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March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month

By Press Release

Press release:

Did you know that March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM)? With the expansion of gambling opportunities in NYS the gambling landscape has drastically changed.  This increase in accessibility and availability is putting more people at risk, making the work of raising awareness of problem gambling more important than ever before. 

Gambling means risking something of value a game of chance in the hopes of a positive outcome. While many people participate in gambling activities, for some, it can lead to problems.

Simply put, problem gambling is when gambling starts having a negative impact in your life. This impact can lead to gambling disorder or gambling addiction. The consequences can affect one's mental health, damage relationships, create difficulty at work or school, and lead to financial problems.

Problem gambling can affect anyone at any point in their lives and can also affect friends and families of those struggling with their gambling.  Often family members find themselves worried about loved ones, trying to help financially, and wondering how best to handle the situation. NYCPG provides connections to individualized support, including counseling, peer support and referrals to anyone in need.

This month, the New York Council on Problem Gambling (NYCPG) and the Western Problem Gambling Resource Center is asking everyone across New York State – individuals, agencies and communities alike – to come together to shine a light on problem gambling. Together we can raise awareness of the issue of problem gambling and get those in need connected to support services in their own community. 

To find out how you can get involved in problem gambling efforts this month and all year round, visit

The Westen Problem Gambling Resource Center (PGRC) is a program of the New York Council on Problem Gambling dedicated to addressing the issue of problem gambling within New York State. The vision of the PGRC is the positive transformation of lives harmed by problem gambling. The PGRC focuses efforts on increasing public awareness of problem gambling; connecting clients with treatment, recovery and support services; working with the gaming industry to promote responsible gambling; and promoting healthy lifestyles which foster freedom from problem gambling. If you or someone you know needs help with a gambling problem, please call 716-833-4274 or email for confidential assistance. 

Chamber of Commerce Award: Innovation Enterprise of the Year, Empire Hemp

By Joanne Beck

Sinus steamers, muscle mousse and scrubby bars may not seem to be your typical hemp and cannabis company products, but they’re exactly a reason why Empire Hemp Co. has become so popular in its field.

“We create a lot of unique products you wouldn’t find in other stores,” Chief Operating Officer Shelly Wolanske said. “In order to keep current, we’re constantly coming up with new ideas for products.”

The company, based on the first floor of 34 Swan St. and expanding into 23,000 square feet that includes the second floor for production and storage, with a retail store at 204 East Main St. in downtown Batavia, has been selected for the Chamber of Commerce Innovative Enterprise of the Year Award. While Chief Executive Officer Chris Van Dusen and Wolanske were surprised, they agree the type of business is all about being innovative.

“We’re the first cannabis business in Genesee County,” he said. “As far as what we’ve come from and where we’ve gone to, we ordered a lot of equipment and brought on a lot of investors to fund that expansion. We are so we have our whole line of adult-use cannabis products or THC products, and those include pre-rolled ‘cones,’ gummies and vape cartridges and flour. We needed the new equipment to do those products and locked down the gummy recipe. We just took our first orders for gummies to dispensaries in New York.

“As we’ve grown the business, we’ve had to learn each aspect of the business, start off with CBD, and we have to learn not only the regulations and the state compliances, but we also have to learn how does the machinery work? What's the most efficient way for them to work, train employees, and, there's all these different nuances around it, that's part of growing a business,” Van Dusen said.

There has been no blueprint to follow, Shelly added, no trailblazer ahead of them to follow. They’ve been the trailblazers, forging their way through the state regulations, certifications, inspections and protocols to ensure they’re doing things the right way.

“It’s been trial and error; we’ve figured this out; regulations and testing’s been a challenge,” Van Dusen said.

They’ve had to find out through trial and error how to do things as efficiently as possible, when it was time to recruit and hire more staff, and what products were hot or not. Making gummies, for example, might seem like an easy task, and yet it took one and a half years to perfect the recipe, Wolanske said. They worked with different preservatives and flavorings, and it came out either too mushy or too stiff and took a lot of adjustments to get it to the chewy, gummy consistency they wanted.

There have been other challenges, including a lawsuit right now in New York State that’s holding up deliveries from dispensaries.

“That’s a whole other challenge we’re working on,” Van Dusen said. “We’re constantly solving problems. It’s exciting but challenging at the same time.”

They raised “a substantial” amount of money to buy equipment for their production needs and hired five people in the last three months to work at the store. One goal is to educate people about their products while the field has dwindled in certain arenas, Wolanske said.

“It takes a certain attitude. There’s an ebb and flow,” she said. “There’s very few of us left from the CBD days.”

Despite all of the hurdles, Van Dusen sees that “the opportunity in front of us is really incredible.”

“We’re really excited about where we are going with the expansion. We're quadrupling our footprint. That's our next phase of focus, how we're going to build that out. And then we have to get it okayed by the state, and then we have to get it Good Manufacturing Practices certified before we can start production out there,” Van Dusen said. “So we have to clean it, we have to paint it. And we have to then have a consultant come in and make sure we have everything ready for our audits for both the state and from the third party auditor to make sure that we're in compliance.”

