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General Electric opens R&D facility in Bergen aimed at improving windmills

By Press Release

Press release:

GE Renewable Energy today held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to inaugurate a new research and development facility that will conduct research on how to 3D print the concrete base of towers used in wind turbines. The research will enable GE to 3D print the bottom portion of the wind turbine towers on-site at wind farms, lowering transportation costs and creating additional employment opportunities at the wind farms where the technology will be used.

The research being conducted in the Bergen facility is supported in part by a grant from the US Department of Energy. A team of 20 people will continue to work on optimizing the 3D printing technology with the first applications in the field anticipated within the next five years.

GE Renewable Energy Chief Technology Officer Danielle Merfeld, who spoke at the event, said, “Innovation will continue to be a key driver in accelerating the energy transition. It is particularly important to continuously improve the ways we design, manufacture, transport, and construct the large components of modern wind farms. We appreciate the support of the US Department of Energy for the research we are doing here and are confident it will help make the wind farms of tomorrow even more efficient, economical, and environmentally responsible.”

“Reaching the Biden administration’s ambitious goals of carbon-free electricity by 2035 and a net-zero economy by 2050 will require vastly more wind energy capacity. We’re proud to partner with GE Renewable Energy on this innovative 3D printing technology which has the potential to be a game-changer in how we harness this resource,” said U.S. Department of Energy Deputy Assistant Secretary for Renewable Power Alejandro Moreno. “With American-made taller towers assembled on-site, we can cut costs, overcome logistical hurdles, and accelerate progress toward our goals.”

A number of GE Renewable Energy’s key local partners as well as Enel Green Power, a customer interested in potential applications of the technology, also attended the event and offered comments on how it can add value to the local community and the renewable energy industry.

Luca Seletto, Director of Innovation, Enel Green Power, said, “To rise to the challenge posed by the climate crisis, the renewable energy industry must prioritize innovation and sustainability as it scales. We are glad to keep working with GE in the development and evaluation of new technologies, like the 3D printing of wind foundations, and we thank the Department of Energy for funding this important work."

Bill Pollock, PE, Director of Rochester Operations at Optimation, an organization providing many of the employees working at the GE research center, said, “At Optimation we have a focus on made in America and we also believe strongly in renewable energy. Working with GE on this project gives us an opportunity to pursue both of those goals. We are happy to be able to contribute to the development of new technology, to help reduce the cost of wind power and at the same time provide technically challenging jobs in western New York.”

Henrik Lund-Nielsen, Founder & General Manager, COBOD, said, “We are extremely proud to have delivered a completely new type of 3D concrete printer -- the largest of its kind in the world -- for this world-class and state of the art facility. The printer we have delivered is second to none: not only can it print in excess of 10 tons of real concrete per hour, but in addition, it is the first 3D concrete printer in the world with two X-axes on the printer. With the multiple functions of the printer, the printer can better be described as a multifunctional construction robot than a printer.”

“The announcement by GE Renewable Energy of its new R&D facility in Bergen is the latest example of the significant and continuing diversification of the Genesee County economy,” said Rochelle Stein, Chair, Genesee County Legislature. “While the agricultural, tourism, and small business sectors are the mainstays of our local economy, GE Renewable Energy’s project shows why Genesee County is experiencing new capital investment and the creation of jobs in advanced manufacturing and how the renewable energy sectors which means new career opportunities for our residents.”\

Edelio Bermejo, Head of Global R&D, Innovation and IP at HOLCIM, said, "Holcim has a key role to play in accelerating the transition towards clean, renewable energy. We have been studying 3D printing in concrete for nearly a decade and the potential of this technology just keeps expanding. Projects that would have been impossible yesterday are now a reality. We are particularly proud to be part of this ambitious project with GE and Cobod where we can propose the right mixture of ink to build more efficient wind turbines, directly on site. We are convinced this innovation will grow very quickly in the upcoming years and help us all significantly in our net-zero journey."

The research being done at the Bergen, NY facility will enable GE to better serve the growing US wind power market. The American Clean Power Association (ACPA) reports that there are more than 68,000 wind turbines across the country that are generating clean, reliable power. Wind power capacity totals 135 GW, making it the fourth-largest source of electricity in the country. GE Renewable Energy was recognized by ACPA as the top manufacturer of wind turbines in the US in 2021 for the fourth year in a row. 

