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Crossfit Silver Fox

The Festivus CrossFit Worldwide Competition is Saturday at CrossFit Silver Fox in Batavia

By Billie Owens

CrossFit Silver Fox in Batavia is hosting a CrossFit competition called The Festivus (third year in a row) at our location in The Harvester on Saturday, Oct. 14th.

It’s a worldwide competition and will bring about 100 CrossFit athletes to CrossFit Silver Fox along with spectators and coaches.

We have people coming from Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse to compete.

Check-in begins at 8 a.m. followed by an event briefing and the competition starts at 9.

Information about the worldwide event can be found at

CrossFit Silver Fox in Harvester Center to host The Festivus Games Oct. 15

By Billie Owens
Press release:
CrossFit Silver Fox will be hosting The Festivus Games on Oct. 15. Athletes from Buffalo to Syracuse will come together at CrossFit Silver Fox to compete in this competition that is geared for beginner and intermediate CrossFitters.
It features two-person teams competing in "feats of strength."
The event will run all day. Come out and see for yourself what CrossFit is all about and cheer on these athletes. The facility is located on the first floor at 56 Harvester Ave., Batavia.

For more information please visit or contact the gym directly.
CrossFit Silver Fox is Genesee County's only CrossFit affiliate and we focus on RESULTS. CrossFit is a methodology that is constantly varied functional movements executed at high intensity. CrossFit Silver Fox's main goal is to improve overall health and fitness. Essentially it's a fun, friendly, yet high-intensity workout that incorporates all movements that will help you in everyday life.
CrossFit Silver Fox can be reached by calling or texting (585) 813-9281, email 

Sponsored Post: What is CrossFit?

By Lisa Ace

CrossFit is more than just an effective way to workout and get in shape. It is a way of living life to be your best. This includes training your body mentally and physically, as well as eating appropriately to sustain an active lifestyle. The founder of CrossFit, Greg Glassman, used this definition to define CrossFit: “CrossFit is an effective fitness program consisting of constantly varied functional movements executed at high intensity."

So, what is CrossFit? It is a combination of a few components:
Functional Movements: This includes any type of human movement you may see in everyday life such as squatting, running, jumping, lifting/carrying objects, climbing, throwing, etc. These types and patterns of movements have been ingrained in our DNA as human beings and are often neglected in todayʼs society. In life and in sport the body must work together as a unit to complete a task. In CrossFit, we use compound functional movements to train our body to work together as a whole to better ourselves in sport and in lifeʼs tasks.
Constant Variation: In CrossFit, our specialty is not specializing. We strive to be competent in any possible task or challenge that could come our way. Each day, every workout is different and will challenge you in a different aspect of fitness. Workouts can range from ­5-50 minutes and will vary in movements, loads, rep schemes, etc. The only purpose for doing the same workout twice is to track progress over time.
High Intensity: Intensity, of course, is relative to ones fitness level, but everyone can benefit from it. Simply put: Intensity = Power output during a workout. Power output can be measured by: (Force x Distance)/Time. The more power output you can develop during a workout, the more fit you can become.

Who Is CrossFit For? 
The best part about CrossFit is that it is designed to be universally scaleable. This makes CrossFit the perfect fitness program for any committed individual regardless of experience. We scale load and intensity; we donʼt change programs. The needs of Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree not kind. Every person needs some sort of physical capacity, whether it be to compete in sports, to serve and protect, or to carry groceries into the house. Our soldiers, skiers, mountain bike riders and housewives have found their best fitness from the same regimen. 

Still skeptical? Well don’t knock it till you try it, at CrossFit Silver Fox we offer two Free Foundations Classes. They are on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7 p.m. and it is a requirement to attend both classes before you sign up for regular classes. For those of you who are curious and would like to know the movements we cover in foundations here is a layout of the two days.

Movements: Day 1:

  • Air Squat (Body weight Squat)
  • Push­up
  • Burpees
  • Sit­ups
  • Kettlebell Swings
  • Sumo Deadlift High Pull
  • Box Jumps
  • Press (Military Press)
  • Push Press
  • Workout with some of the movements we covered

Day 2: 

  • Deadlift
  • Overhead Squat
  • Snatch
  • Front Squat
  • Clean
  • Wall Ball
  • Toes 2 Ball
  • Pull­-ups
  • Workout with some of the movements we covered

Website: • Like us on Facebook • Contact Info: E-mail: • Phone: 585­-813­-9281 
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