For the second time in a month, Oakfield firefighters paid a visit to the home of Luis and Elizabeth Chavez, of Lewiston Road, Oakfield.
On May 28, firefighters were called to assist Mercy EMS for a woman in labor. They arrived to find Elizabeth had delivered a baby girl on the bathroom floor.
Monday night, firefighters driving a fire truck and rescue vehicle returned to the home bearing gifts for the newborn and her family.
It was around 3 a.m. May 28 when the call came in, said firefighter Josh Finn. He, Chief Sean Downing and Jeff McIntire responded.
Elizabeth had been in labor and when the contractions got close, her husband went to take their son to his parents in Medina, intending to return and take Elizabeth to the hospital.
“I walked in the door and I heard her yelling,” Luis said. “I thought that must have really been a bad contraction. Then I heard a baby cry.”
Leyla weighed 7 pounds 7 ounces and was 19 inches long, her mother said.
Elizabeth had called her mother Dawn Videan, of Batavia, who had planned to be with Elizabeth during the birth. It was Videan who called 9-1-1.
“Mom was with me, but on speaker phone,” Elizabeth said.
The Oakfield firemen were having a training session last week when they started discussing the call to the Chavez home.
“We wondered why we hadn’t gone back to see them and get a picture of the baby,” Finn said. “Then we thought it would be nice to go see them in a fire truck and take them some gifts. It’s not every day you get to be part of bringing a life into the world. I have two girls myself, and I know how special it is.”
Top photo: Members of the Oakfield Fire Department paid a visit to Elizabeth and Luis Chavez, center, in a fire truck and rescue vehicle Monday night to bring them some baby gifts.
From left are Collin Scheiber, Noah Toal, Josh Finn, Casey Arnold, Bill Sturgeon, Pete Scheiber, Kurtis Griswold and Sean Downing. The firemen responded with Mercy EMS to the home a month ago after Elizabeth gave birth on the bathroom floor.
Firefighter Josh Finn, left, and Chief Sean Downing, right, pose with Elizabeth and Luis Chavez at their home Monday night. Finn and Downing were two of the Oakfield firefighters who responded to the Chavez home a month ago when baby Leyla was born.
Kurtis Griswold, a member of the Oakfield Fire Department, hands a gift bag to Elizabeth Chavez, holding her 4-week-old daughter Leyla. The firemen showed up at the Chavez home on Lewiston Road Monday night with a bag of gifts after responding to a 9-1-1 call when Elizabeth went into labor. She delivered the baby on the bathroom floor minutes before first responders arrived.
Elizabeth and Luis Chavez, of Oakfield, pose with their 4-week-old daughter Leyla and 2-year-old son Emmitt on the deck of their home on Lewiston Road. The couple received a visit Monday night from members of the Oakfield Fire Department, who brought a bag of gifts after responding to the home a month ago when Elizabeth went into labor.