The plan is to fill up that upstairs space with an indoor growth facility and keep rolling together as a cohesive group.

“Any little step is a huge step for us,” Wolanske said. “Everybody we’ve hired so far is part of the team. They’re in.”

And so, too — obviously — have Van Dusen and Wolanske been in since the beginning, which began long before they founded Empire Hemp and planted their first site on Swan Street in 2019 and then opened the store in April 2020 downtown.

Their award nominations included articles about the early days of Wolanske, whose path to the hemp industry brought her by way of being a policy-maker in the alcohol and substance abuse and prevention field, and Van Dusen as an entrepreneur, furniture maker, contractor, bicycle mechanic, tour guide, and father of three, whose history with cannabis dated back to the nineties during his battle with cancer. It was the intense effects of chemotherapy, in particular, that pushed him to explore alternative methods of recovery from the side effects of Hodgkin's Lymphoma treatment. 

"During that time, California had just legalized medical marijuana for cancer and AIDS patients, and I was having a tough time with chemotherapy," he said. "It relieved nausea and the terrible feeling I had from the chemicals being pushed through my veins and allowed me to have a level of normalcy in my life. It was like night and day, and I could go back to work. I knew at that point there was something about this plant that had some serious healing. It was life-changing." 

Fast forward to 2020, when COVID hit, and the couple learned another form of survival during pandemic shutdowns. Nomination forms included yet other articles about the tenacity of Van Dusen and Wolanske to operate a walk-up window, followed by the opening of their store, which was a success. While some places have merely posted a sign, it’s not as easy — or legal — as that, Van Dusen has said, wanting to clarify and educate the truth for consumers to know in further articles, all used as part of the nomination process.

Top Photo: Chris Van Dusen, founder and Co-founder Shelly Wolanske at their Empire Hemp shop on East Main Street, Batavia, and several of their self-created products. Photos by Howard Owens.

Environmental overhaul for Centennial Park announced as part of new 'resiliency plan' for county

By Howard B. Owens

Centennial Park isn't what it once was, and a new plan unveiled at a press conference Monday aims to restore some of its previous features and make it more environmentally compatible with a changing climate.

Some 60 trees, out of about 200 trees, will be removed -- mostly silver maples -- and another 400 trees and shrubs of various species (all native to the region but also compatible with a warming environment) will be planted over the next five years, with one of the main features of the original park being restored: grass footpaths.

The plan is part of a state-driven initiative for communities to create resiliency plans.  The changes at Centennial Park are just one aspect of the countywide initiative. 

Kisha Santiago-Martinez

"This plan presents a comprehensive, holistic approach to addressing and preparing for the many challenges we confront in the face of more frequent and severe storm events," said Deputy Secretary of State Kisha Santiago-Martinez. "By developing and implementing this plan, you are proactively helping to ensure that the county, its municipalities, residents and businesses are better prepared to confront and recover from natural disasters."

The draft plan for the park states that it "addresses the role of the park in the ecological network and calls for action in these areas of concern: urban heat island effects, public health, mitigation of storm-water runoff, biodiversity and climate change."

The Centennial Park plan calls for the creation in the park of resilient habitats through the introduction of climate-adaptive native plant communities.

Plants will be selected to provide a tree canopy along with under-canopy tree species, as well as shrub species that support pollinators and wildlife. 

The history of Centennial Park -- at one time known as State Park because of its affiliation with the New York State School for the Blind -- goes back to the 1880s, when Asa Lord, the first superintendent of the school, spearheaded the effort to create a green space with walking paths, ponds, trees, flowerbeds, a bandstand and a gazebo.

The park was deeded to the City of Batavia in 1969.

Over time, many of the features of the park disappeared -- the ponds, the flowerbeds, the bandstand, and the gazebo, and unless you knew where to look, there's little trace of the former walking paths.

David Beatty, a Batavia resident who served on the committee that helped develop the plan for Centennial Park, said there has been a real effort in the plan to both preserve the history of the park and enhance its enjoyment for community members who visit it as the city's primary open green space.

"We'll be removing a lot of trees, but the trees that remain, though, they'll blend in with our new plan," Beatty said. "It's really species driven, ecologically driven. The idea was to reinforce the old historic patterns with the pathway patterns by the vegetation, the trees."

The paths will be grass but maintained so that they're clearly visible.

"It is a key design element to remain with grass," Beatty said. "The idea is to use the maintenance crew, in the summers, to keep the path mowed, so the grass in the paths will be shorter and let the park be visible, let the park grow. Don't mow it. Manage it."

As part of the plan, one of the things that will change is the removal of the golden, red, and orange leaves that fall into the ground in October and November.

