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Youth Bureau

Community garden project at Youth Bureau expanding this spring

By Howard B. Owens

With the approval Monday of the 2013-14 city budget comes some support for a community garden at the Youth Bureau off State Street.

The plan for this year is to create 25 raised garden beds of 4x4 to 4x12 feet for community members to rent and use to grow fruits and vegetables.

Jocelyn Sikorski, youth bureau director (photo), gave a short presentation to the City Council on the project near the end of Monday's meeting.

"We're really optimistic that we will fill this community garden this year and sell out all 25 beds," Sikorski said.

The project was actually started in the Spring of 2011 by former Youth Bureau director Deb Kerr-Rosenbeck after she realized that many of the youth served by the agency weren't eating enough fruits and vegetables at home.

With one raised bed, Kerr-Rosenbeck, with the help of the children at the bureau, planted a garden and vegetables. Some of the children had never eaten certain kinds of produce before; what was grown became part of the meals served by the agency.

When Leadership Genesee caught wind of the project, some members teamed up to help build four more raised beds in the Spring of 2012.

This year, the plan is to transform the long-unused wading pond behind the Youth Bureau building into a spot for 25 raised beds.

City residents will be able to rent a bed for $15 to $35 for the season, Sikorski said.

"Our long-term goal is to have more community gardens around the city," Sikorski said.

The city portion of the funding for the project is less than $1,000, with donations coming from members of the community.

Constructions of the beds will be part of the Day of Caring on May 8.

Cartooning workshop for young people

By Billie Owens

Batavia Youth Bureau’s Youth Connection Program is sponsoring a cartooning workshop facilitated by “Mr. Scribbles.” It's for young people, ages 8-18, at the Community Center, located at 38 Woodrow Road, Batavia.

It will be held from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 16. It's free of charge, but registration is limited so please call the Batavia Youth Bureau to register: 345-6420.

Registrations will be taken on a first-come-first-served basis. This event is being sponsored in conjunction with the Genesee ARC.

Mr. Scribbles is an artist, originally from Rochester, now residing in Perry. His list of talents range from cartooning with kids as “Mr. Scribbles” (participation art) where by children make a scribble, and that is transformed into an original art masterpiece or cartoon or character…to fine art produced with various media. Mr. Scribbles offers cartoon classes, basic drawing classes, and his newest endeavor is a “kid safe” Web site for children and grown-ups. Mr. Scribbles is also available for festivals, events and parties. Check out his Web site at

This is assured to be a day filled with cartooning fun. Call the Batavia Youth Bureau today to reserve a spot for you and a friend. The number is 345-6420.

Citing weather-related health concerns, Batavia Youth Bureau announces closure for Tuesday

By Howard B. Owens

Announcement from the Batavia Youth Bureau:

Due to extreme weather conditions predicted for Tuesday, the Batavia Summer Recreation Program (Parks Program) will close for the day.  

The weather is predicted to be 95 to 100 degrees and humid, which makes being outdoors unsafe for people of all ages.  

The number one concern of the Batavia Youth Bureau and Summer Recreation staff is the safety of the program participants; therefore, the Youth Bureau reserves the right to close for conditions that pose a threat to the staff and the participants.

Should you have further questions or concerns, please call the Youth Bureau at 345-6420.

City Youth Bureau hosts Earth Day event

By Billie Owens

In an effort to educate students and the community on recycling, conserving energy, and going “green” in general, the City of Batavia Youth Bureau is sponsoring its annual Earth Day event beginning at 9 a.m. on Saturday, April 21 at Austin Park.

Morning refreshments will be provided by Tim Horton's.

This year’s event will feature a short presentation on energy efficiency and how to reduce your "carbon footprint" to kick off the event.

The following agencies will set up booths and interactive displays for the participants to visit:

  • GLOW Solid Waste
  • Finger Lakes Energy Smarts Communities Program
  • Cornell Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners Program
  • Youth Bureau, City of Batavia
  • Genesee ARC
  • Pathstone Corporation
  • Smoke Free NOW.

