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Longtime tradition of ag district review continues to ensure 'farm protections'

By Joanne Beck

Only one person spoke during a public hearing about Genesee County’s Agricultural District 1 Wednesday, and it was the organizer of the hearing, Director of the county Planning Department Felipe Oltramari.

He explained the process and importance to conduct reviews and hearings for Ag Districts, which occur every eight years for each of four different districts.

“It’s a very well-known program, it's been around since the 70s. It benefits the farmers and gives them the right to farm protections from the state. So it's a voluntary program that landowners enter into, and we administer. It's an eight-year term that they have to agree to, so this is their one chance to move their property in or out of the district," he said after the hearing and county Legislature meeting. “It’s fairly common for there not to be any speakers because it's not very controversial and protects the farmland, protects the farmers from being able to do the things that farmers need to do without fear of lawsuits and things … it's mostly protection from nuisance lawsuits or from regulations that a town government may place upon them that wouldn't allow them to continue their operations.”

The public hearing was about the review and modifications “for the folks who have asked to be removed and the folks that have asked to be put back in,” he said.

District 1 includes the towns of Alexander, Batavia, Bethany, Darien, Pembroke and Stafford. There are 69,193.97 total acres, and of those, 17,119.86 are owned by farmers, and 7,514.13 are rented by farmers. Since the last review, 1,507.13 acres have been added and 414.82 removed.

Oltramari asked the Legislature to adopt a resolution stating that the public hearing was conducted and the ag district review “has been determined to have no significant effect on the environment after preparing and evaluating a Short Environmental Assessment Form (EAF), and "WHEREAS, the Committee on Public Service does concur with the recommendation of the Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board. Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Genesee County Legislature does hereby approve of the adoption of the proposal for the continuation and modifications of Agricultural District No. 1 in the Towns of Alexander, Batavia, Bethany, Darien, Pembroke, and Stafford as recommended by the Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board for a period of eight years."

District Review Worksheets were mailed to the 1,200 landowners listed under District 1 on January 22, 2023, allowing them to make modifications to their land’s status and requesting information about their operation, Oltramari said in the county planning report

Owners responded to the mailed worksheets by either returning the included paper form, completing a web-accessible form, or calling the Planning Office. Of the 1,200 worksheets sent, 49.5 percent (596) were returned or had a response recorded.

Returned worksheets account for 64.6 percent of the parcels and 68.3 percent of the acreage. The return rate was higher than the 2015 review, which had a return rate of 40.2 percent, he said.

Altogether, farms account for 39,507 acres (58 percent) of the District. This data analysis is incomplete, however, as the calculations include only a partial estimate of the data attributable to the 50.5 percent of the landowners who did not respond to the mailing.

As a result of the review, 48 properties consisting of 1,440 acres were added to the District, and 220 properties totaling 2,589 acres were removed from the District. These modifications account for a net loss of 1,149 acres or a change of -1.7 percent, the report stated

In accordance with the Department of Planning’s process to revise the Agricultural Districts, properties of less than 2.5 acres without apparent farm-related activities and large-scale non-farm-related commercial properties received a targeted mailing which specified that if they did not respond, the parcel would be removed from the Agricultural District.

As part of this process, 144 targeted mailings were sent out, and 103 parcels totaling 124 acres were removed due to no response being received. These removals account for 4.8 percent of the acreage removed from the District.

Smart Growth, Farmland, Comprehensive Plans
The County has adopted a Smart Growth Plan, an Agricultural and Farmland Protection Plan, and a Comprehensive Plan. The renewal of Agricultural District No. 1 “will be in harmony with the long-term goals of agricultural protection and the economic growth strategies contained within these plans.” The benefits and protections afforded farm operators enrolled in the Agricultural District program help to meet the long-term goals of these plans and are integral to their strategies.

Genesee County’s Agricultural and Farmland Protection Plan (adopted in 2001 and updated in 2017) prescribes a plan of action to boost the economics of local farming. At its core are a series of land use and economic incentives designed to address the bottom line of farm operations. The benefits of the Agricultural District program help to achieve these goals as an incentive to keep lands in agricultural production, the plan states.

The Plan’s second recommendation is to “reaffirm the importance of existing agricultural districts, especially with regard to water and sewer extensions.” The 2017 update found that “Extension of water and sewer infrastructure has been effectively controlled through the County’s Smart Growth Plan, which, as noted above, respects the importance of Agricultural Districts. Recognizing the impacts of extended infrastructure into Agricultural Districts, "the Genesee County Legislature adopted the Smart Growth Plan in May of 2001 to prevent new waterlines from encouraging the development of prime agricultural areas in the County," it states.

What does the renewal of ag districts mean for the county? It gives a boost by "maintaining a financial incentive to keep prime agricultural land in agriculture," the report states. 

Local Comprehensive Plans
All of the Towns with lands in Agricultural District No. 1 have adopted Comprehensive Plans. According to the planning report, the adopted plans indicate "a strong desire in these communities to preserve and protect agricultural lands and their rural character." These local plans include:

  • The Town of Alexander’s Comprehensive Plan (adopted in 2003) indicates a strong desire to preserve and protect agricultural lands and their rural character.
  • The Town of Batavia’s Comprehensive Plan (adopted in 2017) supports agricultural land uses by stating goals to “promote the continued economic viability of agriculture,” “preserve a large, contiguous area of high-quality farmland to ensure a viable land base for continued agricultural production in the Town,” and “reduce the potential for conflict between farmers and non-farming neighbors.”
  • The Town of Bethany’s Comprehensive Plan (adopted in 1997 and amended in 2007) indicates that “many residents support the preservation of viable agricultural activity.” The Plan encourages the “development of new agricultural related businesses” and states that “Residential and other developed land uses should be appropriately sited so as to minimize potential conflicts with agricultural activities.”
  • The Town of Darien’s Comprehensive Plan (adopted in 2005) states a goal to “Provide for the protection of farmland for agriculture as an important environmental, economic, and aesthetic component of the community, and consider the impacts on agriculture in all actions of the Town.”
  • The Town of Pembroke’s Comprehensive Plan (adopted in 2007) provides an objective “to ensure that agricultural land in the Town is protected and remains a viable economic opportunity,” and the Town lists these as action items: “Utilize cluster development and planned unit development practices in rural areas, implement existing land uses ratios to restrict the subdivision of land in viable agricultural areas, and study and inform agricultural Businessmen/ Landowners about the benefits of land trust easements to preserve agricultural land.” The future land use map within the plan identifies the majority of the land in Agricultural District No. 1 as Agricultural and Agricultural/Residential.
  • The Town of Stafford’s Comprehensive Plan (adopted in 2007 and revised in 2009) states as a goal to “Support and protect agricultural lands” and “recognize the importance of farming to the character, economy, and spirit of the Town.” The Plan recommends the Town consider “adopting a local ‘right to farm’ law.