The report states:

Rake (or blow) fallen leaves around tree groups to create a mulch bed. Do not mulch fallen leaves with the mower, as this will destroy Lepidoptera eggs laid on the underside of tree leaves (primarily oak leaves). Leaf litter also provides shelter for overwintering adult Lepidoptera and caterpillars in diapause Additionally, leaf litter helps to retain soil moisture and recycles nutrients to the soil. 

County Legislator Marianne Clattenburg noted during her remarks at the press conference that Centennial Park has served in recent years as a hub of community events. At one time, it hosted Picnic in the Park. It continues to host the GLOW Corporate Cup, performances by Batavia Concert Band, a recent Lemonade Stand fundraiser as well as the first pine box derby in the community in decades.  There is also the annual Kiwanis Easter Egg hunt in the park.

"As you can see, Centennial Park is a beautiful resource, but it is also the hub of community gatherings," Clattenburg said. "Resiliency plans such as this are tremendously important, as we recognize the need to plan for the future in order to preserve the treasures of the past."

Beatty said preserving space for community events was a specific point of discussion by the committee.

The problem might be parking.

When there are large events at Centennial Park, attendees tend to park their cars on the grass along Park Avenue even though the entire area is posted "no parking."  

And it's important, Beatty said, that people don't park on the grass because the cars compact the soil, damaging the root systems of the trees and shrubs.

"There will be an effort to change the parking patterns," Beatty said. "The city is going to need to figure that out."

There will also be a cinder path along Park Avenue, as there is now along Richmond Avenue, part of the re-imagined park. That will discourage parking along Park Avenue, Beatty suggested.

To fund the multi-year study and plan development, Genesee County partnered with the non-profit New York Green. The plan was also funded with a $250,000 grant from the NYS Department of State Smart Growth Program.

Click here for a 44-page PDF of the Centennial Park plan. It contains details on the three phases of tree planting and what plants are being considered for the park as well as historical, current, and projected maps of the park.  You can view in more detail the map reproduced as an illustration at the top of this story, which shows what planners anticipate the park will look like when completed.

NY Green has also created a website dedicated to Genesee County's resiliency plan, which goes well beyond Centennial Park.  There you will find a link to the full 454-page report. The 454-page report cites a number of "news" interviews with local elected officials as source material.  The un-bylined "articles" appear on images of paper for a seemingly non-existent news publication, "Changing Times."

A press release from the Department of State about the county's resiliency plan lists these objectives:

1. Flood Management/Emergency Preparedness Strategies:

  • Increased communication to residents in flood-prone areas of hazards/risks from weather;
  •  Increased inter-municipal cooperation and coordination for warnings;
  • Repurposing of acquired flood-prone properties for conservation or recreation; and
  • Implementation of flood protection measures.

2. Land Conservation/Water Quality Protection Strategies:

  • Implementation of Green Genesee Road Map; protection of riparian land buffers;
  • Obtaining development rights to high-quality farmland;
  • Increased agricultural Best Management Practices; and
  • Proper management of large-scale solar and related battery storage projects.

Resilient Infrastructure Strategies:

  • Usage of green stormwater infrastructure and renewable energy sources;
  • Accommodation of sizing for culverts for volume and waterway functionality;
  • Expansion of tree planting and maintenance;
  • Enhanced water supply infrastructure; and
  • Protection of power during severe weather.

4. Community Capacity/Public Education Strategies:

  • Preparation of a Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan for the Tonawanda Creek area;
  • Education on the incorporation of green infrastructure for municipalities and communities;
  • Public information on invasive species reduction;
  • Native plant use; and
  • Promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency. 

Marianne Clattenburg speaking.

Mark Masse, senior vice president of operations for GCEDC, said among the things businesses looking to locate operations in Genesee County ask about are quality of life issues for employees and what is local government doing to promote environmentally sustainable development.

"Those two questions have taken on a greater significance and importance in today's site selection processes as companies emphasize the well-being of their employees as well as the environment," Masse said. "That is why the GCEDC works so closely with the Genesee County Planning Department and other county and local government agencies on green infrastructure plans, site plan layouts and smart growth principles. The countywide resiliency plan unveiled today looks at preserving public spaces for people to enjoy while also preserving and protecting our water supply and identifying projects to help with the overall environmental quality of our community."

Shelley Stein, chair of the Genesee County Legislature, said, "The resiliency of our valuable land in our natural resources is a hallmark of Genesee County and our dedication to land use planning, and especially as an agricultural community. For instance, one of the goals of Genesee County's smart growth plan is to protect farmland and the rural character of our countryside and maintain the viability of our agriculture. By engaging all sectors of land use planning, desired outcomes and local government partners, including the City of Batavia. It has brought forward a well-thought-out, environmentally sensitive and achievable resiliency plan."

Sometimes event planning is no picnic (in the park)

By Joanne Beck

As grateful as GO ART! staff was to have gotten additional funding this year to resume the annual Picnic in the Park, it will only be possible with the assistance of other community organizations to help out, Executive Director Gregory Hallock says.