Students will also receive giveaways at some of the booths. After folks have visited all of the booths, school/student groups from John Kennedy, Robert Morris, Batavia Middle schools, Students United for Positive Action as well as others, will be sent out to clean a park or an area in the city.

Volunteers from Kiwanis Club will accompany several of the student groups. We will then meet back at Austin Park and will proceed to Centennial Park for a Tree Planting Ceremony, where the students in attendance will actually plant the tree.  Everyone will then be invited back to Austin Park for a pizza lunch. The event will conclude at approximately 12:30 p.m.

If you would like more information on Earth Day or would like to participate, call the Batavia Youth Bureau at 345-6420.

Ways and Means approves appointment of new youth bureau director

By Howard B. Owens

The Genesee County Youth Bureau -- which also runs Batavia's program -- has a new director, Jocelyn Sikorski.

Sikorski, who has worked for the bureau for 13 years, most recently as program coordinator, was tops in a field of four candidates.

The Ways and Means Committee voted unanimously Wednesday to recommend to the full legislature approval of her appointment, and to approve her change of status into the management tier of the county's salary structure.

Sikorski will earn $44,209 in her new position.

The Batavia High School graduate is married, lives in Genesee County, and is the mother of a 6-year-old and a 9-month-old. She also attended Genesee Community College and has a bachelor's degree, which she completed while working for the county full time.

Earlier this year, previous Director Deb Kerr-Rosenbeck retired.

Sikorski said she isn't planning any big changes for the youth bureau.

"I think a lot of what we’ve been able to bring into the county over the past couple of years with federal and state grants have really expanded our services," Sikorski said. "I just look to continue doing that, either through those avenues or other avenues that may come along."

GC Youth Bureau honors AmeriCorps members this week

By Billie Owens

The Genesee County Youth Bureau will honor its AmeriCorps members during National AmeriCorps Week, March 10 – 18. This year’s theme is AmeriCorps Works.

All AmeriCorps programs are urged to use this opportunity to celebrate all of the great things that our members have accomplished, to encourage participation in national service and to thank our community partners for their support of the program.

AmeriCorps members agree to complete a specific number of service hours over a set time period. Members receive a modest living allowance while serving and upon completion of their commitment qualify for a Segal AmeriCorps Education Award. The education award can be used to pay for college or graduate school or to repay qualified student loans.

The Youth Bureau received a grant from the Corporation for National and Community Service to establish an AmeriCorps program beginning in October 2004. Since that time, 231 members have been placed at more than 60 host site locations performing a combined total of 170,900 hours of service and earning more than $453,000 in education awards.

Members serve at a variety of organizations in the Genesee County area. Sites include schools, community centers, libraries, county government departments and other human services agencies. Assignments fall under the categories of youth development/mentoring, volunteer recruitment and public safety/community outreach.

Members are celebrating AmeriCorps Week by writing articles about their experience, creating displays and coordinating service projects for youth volunteers.

Members have been able to explore career options, learn valuable skills, help finance their education and have the satisfaction of knowing that they have made a positive contribution to their community.

If you would like more information about serving in AmeriCorps or hosting a member at your agency, contact Kathy Frank at 344-3960 or

City celebrates Earth Day and Arbor Day this Saturday

By Billie Owens

From 9 a.m. to noon this Saturday, April 30, the City of Batavia will celebrate both Earth Day and Arbor Day. Rain or shine.

The morning will begin at Austin Park on Jefferson Avenue with an Energy Smart Program presentation. There will also be giveaways and several displays including: a seed starting display by the Cornell Cooperative Extension’s Master Gardeners; a composting display by GLOW; city recycling Information; a Youth Bureau Craft Booth, National Grid lighting display and handouts, Garbage Art by GoArt!, and a Smoke Free Now Booth by GCASA.

Volunteers will then be assigned a City Park or downtown in the area of Main and Ellicott streets to pick up debris. The volunteers will be asked to regroup at Austin Park at 11:45 a.m. for tree planting ceremonies and a complimentary lunch sponsored by Reality Check.

