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dwi drill

Photos: DWI drill at Pembroke HS for juniors and seniors

By Howard B. Owens

Drive drunk and you might just get arrested, or worse, you might kill somebody.

That was the message today for juniors and seniors at Pembroke High School, in advance of their proms in a DWI drill put together today by volunteers from the Pembroke, Indian Falls, Corfu, and East Pembroke fire departments.

Peter Farrington played the drunken driver who was arrested by Deputy Robert Henning with assistance from Deputy Kevin McCarthy. Farrington played out his role seriously, showing signs of visible drunkenness during the field sobriety tests and insisting that he was alright, just out for a good time at the prom, and wanted to get home and sleep.

Photos by Howard Owens.

At the start of the drill, students were given an opportunity to walk all around the "accident" scene to get a fuller view of the scenario.

Photos: Pavilion seniors watch a simulated fatal DWI accident in advance of prom night

By Howard B. Owens

Pavilion High School Seniors were asked today to imagine what it would be like to do something that would change their lives and the lives of dozens and dozens of other people.

They were asked to imagine taking another life, however unintentionally, perhaps the life of a fellow classmate, by driving drunk.

Such a decision would not only cost them their driver's license along with thousands in fines and perhaps send them to prison; they would live for the rest of their lives with the knowledge that something they did ended the life of another human being.

That decision would also bring grief to the lives of the families of their victim, and perhaps victims, and hardships and disruptions to the lives of everybody else impacted by that decision.

That was the message today of a Senior Prom DWI Drill at Pavilion High School sponsored by Pavilion Volunteer Fire Department and helped by volunteers from Stafford, Bethany, Wyoming, and Elba, along with Mercy EMS, the Sheriff's Office, and Genesee County emergency dispatches.

-- more photos after the jump (click the headline) --

Photos by Howard Owens.

Photos: Senior Prom DWI drill in Pavilion

By Howard B. Owens

Pavilion High School hosted its annual DWI drill for seniors in advance of the prom to remind students about the dangers of drinking and driving.

The drill simulates a fatal DWI accident with the cooperation of the Pavilion Fire Department and Sheriff's Office. Mercy EMS, the coroner and volunteers from Bethany and Wyoming also participated.

Deputy: 'The worst part of my job is to notify a parent a child has died'

By Traci Turner

Le Roy Jr./ Sr. High School held its third DWI drill to make students think twice before stepping behind the wheel drunk.

The drunken driving simulation emphasized the consequences of a two-vehicle accident that involved six high school students. In the simulation, the driver of a Chevy Suburban was intoxicated and responsible for crashing into a Chevy pickup truck. The student in the passenger side of the Suburban died from injuries sustained and one of the students in the back seat suffered critical injuries. The other three students involved in the crash had minor injuries. 

The Genesee County Sheriff's Office, Le Roy Police Department, Le Roy Fire Department, Stafford Fire Department, Mercy Flight and the Genesee County Coroner participated in the simulation. Deputies from the Sheriff's Office and Le Roy police went through the process of administering sobriety tests. Le Roy firefighters demonstrated auto extrication to get the passengers out of both of the vehicles. Stafford firefighters set up an emergency landing zone in the parking lot for Mercy Flight so the passenger in critical condition could be flown out.

The drill takes place every two years at different high schools in Genesee County so all the juniors and seniors witness the simulation at least one time. 

Genesee County Sheriff's Deputy Chris Parker hopes today's simulation will influence students to question the offense and make good decisions.

"In the past, there have been crashes where kids have been killed on prom night in Elba and Oakfield," Parker said. "The worst part of my job is to notify a parent a child has died."

Detective John Condidorio, from the Le Roy Police Department, wants to make young adults aware of the consequences of drunk driving. Drunk drivers can face jail time, fines and probation. The consequences go beyond the charges as well.

"How is the driver going to deal with the fact that he kill his best friend or sister?" Condidorio asked. "The emotional toll is something that will long surpass jail time."

Jerry Diskin, past Le Roy fire chief, thought the simulation had a good turnout and educational presentation.

"It's important for kids to know the consequences of drunk driving and witness a crash because it's an important lesson you don't learn in school," Diskin said. "I hope it will stop accidents from happening in the near future."

Tim Hogle, assistant Le Roy fire chief, hopes the students realize the seriousness of drunk driving so he doesn't get called out for a crash for Le Roy's prom tomorrow night. To deter drunk driving, faculty will be randomly breathalyzing students at the prom.

Students participating were Tom Wood, Brian Hodges, Ashley Swartzenburg, Haley Steen, Emily McVicker and Karl Ehrhart.

Le Roy Ambulance service also participated.

Photos by Howard Owens.

Photos: Simulated fatal DWI accident at Byron-Bergen

By Howard B. Owens

Byron-Bergen High School held its pre-prom DWI fatal accident simulation this morning to help remind students not to drink and drive. Bergen Fire Department with assistance from Mercy EMS and State Police conducted the drill. 

Participating students were Andrew Sczepanski, Sean Donovan, Celeste Brownwell, Joelle Meister and Nathan McCarthy. EMS Explorer students assisting were Aurora Zinter, Maddie Wittman, Katie Simmons and Jeremy Boeff.

To purchase prints of photos, click here.

Photos: Prom-time DWI accident demonstrated for Elba students

By Howard B. Owens

Elba High School students were shown first-hand today what it can mean to drink and drive. Elba Fire hosted its annual DWI drill at the school. The exercise involves a simulated fatal accident with a serious injury. The department is assisted by the Sheriff's Office, Mercy EMS and Mercy Flight. Officials hope students get the message that drinking and driving can have serious consequences. The event is timed to come before prom season.

Top photo submitted by Karl White, Elba Volunteer Fire Department; The rest from Lynn O'Donnell of Mercy Flight.

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