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water district #5

LEGAL NOTICE: Town of Pembroke sets Public Hearing on proposed Water District #5

By Legal Notices


At a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Pembroke, held at the Town Hall in said Town of Pembroke, County of Genesee, State of New York on the 24th day of June, 2021.


Thomas Schneider, Supervisor

Kathleen Manne, Councilperson

Thomas Dix, Councilman

Edward Arnold, Jr., Councilman

K. Warren Clark, Councilman



In the Matter of

The Establishment of Water District #5 (Pratt Road) in the Town of Pembroke,

Genesee County, New York under Town Law Article 12-A.

WHEREAS, A map, plan and report have been prepared in a manner and detail as determined by the Town Board of the Town of Pembroke, regarding the establishment of a proposed Water District No. 5 in the Town of Pembroke.

The map, plan and report have been filed in the Town Clerk’s Office in the Town on the 2nd day of June 2021.

The map, plan and report were prepared by Clark Patterson Lee, Jeremy DeLyser, P.E., a competent engineer, licensed by the State of New York, showing the boundaries of the proposed district, a general plan of the distribution system and a report of the proposed methods of operation. The map depicts the boundaries of the proposed district.

The boundaries are as follows;

            Beginning at the intersection of the easterly municipal boundary line of the Town of Pembroke/Town of Batavia, and the center line of Slusser Road (49.5 feet wide right-of-way); thence, 

  1. Southerly, along the easterly municipal boundary line of the Town of Pembroke/Town of Batavia, a distance of 507 feet, more or less, to the southerly property line of tax account number 17.-2-10.1; thence,
  2. Westerly, along the southerly line of tax account number 17.-2-10.1, a distance of 330 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet southerly of and parallel to the center line of Slusser Road; thence,
  3. Northwesterly, through the lands of tax account numbers 17.-2-10.1, 17.-2-10.2, and 17.-2-31.21, along a line 500 feet southerly of and parallel to the center line of Slusser Road, a distance of 1,868 feet, more or less, to a point on a southerly line of tax account number 17.-2-31.21; thence,
  4. Northwesterly, along the southerly lines of the tax account numbers 17.-2-31.21, 17.-2-31.12, 17.-1-48.11, 17.-1-48.12, 17.-1-49, 17.-1-50.1, 17.-1-50.2, and 17.-1-75, to the easterly extension of a line of tax account number 17.-1-75; thence,
  5. Westerly, across Tonawanda Creek, along the easterly extension of a southerly line of tax account number 17.-1-75, and a southerly line of tax account number 17.-1-75, a distance of 325 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-75; thence, 
  6. Northwesterly, along the westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-75, and the northerly extension of the westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-75 a distance of 337 feet, more or less, to the center line of Pratt Road; thence,
  7. Westerly, along the center line of Pratt Road, a distance of 148 feet, more or less, to the southerly extension of a westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11; thence, 
  8. Northwesterly, along the southerly extension of a westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11, and a westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11, a distance of 448 feet, more or less, to a northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11; thence,
  9. Easterly, along a northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11, a distance of 165 feet, more or less, to a westerly line of 17.-1-11; thence,
  10. Northwesterly, along a westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11, a distance of 290 feet, more or less, to a westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11; thence,

    11. Easterly, along a northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11, the easterly extension of the northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-11, and      the existing Town of Pembroke Water District No. 1, a distance of 762 feet, more or less, to a southerly line of tax account number 17.-1-18; thence, 

    12. Northwesterly, along the southerly line of tax account number 17.-1-18, a distance of 541 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet westerly of and parallel to the center line of Pratt Road (49.5 feet wide right-of-way; thence,

    13. Northerly, through the lands of tax account numbers 17.-1-18, 17.-1-19.12, 17.-1-19.11, and 17.-1-21.111, along a line 500 feet westerly of and parallel to the center line of Pratt Road, a distance of 1,528 feet, more or less, to a northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-21.111; thence, 

    14. Northeasterly, along a northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-21.111, a distance of 323 feet, more or less, to a westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-21.111; thence,

   15. Northwesterly, along a westerly line of tax account number 17.-1-21.111, a distance of 116 feet, more or less to a northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-21.111; thence,

   16. Northeasterly, along a northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-21.111, and the westerly lines of tax account numbers 17.-1-35 and 17.-1-36, a distance of 684 feet, more or less, to the northwesterly corner of tax account number 17.-1-36; thence,

   17. Southeasterly, along the northerly line of tax account number 17.-1-36, a distance of 68 feet, more or less, to an angle point; thence,

   18. Easterly, along the northerly lines of tax account numbers 17.-1-36, 17.-1-37, 17.-2-2.212, 17.-2-2.211, and 17.-2-2.1, a distance of 1,863 feet, more or less, to the northeasterly corner of tax account number 17.-2-2.1; thence,

   19. Southerly, along the easterly line of tax account number 17.-2-2.1, and the southerly extension of the easterly line of tax account number 17.-2-2.1, a distance of 330 feet, more or less, to the center line of Pratt Road; thence,

   20. Easterly, along the center line of Pratt Road, a distance of 70 feet, more or less, to the southwesterly extension of the westerly line of tax account number 17.-2-3; thence,

