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Senior Home Visitors Program offers companionship

By Daniel Crofts

Many older adults live alone, can't get out of the house, and have no family nearby. This can cause frustration, anxiety and just plain loneliness.

And that's where the “Volunteer Home Visitors Program” comes in.

Run by Catholic Charities of Western New York, this outreach program has been in place for several years in Genesee County and, according to coordinator Jim Morasco, is now getting started in Orleans County after three years of existing in the form of the “Friendly Phones Program” (which has volunteers check in on seniors by phone rather than by visitation).

The program is run through the Office for the Aging in both counties; it is funded by the Muriel Marshall Fund in Genesee County and by a private funder in Orleans County. Available to adults 60 and older, it matches each senior participant with a volunteer who will come into his or her home to provide company and to socialize.

"It's generally for an hour," Morasco said. "When people sign up, they give us times that are convenient for them. We try to match them up with volunteers who have that time frame open."

Coordinators attempt to look not only for time frames convenient for both volunteers and seniors, but also for hobbies and interests that they might share.

Morasco stressed that the program does not entail hospice work -- bathing, driving to appointments, or similar responsibilities – although referrals can be provided for such things.

“(We work in conjunction with) just about anybody that works with people -- anyone with a connection to the elderly,” Morasco said. “So for example, say we go into someone’s home and they need something fixed. We can call Community Action or the Office for the Aging, both of whom have a handyman program. Not long ago, we helped a woman whose furnace stopped working at the beginning of winter get a new one through the Veterans Association.”

The main purpose of the “Volunteer Home Visitors Program” is to foster friendships.

"It's to break up the monotony of being alone," Morasco said. "I always say to people, 'Think about how busy you are when you're younger. You always have something to do, and you probably have a family. And then when you get older, sometimes they move away. People pass away. And all of a sudden you're frail, you can't go out, you can't drive, and nobody's around anymore.' That's where a lot of folks find themselves."

He described these home visitations as "socialization, and also wellness."

"You get to know people, and sometimes they start to look like maybe they need some help. I went into the home of a person I was visiting once and found her lying on the floor. Who knows how long she would have been there if she hadn't had that visit?"

In Genesee County, 52 seniors are signed up for the program at this time. There are 41 volunteers, and six people are on a waiting list. Orleans County currently has around 20 volunteers, about evenly matched with senior participants.

Morasco said he sees both seniors and volunteers benefitting from the home visits.

"A lot of (senior participants) say they look forward to their visitor or their caller," he said. "And the volunteers tell me that they get just as much out of this, if not more, than the seniors. When you give, you receive."

For more information, call Catholic Charities at 343-0614, ext 23.

Photo courtesy of Danette Weaver.

Site Supervisor Needed

By Jessica Maguire-Tomidy, Ex. Dir.

Habitat for Humanity of Genesee county is seeking a volunteer site supervisor for our current build at 104 North Street. Batavia.

The site supervisor would work alongside our volunteer coordinator and help train and lead a work crew of about 5-15 people. 

The individual must have experience in residential construction and committ to leading a crew 2x a month on either Wednesdays or Saturdays. 9a-3p.


For more information or if you are interested in this position please call us at 585-345-1656 or email us at



“Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope.”

Volunteer training for 'Warm Line' - providing support, encouragement to local residents

By Billie Owens

In order to meet the needs of the community, there will be Warm Line Volunteer Listener Training from 1 to 4 p.m. on Tuesday, June 19, at the Mental Health Association, located at 25 Liberty St. in the City of Batavia.

The Warm Line is a peer-to-peer award-winning program of the MHA that provides support and encouragement to individuals in our community.  The Warm Line is in operation from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., 365 days a year.

If you would like to find out more about this training opportunity or general Warm Line services, please contact Charley DelPlato, Warm Line coordinator at 344-2611.

Help Volunteers for Animals Win the Shelter+ Challenge - VOTE!

By Elizabeth Downie


This information. and much more, can be found at The Animal Rescue Site.

To vote for Volunteers for Animals, please click HERE!


Hi!  I'm writing to tell you about The Animal Rescue Site $300,000 Shelter+ Challenge of 2012 - together with Petfinder.  The Animal Rescue Site is awarding $300,000 in grants to eligible member rescue organizations to help animals.  The grand prize in each voting round is a $5,000 grant, and there are many other prizes!  Visit The Animal Rescue Site to vote every day and learn more.  You don't have to register, and voting is FREE!  Support your favorite shelter and vote today! 

How long is the Challenge, and how can we increase our chances?
This voting round begins on January 9, 2012, and ends at midnight (PT) on March 18, 2012. There will be other voting rounds throughout the year - more chances for your organization to win! The more friends you can rally to vote for your favorite rescue organization, the better its chances of winning. Every vote, every day counts - shelters can pull ahead even during the last few days with enough support. Get people involved! Your favorite rescue organization is counting on you!

What kind of grant could my shelter win?
Seventy (70) grants will be awarded for a total of $75,000 to eligible members during the very first voting round of the 2012 Challenge. The grand prize will go to the eligible organization with the highest accumulative votes for the duration of the Challenge as specified in the rules.

