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William Sheron

William Sheron takes oath of office for second term

By Press Release

Press release:

William A. Sheron Jr. was administered the oath of office yesterday by the Honorable Thomas A. Graham for his second term as Genesee County Sheriff. Sheriff Sheron began his career in 1977 as a 9-1-1 Dispatcher and rose through the ranks, including 21 years as Undersheriff before being first elected Sheriff in 2016. 

Sheriff Sheron has appointed Bradley D. Mazur as his Undersheriff. Mazur began his career in 1999, and has held several positions, which include Deputy, Sergeant, and Undersheriff the past two years.              

“I look forward to serving the citizens of Genesee County for the next four years as Undersheriff and working alongside our sworn and non-sworn members of the Sheriff’s Office to continue to provide a very high level of professional service,” said Undersheriff Mazur.

Sheriff Sheron said, “I am humbled by the confidence that the citizens of Genesee County have expressed by reelecting me to a second term as their Sheriff. I pledge to continue to lead and serve with honesty, integrity, compassion and respect and am extremely proud to be associated with the men and women of the Sheriff’s Office.”

Bill Sheron wins re-election as Genesee County Sheriff

By Howard B. Owens

In results tabulated by Genesee County election officials, though still unofficial, incumbent Sheriff William Sheron beat challenger David Krzemien 17,096 to 6,067 votes.

With a more than 11,000-vote lead and too few absentee ballots left to count, Sheron said tonight he felt comfortable declaring victory.

We were unable to reach Krzemien tonight. 

Sheron said, "I'm very pleased with all the people who supported me. Genesee County is my home. I love the community and I believe it's the best place to live, work, and raise a family. Law enforcement has been calling for me from a very young age. Of course, I've been able to surround myself with great people. I'm thrilled with the results."

Krzemien ran an aggressive race, which Sheron recognizes.

"Any time you have a challenger, people told me, you need to take them seriously," Sheron said. "I wouldn't say I was nervous. It was concerning. But any time you have opposition you have to take it seriously."

Sheron vowed to continue the tradition in Genesee County of providing outstanding law enforcement to local residents.

Five questions with William Sheron and David Krzemien, candidates for Genesee County Sheriff

By Howard B. Owens

William Sheron

Why are you the best choice for Sheriff?
I am the best-qualified candidate for Sheriff of Genesee County. My vast law enforcement experience spans 43 years with the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office. I began my career at the age of 18 as a 9-1-1 Dispatcher and advanced through the ranks of Jail Deputy, Road Patrol Deputy, Road Patrol Sergeant, Investigator Genesee County Drug Task Force, Chief Deputy Road Patrol, Undersheriff for 21 years, and Sheriff the past four years. In addition, I was honored to have been selected to attend and graduate from the prestigious FBI National Law Enforcement Academy in Quantico, Va.  

This experience and training provide me with a complete understanding of the demanding administrative responsibilities associated with the position of Sheriff. In this position, I have oversight of multiple divisions and personnel of the Sheriff’s Office which include Road Patrol, Criminal Investigation Division, 9-1-1 Emergency Services Dispatch Center, County Jail, Civil Bureau, Genesee Justice, Justice for Children Advocacy Center, Court Security, and Animal Control. I also serve as an active member with local and New York State agencies and committees working with officials on numerous matters to ensure compliance with local, state, and federal requirements. Administrative duties also include the management of a nearly $15 million Sheriff’s Office budget.

The position of Sheriff is demanding and serves as the highest-ranking law enforcement officer in the county. It requires transparency to create accountability and build trust. For that reason, I released my entire, unredacted personnel file to the public to provide confidence in my honest work ethic and as evidence of my exemplary professional career.  

If elected, what reform or changes would you undertake during your term?
We have made great strides in my term as Sheriff and I will continue my work to keep the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office services at the level the county deserves. This requires continual training, accountability and transparency.

I will collaborate with County officials and the citizens of Genesee County to meet the requirements of NYS Governor’s Executive Order 203 (Reinventing Policing). Open and honest dialogue with members of our community is extremely important to develop best practices in policing. I welcome constructive feedback and encourage input to identify ways to improve our strategies.

I will continue to work with the Genesee County Legislature and the NYS Commission of Corrections on the construction of a new jail that meets our needs in the most economical way feasible.

