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volunteers for animals

Adopt-A-Pet: Dorothy and Jeter

By Billie Owens

Dorothy is well aware she isn't in Kansas anymore, if, in fact, she ever was. She does know she's been passed over time and again during her stay at the Genesee County Animal Shelter.

So much so, that this shy but affectionate lass has earned a get-out-of-jail-free card, meaning volunteers have already paid her adoption fee in the hopes Dorothy will get a leg up on the competition.

She's an adult, orange domestic short hair cat, spayed and more than ready for adoption. She doesn't beg for attention but enjoys getting petted. The volunteers say Dorothy has been here for awhile, which puzzles them. They are pulling for Dorothy and hope her lucky day comes soon, since she is most deserving of a real home with love and companionship. Stop by Cage 82 and introduce yourself to Dorothy, you'll be glad you did.

This good ol' boy is Jeter. He's an Alaskan husky/German shephard mix. He's also a high-energy dog that needs an experienced owner and a home without children.

Jeter is a neutured adult who behaves on a leash and is housebroken. He gets along with some dogs, but does better with girl dogs. Despite his robust and handsome looks, Jeter is timid and shy at first. He needs a little time to build trust.

A home that can provide him with positive discipline and lots of exercise would be best for Jeter, according to those who know him. He's waiting for a chance in Kennel 33.

7th Annual Fur Ball set for Nov. 14

By Billie Owens

The Volunteers for Animals of Batavia will hold the 7th annual Fur Ball beginning at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 14 at the Holiday Inn.

It is located at 8250 Park Road in Batavia.

The public is invited to attend and enjoy desserts and refreshments with friends.

There will be oodles of fun, including a Chinese auction, door prizes, raffles, including a 50/50 and special ones to win a cat tree and a wireless "invisible" fence.

Event Date and Time

Adopt-A-Pet: Shirley and Moe

By Billie Owens

Meet Shirley, a black Labrador retriever/German shephard mix. This adult female is not only good looking, she's also a considered a loyal companion.

Shirley would love for you to visit. Come on down and see if she can be your buddy.

This handsome fellow is Moe. He's an adult, neutered male, dark gray and white, domestic short hair cat.

Moe is mellow. He's sitting in a box, but not "using" it, of course, for this portrait. He likes to hang out and "be in the moment," something a lot of people ought to do, too. If you'd like to live and let live with Moe, you know where to go.

Pet of the Week: Kodah

By Pachuco Owens

This handsome fellow is Kodah and he's Pet of the Week. He looks all business, with piercing eyes that say "Don't even think about it. I've got my eye on you." By all accounts, he is healthy and happy. But it was not always so. Read more...

Hi: My name is Kodah of the Yukon but my mommy and daddy call me Kodah Bear. I hope you consider me for the Pet of the Week. I am a red and white Siberian Husky with blue eyes that will melt anyone. I was adopted from Husky Savers (rescue) in Churchville in January this year.

When my mommy and daddy came to look for a dog, I knew how to charm them into picking me...I sat very quietly in my crate and waited for them to notice me. They did! But I had to pass the cat test - they had a cat at home. When I came to visit them, I didn't let the cat bother me and to this day, I know she is the queen.
A little about me...I am 3 years old and came from Ohio. I was severely beaten by my previous owner there and made it to a rescue and then was brought to New York State. I love my daily walks with my daddy and love to go for rides in the car. They even took me to Dave's Ice Cream and I got a little cup filled with delicious vanilla ice cream. Surely a treat!
I love to be petted and fed and know that I now have a home with tons of love. My mommy is always kissing me and saying sweet things to me. I wish every dog had a home and "parents" like me. It surely has been nice to be truly loved.

It's especially nice to pick Kodah as Pet of the Week. I feel like we're old buddies, having met at Dave's Ice Cream, and we enjoyed a good sniff together.

To nominate your pet as Pet of the Week, send an e-mail with your pet's story and picture to pets (at) the batavian dot com.  I enjoy learning about all the pets in Genesee County, and you could win a $10 gift certificate from Genesee Feeds.

Feline adoption extravaganza at Petco on Saturday

By Billie Owens

From noon to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 10., the Batavia Petco (located in the Target Plaza on Veteran's Memorial Highway in the Town of Batavia) will be hosting its third major adoption event during its One Year Anniversary Celebration.

