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Shop Small Saturday

Downtown BID urges local gift buyers to 'Shop Small Saturday' on Nov. 28

By Billie Owens

Press release:

The Batavia Business Improvement District (BID) is a neighborhood champion for Small Business Saturday, also known as “Shop Small Saturday.”

Shop Small has become a national movement along the lineup of Black Friday & Cyber Monday. This year’s Shop Small event is Saturday, Nov. 28th, and will take place all over the country. The Batavia BID distributed promotional materials for the event to its downtown retail and restaurant businesses and encouraged them to do their own form of promotion as well. The nonprofit organization also invited local business owners, residents, and politicians with postcards to come to specific places to encourage the understanding that downtown Batavia has great places to shop, dine, live and play.
The Batavia BID intends to take pictures on Shop Small Saturday and encourages those that shop small that day to share them with the Batavia BID. You can post on the Downtown Batavia Business Improvement District Facebook page or contact Laurie Oltramari at (585) 344-0900 or e-mail to share pictures or to ask questions about the event.
Please join the movement to support your local economy by shopping small not only on Small Business Saturday, but each Saturday!

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