I will continue efforts to push our state officials and Governor to repeal bail reform and provide judges the ability to confine dangerous criminals that jeopardize the safety of our citizens.

I will further my work with mental health officials and the specially trained officers of the Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) to expand and offer Mobile Intervention Team (MIT) services to assist individuals with mental health illness on the scene during their times of crisis.

Substance abuse is one of the leading underlying factors of incarcerated individuals. We are working on an inmate reentry program for individuals that suffer from addiction. These programs are designed to assist incarcerated individuals with a successful transition to their community after they are released. Improving reentry is a critical component to reducing drug use and its consequences.

Domestic violence continues to plague our society. I will hold abusers responsible for their actions while providing specialized officer training, and access to support for domestic violence victims.

Nationally, law enforcement conduct has been under scrutiny for several years. In reviewing the in-custody deaths that have sparked controversy and protest, which of them do you believe are potentially examples of police misconduct, and which of them do you think the police conduct might be justified?
Based solely on information reported through the media, it appears that the in-custody death of George Floyd in Minnesota represents an example of excessive force and police misconduct. Conversely, in the recent incident in Philadelphia in the death of Walter Wallace Jr., again, based solely on reported media, it would appear that the amount of force used was justified.

I would like to emphasize that before any final determinations can be made regarding any such incident, the entire evidence and factual information needs to be presented through our judicial system.  

You attended the March for Justice in Batavia over the summer. Some of your deputies have been critical of your attendance. Why did you think it important to attend this event?
As Sheriff of Genesee County, I represent ALL the citizens of our county. I welcomed the opportunity to listen to the concerns presented by individuals regarding policing and changes that may be needed. I believe that open exchange and discussions between citizens and law enforcement officials are critical to maintaining a free and fair society. It is an ever-changing world, we all have to be willing to make changes needed to live peacefully and productively.

What three books first published in English since the Enlightenment has informed you, influenced you or inspired you?
While books are certainly informative, I personally find relationships to be the most influential.

I am extremely fortunate to have worked with numerous dedicated, professional law enforcement officers throughout my career. I have learned a great deal from these officers and their guidance has influenced me tremendously. Through these relationships and experiences, I’ve learned that serving in law enforcement demands courage, knowledge, and integrity.

I am inspired to provide the citizens of Genesee County with a safe environment in which to live, work, and raise their families. I receive letters, phone calls, and emails of appreciation from county residents that remind me of this purpose, and affirm the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office is doing great work.

I’m proud to serve as Sheriff for the citizens of Genesee County. I am influenced and inspired most by the dedicated men and women of the Sheriff’s Office, law enforcement and emergency service agencies who consistently go above and beyond to keep Genesee County safe.

David Krzemien

Why are you the best choice for Sheriff?
I am the best choice for Sheriff because I have passion, leadership and drive. I plan on being present and active in the county and within the Sheriff’s Office. I want to learn the inner workings of the Sheriff’s Office to make improvements and unite all employees, this includes road deputies, jail staff and dispatchers. Not only am I looking to create a better work environment for the employees of the Sheriff’s Office, but I am also looking to improve the community as a whole. I want safe and secure communities where people can be proud to raise their families. I want to close the gap between law enforcement and the community, we need to be open and honest with each other so that we can create safer communities.

If elected, what reform or changes would you undertake during your term?
If elected I plan to implement the following:

  • Front Desk Position: I want the front desk manned for the majority of the day by a public servant to take walk-in complaints. We need to be available to the public when they need our assistance and this position will help ensure those voices are heard.
  • Task Force: I want to create a team of members of the Sheriff’s Office and social work professionals in the county. This task force will respond to and follow up on domestic violence or mental health-related incidents. This team will offer support to both the victim and the aggressor to ensure each side is receiving the proper support/help they need.
  • Annual Review Panel: Internally for our annual review, I would like to create a panel to rate the employees of the Sheriff’s Office. The panel will be made up of supervision and mentors to ensure that road deputies, jail staff and dispatchers are given the proper guidance to advance their careers.
  • Use of Force Follow-up: Any time an officer has to use force in the field I want a review of the incident done shortly thereafter. By reviewing the incident we are able to learn from these scenarios, teach others, and take practical steps to ensure the safety of all moving forward.
  • Connecting to the Community: I want to hear the concerns and comments our citizens have regarding law enforcement. To open up lines of communication between the public and law enforcement will aid in understanding the expectations that each side has of the other. Communicating and connecting with the community will bridge the gap between law enforcement and the public so we can work together to fight crime and create safer communities.