City Council agreed this year to boost the regular amount of $2,500 to $6,500 to bring back the Fourth of July event at the urging of Councilwoman Patti Pacino. Since the city wanted to approve a transfer of funds from the defunct centennial celebration committee for a resurrected Wing Ding, Pacino said she would only vote for that as long as her fellow council members also approved extra funding for Picnic in the Park. And so they did. 

After seeking various ways to make it happen, Hallock feels it’s just not feasible, he said.

“With funding drying up for both the Ramble and Picnic in the Park, GO ART! and the Ramble Team joined forces last year to put on the Ramble Explore ART! and Music Festival in hopes of keeping an event alive within this amazing community we are part of,” he said to The Batavian Monday. “GO ART! made the commitment again for this year prior to hearing about a possible funding opportunity from the City of Batavia. It was a welcoming surprise when we heard the City of Batavia was willing to help fund Picnic in the Park this year; however, there is no guarantee this funding will continue beyond this year. With the Ramble just three days before July 4th, GO ART! just does not have the capacity and resources to put on Picnic as well.

“We have reached out to numerous groups asking for help, but we have been unable to secure any. We are willing to assist any organization by providing all the files and information needed to put on the event if anyone is willing and able to step up,” he said. “It is estimated that the event in today's dollars costs $20,000 to put on.”

City Council is expected to vote on a final 2023-24 budget during its business meeting on March 13. That includes GO ART! funding of $2,500 to support the arts and $4,000 for the picnic. The group and City Manager Rachael Tabelski were informed that GO ART! was committed to the Ramble and had “declined Picnic in the Park late last week,” Tabelski said.

So what happens to that funding?

“As far as the proposed budget, the line item is still in the budget, council has the option, and may dedicate or reallocate the funding through a budget amendment to general events account or not expend the funds altogether,” she said.

The picnic is not the only event not to make an appearance this year. Assistant City Manager Erik Fix recently announced that the Wing Ding Committee has put a halt on plans for this year’s event, initially scheduled for Labor Day weekend to correlate with a Wings Over Batavia Air Show. There didn’t seem to be enough time to properly map out the event, and members wanted to reconsider a date for the event.

Not all is lost for summertime fun. The Italian Fest will make a second annual return in July, The Ramble Explore Art! and Music Festival will also be happening in July, plus Friday night Jackson Square concerts throughout the summer and other concerts and special events at various downtown and across town venues to check out at The Batavian’s calendar. The air show will be making a comeback Labor Day weekend at Genesee County Airport.

File photo of the virtual 2020 Picnic in the Park during COVID, by Howard Owens.

City Fire Department announces new chaplain

By Press Release

Press Release:

The City of Batavia Fire Department is proud to announce our new Fire Department Chaplain, Deacon Dave Erhart of Le Roy.

Deacon Dave comes to us with an impressive resume, including 40 years of fire service experience with the Le Roy Fire Department as both a firefighter and Chaplain. He is currently serving as a Deacon with Our Lady of Mercy Church in Le Roy.

He received Fire Chaplain training at the New York State Fire Academy in Montour Falls and is a member of the New York State Order of Chaplains.

Fire Chaplains provide a valuable service to the Fire Department members and their families. We look forward to this partnership and are fortunate to have a local resource available with such experience.

Chamber Awards: Agricultural Business of the Year, Fenton's Produce

By Joanne Beck

When Paul and Gail Fenton met in Pembroke High School and were fellow 1981 graduates, she had a grand vision for her future: to be a news reporter, live in the big city and drive a red Corvette.

Marrying a lifelong farmer meant erasing a few of those high school girl daydreams, Gail says.

“I now live in the country, I farm and drive a red pickup. So it went complete opposite of what I was thinking,” she said. "So, in fact, I had a couple of jobs right after we got married. And I got pregnant with our oldest in ’87. And it was shortly after it was that summer that Paul was like, ‘You know what, I think we could make a run of the farm, you and I both working on the farm. And now that I live on a farm, I was like, You know what, I don't know if I would have enjoyed living in the city. I know it was nice with this occupation because I wasn't technically labeled a stay-at-home mom, but I had all the perks of a stay-at-home mom, I got to do all the field trips with the kids … not many families nowadays eat three meals a day together, but we were able to do that.”

What she and Paul got, instead of a life in the city, was a life of pursuing the family tradition, living off the land, meeting Mother Nature’s unexpected challenges, changing with the times, learning new technologies and methods, and making a real go of Fenton’s Produce.

The Batavia-based company, which operates three sites of 60 acres along Pratt Road, is the recipient of this year’s Genesee County Chamber of Commerce Agricultural Business of the Year Award. When Gail took the phone call, she heard a man say he was a lawyer, and she thought ‘what have we done?’ It was tense few moments until he mentioned that she and Paul had won an award, she admitted.

They were surprised, but recognize that small certainly doesn’t mean bland or cookie-cutter.

“We’re just a tiny farm,” Gail said. “We grow all kinds of stuff. “Anything new coming out, we’ll try it.”

