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Oakfield mother forms local chapter of MOMS Club

By Virginia Kropf

When Erin Ferguson learned about a club designed especially for mothers like herself, she was immediately interested, and now she is starting one in Genesee County.

“I first heard about MOMS Club from a friend, who attended one in Brockport,” Ferguson said. “Brockport is a bit of a drive, and I thought if this club was good for me, it might also be good for other local mothers.”

Ferguson and her husband, Robert, have two sons, Bryce, 5, and Clayton, 1. She has been a stay-at-home mom for four years, and the opportunity for socialization with other mothers like her was welcoming.

MOMS Club was founded in 1983 by a stay-at-home mom from California. Tired of being home alone all day, see wanted to connect with other moms like her and find playmates for her young children. Most groups and organizations meet at night, when she wanted to be home with her husband. After searching and finding there were no groups which met during the day and provided activities for moms and children, she decided to start her own group.

Since then, MOMS Club has spread throughout the country, with more than 2,000 chapters in the United States.

To start a Genesee County chapter, Ferguson first had to find a place to meet. She contacted Erin Hebdon Saile, who owns Porcelain Pigs ceramic shop in Alexander. Saile agreed to let Ferguson use space in her shop.

MOMS Clubs meet during the day when mothers need the most support, Ferguson said.

“Any mother can come to a meeting and decide if it’s right for them,” she said.

She said the club will meet once a month, and perhaps have occasional outings during the week. These might include taking the kids to a playground, meeting for lunch and going berry picking.

There also might be an occasional night out, Ferguson said.

Ferguson said they welcome moms of all ages, not just those with preschoolers.

“All mothers need to get out and do something for themselves once in a while,” she said.

Anyone interested can visit the club’s Facebook page at MOMS Club of Genesee County or

Photo: Erin Ferguson, of Oakfield, is a stay-at-home mom who is trying to form a Genesee County chapter of MOMS Club, an international organization founded as a support group to women who stay at home or work part-time. With Ferguson are her children, Clayton, 1, and Bryce, 5.

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