From the city's Bureau of Maintenance:
On Thursday, Aug. 30th, Tracy Avenue in the City of Batavia will be closed to all through traffic. The closure will be between Washington Avenue and North Street from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. in order to pave Tracy Avenue.
All motorists that regularly use Tracy Avenue are asked to seek alternative routes while the closure is in place. Residents within the area of the closure cannot park on the street while the paving operation is ongoing. Please plan on parking on adjacent streets until the street is reopened.
This work is weather dependent and subject to rescheduling if it rains. If we are rain delayed the work will be rescheduled after Labor Day.
Contact the Bureau of Maintenance and ask to speak to the Streets Supervisor or Superintendent at 345-6400, opt. 1, if you have any questions.
Thank you for your cooperation in advance.