Cats and kittens of all ages, colors and stunning personalities will available for adoption. Most of the animals are spayed or neutered. All are tested for FIV/FeLV, current with shots and happen to be the best cats available in the county, arguably, the nation.

The adoption fee is $30 (if the animals is not spayed or neutered, there is a refundable $35 deposit). Petco will be handing out free giveaways and Volunteers For Animals will be strutting the cats. Everyone is encouraged to come out and visit the cats.

Petco, Volunteers for Animals and Genesee County Animal Shelter joined forces in October 2008 to help homeless cats find a home. Since the opening of the Batavia Petco a year ago, over 235 cats and kittens from the GCAS have been adopted out of the store! It has been an amazing year.

Come on down! You never know, maybe you'll meet your next best friend! <>


Althea is Pet of the Week

By Pachuco Owens

My heart went out to Althea after reading her story. Once she was down on her luck and sick, to boot. After amazing love and grace, she's nurturing (see photo) and brings lots of joy and companionship to her folks.

She works to earn her keep, too. A good word for her is magnanimous -- yes, she has the gift of magnanimity. Bless her little pea-pickin' heart (an old Tennessee Ernie Ford saying I'm fond of, even though I don't pick peas nor do I especially like them). Here's what she says.

My name is Althea and I think I should be "Pet of the Week." I was adopted from the Genesee County Animal Shelter about four years ago. There I was, stuck in a cage with some unpleasant health troubles that I won't get into, but let's just say I was not a pretty sight.

My mom and dad took me home and got me cleaned up and then with some help from Volunteers for Animals I got the treatment I needed. I'm still a little fragile, having joint problems and faulty digestion, but I don't let it get me down.

Since finding my family I've gone hiking, swimming and kayaking but my very favorite thing to do is help out around the house. I clean up crumbs off the floors, empty the cat litter boxes and fetch things. I even helped babysit some foster puppies this summer. 

My mom says I'm the happiest dog she ever met and she's met a lot of them, let me tell you! I've had a lot of foster brothers and sisters over the years and I always try to introduce myself and help the "new" guys feel at home. Life is good. I figure if you have a warm bed, good food and people who love and take care of you, you've got everything, so why not share with a dog who's not so fortunate?

I kind of like having a bunch of other dogs around. You should hear us howl when we get wound up! Anyway, that's my story. Maybe if I'm Pet of the Week people will read my story and think about adopting a shelter dog. I'm a pretty good judge of dogs and I think there's a lot of good ones waiting for homes. Thanks for reading this.


If your pet is worthy of Pet of the Week, have him or her e-mail me at pets (at) the batavian dot com. Please have your pet send a handsome picture and his or her story. Click here for more information. Your pet could win a $10 gift certificate from Genesee Feeds.

Adopt-A-Pet: Anna Marie and Cookie

By Billie Owens

My "family" left me behind when they moved away. Some "pack" that turned out to be! And just look at what they've lost, a true-blue friend, a loyal and loving pet.

My name is Anna Marie (classy, don'tcha think?) and I'm an adult, spayed German shepard/Labrador retriever mix.

The irony about my being left behind is that I'm such a great family dog. Kids, cats, dogs, the mail lady, I like 'em all!

Not to toot my own horn, but I'm also completely housebroken and well-mannered on a leash. Bottom line: you couldn’t ask for a better companion. But don't take my word for it, come and see for yourself.

Just look at me would ya. I'm drop-dead funny. Can't help but be with splotches like these. I'm the cutest little Oreo Cookie you'll ever meet.

In fact, the volunteers here refer to me as a living example of modern art. They say my black spots were "carefully placed" on my person but I think they are pulling my leg.

I'd sure like to amuse you inside a home that I would let you share, if you let me. P.S., I'm spayed and they call me a black-and-white DSH, but I don't know what that stands for.

Belle is Pet of the Week

By Pachuco Owens

Belle is swell, and I'll tell you why. Of all her assets, which she shares here in darling detail, her most important one to date is that she's a bona fide lifesaver. That's correct, a doggone hero she is. Her folks are probably alive and well today because of her. Here's her story:

Hello everyone. My name is Belle. I'm 7 years old and I live with my parents, my sister and 2 kitties. I was adopted from Neptune's in Batavia. I was only there for a couple of hours until my sister walked in and saw how cute I was!