The Town of Batavia is the only municipality with lands in Agricultural District No. 1 that has a locally adopted and State certified Agricultural and Farmland Protection Plan. The Plan, adopted in 2010, identifies one of its actions to create an Agriculture Production Zone, stating, “The Town should establish a zoning district that establishes agriculture as a priority use and limits the extent of non-agriculture development.”

Agricultural District No. 1 has met its intended goal, the report summarizes, and in conjunction with the other three Agricultural Districts in Genesee County, it has formed the foundation for the County’s future actions toward agricultural protection and enhancement.

Top file photo of Felipe Oltramari, by Joanne Beck, and image above provided by Felipe Oltramari as part of the Planning Department report.

Genesee County announces the first countywide Farmland Protection Workshop

By Press Release

Press release:

Genesee County, in collaboration with Genesee Valley Conservancy, Western New York Land Conservancy, and Genesee Land Trust, has announced that the Agricultural & Farmland Protection Board will be accepting pre-applications from landowners interested in being considered for New York State Department of Agriculture & Markets Farmland Protection program or other state and federal farmland protection initiatives that may become available in the future.

The Farmland Protection program buys conservation easements on the State’s most productive farmland.

The program is completely voluntary, and the seller retains ownership of the land and can continue farming the property. However, the land will have permanent restrictions on commercial, residential, and industrial uses.

A workshop will be held on Tuesday, May 2, from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. at Genesee County Building 2, located at 3837 W Main Street Rd, Batavia, to provide landowners with information about the program. All interested landowners must attend this workshop prior to submitting an application. If any interested landowners cannot attend, contact the County Planning at or (585) 815-7901 to inquire about making arrangements.

The State Farmland Protection Implementation Grant program reimburses farmers up to 87.5 percent of the value of the development rights on their land. Three land trusts serve Genesee County and can submit applications for this grant funding. All farmers wishing to apply to the State program must complete a reapplication with their respective land trust. Pre-applications will be evaluated by the land trust and will consider the amount of development pressure, quality of soils to be protected, and farm viability. The highest-scoring pre-application(s) will be invited to have full applications submitted to the program. These pre-applications may be used to select eligible farms for other future state and federal farmland protection programs. The Genesee County Planning Department, the Genesee Valley Conservancy, the Western New York Land Conservancy, the Genesee Land Trust, and the Genesee County Soil and Water Conservation District work cooperatively to manage the pre-application phase.

The pre-application process will be open year-round for interested landowners in the County but will be reviewed annually by each Land Trust. The full application deadline to the New York State Department of Agriculture & Markets has not yet been announced, and there is no guarantee the State will release a funding opportunity this budget year. However, establishing a pipeline of interested farms is crucial to demonstrating funding needs and critical to leveraging other non-state funding. 

For more information on the New York State Farmland Protection program, visit:

Tenney supports unsuccessful attempt to override Biden's veto of waterways rule change

By Press Release

Press release:

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) voted to override President Biden’s veto of H.J. Res. 27, a bipartisan resolution to overturn the Administration’s deeply flawed and burdensome “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS) rule. The legislation passed by a vote of 227-196 but failed to achieve the two-thirds necessary for a veto override. 

President Biden’s overly broad WOTUS rule would redefine the Environmental Protection Agency’s definition of a “navigable” waterway to include small seasonal streams, small ponds, and even large amounts of groundwater. This vague and overreaching rule would drastically expand the government’s authority, increasing its power over farmers and producers throughout New York’s 24th Congressional District.

In January, Tenney and 195 House Republicans sent a letter to the Biden administration calling on it to reconsider this damaging rule. Tenney was also an original co-sponsor of H.J. Res. 27, which passed the House in February and the Senate in March, both with bipartisan support. The resolution, passed under the Congressional Review Act, would nullify Biden’s WOTUS rule. President Biden vetoed the resolution earlier this month. 

"With his veto of H.J. Res. 27, President Biden proved once again that he continues to prioritize far-left activists over our nation's farmers and landowners," said Congresswoman Tenney. "Earlier this month as part of my Farm Bill Listening Tour, I met with farmers and producers across New York’s 24th District, who expressed concerns that Biden's WOTUS rule was overly broad and poorly defined. Our region’s farmers are among the best stewards of our natural environment, and they should be viewed as important partners in conversation efforts. Instead, this bill targets them with even more regulations, which are overly burdensome and will drive up costs at a time of already soaring inflation.” 

Photo: File photo by Howard Owens.

Genesee County 4-H Goat Club participates in Goat Bowl

By Press Release

Press release:

The Genesee County 4-H Goat Club participated in the Regional 4-H Goat Bowl Contest on Saturday, April 1, at Oakfield-Alabama School. The club was very well represented at the event, with sixteen club members participating. Goat Bowl is a Jeopardy-style competition that tests participants' knowledge of goat facts, including breeds, judging, nutrition, and more. 4-H youth from across Western New York participated in the contest.