Photos by Steve Ognibene

Tim Brown, GE Renewable Energy

On the stage, Tim Brown, GE Renewable Energy, Matt Landers, Genesee County Manager, Henrik Lund-Nielsen, Founder & General Manager, COBOD (R&D partner), Edelio Bermejo, Group Head of Research & Development, Innovation and Intellectual Property, Holcim (R&D partner), Luca Seletto, Director of Innovation, ENEL Green Power (customer), Danielle Merfeld, Chief Technology Officer, GE Renewable Energy, Alejandro Moreno, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Renewable Power, US Department of Energy

Danielle Merfeld and Alejandro Moreno

Henrik Lund-Nielsen and Edelio Bermejo 


By Loren Penman

Katrina Irwin will air a story tonight on Channel 8 Rochester bewteen 5:30-6:00 PM about Dick Gammell's Big Green Dog House that is on display at this year's Homerama in Victor.  You read about it first here last week at!

GCC will host wind energy forum February 18

By Philip Anselmo

From Genesee Community College:

Wind energy continues to be the talk of the town, but who knew that small towns in New York State hold the key to wind energy development? Community wind energy is an alternative model of wind energy development that puts the control of the process in the hands of the local community, rather than a corporate wind developer. Community wind is defined as a wind project that is developed and owned wholly, or partially, by an entity representing the local community. Community wind projects are specifically designed to provide benefits to the local community, including income and jobs. Community wind offers a solution to the wind project location and permit issues that have divided many communities all over New York State.

Genesee Community College is pleased to host a free Community Wind Forum on February 18 from 12:00 until 2:00 p.m. at the Batavia campus in room T102. The forum will be presented by Pace Energy and Climate Center, a program of Pace University. The forum will include a basic introduction to wind energy; a discussion of the Community wind model, including community organizing and project financing and ownership models; and a question and discussion period. The Community Wind Forum is free and community members, especially planners, municipal officials, and students are encouraged to attend.

Featured speakers include Loren Pruskowski, founder and current vice president of finance and director of community wind operations at Sustainable Energy Developments, Inc. (SED), and a principal organizer of the community wind effort in Knox, Albany County; and Todd Olinsky-Paul, energy policy analyst with Pace Energy & Climate Center, who has studied wind energy location issues and the role of communities and municipalities in wind energy development.

Community wind projects are needed in New York State. New York has implemented a Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) that requires 25% of electricity sold in the state to come from renewable sources by 2013. In addition, New York is a "home rule" state which means each town is empowered by the state to write its own zoning laws. These laws determine how land within the town can be used. Each town decides whether to allow windmills, and how to regulate them. These factors make community wind a promising model for New York.

Participants in the forum will learn what goes into the various phases of community wind development, including resource assessment, project feasibility studies, community organizing, project finance, design and construction, and operations and maintenance. Speakers will also discuss community wind development work that has been performed in other parts of the state, and the economics of community wind, including different financing and ownership models. Anyone interested in developing a wind project in their own community is encouraged to attend and ask questions.

"We are pleased to be able to discuss an alternative model for wind energy development, and a new, local development opportunity for the Genesee Valley region," Todd Olinsky-Paul of Pace Energy & Climate Center said. "As New York State pursues renewable energy solutions, the benefits and opportunities offered by Community Wind Energy are essential. We look forward to the conversation with Genesee Valley residents."

For further information, please contact Donna Rae Sutherland, associate director of Marketing Communications and co-chairman of Genesee Community College Environmental Task Force at 585-343-0055 x 6616.

Powering your home with wind energy

By Philip Anselmo

Pavilion's Steve Rigoni is the subject of an article in today's Buffalo News. Rigoni is a cash crop farmer, descendent of three generations of upstate dairy farmers, who has been featured in a pair of videos on The Batavian for his construction of a corn dryer that is fueled by switchgrass rather than propane. (If you haven't seen either of those videos yet, please check them out. It's pretty remarkable what Rigoni put together... from scratch.)

In the Buffalo News piece, Rigoni is in the spotlight again for his allegiance to alternative energies—this time, for mounting a windmill outside his home. From that article:

It’s easy to spot Steve Rigoni’s place in Pavilion — just look for the wind turbine spinning high above his house.