A challenge has been given to the local fifth-grade classes and the class with the most participants in our Earth Day event will be announced at noon. The winning class will receive a pizza party for their fifth-grade class at their school.

The City of Batavia Youth Bureau has organized this event for the community.

The trees for the planting ceremonies have been donated by Lowes and Tonawanda Valley Federal Credit Union. ARC is also donating their services and supplies for the event and Tim Horton’s is donating coffee and TimBits for the volunteers.

The city is seeking volunteers to give a few hours of their time to get out and recognize Earth Day & Arbor Day and to help Clean up & Green up Batavia!

If there are any questions, please contact: City of Batavia Youth Bureau, located at One Batavia City Centre. Phone is 345-6420. FAX is 344-0260. E-mail:

County youth director says programing will stay the same for city in shared services

By Howard B. Owens

The kids will be alright, according to Debbie Kerr-Rosenbeck, youth bureau director for Genesee County.

If a proposed shared-services agreement is approved by both the city and county elected bodies, Kerr-Rosenbeck doesn't anticipate any loss of programs currently offered to the youngsters of Batavia.

"If anything, I think (services) will expand and increase, not be less," Kerr-Rosenbeck said after a meeting of the county's Human Services Committee, where she briefed legislators on the proposal.

Under the terms of the agreement, Kerr-Rosenbeck would become director of the city's program as well as maintain her position with the county.

The city hopes to save at least $15,000 by eliminating its director position -- which with salary and benefits cost the city more than $80,000 per year -- and adding a coordinator position.

As part of the agreement, the city would reimburse the county $21,000, covering part of Kerr-Rosenbeck's current salary (but not increasing her salary) and five hours of clerical time per week.

"What the children see will not change significantly," Kerr-Rosenbeck said. "They may see some new faces when staffing is short. I'll put my staff there to help out evenings and weekends, but they won't see any changes in the programs at all."

Kerr-Rosenbeck said she's already started working on the transition and anticipates putting in more than the weekly eight-hours called for in the agreement in the beginning to help ensure the transition goes smoothly.

Both the Legislature and the City Council are expected to vote on the proposed shared-services agreement in December, so Kerr-Rosenbeck can officially take over the city's program in January.

The city has been without a youth director since the previous director retired about six months ago.

City expects cost savings with restructured Youth Bureau staffing

By Howard B. Owens

With a vacant $80,000-a-year position, the City of Batavia is moving forward to eliminate its own youth director position and share the top youth manager position with Genesee County.

By restructuring Youth Bureau staffing, the city hopes to save $15,600 a year while maintaining current programs -- some of which have been around since the 1950s -- at current levels.

"We really need this program to work," said Councilman Bill Cox. "What I like about this proposal is (it's) not only is a reduction in our budget, it's another step toward working together. Whether you call it consolidation or call it shared services, it's one more step toward working with the county."

Under terms of the proposal, the county's current youth director would become the top manager of the city's Youth Bureau. The shared director would work for the city one day a week and the county would provide an additional five hours of clerical support.

The total cost to the city will be $21,365.

Under the current budget, total compensation for the Youth Director position is $78,960, which is based on the salary, taxes and benefits paid out for the former youth director, who retired six months ago. Her base salary was $59,369. However, according to Jason Molino, she didn't use the city's health care plan, so replacing the director position could actually cost $12,000 more.

The projected $15,000 savings with the shared-services agreement is based on the current budget.

In the restructured Youth Bureau, the city would retain a youth coordinator position, raising the compensation from $56,676 to $60,853. A new position, youth program specialist, would be created with a compensation package of $50,000 (base salary of $29,457), and a part-time rec leader position would be retained at $9,453.

Much of the funding for youth programs in the city comes from state grants that have been in place for decades. Among the programs funded is a six-week summer youth program at all five city parks. The summer programs have been in place since the 1950s and are free to the public. They mostly serve youths 6 to 14. Without the grants, the programs wouldn't exist.