Genesee County Goat Bowl Results:

  • 1st Place Senior Team: Lily Haacke, Riley Henning, Clare Mathes, Brooke Frega
  • 1st Place Junior Team: Ellie Mangino, Layla Baker, Riley Smith, Levi Miller
  • 2nd Place Cloverbud Team: Jase Miller, Mya Mangino, Lexton Baker
  • Honorable Mention Juniors: Juliet Miller, Liam Baker, Adeline Mangino, Eleanor Hudson, Jamison Smith

Congratulations to all of the 4-H members who competed in the contest, and special thanks to 4-H Goat Club Leader Joanna Miller, for all of her hard work organizing the event.

The Genesee County 4-H Program is a youth development program for youth ages 5-18.  New 4-H youth members, adult volunteers and clubs are always welcome to join.  For information about how to join the Genesee County 4-H Program, please contact the 4-H Office at or (585) 343-3040 ext. 101.  Enrollment information is also available on our website at

Immigration reform tops the list of concerns during Tenney's farm tour stop in Batavia Tuesday

By Howard B. Owens

Dairy prices and substitute labeling, crop insurance, support for specialty crops, soil health, nutrition programs, agricultural research, inflation, and invasive species were all topics that farmers in the region brought to Congresswoman Claudia Tenney Tuesday at the Old Courthouse in Batavia,

Tenney, who has been representing Genesee County as part of the redrawn NY-24 since January, made Batavia the first stop on a tour of the district to discuss potential provisions in the 2023 Farm Bill.

Congress passes a new Farm Bill every five years. The Farm Bill is most notably known for providing crop insurance and other assistance to farmers to deal with the nature-driven inherent risks of agriculture and the trade barriers that often make selling their commodities more difficult.  But it also deals with a host of other issues related to farming.

While all of those topics were discussed, the topic most often broached by speakers on Tuesday was immigration.  Farmers are tired of seeing their workers fear deportation, and they want to increase the labor supply to help them remain productive.

"I've been involved with immigration and immigration issues since the Reagan administration," said Kim Zuber, owner of Zuber Farms in Byron. "Our first Hispanic employee, back in 1980, the first kid we got was 21. He had a green card, and he became a citizen through the Reagan administration. I've been in Washington many, many times, and this is a political football by the left and right, and we pay the price. They practically make criminals of us on the question of papers. We are sick of being in the middle of this political football. We really would appreciate it if somebody would stand up and say, 'Enough.' These people are our fellow human beings. Sure, surely, bad people come across the border, but the people who work on these farms are supporting themselves and their families. They're good people. They got families and kids just like us. It's just sad. We are sick of being the football between the left and the right."

Natasha Sutherland, from Stein Farms in Le Roy, was the first speaker of the day and, after talking at length about dairy prices and the regulations that control them, opened the immigration discussion by noting that there are people entering the country on a daily basis, risking their lives, to provide for their families.  Often these farmworkers are supporting families they left behind. 

"These people deserve to live and work without fear of deportation," Sutherland said.

The next speaker, Pat McCormick, reiterated some of Sutherland's points.

"We need to improve," he said. "We need to be able to get the farmworkers that we need here and have the paperwork they need so that they're not afraid to go to the hospital and not afraid to go to the grocery store."

He added, "They are a vital part of our community and are a vital support to their people back home, so we need to fix that problem." 

Another farmer spoke about one of his workers who witnessed a murder and was initially afraid to speak to authorities for fear of deportation. Eventually, he did provide evidence that helped get the killer convicted, but the farmer said farmworkers shouldn't have to face that kind of fear.

"It brings people to tears," he said. "These guys and girls are people. They're one of us. They deserve more respect than we give them."

Tenney Supports Immigration Reform
In her closing remarks, Tenney told the farmers she heard their concerns about immigration and is seeking to address it.  In an interview with The Batavian after the meeting, Tenney said she supports providing a pathway for undocumented farmworkers to stay in the country without fear and that she would particularly like to help dairy farmers help their workers here on H2A visas stay in the country all year long. She also supports an increase in immigration from Mexico and South America so long as it's legal, protects the safety of Americans, and ensures farmers are getting workers who work hard and obey the laws of the country.

She acknowledged the need for more workers but said it's also essential -- especially in New York where farmers are facing increased costs because of new overtime rules and the threat of unionization -- to lower the costs for farmers to retain the workers they have.

"These visa programs are really just a bureaucratic disaster right now for them," Tenney said. 

She explained, "What we're trying to do in the Farmworker Modernization Act is come up with a way to make (the H2A visa program) a year-round program, to make the touchback point, the consulate of (their home) country, which would be in New York State. That touchback would be to go and renew the visas and make it a more streamlined process. We would still go through all the criminal records. The farmers would be given some security as to the types of people that are coming to work in their operations. And it would provide us with some oversight as opposed to now, where we sort of have people in the shadows. We want to make sure good, hardworking people who are willing to come here, do the hard work, and that we can actually do it in a more streamlined fashion that is less cost costly to the farmers."

Asked about the fact that oftentimes Republican politicians oppose providing a pathway for undocumented workers to remain in the country, who are the kind of experienced workers farmers want to keep. Tenney said she is sympathetic to the frustration expressed by those views because she personally knows people who have waited 20 years to come into the country and become citizens through a documented, legal process.

But she also understands that people who came here to work and are working, are the kind of people we should want in the country.

"They're not coming here across the border to human traffic, to traffic drugs, to engage in surveillance," Tenney said. After accusing the Chinese of sending people to the U.S. to engage in surveillance, she continued, "We want to make sure that we provide a legal path so that the farmers are protected, the farmworkers are protected, and we know that the people who are working on these farms are productive and are no threat to American citizens in any way. They will ultimately at least have a path to legalization if they're not already legal."

Tenney is aware of the shortage of workers in the U.S. economy and understands the complexity around the issue of a large number of prime-working-age men not joining the labor force and said, yes, immigrants can help bridge that gap.

"We are seeing a great need, not just in farming, but across every sector," Tenney said. "We need people to come and work and create growth in our economy. Without growth, we're not going to deal with our deficits, we're not going to deal with the needs that we have."

While she supported the Farmworker Modernization Act, she thinks Republicans can and will come up with a better reform bill.