I like to bark...a lot, but don't worry, my bark is louder than my bite. I'm a super happy dog. I love long car rides, walks, table scraps, playing soccer, dressing up as a bumble bee for Halloween and noshing on lots of treats.

I have the best life ever. I get to sleep all day (I like to switch it up between the couch and my sister's bed. I even use her pillow). Sometimes, I get in trouble, but usually my dad lets me off the hook. I think this is because I've heard him say before that I saved my family's lives.

Two years ago, I thought I smelled something funny coming from the kitchen so I went to go take a looksie. There was this black cloud like stuff coming from the garage into the kitchen. It smelled funny, so I went to my parents' room and tried to wake my dad...I started pawing at him and barking as loud as I could (I think he thought I had to use the grass, if you know what I mean). I led him into the kitchen and I heard him yell 'Fire!!' I guess our garage was on fire and I saved the day! I was spoiled before that, but now I like to consider myself a princess.

I hope I can be your pet of the week! My sister reads The Batavian everyday so she'll know.

Your friend forever,

If your pet is worthy of pet of the week, have him or her e-mail me at pets (at) the batavian dot com.  Please have your pet send a handsome picture and his or her story. Click here for more information. Your pet could win a $10 gift certificate from Genesee Feeds.

Volunteers for Animals needs your vote

By Billie Owens

Local animal lovers are competing for a big-money grant and need your vote in order to win.

The Animal Rescue Site, along with Petfinder, launched the $100,000 Shelter + Challenge on Sept. 14.

The Animal Rescue Site is awarding $100,000 in grants to eligible member rescue organizations to help animals. The grand prize is a $20,000 grant, and there are many other prizes!

Visit the link below to vote - it only takes a minute. You don't have to register, and voting is free. Support Volunteers For Animals and vote every day!  Thank you!

Shelter Name: Volunteers For Animals
State: NY
City: Batavia

Then hit Search to vote.

Thank you for your help and please ask your friends to help out by voting each day. Together we can make a difference.

Click here: Vote for Volunteers For Animals @ The Animal Rescue Site

The Cats and Dogs at the Genesee County Animal Shelter

Adopt-A-Pet: Dutchess and Buddy

By Billie Owens

I'm Dutchess. But don't let my name fool you -- I'm not a snooty lady! Oh, quite the contrary. My lineage is boxer/pit bull mix, I've been spayed and, seemingly, I am housebroken. Inarguably, I am sweet to people and other dogs. My leash manners are commendable. If you would like to take me home and love me, I would be royally grateful.

Buddy here. They say I'm a nice-guy kitten with an affectionate, outgoing personality. I give clues about the real me by doing things like jumping on your shoulder and snuggling against your cheek. My purr is evidence that my motor runs smoothly. Oh, yes, I am sweet, too. Though I like Halloween as much as the next kid, I don't take things personally. If my onyx-colored, gleaming, gorgeous fur frightens anyone, I just hiss and say "Boo!" That'll show 'em. Let's go trick-or-treating together, OK?

And animal lovers: Don't forget about entering your pets into our Pet of the Week Contest. If your pet is worthy of pet of the week, have him or her e-mail us at pets (at) the batavian dot com.  Please have your pet send a handsome picture and his or her story. Click here for more information. Your pet could win a $10 gift certificate from Genesee Feeds.

Genesis is Pet of the Week -- You gotta problem wi'that?

By Pachuco Owens

An alpha if there ever was one. A top dog, numero uno, first, foremost and her name, continuing along the theme, is -- Genesis.

But we can call this handsome miss "Genny," to her face. As one can see she hogs up the whole couch where she lives, but it's OK (you know that whole whatever gorilla wants, gorilla gets thing). I, being a canine, too, can clearly interpret the wise gal's look here. And it is "What? You lookin' at me? You talkin' to me?" Note the arched eyebrow. Here's her story:

My name is Genesis but everyone calls me Genny. I am a Bullmastiff and I live with my mom and her daughters. I also live with a German Shepherd puppy named Sophie who I tolerate and 3 cats who tolerate me. Those darn cats get up high when they don't want to play anymore and I get in trouble if I go where I'm not supposed to to get them. 