The Prizes Are:
Grand Prize:  One $5,000 grant!
Dark Horse Grand Prize:  One $2,000 grant!
Dark Horse Runners Up:  Five $1,000 grants.
State Winners:  Fifty-one $1,000 state grants
  (50 U.S. states and Washington D.C.)
Canadian Winners:  One $1,000 grant will be awarded.
International Winner:  One $1,000 grant will be awarded.
Weekly Winners:  Ten $1,000 grants will be awarded, one for each week of this voting round of the Shelter+ Challenge.

Volunteers needed for First Presbyterian of Batavia's 'God's Little Acre' project

By Daniel Crofts

Batavia's First Presbyterian Church is running its planting project, "God's Little Acre," for the second year in a row. Volunteers are needed to help plant crops at the garden on South Main St. Rd. in Batavia on Saturday, June 5.

Volunteers will meet at the church, at 300 E. Main St. in Batavia, around 9:45 a.m. to carpool. Planting will end around noon. Volunteers will also be needed to weed, water and harvest throughout the summer.

Event Date and Time

CASA for Children Information Session Reminder

By Tara Pariso

 Tomorrow 4/26/10 6-7pm there will be an information session at 430 E Main St. Batavia (GCASA) for anyone interested in learning more about CASA for Children and how to become a volunteer CASA.  If you are interested and can't make the information session please call Tara Pariso at (585) 344-2550 ext. 2331 or email at


AmeriCorps hosts 'DeWitt Park Wildlife Planting Project' in Batavia

By Daniel Crofts

Genesee County AmeriCorps will host a planting project at Batavia's DeWitt Recreation Area, 119 Cedar St., on April 24 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Around 50 volunteers are needed.

The goal of this project is to remove invasive plant species from the park and to raise plants designed to reduce soil erosion, provide the wildlife with food and shelter, and give visitors something more aesthetically pleasing to look at.

Supplies and water will be available, but volunteers are encouraged to bring their own water as well.

Event Date and Time

Groups team up for 'Volunteer Fair' on Martin Luther King Jr. Day

By Daniel Crofts

In honor of the service-based philosophy of the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Genesee County AmeriCorps and the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) held the "Be a Star - GO Volunteer Fair" on Monday at the Batavia Senior Center.

"AmeriCorps headquarters encourages us to do something on Martin Luther King Day in the spirit of Dr. King," said Kathy Frank, AmeriCorps program director for Genesee County.

Many businesses and organizations from Genesee and Orleans counties participated.

Notable examples included:

Genesee County AmeriCorps Frank provided information about the opportunities Genesee County AmeriCorps has for anyone age 17 and older. This organization is well known for matching applicants with local organizations based on the individual interests and organizational needs. Participants earn a stipend and are eligible for an education award that will help pay for college tuition or, in the case of college graduates, student loans. Frank said that legislation was passed in October allowing participants age 55 and older to use that education award to help pay for their children's or grandchildren's college. Anyone interested in learning more should contact Frank through the Genesee County Youth Bureau.

The Ministry of Concern's "Just Friends" Program Bill Hawthorne, who works for the Just Friends program through AmeriCorps Vista, offers information for people ages 18 and older who are interested in volunteering their time to building friendships with children and teens.

"We took over the Big Buddy program in August when the director retired," Hawthorne said. "We have people from all walks of life who devote time to making a difference in kids' lives."

Only eight hours a month are required for each volunteer, and activities can include simple things like playing catch, going for walks, cooking or even just talking. Anyone interested in volunteering should contact Bill at

CASA for Children Volunteer Linda Buzzell (left) and board member Ed Liesing represent CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates) for Children, part of a national volunteer association that seeks to help children who are victims of abuse and/or neglect. For more information, contact Tara Pariso at

Genesee-Orleans Regional Arts Council (GO ART!) Joe Langen, who works at Go Art! through AmeriCorps, provides information about volunteer opportunities for people of all ages in a variety of capacities (assitance at events, office work, ambassadorship, etc). Visit for more information.

Conversations with Calliope- Busy, Busy, usy

By Joseph Langen

(New Orleans Tugboat)

It's easy to make a buck. It's a lot tougher to make a difference.~Tom Brokaw

JOE: Good morning Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Gook morning Joe. You've been making yourself scarce lately.
JOE: I can't deny it. My life is suddenly awhirl.
CALLIOPE: What did you do yesterday?
JOE: I started by taking my car for an oil change so it doesn't grind to a halt. I watched a movie. Then I went with Carol to cash in on a Christmas gift, Restorative Message for Two. Finally I represented GO ART! at the Volunteer Fair put on by AmeriCorps.
CALLIOPE: I thought I might hear from you later yesterday.
JOE: I thought you might too, but alas I ran out of energy.
CALLIOPE: At least you are keeping busy. How was the Fair?
JOE: Great. I got to know a few of my fellow AmeriCorps volunteers better as well as meeting some old friends and representatives from community services and agencies.
CALLIOPE: Sounds exciting.
JOE: It is exciting. I'm glad to taking more of an active part in the community.
CALLIOPE: Back to GO ART today?
JOE: Yes. I'm ready for more adventures.