"Republicans are for allowing legal immigration," Tenney said. "We want the rule of law to be respected, and I think a lot of illegal immigrants don't know any better, to be honest with you, because they're being trafficked."

She blamed cartels for pushing illegal immigrants, including children, into the country in order to disrupt border security, even on the northern border.

"Nothing is more disheartening than my visit to the border and seeing just how much control the cartels have," Tenney said. "The confusion, the chaos, the large numbers coming across, the lack of ability for the Customs and Border Patrol to really handle this (is disheartening)."

There is a middle ground on immigration reform, she said, that doesn't involve lawlessness. There can be a sensible plan that respects the rule of law, and she believes that is what farmers are looking for.

Some economists project the U.S. is short about one million workers. Tenney said she isn't opposed to a million immigrants entering the company to fill jobs so long as it is legal. 

"That's something that we have to negotiate, but I think there is a very few numbers of people who are against having more people come into the country legally," Tenney said. "There's a very small number that may think this is a burden on taxpayers. I look at (immigrants) as people who are going to produce growth, and if we're producing growth, and we have a larger output and more labor, you're going to see us prosper. We're going to be able to cut down our deficit and actually bring more prosperity. I see growth as the answer."

Photos by Howard Owens.  Top photo: Rep. Claudia Tenney speaking during opening remarks.


Assemblyman Steve Hawley spoke briefly about the budget deadlock in Albany and how the deadlock is costing taxpayers money.

"They are intransigent," Hawley said. "They are refusing to do anything about bail reform or spending $240 billion a year of our taxpayer money. Every day that we were in Albany, 213 senators and assembly members cost you and me $40,000 a day. We've been there six days looking at not one budget bill, that's a quarter of a million dollars. Now, that pales in comparison to $240 billion, but a penny is a penny, and a dollar is a dollar, and there is a quarter of a million dollars being paid to individuals getting nothing done. It is tragic."

Natasha Sutherland, Stein Farms.

Seating in the Old Courthouse was nearly filled with farmers from throughout the region, most of whom did not speak during the meeting. Among those in attendance was Daniel Swyers, a dairy farmer from Perry.

While Tenney asks a farmer a follow-up question, County Legislative Chair Shelley Stein listens.

Tenney announces Farm Bill listening tour with stop in Batavia on April 4

By Press Release

Press release:

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) today announced her upcoming Farm Bill Listening Tour to hear directly from constituents about issues impacting our agriculture industry in New York’s 24th District.

Every five years, Congress passes legislation that sets national agriculture, nutrition, conservation, and forestry policies. This legislation is commonly called the “Farm Bill” and will be considered this year by Congress. Tenney is hosting a series of roundtables to hear directly from farmers and producers about issues facing the agriculture industry in New York’s 24th District.

New York’s 24th District is the largest agriculture and dairy district in the Northeast, producing dairy, beef, crops, wine, apples, and more. In addition, Wayne County ranks third in the nation for apple production.

“As your voice in Congress, it is essential that I hear directly from you about the issues facing our community,” said Congresswoman Tenney. “Our sprawling district, the largest agriculture-producing district in the Northeast, is home to so many hardworking farmers who feed our community, state, and nation. I am committed to hearing from them about their top priorities as we prepare for the consideration of the 2023 Farm Bill. I will always be a tenacious advocate for our region’s agriculture community.”

Please see the schedule below for upcoming roundtable sessions. Those interested in attending should use this link to RSVP. If you cannot attend an in-person session, you can also submit your views virtually using the same link above.

Western New York Farm Bill Roundtable
Tuesday, April 4th, 10 a.m. Old Courthouse
7 Main St., Batavia

Central NY & North Country Farm Bill Roundtable
Wednesday, April 5th, 10 a.m. Oswego County Legislative Chamber
46 E Bridge St., 4th Floor Oswego

Finger Lakes Farm Bill Roundtable
Thursday, April 6th, 10 a.m. Phelps Community Center
8 Banta St., #100, Phelps

Photo: File photo by Howard Owens.

Pavilion and Piffard farmers honored by National Corn Growers Association

By Press Release

Press release:

Pavilion farmer Ryan Swede and Piffard farmer Matthew Swede earned first-place state awards in the 2022 National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) National Corn Yield Contest, making them among the top corn yield producers in the nation with DEKALB corn.

Ryan yielded 282.1 bushels per acre with DEKALB DKC63-91RIB brand blend corn in the E:Strip-Till, Minimum-Till, Mulch-Till, Ridge-Till Non-Irrigated Class. Matthew achieved a yield of 284 bushels per acre with DKC58-64RIB brand blend corn in the A:Conventional Non-Irrigated Class.

“Year after year, it’s amazing to see the high yields reached with hard work, research and innovation,” said Jamie Horton, DEKALB Brand Manager. “In such a challenging industry, we are proud to be the chosen partner to provide a portfolio of products with exclusive genetics for consistent, superior performance potential farmers trust to help them meet their goals.”

Farmers who planted DEKALB corn captured the most national placement awards (17 of 27), as well as 179 state level awards, 56 of which yielded 300 bushels per acre or higher. DEKALB products provide the latest exclusive genetics from Bayer’s robust global breeding engine and product testing network to help drive consistent performance potential.

The 58th NCGA contest continues to challenge farmers to achieve record-setting yields and improve agricultural management practices for a more sustainable future.

For a complete list of winners and to learn more about maximizing yield and profit potential with DEKALB exclusive genetics, visit or contact your local DEKALB Asgrow dealer.

Submitted photos:  Top photo, DEKALB Asgrow Brand Lead Dipal Chaudhari with Matthew Swede; second photo, Chaudhari with Ryan Swede.

Tenney co-sponsors dairy pricing legislation

By Press Release

Press release:

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) recently cosponsored the Dairy Pricing Opportunity Act of 2023, which ensures dairy farmers can price their products to reflect today’s market environment. This bill will increase transparency and modernize the Federal Milk Marketing Order (FMMO) system, giving our farmers confidence that any future changes to the program reflect economic fundamentals.