I sleep on the floor in my mom's bedroom because she says I shed too much to sleep on the bed. I sneak up there when she isn't looking though. I try to get down quickly when I hear her coming but she usually catches me. If I look at her with my big sad eyes she usually doesn't yell too much. 

I like to think that my job is protecting the house and family by barking at everyone and everything that goes by. Mom yells at me for it but I know that she doesn't mind too much. She was disappointed when I slept right through someone breaking into the house though. A girl needs her beauty sleep you know!

I'm not scared of much except for thunder and lighting and the fireworks from the ballpark. I don't know why they need to torture me with those all summer long. I love all people food but my favorite thing is bananas. Usually when my mom eats one I get half and she gets half. I also eat LOTS of dog food so I hope we win the Pet of the Week contest because mom says I am eating her out of house and home.

If your pet is worthy of pet of the week, have him or her e-mail me at pets (at) the batavian dot com.  Please have your pet send a handsome picture and his or her story. Click here for more information. Your pet could win a $10 gift certificate from Genesee Feeds.

Adopt-A-Pet: Lewis and Buckwheat

By Billie Owens

I'm three-year-old Lewis and as you can see I'm a beagle. Is there a better dog than a Snoopy dog? I'm neutered, polite, friendly and enjoy people and dogs alike. In fact, I think all mammals are good mammals. I walk nicely on a leash and am not the demanding type. If you would like a new BFF (best friend forever), then come and get me (OK that's a demand) and the sooner the better.

They named me, get this, "Buckwheat." But what's a name -- just letters that's all. I'm a neutered male kitten with long orange and wheat-colored fur (hmm, that explains things). Unfortunately, the volunteer snapped my picture just after I stuck my paw in a light socket. Boy was that a shocker! Well, that's one down and eight lives to go. Just joking! Anyways, my fur is still kittenish and I have to grown into it, or something like that. Is your heart tugging? Can't you just sense my sweetness? Go with it. Don't overthink it. I'll be waiting for you.

Volunteers For Animals
PO Box 1621
Batavia, NY   14021 <>

Working in partnership with:
Genesee County Animal Shelter
3841 W. Main Street Road
Batavia, NY  14020
(585) 343-6410

Adoption Hours
Sunday through Friday: 1 to 3 p.m. (closed Thursdays)
Wednesday: 7 to 9 p.m.
Saturday: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

And don't forget to nominate your pet for Pet-of-the-Week, a new winner chosen by Pachuco every Friday. Your pet could win a $10 gift certificate from Genesee Feeds.  And remember, more kinds of pets than just dogs and cats are eligible to win.

Volunteers for Animals thanks hands helping paws

By Billie Owens

Here's an email we received from the nonprofit Volunteers for Animals:

"Volunteers For Animals would like to take a moment to thank the many people in the community that help us find homes for the many cats and dogs that find their way into the Genesee County Animal Shelter. Without their kindness and support, our job would be more difficult.

The Daily News frequently prints "Post for the Paws" in the Saturday edition of the paper. It is always a large colorful ad that features a cat and a dog.

The Batavian 
features a dog and a cat each week which is sponsored by Genesee Feeds. It includes a photo of each animal and a fun and witty write up. Check it out - it will put a smile on your face!

WBTA Radio  regularly announces our events and special requests on the air and on their website as a community service.

The Genesee Valley Penny Saver  has an "Adopt A Pet" page on their website and print page where we feature a cat or dog available for adoption.

Volunteers For Animals is now on Facebook. Come join us and help spread the word about getting shelter animals into great homes. We are just getting started and we needs lots of friends!

Adopt-A-Pet: Bee Boppers

By Billie Owens

We are referred to as "Bee Boppers." Don't ask us why 'cuz we don't know. We do know that we are among a group of kittens, and young cats that have been spayed or neutered, at the Genesee County Animal Shelter's Kitty Kottage. While widely regarded as the best place in the shelter, let's face it, it's not a real home. We Bee Boppers were raised in a foster home with lots of TLC. We love humans, other cats, and would probably do good with dogs, too. We're in the front window, ready to amuse and delight you. Please come and see our adorableness.