   21. Northeasterly, along the southwesterly extension of the westerly line of tax account number 17.-2-3, and the westerly line of tax account number 17.-2-3, a distance of 336 feet, more or less, to the northerly line of tax account number 17.-2-3; thence,

  22. Easterly, along the northerly lines of tax account numbers 17.-2-3, 17.-2-5, 17.-2-4, 17.-2-38, 17.-2-39, 17.-2-40, 17.-2-41, 17.-2-42, 17.-2-43, 17.-2-44, and 17.-2-45, a distance of 1,179 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of tax account number 17.-2-45; thence,

  23. Southerly, along the easterly municipal boundary line of the Town of Pembroke/Town of Batavia, a distance of 803 feet, more or less, to the southerly line of tax account number 17.-2-6.2; thence,Westerly, along the southerly lines of tax account numbers 17.-2-6.2 and 17.-2-6.12, a distance of 408 feet, more or less, to the westerly line of tax account number 17.-2-6.12; thence,

  24. Westerly, along the southerly lines of tax account numbers 17.-2-46, 17.-2-47, 17.-2-49.1, 17.-2-55.2, and 17.-2-6.112, a distance of 662 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of tax account number 17.-2-51; thence,

  25. Northerly, along the westerly line of tax account number 17.-2-6.12, a distance of 124 feet more or less, to the southerly line of tax account number 17.-2-46; thence, 

  26. Westerly, along the southerly lines of tax account numbers 17.-2-46, 17.-2-47, 17.-2-49.1, 17.-2-55.2, and 17.-2-6.112, a distance of 662 feet, more or less, to the easterly line of tax account number 17.-2-51; thence,

  27. Southwesterly, along an easterly lines of tax account numbers 17.-2-51 and 17.-2-53.1, a distance of 143 feet, more or less, to a northerly line of tax account number 17.-2-53.1; thence,

  28. Easterly, along a northerly line of tax account number 17.-2-53.1, a distance of 206 feet, more or less, to an easterly line of tax account number 17.-2-53.1; thence,

  29. Southeasterly, along an easterly line of tax account number 17.-2-53.1, a distance of 96 feet, more or less, to a southerly line of tax account number 17.-2-53.1; thence,

  30. Westerly, along a southerly line of a tax account number 17.-2-53.1, a distance of 40 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet easterly of and parallel to the center line of Slusser Road; thence,

  31. Southwesterly, through the lands of tax account numbers 17.-2-6.111 and 17.-2-7, along a line 500 feet easterly of and parallel to the center line of Slusser Road, a distance of 667 feet, more or less, to the southerly line of tax account number 17.-2-7; thence,

  32. Westerly, along a southerly line of tax account number 17.-2-7, a distance of 199 feet, more or less, to an easterly line of tax account number 17.-2-7; thence, 

  33. Southerly, along the westerly line of tax account number 17.-2-8, a distance of 1,952 feet, more or less, to a point 500 feet northerly of and parallel to the center line of Slusser Road; thence,

  34. Southeasterly, through the lands of tax account numbers 17.-2-8, along a line 500 feet easterly of and parallel to the center line of Slusser Road, a distance of 1,390 feet, more or less, to the easterly municipal boundary line of the Town of Pembroke/Town of Batavia; thence,

  35. Southerly, along the easterly municipal boundary line of the Town of Pembroke/Town of Batavia, a distance of 530 feet, more or less, to the Point of Beginning.

Pratt Road/Water District #5, as described above, contains approximately 309 acres of land. All as shown on a map prepared by CPL, entitled “Pratt Road Water District – Water District Map”, dated May 20, 2020. 

WHEREAS, the improvements proposed consist of construction and maintenance of a water system, to serve the said district, including water mains, and distribution pipes to be installed at the sole expense of the residents of the district and no public funds will be expended therefore; and

WHEREAS, the maximum amount proposed to be expended for the improvements (or, the maximum amount proposed to be expended for the performance or supplying of services) as stated in the said Map. Plan and Report is the sum of Two Million Fifty five Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($2,055,000.00) of whichNine Hundred Four Thousand Dollars and no/100 ($904,000.00) will be provided by USDA Rural Development in the form of a grant and One Million One Hundred Fifty-one Thousand Dollars and no/100 ($1,151,000.00) will be provided by a loan from USDA Rural Development at a rate of 1.75% over a period of 38 years; and 

WHEREAS, the total estimated cost in the first year of service for equivalent dwelling units is 1,048.00, of which $551.00 will be paid toward debt service and $495.00 will be paid toward annual water costs (including operation and maintenance costs)Total one time estimated costs per equivalent dwelling unit for installation are estimated to be $1,140.00 .


ORDERED, that a public hearing before the Town Board of the Town of Pembroke, shall be held at the Pembroke Community Center, 116 East Main Street, Corfu, New York on the 8thday of July, 2021 at 6:40 p.m. to hear all persons interested in the subject thereof, concerning the same, and for such other action on the part of said Town Board as may be required by law or proper in the premises.

By Order of the Pembroke Town Board

Dated:  June 24th 2021

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