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Benefit at Alabama Hotel will assist Oakfield woman diagnosed with rare cancer

By Virginia Kropf

A benefit Oct. 19 at Alabama Hotel will benefit an Oakfield woman who has recently been diagnosed with a very rare form of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma and has masses on both lungs and her liver.

The family of Carrie Gilbert Desjardins, 46, is hoping all their friends and relatives in the area will come out and support a benefit in her honor.

“Carrie would never ask for anything,” said Judy Gilbert of Oakfield, who is planning the benefit. “But she will have extensive treatments moving forward and that means medical bills. Sadly, she has had to resign her job.”

Judy describes Carrie as “a wife, daughter, sister, a very proud aunt, a special niece and a friend to all.”

The benefit, from 4 to 8 p.m., will feature a basket raffle, a bake sale run by Bonnie, side raffles and 50/50 drawings.

The family, which includes a cousin, Denise Gilbert Bull of Wheatville, is also selling Oliver’s candy bars.

Judy said doctors have told Carrie the chemo is working and the cancer is not spreading. The family are firm believers in prayer and while they hope everyone will come and support the benefit, they ask those who cannot come to say a prayer for Carrie.

Photo: Submitted photo. Carrie Gilbert Desjardins of Oakfield, shown here with one of her favorite nieces, is battling a rare form of cancer. A benefit in her honor is scheduled Oct. 19 at Alabama Hotel.

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