger gray squirrels. Photo was taken Tuesday afternoon. The turkey had a companion in a neighboring ash tree seen in photo below.

This turkey is looking at the camera.  Still no sign of Meany, and while he remained out of sight, a pair of gray squirrels thought it a good time to drop by.


Checking to see if the coast is clear.....

Eyeing up the remains of last fall's apple crop...

Apparently not bad!


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