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March at HLOM: Irish history, No Blarney concert, learning about Amelia Jenks Bloomer

By Press Release

Press release:

The Holland Land Office Museum will be hosting its next Trivia Night at the Museum on Thursday, March 11 at 7 p.m. In honor of St. Patrick's Day, the topic will be Irish History. You can either join us in person at the museum or via Zoom.

Our in-person audience will be limited to 12 people, and masks and social distancing will be required. If you would like to attend in person, please preregister by calling the museum at 585-343-4727.

If you would like to come in person we are asking for a donation in place of the regular admission. For the links to attend via Zoom please visit the museum’s Facebook page or website,, for more details.

The Holland Land Office Museum welcomes back No Blarney on Wednesday, March 17th at 7 p.m. for another St. Patrick’s Day concert. No Blarney will play all of your favorite Irish tunes from every era.

The concert will only be available via the museum’s YouTube channel, Holland Land Office Museum, as it will be livestreamed thanks to Paul Figlow. Please visit the museum’s Facebook page or website,, for the details to watch the livestream of the concert.

The Holland Land Office Musuem welcomes Nellie Ludemann of the Seneca Falls Historical Society on Tuesday, March 30 at 7 p.m. for its next edition of its Guest Speaker Series. The presentation will be on the life of an early women's rights activist, Amelia Jenks Bloomer.

The presentation will be available via Zoom and in person to a small group of up to 12 people to come to watch on our big screen.

All those in attendance must wear masks and follow social distancing protocols. If you would like to attend in person, please contact the museum by phone at (585) 343-4727 to preregister. Please visit the museum’s Facebook page or website, for more details.

Late SPJ Ruth Bader Ginsburg to be honored tomorrow evening outside Old Courthouse

By Press Release

From Erica O'Donnell:

Join us on Tuesday, Sept. 22 at 6:30 p.m. to honor the memory and legacy of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg around the Old Courthouse, 7 Main St. Batavia.

Please wear warm clothes, a mask, and practice responsible social distancing.

We will have some candles available, but you may bring your own.

We are honored to have remarks by Judge Amy Martoche, candidate for NYS Supreme Court, Diana Kastenbaum, and other local women.

We will also have a Hebrew Benediction by Hiram Kasten.

All are welcome to attend.

Hawley's aunt, at 101, part of two historic marches in Seneca Falls

By Howard B. Owens

The woman sitting is Mary Simpson Smart. She is 101 years old. She was part of a woman's march in Seneca Falls in 1920 as a 5-year-old by her mother's side just before women were granted the right to vote. She was back in Seneca Falls on Sunday to join the women's march.

She is also Assemblyman Steve Hawley's aunt.

Smart was born and raised in Lyons. A graduate of Wellesley, she is pictured with Angela Daddabbo, of Auburn. Smart wanted to meet her after spotting her Wellesley sweatshirt.

"I was so grateful to have met her," Daddabbo said. "What a lady!"

Smart was one of the speakers at the event.

The Finger Lake Times profiled Smart earlier this month. She's led quite a life across the sweep of 20th century American history.

Hawley's mother, Mary's sister, Ellen, was also born in Lyons.

Smart isn't Hawley's only family tie to the Suffragette Movement. Ella Hawley Crossett, a relative on his father's side and from Warsaw, is commemorated on a large plaque in the State Capitol with Susan B. Anthony.

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