Nationally, law enforcement conduct has been under scrutiny for several years. In reviewing the in-custody deaths that have sparked controversy and protest, which of them do you believe are potentially examples of police misconduct, and which of them do you think the police conduct might be justified?
To be very frank, we do not have all the facts regarding the cases that have most recently sparked controversy. I am in no position to judge what happened based on secondhand knowledge or what the media is saying. No police officer goes to work with the intent to endanger the lives of another person. Most law enforcement agencies have been looking for ways to improve or change the way they police, all of this reform may actually help that come to fruition. We need to be forward-thinking when it comes to policing and how officers are being trained as opposed to how they were trained even 10 years ago. Officer safety is just as important as the safety of the citizens, we need to work together to bring change to our communities.

You did not attend the March for Justice in Batavia over the summer. Why not? If elected and a similar event were held in Batavia again, would you attend?
I did not attend the March for Justice out of respect for those peacefully protesting. I did not want people to think I was using the event for political gain/attention. People have a right to peacefully protest and if I were to have attended I believe I would’ve detracted from the people’s message. If a similar event were held while I was Sheriff, I would attend the event to ensure everyone’s safety. I would ensure all attendees were peaceful, and if there was a threat to that peace I would take action to protect the voice of the peaceful protesters.

What three books first published in English since the Enlightenment has informed you, influenced you or inspired you?
I’ve read "Effective Police Leadership" by Thomas Baker and used the text as a source of inspiration. I enjoy reading about leadership to learn new ways to be an effective and respected leader. I also read "Capital Gaines" by Chip Gaines and was inspired by the way the author Chip followed his dreams. He had the drive and passion to overcome obstacles to become a successful entrepreneur and leader of his family. Because of his experience, he is able to lead others to be just as successful. The most recent reading I’ve done is of the NYS Penal Law and the NYS Criminal Procedures Law, specifically article 245 regarding bail reform and discovery. Being up to date on the expectations of law enforcement with regard to criminal prosecution is vital to the Sheriff’s Office. To be the best leader I can be I need to know what is necessary for prosecution and be able to educate the deputies on how to best do their job in the field to result in a favorable outcome within the court system.

Retired Sheriff Gary Maha endorses Sheriiff Sheron for reelection

By Press Release

Submitted photo and press release:

Sheriff William A. Sheron Jr. has received a letter of endorsement from retired Genesee County Sheriff Gary T. Maha.  

"I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to work with Sheriff Maha for nearly 40 years with 21 of those years as his Undersheriff," Sheron said. "This provided me with the experience and knowledge to meet the demands associated with being Sheriff of Genesee County. Thank you Sheriff Maha for your support."


Dear Genesee County Voters:

I have known Sheriff Bill Sheron on a professional level for over 40 years. He served as my Undersheriff (second in command) for 21 years, and I can attest that he is a dedicated, compassionate, and professional law enforcement executive. Bill Sheron is highly qualified to continue as your Sheriff. 

He is a lifelong resident of Genesee County, raised his children here, and has resided in the City of Batavia his entire life. He graduated from Notre Dame High School and received his A.A.S Degree from Genesee Community College. Bill attended the prestigious F.B.I. National Academy, Quantico, Virginia, and attended the F.B.I. Law Enforcement Executive Development Seminar. He is a Past President of the New York State/Eastern Canada chapter of the F.B.I National Academy Associates. In addition, he has over 27 years of experience in law enforcement/corrections administration with the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office. He came up through the ranks of the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office and knows all facets of the agency.

I encourage you to support and reelect Sheriff William A. Sheron.


Gary T. Maha


Veteran GC Sheriff's Office investigator endorses Sheron

By Press Release

From Genesee County Sheriff's Investigator R. Pete Welker:

Genesee County Residents:

I am writing in support of re-electing William A. Sheron Jr. as the Sheriff of Genesee County.

I am a 25-year veteran of the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office, having served as a Corrections Officer, as a Uniformed Deputy Sheriff and, for the last 20 years, as an Investigator.  