Adopt-A-Pet: Lemon Drop and Rex

By Billie Owens

My name is Lemon Drop. I'm a young, stunning spayed female Hound Mix looking for an equally stunning family. I am a great-natured dog who loves to hang with humans, play with other dogs and cuddle with all. My ideal home would have a comfortable couch to stretch out on, good quality food, a fenced yard or a human who loves to take long walks (with me, of course). If this sounds like a match made in heaven, come in soon!

I'm Rex, a young single black neutered male cat looking for lots of fun and games. I am an adventurous boy who, when I get the chance, loves breaking out of my cage here to play in the interaction room. Oh, and I love wrestling with dogs, too - they don't scare me at all! I came to the Shelter with a bad infection to my tail. It had to be amputated but I do just fine without it and I don't let it slow me down. So if you are looking for fun and action, you know where to find me.

Pachuco is very pleased with the initial response to his new Pet of the Week contest, but he wants to make sure everybody knows about it. He will select his first winner on Friday. To find out more, click here.

Adopt-A-Pet: Garbo and Sissy

By Billie Owens

Hello, I'm Garbo the fabulous! I'm going to be a big, friendly girl because I'm a Labrador retriever/Great Dane mix. I was picked up as a young stray, roaming around with nothing constructive to do. So now I'm in the decidedly austere Kennel 21 at the town pound. I deserve better! Firstly, I am good on a leash, something many of my ilk cannot say (truthfully). Secondly, I know and respond appropriately to some commands. (But more on that when you come visit.) Lastly, I'm a sweet goofball and oh-so-playful. But did I mention I'm a quick study, and let me also say ... "


Hey there, I'm insouciant Sissy. As you can see, I am a black-and-white cat in lounge mode. I enjoy doing, uh, not much, after having raised my first -- and last -- litter of kittens. I brought them to the shelter with me so we could each find a special home. I have to say, I did 'em proud. Them kittens was raised right! And now I'm spayed and ready to give people who love me, lots of love in return.

Adoption fee is $30. Unspayed/unneutered animals also require a $35 refundable deposit.

The Genesee County Animal Shelter is located at 3841 W. Main St. Road in the Town of Batavia. Visit Volunteers for Animals on the Web at <>

Hours are:

Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m.

Wednesday 1 to 3 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m.

Saturday 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Meet this week's dog and cat

By Billie Owens

I'm Cletus, an adult, neutered, male hound mix. They found me wandering around a dog competition. I was the wrong breed for the show, but I didn't care. I have a sweet personality and would make a great member of your family. Although I have tested positive for heartworm, I will be treated for it by Volunteers for Animals.

I'm Lucky, an orange and white female whose family had to move. They couldn't take me. I'm the kind of cat that needs very little to make me happy -- a soft bed, a sunny spot in the window. I'm a loving companion with much to offer. Please stop in and see me soon.

Adoption fee is $30

Unspayed/unneutered animals also require a $35 refundable deposit

The animal shelter is located at 3841 W. Main St. Road in the Town of Batavia. Visit Volunteers for Animals on the Web at <>

Hours are:

Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m.

Wednesday 1 to 3 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m.

Saturday 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

It's a day for the dogs at Festival of Fur

By Howard B. Owens

The Amazing Kayden grabs a tennis ball after leaping through hurdles at top speed.  He was part of the fun at the Festival of Fur today on West Main Street Road in Batavia.

The event was co-sponsored by Genesee Feeds, Dave's Ice Cream and Volunteers for Animals. 

Dogs could enjoy the day with some ice cream and making new friends, as well receive a microchip for more reliable identification if lost or stolen.

Festival of Fur this Saturday for pets and their people

By Billie Owens

A  fun, family event called the Festival of Fur takes place from noon to 4 p.m. Saturday Aug. 16 across from the Genesee County Animal Shelter -- rain or shine.

Genesee Feeds & Needs and Dave's Ice Cream are teaming up with Volunteers for Animals to offer lots of enjoyment to people and the pets who own them, so to speak. The address is 3860 West Main St. Road in the Town of Batavia.

Here's the lineup:

Event Date and Time

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