Grants also fund a youth/neighborhood technology center, open 2 to 8 p.m. on weekdays, and 1 to 4 p.m. on Saturdays. Funded by Time Warner, the center provides seven computers and tutoring.

The Town of Batavia also makes a contribution toward the cost of the city's youth programs because some town children participate in the programs.

"It’s very important there are some opportunities for youths," said Councilman Sam Barone (pictured). "There’s an old saying, 'You can pay me now, or you pay me later,' but if we give our youths an opportunity to learn and grow it will pay off for us later."

18th Annual Halloween Parade

By Melissa George

18th Annual Halloween Parade


The Batavia Area Jaycees, Pontillo’s,
Oliver’s Candies and Batavia Youth Bureau



Line Forms at 12:45pm, West Side of Genesee Country Mall/City Centre (near Dan’s Tires)



~Wagons or sleds strongly suggested~



Parade route begins on the west side of the
Mall near Dan’s Tires

**NO RAIN DATE, Listen to W.B.T.A.
for Cancellations by


The First 100 Children 10 & under IN COSTUME ONLY
will receive a special free gift compliments of Oliver’s.


Pizza & Cider for kids (IN COSTUME ONLY) at end of parade compliments of Pontillo’s




SADD Car Wash to Benefit the Michael Napoleone Foundation

By Genesee Co. Youth Bureau

Genesee Countywide Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) is sponsoring a FREE car wash at the Bank of Castile (next to Denny's) on Main Street in Batavia from 1-5 pm.  Any and all donations will benefit the Michael Napoleone Foundation.  The MNF will also have merchandise for sale.

Call the Genesee County Youth Bureau at 344-3960 for more information.  Genesee Countywide SADD is a prevention program of Genesee County STOP-DWI administered through the Youth Bureau.

Event Date and Time

FREE Outdoor Family Movie at Jackson Square

By Genesee Co. Youth Bureau

FREE showing of The Tooth Fairy (PG) at Jackson Square, Batavia, sponsored by the Genesee County Youth Bureau and Reality Check. Movie begins at sundown (approximately 8:45 pm), weather permitting. Bring your lawn chairs and blankets. Contact the Genesee Co. Youth Bureau at 344-3960 for questions or more info.

Event Date and Time

Family friendly summer events offered by youth bureau

By Billie Owens

Here are summer events offered by the Genesee County Youth Bureau:

June 16: Genesee County-wide SADD 20th Anniversary Dinner

June 18: Reality Check FREE Outdoor Family Movie -- "Percy Jackson & the   Olympians" (PG) (Dwyer Stadium at dusk)

June 23: Reality Check FREE Outdoor Family Movie -- "Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian" (PG) (Jackson Square at dusk)

June 29: WNY Tobacco-Free Programs Recognition Event, Dwyer Stadium, 6-7:30 p.m.

July 4: Picnic in the Park, Centennial Park, Batavia, 11 a.m. -5 p.m.

July 17: Oatka Fest, Trigon Park, LeRoy

July 21: Reality Check FREE Outdoor Family Movie -- "The Tooth Fairy" (PG), Jackson Square at dusk

Aug. 3: National Night Out — Austin Park Batavia 5:30-8:30 p.m. Plus FREE Reality Check Movie at dusk! "The Blind Side" (PG)

Aug. 18: Reality Check FREE Outdoor Family Movie -- "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" (PG), Jackson Square at dusk

Aug. 21: Summer in the City, Kids Zone, Main Street, Batavia

Please call the Genesee County Youth Bureau for more information about these or other Youth Bureau events/activities at 344-3960.

Bring your family to enjoy these activities or volunteer your time to help out!

Youth Bureau Hosts Open House Wednesday May 12th

By Lisa Barrett




The Batavia Youth Bureau is hosting an Open House on Wednesday May 12th, from

 6 – 8 pm.    Families are invited to visit the Youth Center and check out the wonderful free services offered to area youths, ages 10 –20.  The Youth Center is located at 12 MacArthur Drive,  across from Batavia High School.