With the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office being a relatively young department, including many officers in new supervisory positions, combined with all the new challenges due to New York State reforms being thrust upon the law enforcement community, the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office doesn’t need change; it needs stability that comes through experience and proven leadership. Leadership that comes from 43 years of experience within the same department; leadership that comes from serving 20 years as the Undersheriff; and leadership that comes from already serving as Sheriff for over 3 years now.

During my entire career here at the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office, Sheriff Sheron has served in multiple supervisory positions: first as Chief Deputy (Road Patrol), then as the Undersheriff for 20 years (with former Sheriff Gary Maha), and finally as the Sheriff since January 1, 2017. Before my time here, Sheriff Sheron also served as a Dispatcher, a Deputy (Jail), a Deputy (Road Patrol), a Sergeant (Road Patrol/Drug Task Force), and as an Investigator.

With 43 years of law enforcement experience, all served within the same department, and after climbing through the ranks, Sheriff Sheron has acquired comprehensive knowledge regarding every aspect of the daily operations at our office. Sheriff Sheron oversees well over 100 employees from the Sheriff’s Office, the Jail, the Dispatch Center, the Animal Shelter, Genesee Justice, and the Justice for Children Advocacy Center.  

In addition to all of this, Sheriff Sheron also made a sound decision naming Brad Mazur as his Undersheriff. Brad Mazur served for 20 years at the Sheriff’s Office as a Deputy and then as a Sergeant and was consistently one of our most productive officers. Undersheriff Mazur exhibited great leadership qualities during his time as the Sergeant in charge of the Criminal Investigation Division as well as the Drug Task Force. Brad Mazur has impeccable character and has shown constant professionalism throughout his 20-year career. Brad is not only well respected within the divisions that fall under his supervision, but also within the community. I cannot think of anyone within our department that is better suited or more qualified to hold the position of Undersheriff than Brad Mazur.  

As a result of numerous retirements in recent years, the Sheriff now leads a very young department. We have a great group of outstanding new Deputies and about half of them were hired within the last 5 years. The most noteworthy changes came in the last two years when our two Chief Deputies retired with over 80 years of experience between them.

There are also new challenges facing law enforcement with the new bail and discovery reform laws in New York State. It won’t be a simple task learning to navigate through this new set of complications for law enforcement. It will not only affect the day-to-day operations of our patrols, but will also present new budgetary concerns due to the need for added personnel to handle the new discovery demands. With the time that these challenges will demand, it will be imperative that the person occupying the position of Sheriff already possess a proficient working knowledge of all the normal day-to-day operations of the multiple divisions that fall under the supervision of the Sheriff.  

I encourage the citizens of Genesee County to continue to support the professional law enforcement leadership in Genesee County by re-electing William A. Sheron for Sheriff.


Investigator R. Pete Welker

Gordon Dibble endorses Sheron for Sheriff

By Press Release

Press release:

Citizens of Genesee County:

Over my 43-year career at the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office, I had the privilege of working under four different Sheriffs, including current Sheriff Sheron, each a good man in his own right. This fall, Sheriff Sheron is running for a second term. In today's world, many great police agency leaders are leaving the profession, feeling frustrated and unsupported. In my opinion, we are fortunate that Sheriff Sheron is willing to take on another term.  

In these times when law enforcement is under such intense scrutiny and criticism, experienced, educated and proven leadership is extremely vital. I watched Bill Sheron work his way up within the Sheriff’s Office, having held many key positions:

  • Dispatcher
  • Deputy assigned to the Genesee County Jail
  • Deputy assigned to Road Patrol
  • Sergeant - Road Patrol
  • Sergeant - Drug Task Force
  • Investigator
  • Chief Deputy of Road Patrol
  • Undersheriff
  • Sheriff

As illustrated, he has a wide variety of law enforcement knowledge and experience. He has faced many challenges during his career and honorably acquitted himself through them all. 

I support William A. Sheron Jr. He has done a great job. I urge you to vote to reelect him to office so that he may continue to provide the consistent leadership that Genesee County needs during these uncertain times.

Thank you,

Gordon L. Dibble
County Legislator
Retired Chief Deputy

Son of Sheriff Sheron dies at age 36

By Howard B. Owens

The 36-year-old son of Sheriff William Sheron and Karen M. Maskell has died.

William A. "Billy" Sheron III, of Buffalo, died two days ago at Strong Memorial Hospital after a brief illness.