“We like being our own bosses. This type of farming, every day is different, by 8 a.m. you’re headed in a different direction. We never do the same thing all day,” Paul said. “It’s provided us with a decent income, our health, it’s a physical job that keeps us in shape, you get to see things that most people don’t get to see … a critter, the sunset, a sunrise. I’m carrying on my grandfather’s and uncles’ hard work.”

They sat in their home, circa 1830s and situated in the middle of the main farm. It is the original homestead of his uncles, surname Kiefer, who ran the establishment before selling it to Paul and Gail. They wanted to follow in the family's footsteps with a variety of cash crops, as Uncles Fred and Louis, and his grandparent’s blueberries on Route 5.

Look for the Fenton’s farmstand on Pratt Road during the warmer months, and produce also fills shelves at Tops in Batavia, Le Roy and East Aurora, and seasonally at the East Aurora Farmers Market. The couple is not afraid to try new produce — asparagus, five varieties of potatoes, peppers, brussels sprouts, broccolini, kale, beets, and new this season, hanging strawberry baskets and other vegetation.

“We start in the spring with transplants, and have slowly added other stuff,” Gail said. “We’ve had to adjust. We’re headed more towards broccolini and root crops and away from winter squash. People love whatever’s easy to make.”

Along with following trends and current demand, the Fentons have turned to the mechanics of farming to help reduce the need for labor, since finding it can be difficult, and they cannot do everything — or lift hefty weights — themselves.

“It wasn’t a big deal to get a group of teenagers out on the field, now … it’s a juggling act with our labor. We are seasonal, there’s just not that much work,” he said. “We’re surrounded by multiple-acre farms. We are the small family farm.  We’ve had to adjust what we can do, and get mechanical help.”

“I used to have a T-shirt -- it said, 'farming is not just a job; it's a lifestyle.' And that's true. Yeah, we live this job 24/7. If you look at our place, our house sits in the center of our farm. We don't get away from the farm. You don't walk in the house, you don't close the door, and you're done for the day. There's something that could come up at two o'clock in the morning that you're going to have to go turn to,” Paul said.

“Paul always jokes that he has Bontrager on speed dial,” Gail said.

Another saying that Gail joked about sheds some light on the sentimental aspect of the business that's near and dear to their hearts: We’ll expire before we retire.

Paul and Gail were nominated for bringing “a sharp business focus to their cropping approach, seeking out and adopting efficiency-improving equipment. They have an eye for innovation and understanding emerging trends.”

“Take, for instance, their early adoption of food safety practices and GAPS certification. Fentons also position themselves ahead of the curve when it comes to new production techniques - they are a key part of developing them! For decades they have been a generous host farm for Cornell research trials. In 2022 alone, they cared for two variety trials, tested a laser scarecrow, and hosted the regional sweet corn pest monitoring traps.”

Paul and Gail are extremely observant and thoughtful crop managers, Fenton's Produce has a reputation for fabulous product, whether that be flowers, blueberries, or vegetables, and they foster a fun, informative, laid-back, and personalized experience for their retail customers, the nomination states.

“Paul and Gail are extremely community oriented. They truly want to see everyone be successful as growers and open their farm up to share their knowledge with others. They've hosted many field days over the years. Paul often adds on his own after-meeting tour, often to check out his favorite cultivating equipment,” it states. “They are also frequent hosts for tours of their farm from Leadership Genesee to Decision Makers. Their passion for agriculture is evident when speaking to the public about their business.” 

Paul and Gail Fenton at their homestead farm on Pratt Road in Batavia, working in their greenhouse, and one of the five varieties of potatoes that they grow. Photos by Howard Owens.

Town of Batavia Fire celebrates 75th Anniversary at annual banquet

By Howard B. Owens

The Town of Batavia Fire's banquet Saturday at Terry Hills was more than awards and installation of officers; it was also a celebration of the department's 75th anniversary.

Chief Christopher Strathearn, being sworn in above, began his second term as chief and, in his annual report, said that the department responded to 409 calls in 2022 with 3,309 member responses to those calls for a total of 2,402 manhours by volunteers out on calls.

The department currently has 48 active members.

The 2023 officers are:

  • Chris Strathearn, chief
  • Robert Hunt, deputy chief
  • Paul Dibble, first assistant
  • Joshua Boyle, second assistant
  • Bryan Mosciki, captain
  • Lieutenant, Clayton Gorski
  • Paul Barrett, safety officer
  • Scott Garlock, president
  • Tom Cunningham, vice president, Steve Coburn, secretary
  • Don Koziol, treasurer
  • Directors: Tim Yaeger, Dan Jacques, Paul Bareet, Gary Diegelman, and William Allen.

Dwayne Fonda Jr., flanked by Strathearn and Garlock, was named Firefighter of the Year.

Tom Garlock, who joined the department 10 years ago, received the president's award.  His father, Scott Garlock, presented the award and talked about the night he and his wife first met; the first hour they met.  They were in the GCC parking lot, and a fire truck went by on its way to a garage fire. Garlock told Lynn, "Let's go," and they followed the truck to the fire. Garlock wasn't even a volunteer yet.