Many fun activities are planned, including a pool tournament, cookie decorating, and basketball, on our outdoor basketball courts.  You can also try bowling on the WII, or Football and Rock Band on Playstation.  Our Time Warner sponsored Computer/Technology Center will also be open.  Refreshments will be served.  This event is free and open to the public.  The Youth Bureau offers a fun, supervised place for youth to go after school, Monday through Friday from 2:30 – 8 pm, while school is in session, and 1 – 8 pm on vacation days. 

Please call the Youth Bureau to register for the Open House at 345-6420.


With resignation of director, Batavia's Youth Bureau will be re-evaluated

By Howard B. Owens

The City of Batavia will not immediately replace Youth Bureau Director Patricia Dieck, who retires resigned effective March 3, after 25 years of service.

Last night, City Manager Jason Molino asked the city council to allow eight months to study Youth Bureau operations and come up with a plan to reorganize it. The council concurred.

Over the past year, state aid to the program has decreased 30 percent.

"Also, there have been several attempts to shift all local aid from municipalities to counties in supporting more mandated programs," Molino wrote in a memo to council. "These efforts have not been pursued in the current Executive Budget issued by the Governor, however, future cuts in aid have been proposed."

State aid makes up 13 percent of the Youth Bureau budget and Molino said the city should understand these programs better before deciding on their future.

Last week, Dieck told The Batavian news partner WBTA that the idea of consolidating the city's program with the county's has come up at least three times in the past, but city residents have demonstrated that they want the city to have its own program.

"The agency has been here 50 years," Dieck said. "I believe it's the only free program for our young people in the city. We've considered charging small fees, but we don't want to deny young people any services or activities."

The Youth Bureau has four employees, two full-time and two part-time. During the next eight months, the current youth coordinator will act as director and one part-time staff member will be given a temporary full-time position to help ensure the bureau completes its scheduled programs, especially through its heavy summer schedule.

Molino said the City's Youth Board will be consulted throughout the study process.

UPDATE 10:24 p.m., Tuesday: Patricia Dieck wrote this evening to ask for two corrections on this post. First, she resigned. It's not a retirement. Second, she served the city for 25 years (not 23 as we originally reported).  I asked her why she resigned, and here is her response:

I do wish I could have retired with the city, but it didn't seem to be in the cards for me.   I am resigning because I need a job where I can feel like I can make a difference.  I don't see an end in sight for the budget issues on state and city level which is having an unfortunate impact on youth programs.  I've been thru the Youth Bureau study at least 4 times over my career.  I really don't want to waste any more of my time or city time on this issue nor do I need the stress that is associated with it.  I took my job seriously and loved what I did, but when it gets to the point that you are not enjoying it or not feeling appreciated, it's time to get out.    For the most part, I have thoroughly enjoyed my job and know I have made a difference in the lives of young people in our community. 

In her initial e-mail to us, she said:

And the Youth Bureau budget has taken almost 30% cut in state funding between 2008 and 2009. There is no proposed cut in state funds for 2010.

As for the article about the City Budget, Councilperson Christian says she refers to "the high cost of youth services".  not sure that I would say the less than 1% of total city budget allocated for young people can be considered "high".

Oldsters, youngsters attend tea party honoring their volunteerism

By Daniel Crofts

Batavia area senior citizens and youth got together last week to celebrate their outstanding service to the community. It was a mutual admiration society with a broad age range.

The "Minnie Tea Celebration" was held by the Retired Senior Volunteer Program in conjunction with the Genesee County Youth Bureau. It took place at the Senior Center on Bank Street in honor of RSVP volunteers who helped the Genesee County Health Department at the end of 2009 as well as teens who planted and cared for an indoor garden for the Minnie Garden Project. 

RSVP volunteers served the health department by distributing flu vaccines -- both seasonal and H1N1 -- and by performing other tasks such as nursing, paperwork and triage. Thanks to the diligent work of these hearty seniors, the GCHD managed to issue over 6,000 doses of the vaccine by the end of 2009.