Conversations with Calliope- Visit to the Real World

By Joseph Langen



JOE: Good morning Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning Joe. What's on your mind this morning?
JOE: I was just reflecting on yesterday's field trip.
CALLIOPE: Where to?
JOE: Spiritus Christi Mental Health Center in Rochester.
CALLIOPE: What prompted that?
JOE: Several things. I had wanted to see what they were doing. I have considered volunteering there. Mostly I went since I committed myself to doing so as part of my involvement in the Mental Health Board in Genesee County.
CALLIOPE: What did you discover?
JOE: A unique undertaking. As far as anyone knows, they are the only such operation in the country.
CALLIOPE: Tell me more.
JOE: They have two full time employees. All of the psychiatrists and therapists volunteer time to see patients. They are funded by Spiritus Christi Church donations and a second hand furniture shop. They don't have to deal with any of the state, federal or insurance company regulations and treat uninsured and underinsured patients for free.
CALLIOPE: I never hear of such a thing.
JOE: Neither have I before discovering them.
CALLIOPE: Are you still planning to volunteer?
JOE: I want to see how things go with Americorps first. But that's a story for tomorrow. Talk with you then.


Batavia resident, 22, continues to make impression on local hearts

By Tasia Boland

Danielle Eckert 22, of Batavia, has volunteered more than 500 hours in Genesee County and the number keeps rising.

Batavia High School gave Eckert a scholarship for college based on good character, commitment and community service. Today she has been nominated by her employer, Target, as "Best in Community." One nominee out of each Target district will be chosen to visit the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Tennesee.

"I was shocked because I didn't even know about this program," Eckert said, "but I was extremely happy and thankful."

She hopes she is selected so she can change the life of a child.

Her love for helping others started when she was in fourth grade. She helped out at a game night at Robert Morris Elementary.

"I just remember really enjoying helping other kids and getting to meet a lot of new people. It made me want to keep volunteering."

Eckert has a special place in her heart for volunteering and said it comes from her mother.

"In sixth grade I started doing the Walk for Juvenile Diabetes because my mother suffered from it. When she died, I was in seventh grade and I knew that I really wanted to continue doing what I could. It was sort of a remembrance for her, and it just grew from there."

While she maintains a busy schedule juggling work and events, she also makes time for her church, The Pentecostals of Genesee: United Pentecostal Church, in Batavia.

"The most important thing I gain is knowing I've made other people happy."

She is currently working on a talent show through Target to raise money for Muscular Dystrophy.

"It's still in the works and (needs) a lot of ironing out."

Volunteering isn't just about the rewarding experience for yourself, but also the effect it leaves on those you help.

" I remember one time when I was at work, a child around 10 ran up to me and asked, 'Do you remember me? You were the person in charge of my group at church.' She reassured me how much fun she had and (said) she was hoping to come back and work with me again. It's a nice reward when people remember you and look forward to seeing you at another event."

Eckert believes everyone should volunteer at least once in their lifetime. She said although she may be young, it seems everyone in general is too consumed with themselves.

"I've noticed people don't even really smile at each other or appreciate others. I think it's good to work together in a group, get to know people in your community, and help others."

She has a passion for art as well and is working on starting an art club with kids in second to fifth grade.

Here is a glimpse of some of the events she has volunteered for: YMCA Healthy Kids Days; Jackson School's Breakfast with Santa; Quiznos Subs; Children's Christmas event; craft fairs; Christmas in the City; National Night Out, Genesee County Fair; juvenile diabetes; Light of Hope (cancer support); fundraisers for troops/military support; and various church events

Disclosure: Tasia Boland is employed by Target.

News roundup: Volunteer vacancies in the town and city

By Philip Anselmo

Two posts on the town of Batavia Assessment Board of Review and a post on the Batavia Concert Band Board of Directors are open, and willing participants are encouraged to apply, according to the Daily News. Folks interested in the assessment positions should get their application to the Batavia Town Hall. Call (585) 343-1729 for more information. For those looking to join up with the Batavia Concert Band, call Jason Smith at (585) 590-0743.

Election coverage in the Daily News was featured on The Batavian last night. Scroll down to view the posts.

In other news...

  • Helicopter flyovers have been spotting marijuana patches in Orleans County. "More than 300 marijuana plants have been yanked from plots in several towns." Genesee County's Drug Task Force went up a couple weeks ago and has so far spotted and pulled up 327 plants from Elba, Byron and Bergen.
  • Virginia Kropf's "Around the Towns" column is on page A-5 today. In it, she relates the story of Bathshua Brown, great-great-great-great grandmother to Bob Brown of Brown's Berry Patch. Interesting read.
  • Genesee County Highway Department will add a pair of "box culverts" at the east end of DeWitt Pond in the city. These culverts will act as pedestrian bridges over especially swampy patches of the pond to allow hikers more access to the trails there.

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