This bipartisan bill is being led in the House by Congressman Joe Morelle (NY-25) and Congressman Nick Langworthy (NY-23) and has a Senate companion led by Senators Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and Susan Collins (R-ME).

"I am honored to represent New York's 24th District, the largest dairy-producing district in the Northeast. The Dairy Pricing Opportunity Act ensures that dairy farmers and producers across New York can stay competitive amidst rising inflation rates, labor costs, and energy prices. This bill is essential so farmers can focus on the important work of producing food for our nation. I will continue to advocate for our nation's farmers and producers and promote stability in the dairy market," said Congresswoman Claudia Tenney.

“Federal milk marketing reform is a key priority for AFBF, and we are pleased to see Rep. Langworthy incorporate several of our requested changes into the Dairy Pricing Opportunity Act. Dairy farmers deserve clarity and confidence in how they are paid, and all-inclusive cost and yield surveying of processors is a good first step to ensure make allowances are being calculated fairly and accurately. Switching back to the “higher-of” Class I formula as quickly as possible is a priority of our dairy farmers. We commend Rep. Langworthy for including a provision that would require USDA to initiate a National Federal Order hearing process that will allow us to pursue this change administratively while we also pursue the change legislatively. We look forward to working with Rep. Langworthy to get this legislation passed,” said Zippy Duvall, President of the American Farm Bureau Federation.

“Meaningful Federal Milk Market Order reform is essential for New York’s dairy farms to help ensure they receive a fair price for their milk. Farm Bureau has long been advocating for federal order changes and created a special working group made up of farmers and industry leaders to help identify areas for the key change. We thank Representatives Langworthy and Morelle for introducing the Dairy Pricing Opportunity Act, which will modernize the federal milk marketing order system to more equitably support our farms and food supply,” said David Fisher, New York Farm Bureau President and dairy farmer.

Additional original cosponsors include Congressman Brandon Williams (NY-22), Congressman Trent Kelly (MS-01), Congresswoman Lori Chavez-DeRemer (OR-05), Congresswoman Mary E. Miller (IL-15), Congressman Dan Meuser (PA-09), Congressman Chris Stewart (UT-02), and Congresswoman Mariannette Miller-Meeks (IA-01).

Photo: File photo of Claudia Tenney by Howard Owens.

Annual dinner in Alexander celebrates agriculture, recognizes conservation farm of the year

By Howard B. Owens

The annual Celebrate Agriculture Dinner -- this year, as in the past, held at the Alexander Fire Hall -- is as much a chance for farmers and community leaders to mingle and enjoy a good meal as it is the time to honor the Soil and Water Conservation District's conservation farm of the year.

This year, the award went to Naas Farms, a 700-acre grain and vegetable farm owned and operated by Bruce and Jessica Naas in Oakfield.

"We are really honored here in Genesee County to have such a diverse, vital, robust agricultural economy in our county, and to be able to honor one of our own this evening is always just a wonderful honor for the Legislature," said Shelley Stein, co-owner of Stein Farms in Le Roy and chair of the Genesee County Legislature while presenting Bruce and Jessica Naas with a proclamation passed by the Legislature recognizing the farm's conservation efforts.

From a previous press release announcing the award:

The farm has adopted many best management practices over the years to improve its land and the environment. The farm grows crops with limited tillage or no-till equipment. Cover crops are planted after the harvest of the commodity crop to improve soil health and reduce soil erosion. The farm sells cover crop seed and occasionally lends equipment to their neighbors to promote soil health beyond their acreage. The farm recently constructed an agri-chemical storage and mixing facility to reduce the environmental risk of storing and mixing fertilizers and herbicides. The farm has also created a pollinator habitat to promote the populations of our native bees and insects.

Top photo: County Legislator and farmer Christian Yunker, Soil and Water Director Jared Elliott, Jessica Naas, Bruce, Naas, Assemblyman Steve Hawley, U.S. Rep. Claudia Tenney, County Legislator Chair and farmer Shelley Stein, and State Sen. George Borello.

Photos by Howard Owens

Rep. Claudia Tenney (on right in photo above), whose NY-24 District has included Genesee County since January, took the opportunity of the ag dinner to make her first public appearance locally.

She encouraged everybody to attend a roundtable discussion at 10 a.m. on April 4 in the Old Courthouse in Batavia do discuss the upcoming renewal of the Farm Bill.

"This is the number one agricultural district in New York and the entire Northeast," Tenney said. "It's also the number one dairy district, so that's also important as well. I just wanted to encourage you all to attend on April 4. We're going to be hosting our first forum on the new farm bill that's coming up for a vote this year. We'd love to have your participation. We're going to be doing them throughout the district. So as many people as we can get there that would be great."

It's important for the district's voices to be heard on the new Farm Bill because, she indicated, people tend to forget how important agriculture is to New York.

"We have a lot of really important initiatives coming up this year," Tenney said. "I'm hoping that we can get some things that we need in the Farm Bill. They tend to forget us tend to focus more on the ethanol producers out in Iowa and some of the cotton producers."

Tenney encouraged people to visit her website and sign up for her newsletter,

"We have a newsletter that comes out every Friday, and I explain every vote that I take in the house in detail," Tenney said. "I don't just put how I voted. I tell you why. It's my attempt to try to make us understand what's going on in Washington to decode it to ensure that we're self-governing."

State Sen. George Borrello also presented a proclamation to Bruce and Jessica Naas. 

"As the ranking member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, and also a small business person myself, there are no greater, more resilient people than farmers, and to recognize someone who has risen to the top, there isn't a greater achievement," Borrello said. 

Borrello promised to keep fighting for farmers.

"You know, the biggest threat to agriculture in New York State? It's not climate change," Borrello said. "It's not even the price of commodities or even the labor. The biggest threat to New York State agriculture is bad policy out of Albany. That's the biggest threat to agriculture. And we are going to continue to push back at the people in New York City who don't know where their food comes from, who are trying to tell us how we should feed them. And that's gonna become a bigger problem for them as we move forward. We're making progress. And I promise you, your state will continue to be one of the best states, if not the best state, to farm in as we continue to make progress."