Sheron was born in Batavia on April 24, 1984, and graduated from Batavia High School in 2002. He became a certified public accountant after earning a bachelor's and master's degree from SUNY Oswego.

According to his obituary, Billy was a compassionate and kind-hearted man who loved his family and friends to no end.

He was an avid golfer, a valued member of The Genny and enjoyed grilling, fantasy football, and the Buffalo Bills. Steaks and chicken wings were his specialties. The animated TV classic "The Simpsons" always kept him laughing, and we can’t forget his love for Kendrick and Ophelia.

Sheriff Sheron declined to comment this morning.

For his full obituary, click here.

CORRECTION: In a previous version, we misstated the name of Billy Sheron's mother. It has been corrected. We regret the error and apologize to Karen M. Maskell and the Sheron family.

Sheriff thanks all involved for peaceful protest in Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Thank you to the March for Justice organizers, public officials, and community members for assisting in making yesterday’s demonstration a peaceful one. I would also like to sincerely thank and recognize all the local, state, and federal law enforcement officers, Correction Officers, and Emergency Services Dispatchers for their professionalism.

Once again, we saw the cooperation amongst our law enforcement agencies, government officials, and community leaders. Genesee County is an amazing community that I am proud to have lived in my entire life.

Working together, we can move forward to address the many concerns that were voiced yesterday.

~Sheriff William A. Sheron Jr.

Video: New K-9 'Rayzor' expected to be ready for patrol in June

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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Sheriff William Sheron introduced the department's new police dog, "Rayzor," and his handler, Deputy James Stack, at the Genesee County Jail yesterday.

Stack and Rayzor begin training on Monday and should be ready for road patrol in June.

Rayzor is named after Ray Thompson, a corrections officer who died while on duty in 2002.  He is the brother of retired deputy, and former K-9 handler, Brian Thompson.

Sheron announces Walker will be undersheriff if he's elected to sheriff

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Undersheriff William A. Sheron Jr., who recently announced his intention to seek the Republican endorsement for this fall’s election to Genesee County Sheriff, announced today that Sergeant Gregory H. Walker will join him as his Undersheriff.

Walker, 50, has more than 30 years of law enforcement experience, serving two years with the Attica Police Department before joining the Genesee County Sheriff’ s Office in October 1987. Over the course of his 28-year career with the Sheriff’s Office, Walker has served in the ranks of Deputy Sheriff-Road Patrol, Investigator, Sergeant-Road Patrol and his current position of Sergeant-Criminal Investigation Division.

Sergeant Walker is a graduate of the Monroe Community College Public Safety Training Academy-Basic Course for Police Officers, New York State Municipal Police Training Council on Police Supervision Course, United States Drug Enforcement Agency Drug Law Enforcement Course, New York State Division of Criminal Justice Field Training Officer, New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services General Topics Instructor, the International Association of Chiefs of Police/National Highway Traffic Safety Association Drug Recognition Expert Instructor and the F.B.I. National Academy in Quantico, Va.

Walker became the first certified Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) in Genesee County and now serves as one of the lead instructors for the DRE program in New York State. He is also a Field Training Officer, Field Training Supervisor, Standardized Field Sobriety Tests Instructor, Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement Instructor, Domestic Violence Resource Officer and Drug Impairment for Educational Professionals Instructor.

Over his career Walker has received numerous departmental awards including Officer of the Year in 1990; Meritorious Service in 1989, 1991, 1992, 1995, 2003, 2008, 2012; Commendation awards in 1992, 1994 and 2013; and Kiwanis Club Officer of the Year in 1991.

Sergeant Walker currently serves on the New York State Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) Technical Advisory Panel (TAP) and is a regional coordinator for the DRE program. Walker is an active member of the Le Roy Republican Committee.

Sergeant Walker is a resident of the Town of Le Roy. He is a graduate of Attica Central School and Genesee Community College with a degree in Criminal Justice. He and his wife, Michele, are parents to a family of five children and one grandchild.

“I could not ask for a better person to join me as my Undersheriff. Greg is an outstanding individual of the utmost integrity who is extremely well respected amongst the law enforcement community. Together we possess nearly 50 years of law enforcement administrative and supervisory experience, which is crucial in directing the operations of the Sheriff’s Office,” said Undersheriff Sheron.

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