"I think she knew what she was in for," he said.

Both of their sons joined the department, and it seemed like destiny.

"My President's Award this year goes to that little boy who, in first grade, his teacher came up to me and said, Mr. Garlock, your son seems to know an awful lot about fire, the fire department, and fire trucks," Garlock said. "I said, 'how so.' She said, 'Whenever I read stories, and there's a fire truck in the story, your son always corrects me and says, 'no that's an engine,' or 'that's a ladder truck.'"

Tyler Stewart went out on 205 calls, making him the department's top responder for 2022.

Past chief Frank Riccobono was recognized for his 40 years of service to the department.

Dan Coffey became a line officer in 2005.  He served as chief from 2017 to 2021. He wasn't able to attend last year's dinner so his service was recognized on Saturday night.

Town of Batavia Fire volunteers.

Photos by Howard Owens.

Top seed Pembroke wins sectional final in thrilling three point victory over York

By Howard B. Owens

The Pembroke Dragons are Section V champions in Boys Basketball, beating York in the Class C2 final at Blue Cross Arena on Sunday, 62-59.

The game was close for all four quarters, with York leading most of the way in the first half, but Pembroke regrouped in the third quarter and held onto a slender lead at the end when time ran out on York.


  • Tyson Totten, 16 points
  • Cayden Pfalzer, 12 points
  • Avery Ferreira, 13 points
  • Jon Suro, 14 points
  • Chase Guzdek, 7 points, 15 rebounds

"York is a great team, and Ed (Orman) does a really good job with his squad year in and year out," said Coach Matt Shay. "Our kids showed a lot of resilience responding to how York jumped on us early. We came out really tough in the third and made a nice run, but when you get to this level, teams are going to make runs on their end as well. York did that by switching to a press and a 2-3 zone. I was really proud of how some of our guys stepped up tonight. Avery, Jon, and Chase really came up huge for us today. This group has worked really hard, and they deserve this."

The Dragons get a bye in the first round of regionals. Pembroke will play the winner of Lyons vs. Northstar Christian on Thursday, March 9, in the Quarterfinals, location TBD.

To view or purchase photos, click here.

Photos by Steve Ognibene

After winning the championship, the team bus was escorted by the Pembroke Volunteer Fire Department from Batavia to the school. Video by Jessica Pfalzer.

Photos below by Jessica Pfalzer. For more photos, click here.

Harloff's 300, Pettinella's 769 lead the way at Mancuso's

By Press Release

Press release:

Batavia Geoff Harloff continues to light it up at Mancuso Bowling Center.

The 47-year-old right-hander started and finished strong in the County Line Stone Friday Trios League this week en route to a 754 series on lanes 13-14.

Harloff rolled 12 consecutive strikes in the opening game for his fifth United States Bowling Congress-certified 300 game and, following a 187 middle game, rebounded with a 267 to close out the night.

The night before, he posted a 705 series in the Toyota of Batavia 4-Man League and two nights before that, registered 693 while substituting in the Turnbull Heating Triples League. 

At 222, his average is among the top 10 at Mancuso's this season.

In other Genesee Region USBC league action over the past week:

  • Mike Pettinella of Batavia raised his average to 233 with a 245-256-269--769 effort in the Turnbull Heating Triples League;
  • Batavians Rich Wagner and Tom McJury set the pace in the Toyota of Batavia League with 748 and 746, respectively. Wagner upped his average to 224.
  • Mike Lyons of Elba continued his fine season at Rose Garden Bowl in Bergen with a 277 game and 739 series in the Wednesday Men's Handicap League.


The team of Caycee and Chris Bardol, Mark Brown and Tim Pfeifer combined for a 3,610 score to place first in the Ron Riggi Memorial Tournament at Legion Lanes in Le Roy last weekend. The winning team split $800.

Brown also was on the second place teams with Harloff, Jason Quilliam and Matt Balduf. They earned $400.

Aaron Philp won the optional singles event, winning $125.

The tournament drew 24 teams.

Sponsored Post: New Listing Alert from Reliant Real Estate: 35 West Avenue, Elba

By Lisa Ace

35 West Avenue, Elba. Solid 4 bedroom, 2 bath village ranch on great village lot! This home has great bones and way more space then what meets the eye from the road!! All rooms good size, lots of natural light, and really nice and spacious floor plan! Cozy front living room with pretty bricked fireplace and then a large and bright family/dining room with slider to back deck and yard. With some decor updates this home will make you happy for years to come! Call Reliant Real Estate today - 585-344-4663.

Notre Dame/Alexander has strong showing at state indoor championships

By Howard B. Owens

The Notre Dame/Alexander Indoor Track Team wrapped up its season at this state meet on Saturday in Staten Island with a seventh place state finish in the 4x400 relay, posting a time of 4:09.89.

Jadyn Mullen placed 17th in 55 hurdles with a time of 8:92 and 18th in the 600 with a time of 1:39.08.