Assemblyman Steve Hawley also congratulated the owners of Naas Farms as well as talk about his efforts to hold back what he called "the electrification of New York."

"We're fighting very, very hard against the electrification plan out of touch folks from New York City," Hawley said.

He praised both Tenney and Borrello for their efforts to represent the new parts -- including Genesee County -- of their redrawn districts and said he admires them both.

Under the leadership of Chef Tracy Burgio, left, culinary students with BOCES prepared the buffet dinner using many locally sourced ingredients. 

Dave's Ice Cream in Batavia donated 400 dishes of ice cream.

Genesee County 4-H members compete at regional equine contest

By Press Release

Press release:

The Genesee County 4-H Horse Program was well-represented at the Finger Lakes Region 4-H Horse Extravaganza on Saturday, March 4th at Honeoye Falls Intermediate School. 4-H youth from across the Finger Lakes region competed in Horse Bowl and Hippology Contests at the event. Horse Bowl is a Jeopardy-style competition that tests participants' knowledge of equine facts, including breeds, equipment, nutrition and more. Hippology is a hands-on test of identifying equipment, feeds and other equine facts. Top-placing participants will have the opportunity to represent the region at the state-level contests later this year. 

Horse Bowl Results:

  • Brynlee Amend – 8th Junior, 1st Junior Team
  • Lexi Witmer – 1st Senior
  • Eva Rhoads – 2nd Senior
  • Tori Kruppenbacher – 4th Senior
  • Wyatt Witmer – 10th Senior
  • Eva Rhoads, Tori Kruppenbacher, & Lexi Witmer – 1st Senior Team
  • Wyatt Witmer, Leah Amend, & Lydia Page – 6th Senior Team

Hippology Results:

  • Brynlee Amend – 9th Junior, 1st Junior Team
  • Eva Rhoads – 2nd Senior
  • Tori Kruppenbacher – 11th Senior
  • Lexi Witmer – 14th Senior
  • Lydia Page – 16th Senior
  • Leah Amend – 20th Senior
  • Eva Rhoads, Tori Kruppenbacher, & Lexi Witmer – 2nd Senior Team
  • Wyatt Witmer, Leah Amend & Lydia Page – 7th Senior Team


Congratulations to all of the 4-H members who competed in the contest and special thanks to Coach Sara Witmer for all of her hard work and dedication to the 4-H Horse Bowl Club.

The Genesee County 4-H Program is a youth development program for youth ages 5-18.  New 4-H youth members, adult volunteers and clubs are always welcome to join.  For information about how to join the Genesee County 4-H Program, please get in touch with the 4-H Office at or (585) 343-3040 ext. 101.  Enrollment information is also available on our website at

Submitted photo: Genesee County 4-H Horse Extravaganza Participants, Left to Right: Brynlee Amend, Leah Amend, Eva Rhoads, Tori Kruppenbacher, Lexi Witmer, Wyatt Witmer, Coach Sara Witmer, Lydia Page.


Naas Farms named 2022 Conservation Farm of the Year

By Press Release

Press release:

Since 1959, the Genesee County Soil and Water Conservation District has honored a deserving agricultural producer with the Conservation Farm of the Year Award. This award is given to a producer with a long-term commitment to sustainable conservation, leads by example, and implements best management practices for farm conservation. This year’s recipient is Naas Farms, LLC., of Oakfield, NY.

Naas Farms, LLC. is a 700-acre grain and vegetable farm that is owned and operated by Bruce and Jessica Naas. Taking care of their land has always been a high priority. The farm has adopted many best management practices over the years to improve its land and the environment. The farm grows crops with limited tillage or no-till equipment. Cover crops are planted after the harvest of the commodity crop to improve soil health and reduce soil erosion. The farm sells cover crop seed and occasionally lends equipment to their neighbors to promote soil health beyond their acreage. The farm recently constructed an agrochemical storage and mixing facility to reduce the environmental risk in storing and mixing fertilizers and herbicides. The farm has also created a pollinator habitat to promote populations of our native bees and insects.

Bruce and Jessica Naas have three children, Brett, Aaron, and Chelsey. They are both active outside of their farming operation. Both have had careers off of the farm, with Jessica driving school bus and Bruce working for the NYS Department of Transportation for over 30 years each. Bruce has sat on several boards and committees, including leadership roles in the Genesee County Farm Bureau, Farm Service Agency County Committee in Genesee County, and the NY Corn and Soybean Growers Association.

Naas Farms, LLC. has been an active participant with the Genesee County Soil and Water Conservation District and the Natural Resources Conservation Service since 1983. To recognize the work that has been done, the farm will be presented the 2022 Conservation Farm of the Year Award at the Celebrate Agriculture Dinner on March 25, 2023, at the Alexander Fire Hall.

Nominations open for 2023 WNY Dairy Farmer of the Year

By Press Release

Press release:

The Erie County Fair, in partnership with Milk for Health, will honor WNY’s Dairy Farmer of the Year during Dairy Day at the Erie County Fair this August.   Dairy Day will be Saturday, August 12, and will have a variety of activities that will showcase dairy farming and products.

The WNY Dairy Farmer of the Year designation could be awarded to an established or even newer Western New York dairy farmer who exhibits outstanding management of their dairy farm business and showcases leadership in the WNY dairy industry and/or their community.  It’s not necessarily the farm putting the most milk in the tank or with the fanciest cows, even though being efficient and having happy animals is important.  Essentially, we are looking for the farmer that displays passion for the dairy industry and is an advocate for its purpose.

“It is our pleasure to partner with the Erie County Fair to honor an outstanding Western New York Dairy Farmer for the second year.  We have amazing dairymen and women that give so much to the community, promoting the industry, and perfecting their trade that we find absolutely necessary for this award,” said Bethany Hobin, Executive Director for Milk For Health.

The winning nominee will receive this award at a special presentation at the Erie County Fair on Dairy Day. 