“I look at it as my midlife thing,” Rigoni said. “Some people get a Corvette, or a new woman — I got a windmill.”

His 10-kilowatt Bergey Windpower rig is hardly a wanton spree, however. While it cost him $25,000, after state incentives, it has nearly wiped out electric bills that used to average $120 to $140 a month.

Reporter Fred O. Williams calls it "wind power to the people."

For Rigoni, converting to wind power was as much a labor of love, he said, as it was about economics. A proponent of alternative energy, he also heats his home partly with wood, and burns switchgrass instead of propane to dry corn for his farming operation.

But the wind turbine pays its way. For the last two years, it has pumped out about 800 kilowatt-hours a month, powering Rigoni’s washer, dryer, water heater, fridge and lights.

When the wind is blowing but the appliances aren’t on, the turbine spins his electric meter backward, generating a small credit toward future energy use.

“We don’t ever make much money on it,” he said.

It turns out that the Great Lakes region is "a prime wind-resource area," especially in the colder months, which would be good news for folks like us who max out our energy bills come January and February. But is it really worth it?

Does small wind save money? The rule of thumb is that a well-located turbine with an average wind speed of 12 mph and with 10-kilowatt capacity can generate about 1,000 kilowatt- hours a month, or enough to power a typical home — not counting heating or air-conditioning. Whether that will break even over the 20-year life of a turbine depends on current and future electricity rates. Utility rates of 10 cents per kilowatt-hour begin to make the cost of wind attractive.

Wind power economics just got a push from Congress. The financial bailout package enacted in October included a tax credit of up to $4,000 for small wind systems.

So, would you do it?

Batavia Daily News for Tuesday: Charter Review Commission learns as it goes

By Philip Anselmo

From the sound of the article in today's Daily News about last night's meeting of the Charter Review Commission, that group doesn't know a whole lot about its government. Here we have a group of city residents come together to review the document that forms the backbone of city goverment, and Joanne Beck writes that "no one" even knows the responsibilities of the city clerk/treasurer. One member, John Deleo, wanted to scrap the position of assistant city manager before he even knew what it entailed. That same member admits flat out: "We're shifting a lot of responsibilties with the stroke of a pen without understanding what everyone does."

Wait a second... What!? Why would anyone who doesn't know what government staffers do be charged with the responsibility of deciding whether or not they should contintue to do it?

At the very least, shouldn't members of such a commission be trained and educated before they begin their deliberations rather than trying to get them up to speed during the proceedings? John Roach heads up the commission, and I know he's a frequent contributor to the site, so I'm hoping he'll come on here and clarify a few of these points for us.

Another question for John: Beck writes that Councilmen Sam Barone and Bob Bialkowski have asked the commission to "consider how much responsibility council has over department heads ... and giving council the power versus city manager." Have those issues come up yet? What does the commission think?

While we're at it: What about going back to a strong mayoral form of city government?

County Manager Jay Gsell told the Daily News that "it will be an "extremely difficult" task to keep the tax rate at or below" its current level. That's a fine assertion, but it makes for a whole lot of confusion sandwiched by statements to the contrary. Gsell also says: "I wouldn't bring anything to" the legislators that would exceed the current tax rate. For their part, the legislators say that they hope to "decrease taxes."

So which is it?

Reporter Paul Mrozek writes in the article summary line: "Gsell's goal: Cut the tax rate." That's a fine goal, but if Gsell himself doesn't believe it's possible, what's the point of calling it a goal?

A meeting of the town of Batavia Planning Board scheduled for tonight has been cancelled. The board had only one item on its agenda—the "draft generic environmental impact statement" for the agri-business park—and it was not ready. It should be ready for review for the next meeting on October 21.

Another decision was postponed, this time in Albion. There, the Town Board put off voting on its local wind law Monday in order to make the revisions—"very minor word changes"—recommended by the Orleans County Planning Board. The proposed law will limit "wind energy conversion systems" to not exceed 120 feet. They will take up the vote at the next session on October 20.