Submitted photo and information.

Notre Dame boys end season to state ranked Avoca Prattsburgh 93-67

By Howard B. Owens

The Fighting Irish found themselves in a tough match for the Class D1 title against Avoca/Prattsburgh on Saturday at Blue Cross Arena in Rochester.

At 16-5, Notre Dame was the #3 seed in the class; at 19-2, the athletes were ranked #1.

Haden Abbott's 28 points helped lead Avoca to a 93-67 win.

For Notre Dame, Jay Antinore scored 17 points, Ryan Fitzpatrick, 15, Jaden Sherwood, 15, and Jordan Welker, 11. 

To view or purchase photos, click here.

Photos by Steve Ognibene


Elba loses fierce battle with Andover in Class D2 championship game

By Press Release

Submitted story.

In a game that saw 15 lead changes, Elba needed one more they couldn't get, falling 58-55 to Andover-Whitesville in the Class D2 sectional finals Saturday night.

Andover-Whitesville's Vanessa Hall tallied a game-high 28 points, including six points in the last 39 seconds to seal the win for the Panthers.

Hall struggled in the first half shooting 4-for-15 from the floor for 10 points but turned it around in the second half on 8-of-16 field goals for 18 points. The senior made several tough inside shots, and a few nice interior passes to set up Panther teammates as well. Hall was named the Class D2 tournament MVP.

Sixth-seeded Elba (13-11) played tough throughout, grabbing an 11-10 lead after one quarter. Maddie Hall nailed a 3-pointer to get the scoring started for the Lancers, while freshman Lydia Ross and sophomore Sydney Reilly both scored four points in the opening stanza.

Reilly, who leads Elba with over 16 points per game, picked up her third foul just one minute into the second quarter. Elba would not relinquish the lead in her absence. Mariah Ognibene and Ross netted two-point baskets before Kennedy Augello got hot. The junior guard sandwiched an inside basket between two 3-pointers to give Elba the 23-21 edge at the half.

Elba's Hailie Scouten led the charge to start the third quarter. The junior forward swished a 3-pointer from the right wing to start the quarter and then 30 seconds later knocked a trey in off the board to give Elba its biggest lead of the game at 29-21. Scouten added one more basket later in the quarter and finished with nine points, 13 rebounds, three assists and five blocks.

Ross, who finished with a team-high 13 points and spear-headed the Lancers all night, added four points in the third quarter. Reilly, who came back in with 30 seconds left in the frame, and Hall added three and two points, respectively, in the quarter.

Andover-Whitesville's Hall paced her team with 10 points in the third quarter, and Graci Lewis-Ellison added five. Both teams scored 17 points resulting in a 40-38 Elba advantage after three.

The Panthers started the fourth quarter with six straight points to take a 44-40 lead. Then both Ross and Ognibene scored on putbacks for Elba to tie the game once again at 44-44 halfway through the final quarter. A free throw by Scouten gave the Lancers their final lead of the game with three minutes left.

Hall gave Andover-Whitesville the lead right back on the very next possession slicing into the lane for a tough inside bucket.

Ognibene would tie the game once more with her own free throw with 2:30 left, but Panthers senior Gabby Terhune netted a layup on a nice assist from Hall seconds later to put Andover-Whitesville up for good. Two Panther free throws and two more baskets from Hall put Elba down 54-49 with just 30 seconds remaining.

Reilly made an off-balance basket and was fouled on the Lancers' next possession. The following free throw made it 54-52 in favor of the Panthers. Foul shots from Hall, Terhune and Lewis-Ellison increased the lead to 58-52 with 11 seconds left in the game.

Augello swished one more three-pointer, her third of the night, as the buzzer sounded. She finished with 11 points on 4-of-8 shooting.

Ognibene ended with five points and a game-high 16 rebounds for Elba, while Reilly ended with 10 points, nine rebounds and three assists. Ross, who was named to the all-tournament team, also had four rebounds, four assists and three steals to go with her 13 points for the Lancers.

Elba's Hall tallied five points, while junior Ava Chatt rounded out the Lancers scoring with two points.

Andover-Whitesville's Lewis-Ellison ended with eight points, six rebounds, five assists and three steals. Bledsoe finished with 10 points and six rebounds.

Reilly, Lewis-Ellison and Bledsoe were also named to the all-tournament team.

Photos by Kristin Smith. For more, click here.

Cedar Street Sales and Rentals remains family run as it enters its fourth decade

By Howard B. Owens

It takes a lot of hard work and perseverance to make it in business for 30 years, Guy Clark said Friday, following a ribbon-cutting to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Cedar Street Sales and Rentals in Batavia.

"A lot of it is also being a big part of the community," Clark said.

The celebration also makes another significant transition for Clark, who is taking on the role of being semi-retired, reducing his work hours to Monday, Wednesday and Friday, with his sons Adam and Connor taking on more responsibility for the business.