To nominate a dairy farmer from any of the 8 counties of Western New York (Erie, Niagara, Chautauqua, Cattaraugus, Orleans, Genesee, Wyoming and Allegany), visit this link:  Dairy Farmer of the Year ( to complete the application form.  Forms must be submitted by June 1st to be considered.  

Celebrate Ag Dinner scheduled for March 25, tickets going fast

By Press Release

Press release:

Plans are well underway for the 19th Annual Celebrate Agriculture Dinner which will take place Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 6 pm at the Alexander Fire Hall. This annual event is a celebration of Genesee County’s #1 Industry, Agriculture! The highlight of the night is a delicious meal using locally produced foods prepared by the Culinary Arts Students from the Batavia Career and Technical Education Center. Let by Chef Tracy Burgio and Denise Kaus, Culinary Arts teacher aide, this will be the second year of this perfect collaboration between the Chamber’s Agricultural Committee & Culinary Arts Program. The dinner is open to the public.

Tickets go on sale December 5th at the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce, 8276 Park Road, Batavia. Tickets are $30 each or a table of 10 can be purchased for $275. Sponsorships are also available which help support agriculture educational events in Genesee County. Only 400 tickets will be sold. Please RSVP BY MARCH 17, 2023. For more information or to download the registrations flyer visit the Chamber’s Website

The Celebrate Ag Dinner is coordinated by the following partners: Genesee County Chamber of Commerce, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County, Genesee County Soil & Water Conservation District and Genesee County Farm Bureau.

Sponsors of the 2022 celebration included: Alleghany Farm Services, Arctic Refrigeration, Baskin Livestock, Inc., Carolina Eastern Crocker, CPL, New York State Senator Edward Rath, Farm Credit East, Farm Family Insurance, Fieldstone Private Wealth, Five Star Bank, Freed Maxick CPA, Growmark-FS, L&M Specialty Fabrications, LLC, Lamb Farms, Lawley, My-T Acres, National Grid, OXBO International, Perry Veterinary Clinic, Scott Adams Trucking, Tompkins Community Bank, Torrey Farms, Western New York Energy, LLC, Upstate Niagara Cooperative, Inc. William Kent, Inc. and Windy Acres Farm.

Farms and businesses that donated locally grown food for the 2022 dinner included: Angry Bees Apiary, Dorman Farms, Fenton’s Produce, SJ Starowitz Farms, Torrey Farms, Upstate Farms, Harrington Produce, Farm Fresh First Inc. Star of the West, Jeremy Neal Poverty Hill Farms. 

 File photo by Howard Owens

Tenney calls on Ag secretary to assist WNY farmers in wake of Winter Storm Elliott

By Press Release

Press release:

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24) yesterday alongside Congressman Nick Langworthy (NY-23) sent a letter to Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack calling on his agency to do all it can to ensure Western New York farmers can quickly recover from the deadly Winter Storm Elliott.

Winter Storm Elliot has been referred to as the storm of the century, and rightly so. This storm produced over four feet of snow and hurricane-strength winds, resulting in at least 40 deaths across our region and $5.4 billion in losses nationwide. Numerous businesses suffered countless damages, specifically the Western New York agriculture sector.

“[The storm was] devastating to our agricultural producers, who are already struggling with record inflation, high energy and fertilizer prices, and the existing supply chain dysfunctions,”  wrote the Republican Lawmakers. “It is imperative for our local and national economy that we provide these producers the help they need to quickly recover from this severe winter storm.”

The Republican lawmakers are calling on the Department of Agriculture to use all the tools at its disposal to accelerate aid distribution and assistance to the affected agricultural businesses across Western New York.

Previously: After digging out of the storm, Lamb Farms thankful for community and safety of staff and animals

Genesee County 4-H members participate in holiday workshop

By Press Release

Press release:

Genesee County 4-H members participated in a Holiday Greens Workshop at the Cooperative Extension Office on December 1st.  The workshop was presented by Genesee County Master Gardener Volunteers.  Youth learned about using fresh-cut evergreens to make a holiday arrangement. After the presentation, youth created their own holiday centerpiece to take home.

4-H is a nationwide youth program that connects youth age 5-18 to a variety of hands-on learning opportunities.  For more information about joining the Genesee County 4-H Program, please contact the 4-H Office at or (585) 343-3040 ext. 131.  Enrollment forms are also available on our website at

Registration open for tractor safety program

By Press Release

Press release:

The Genesee County 4-H Program is now accepting registrations for its 2023 4-H Tractor Safety Program.  The program is open to youth age 14 and over and covers farm safety, tractor safety, tractor operation and other related topics. 

The National Safe Tractor and Machinery Operation Program is a certification program that allows youth ages 14 and 15 to be certified to legally operate farm equipment for hire.  After completing the training course, youth will need to pass a written knowledge test and driving test to receive the certification.

The program is scheduled to run Saturdays, 8 a.m. to noon, from January through April at farm machinery dealerships throughout Genesee County.  The fee for the program is $25, and youth must also be currently enrolled 4-H members.  Registrations are due January 28, 2023.  To register for the program or receive more information, please contact the Genesee County 4-H Office at or (585) 343-3040 ext. 101.  Registration forms are also available online at

Photo: File photo from 2016 by Howard Owens

Chamber announces Celebrate Ag Dinner on March 25

By Press Release

Press release:

Plans are already underway for the 19th Annual Celebrate Agriculture Dinner, which will take place Saturday, March 25, 2023, at 6 pm at the Alexander Fire Hall. This annual event is a celebration of Genesee County’s #1 Industry, Agriculture! The highlight of the night is a delicious meal using locally produced foods prepared by the Culinary Arts Students from the Batavia Career and Technical Education Center. Led by Chef Tracy Burgio and Denise Kaus, Culinary Arts teacher aide, this will be the second year of this collaboration between the Chamber’s Agricultural Committee and the Genesee Valley BOCES Culinary Arts Program. The dinner is open to the public.