Meanwhile, area high-schoolers got to try their hands at gardening with the help of Cornell Cooperative Extension Master Gardener David Russell. He was beaming with pride at the tea party and couldn't say enough about the students' dedication to the Minnie Garden Project.

"I'm so proud of the job these kids did," Russell said. "These are kids with different backgrounds who came together and did an excellent job. I'm really proud of them."

In addition to being awarded certificates, the youths were given the honor of having their produce served as hors d'oeuvres at the tea party.

The party was funded by a grant written by 22-year-old former Youth Bureau member Vicki Ripper. Since she finished working at the bureau in November, AmeriCorps Vista volunteer Lauren Paluta and Youth Bureau employee Angela Barbeau have taken control of the program.

Paluta put together last week's event with RSVP Coordinator Dorian Ely. Paluta was the hostess in Ely's absence and, together with Barbeau, she presented certificates of appreciation to the senior and youth volunteers.



In the last two photos, Hannah and Leah Rosenbeck hand out decorated terra cotta flowerpots to the seniors as they return to their seats after receiving certificates. See the article on RSVP's intergenerational project for more information on this.

Free hip hop dance workshop offered

By Billie Owens

Do you think you can dance? The City of Batavia is calling all youth ages 10-16 to come out and show off their moves!

The Youth Connection Saturday’s program will be featuring a FREE Hip Hop workshop led by Erin Martin and Janea Raines, both of Divine Dance Studio in Batavia. Each class will teach a new routine. Previous dance experience helpful, but is not required.

The Hip Hop workshop will take place from 2 to 3 p.m. on Jan. 23, Feb. 6 and Feb. 20 at Batavia Middle School. Youth can drop in for any one class or come out for all three!

Please contact Janea Raines at  HYPERLINK "" or (585)-345-6314 with any questions and/or to register.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact:

City of Batavia Youth Bureau
ATTN: Toni Funke
One Batavia City Centre
Batavia, New York 14020
Phone:   (585) 345-6420
Fax:        (585) 344-0260



By Melissa George



The Batavia Area Jaycees, GCASA, Batavia Youth Bureau, and Oliver’s Candies


SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2009: Line Forms at 12:45pm, West Side of Genesee Country Mall/City Centre (near Dan’s Tires)



~Wagons or sleds strongly suggested~



Parade route begins on the west side of the Mall near Dan’s Tires

**NO RAIN DATE, Listen to W.B.T.A. for Cancellations by 11:30am


Event Date and Time


By Melissa George
SPONSORED BY: The Batavia Area Jaycees, GCASA, Batavia Youth Bureau, and Oliver’s Candies
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2009: Line Forms at 12:45pm, West Side of Genesee Country Mall/City Centre (near Dan’s Tires)
~Wagons or sleds strongly suggested~
Parade route begins on the west side of the Mall near Dan’s Tires
**NO RAIN DATE, Listen to W.B.T.A. for Cancellations by 11:30am
The First 100 Children 10 & under IN COSTUME ONLY will receive a special free gift!!!
Popcorn and other goodies for kids (IN COSTUME ONLY) at end of parade compliments of the Batavia Area Jaycees

2009 Genesee County Youth Bureau Award Recipients

By Notre Dame

2009 Genesee County Youth Bureau Award Recipients

ND Seniors Sean Zawicki ‘09, son of Dr. Joseph and Ann Zawicki of Elba, Craig Houseknecht ‘09, son of Tom and Lynn Houseknecht of Batavia, and Kate Spadaccia ‘09, daughter of Larry and Denise Spadaccia of Batavia have been named recipients of the prestigious 2009 Genesee County Youth Bureau Recognition Awards. These awards recognize Genesee County youth who give of their own time through community service activities to help others. The awards were bestowed at the April 2, 2009 Genesee County Youth Board Dinner at the Holiday Inn in Batavia. Congratulations on the receipt of this outstanding honor! The Notre Dame Family is proud of you!

L to R: Sean Zawicki ’09, Craig Houseknecht ’09 and Kate Spadaccia ‘09


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