"They have been over the last few years (taking on a bigger role)," Clark said. "They both went to college and came aboard afterward. They got business degrees. We didn't plan on it. It just happened to work out like that. They're so smart and innovative, and you really have to be these days. You can't wing it like I did forever. You have to be very methodical."

He said he has a lot of confidence in his sons, and all three men work together well.

"It's awesome to have someone to throw things around with, to bounce things off," Clark said. "Now we have a quick little powwow -- what do you think about this -- and we just did that with the Home Show. Will we be in the Home Show this year? We talked about not being in it because it's in the middle of April, kind of late for us.  Just as we stood there, said, What do you think? Well, I'll work, and I'll work. Let's go. Let's do it. So it's fun to have those kinds of decisions instantly."

Photo by Howard Owens.

'Les Mis' to honor former band director this weekend

By Joanne Beck

This weekend's productions of "Les Miserables" School Edition at Batavia High School will be honoring former and beloved Band Director Ken Hay with a memorial photo display. The performances are being dedicated to Mr. Hay, who died Tuesday, for the powerful impact he made on the city school district's music program while band director there from 1982 to 2003. 

The shows are at 7 p.m. Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday at BHS, 260 State St., Batavia. Tickets are $12 for adults and $10 students/seniors at the door.

Photos submitted from Jason Smith.

Le Roy misses out on trophy with 52-43 loss

By Howard B. Owens

Le Roy lost its Class B2 championship game to Wellsville at the Blue Cross Arena in Rochester on Saturday, 52-43.

There are no game statistics available. 

Maveric McKenzie received the sportsmanship award, while Merritt Holley and Andrew Pocock were named to the all-tournament team.

Photos by Jason Coniber.

Batavia falls short late in fourth quarter to Newark 60-55 in championship game

By Howard B. Owens

A balanced offensive attack and strong defense all season wasn't quite enough on Saturday for the Batavia Blue Devils to overcome Newark for the Class B1 title at Blue Cross Arena in Rochester.

The Blue Devils lost 60-55.

Carter McFollins scored 16 points for Batavia. Carter Mullen scored 11, while Mikey McKenzie scored nine and Rashawd Christie scored eight.

To view or purchase photos, click here.

Photos by Steve Ognibene



Photos: KISS This at Batavia Downs

By Howard B. Owens

With all the flash and bang of the real thing, tribute band KISS This entertained a packed room at Batavia Downs on Friday night.

Photos by Angelina Miconi for Batavia Downs.

Sponsored Post: New Listing Alert from Reliant Real Estate: 9099 Creek Road, Batavia

By Lisa Ace

New Listing Alert from Reliant Real Estate: 9099 Creek Road, Batavia. They just don't build them like this anymore! This is just a good, quality well built 3 bedroom 2 bath ranch home on lovely lot! The home features spacious rooms and awesome floor plan-so well laid out and it immediately feels homey and welcoming the minute you step in the door! Lovingly and well maintained throughout the years it has a tear off roof put on in 2018 that will come with a transferable warranty as well! Boiler system just serviced and new updated electric panel box being installed as we speak:) It is also already generator ready ! The basement is large and open perfect for additional hang out space or work area. The setting is super picturesque with great country views all around you and yet you are just minutes from town! This home is located in the Alexander School System. There are delayed negotiations until Friday March 10th at noon.

Top Items on Batavia's List

Superintendent of Water and Wastewater (HELP Program), City of Batavia, NY The City of Batavia, NY seeks a creative, team-oriented professional to serve as Superintendent of Water and Wastewater. The Superintendent oversees all administrative, operational, and maintenance aspects of the community’s water and wastewater systems including the City’s water plant, wastewater plant, and the City’s water distribution system, as well as building maintenance, street lights, traffic signals, and pump stations. $87,300 - $105,856 yearly. Send cover letter, resume, and contact information including email addresses for five work-related references, and completed Genesee County application to: Teri Dean, Employee Payroll/Insurance Clerk One Batavia City Centre, Batavia, NY 14020 or Accepting applications until the position is filled. Background check, personality assessment, and physical with drug testing are required. Candidate must become a resident of the County of Genesee or any adjacent town to the County of Genesee within 6 months of the date of conclusion of the probationary period for the City of Batavia. EEO See the full job description at: Genesee County Application:
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AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC CITY OF BATAVIA SALARY $25.54-$30.08 MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS:  One year of full-time paid experience as a skilled automotive repairman. SPECIAL REQUIREMENT FOR APPOINTMENT AND CONTINUED EMPLOYMENT: . Possession and maintenance of appropriate valid license(s), as required. Drivers must be at least 21 years of age. BENEFITS:  Health Insurance  Dental Insurance  Paid Holidays  Paid Vacation and Personal Time  Paid Sick Time  New York State Retirement  Deferred Compensation  Flexible Spending  Life Insurance Civil Service Applications are due to Human Resources no later than November 1, 2024. Human Resources One Batavia City Centre Batavia, NY 14020 Phone: 585-345-6340
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