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Local band needs votes to perform at this years Van's Warped Tour

By Timothy Walton

A big stage perfomance is what some only dream of. For 'A Summer Scene', that dream could come true this summer, as they have a chance to make the cut to perform on stage at the Van's Warped Tour.

In January 2010, Tim Mieney, Jimmy and Shane Causyn and Jake Bliss formed the band that now is in need of your votes to get on the big stage. The tour is set to make its local appearence at Darien Lake on July 12th and with your votes A Summer Scene may be on the list.

To vote click here, create an account and then you can vote everyday to help them win the performance.

Press Release from the band:

"The band came together in January of 2010. Jimmy, Jake and Shane had been writing together for a couple months and they asked Tim to take a listen to some of the material they had come up with. It started out as nothing serious but after a few practices we all realized that we had something special and what started out as a casual jam band turned into something very important to all of us."

"We love writing music from personal experience because if we've experienced something then chances are someone else has too. And if we can help someone in any way with the music we write then that right there is a dream come true for us. We can't thank everyone enough for how much support they give us and how much everyone helps this band. Be on the lookout for our new four song EP coming out around late April!"

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