Tickets go on sale December 5th at the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce, 8276 Park Road, Batavia. Tickets are $30 each or a table of 10 can be purchased for $275. Sponsorships are also available, which help support agriculture educational events in Genesee County. Only 400 tickets will be sold. For more information or to download the registrations flyer, visit the Chamber’s Website

The Celebrate Ag Dinner is coordinated by the following partners: Genesee County Chamber of Commerce, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Genesee County, Genesee County Soil & Water Conservation District and Genesee County Farm Bureau.

Sponsors of the 2022 celebration included: Alleghany Farm Services, Arctic Refrigeration, Baskin Livestock, Inc., Carolina Eastern Crocker, CPL, New York State Senator Edward Rath, Farm Credit East, Farm Family Insurance, Fieldstone Private Wealth, Five Star Bank, Freed Maxick CPA, Growmark-FS, L&M Specialty Fabrications, LLC, Lamb Farms, Lawley, My-T Acres, National Grid, OXBO International, Perry Veterinary Clinic, Scott Adams Trucking, Tompkins Community Bank, Torrey Farms, Western New York Energy, LLC, Upstate Niagara Cooperative, Inc. William Kent, Inc. and Windy Acres Farm.

Farms and businesses that donated locally grown food for the 2022 dinner included: Angry Bees Apiary, Dorman Farms, Fenton’s Produce, SJ Starowitz Farms, Torrey Farms, Upstate Farms, Harrington Produce, Farm Fresh First Inc. Star of the West, Jeremy Neal Poverty Hill Farms.

For ticket information or questions, contact the Kelly B. at The Genesee County Chamber of Commerce, at (585) 343-7440 or 

Pair of FFA members from Pavilion place seventh nationally for agricultural research

By Press Release

Press release:

Evan Sidhu and Evelyn Northrup of Pavilion ranked seventh in the nation among Future Farmers of America for their agricultural science research project in the field of natural resources and environmental science.

The two students spent countless hours researching the effects of roadway pollution shown through the dissolved solids in snow.

Evan and Evelyn designed, organized, and executed their research project last winter. They placed first at the New York State FFA Convention in May 2022 and earned a spot in the Top 10 in the nation.

This fall the team competed in an intense interview regarding their research and conclusions. This earned them the seventh spot in the nation. 

"This is a great honor for the Pavilion FFA and Pavilion School Community," said teacher Kylie DeBerardinis

Cornell offers 'Hands-On Feeder' dairy training

By Press Release

Press release:

Cornell Cooperative Extension’s (CCE) Northwest NY Dairy, Livestock and Field Crops Team (NWNY Team) is hosting “Hands-On Feeder School Training” for area dairy producers and employees who feed cows with a total mixed ration. Feed costs, which include the cost to produce home-grown feeds and the cost of purchased feed, are the largest expense on a dairy farm. Carrying out an accurate and consistent mix of feed is critical to achieving high production and healthy cows.  This training will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and will be offered at two different locations. November 10 at Old Acres Farm in Perry, NY and on November 11 at Bonna Terra Farm in West Bloomfield, NY. Register online at: or call Brandie Waite at 585-343-3040 ext. 138.

The program features experts in the field of dairy nutrition and will include several hands-on learning stations. Topics will include how to conduct a TMR audit, mixer wagon troubleshooting, feeder safety and bunker silo management. The training will be offered in English and Spanish at each site.

Registration is required by November 7, 2022. Cost is $50 per person and includes lunch and all materials. Register at the link above.  Contact Margaret Quaassdorff for more information by email at or call 585-405-2567.

Labor commissioner supports reducing overtime threshold for farm workers

By Press Release

Press release:

New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL) Commissioner Roberta Reardon today issued an order accepting the recommendation of the Farm Laborers Wage Board to lower the current 60-hour threshold for overtime pay to 40 hours per week by January 1, 2032, allowing 10 years to phase in the new threshold. The Board included its recommendation in a report that the Board voted to advance to the Commissioner during its final meeting on September 6, 2022, following a two-year process and 14 public meetings and hearings. Following a rulemaking process to enact the Commissioner's Order, farm work in excess of 40 hours per week would be required to be compensated at overtime rates, as it is in other occupations.

“I thank the Farm Laborers Wage Board and all New Yorkers who provided insight and input during this inclusive process,” said New York State Department of Labor Commissioner Roberta Reardon. “I come from a farm community myself, so I know how important the agricultural sector is to the New York State economy. Based on the findings, I feel the Farm Laborers Wage Board’s recommendations are the best path forward to ensure equity for farm workers and success for agricultural businesses.”

Beginning in 2020, the Board held public hearings to gather testimony from farm owners, workers, advocacy groups, and academic researchers. Recordings of these hearings and additional materials are available on the NYSDOL’s Farm Laborers Wage Board webpage. The report released on September 6 documents and summarizes the Board’s process and its findings. The Board was convened pursuant to the Farm Laborers Fair Labor Practices Act passed by the New York State Legislature and signed by the Governor in 2019.

The Board’s report recommended that the reduction in overtime hours take place by reducing the overtime work limit by 4 hours every other year beginning in 2024 until reaching 40 hours in 2032, giving agriculture businesses proper time to adjust.

During the course of the Board's deliberations in 2022, the Governor and Legislature enacted three new tax credits to assist farm employers in transitioning to a lower overtime standard.  

  • The Investment Tax Credit was increased from 4 percent to 20 percent for farm businesses, providing an encouragement for potential automation of farm production.
  • The Farm Workforce Retention Tax Credit was increased to $1,200 per employee to provide near-term relief to farmers.
  • Most importantly, a new refundable overtime tax credit was established for overtime hours paid by farm employers at the level established by the Board and confirmed by the Commissioner up to 60 hours.

The Board noted that these actions by the Governor and Legislature were supportive of food production and provided a means for farms to transition to a lower overtime standard.

NYSDOL will now be undergoing a rule-making process which will include a 60-day public comment period.  Further details about the rulemaking process will be posted on the NYSDOL’s Farm Laborers Wage Board webpage.

More information on the Farm Laborers Wage Board process and next steps can be found on NYSDOL’s Farm Laborers Wage Board webpage.

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