We encourage you to pick up a copy of the Daily News at your local newsstand. Or, better yet, subscribe at

News roundup: Vegetable growers co-op disbands

By Philip Anselmo

After 87 years, the Genesee-Orleans Vegetable Growers Cooperative Association voted to dissolve the organization Monday, according to the Daily News. No summary will do justice to the fine piece by Tom Rivers, so today might be a good one to go out and pick up a copy of the paper, if you don't already have one. Rivers really has his finger on the pulse of this agricltural community, and it shows in the depth of his reporting.

Reporter Matt Surtel informs us that the Citizens for Wind Energy in Perry and the Wind Information + Responsible Energy group from Alabama have joined forces and become part of the statewide organization: Renewable Energy Advocates Coalition, which is some 80,000 members strong.

For those who haven't yet heard, Sen. Barack Obama says that he has made his choice for vice-presidential candidate. But he's not telling anybody. Why say so, then? Oh, politics.

Congratulations to the Alexander girls track team, which won the Genesee Region League Championships, the Section 5 Class CC title, and now send 10 girls to the 2008 Genesee Region League girls track all-star team. Not to mention that their very own Dave Radley was named coach of the year. The lucky all-stars from Alexander are: Stacey Flint, Courtney Aldrich, Taylor Antinore, Kayleigh DeAngelo, Amanda Zielonka, Maranda Ohlson, Alyssa Hinkson, Jodie Skidmore, Eleonara Costa and Sidney Flint.

If you don't believe me that the talents of Tom Rivers are enough of a reason to buy today's paper, let me entice you further with another fun feature story by Virginia Kropf. In this tale, she sits down with Catherine Roth, who turns 88 on Saturday, along with her two sisters. They're triplets, and may be the oldest surviving triplets in the whole country. Kropf writes a fabulous tale about the sisters, full of such great lines as: "She liked it when they started wearing different things, because if one wanted to borrow the others clothes, they had a variety." Or this one from Catherine: "We were spoiled collectively." So much fun. Thanks again, Virginia.

As I've already said twice, you should head out and pick up your own copy of the Daily News. Or, better yet, subscribe at

Bliss residents find few reasons to complain about wind farm

By Howard B. Owens

With the possibility of wind power coming to Genesee County, the Buffalo News account of a new wind farm in Bliss is timely.

Stanley Marsh didn’t answer immediately when asked whether the wind turbine in his backyard was noisy.

“You hear anything?” he asked. Birds chirped and an electrical buzz was coming from a streetlight that wouldn’t shut off, but noise from the turbine, perhaps 1,000 feet away, was undetectable.

The region’s newest wind farm, a collection of 67 turbines perched atop 265-foot-tall towers, officially opened Sunday. More are on the way.

The most entertaining complaint about the turbines -- shadows.

Since the beginning of April, when most of the turbines in Bliss began operation, a handful of complaints have been voiced, according to Eagle Town Supervisor Joseph Kushner.

“We’ve had three or four complaints about noise,” he said. “We had one person complain of shadows.”

That person, Town Board Member Jim Barber, said he saw shadows from the turbines for 20 to 25 minutes early in the morning when the blades first started turning, but that he hasn’t seen any for the past three or four days.

It’s a minor annoyance, he said, adding that Noble Environmental Group has promised to look into possible remedies.

How the hell are shadow's a problem?

As we've noted before, there is some opposition to a wind farm in Perry, but we're still not clear why.

Some Perry residents oppose wind farm, but we don't know why

By Howard B. Owens

Wind power seems like a good thing -- clean, natural, a renewable energy source.

These days, who can be opposed to such benefits?

So why are people in Perry blocking -- and have been blocking for three years -- the construction of a wind farm in their town? Matt Suretl's story in today's Daily News doesn't tell us.

Surtell writes:"It often appears there's little middle ground between the most adamant supporters and opponents," yet he never gives much information on the pros and cons, as Perry residents see them.

This leave the impression that the opponents are nothing more than unapologetic NIMBYs.

My only experience with wind turbines comes from often driving past the majestic, earth-saving machines in Tehachapi. From everything I heard while a resident of nearby Bakersfield, the people of Tehachapi consider the wind farm an asset -- but then it's a bit of a tourist attraction. There's no guarantee the people of Perry would be as fortunate.

Here's some related links:

What do you think? Should there be a wind farm in Perry?  Why or why not?

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