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Tracy Avenue

One-eyed Nimitz missing on Tracy Avenue, Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

Nimitz is much missed in the Clark household after the one-eyed feline went missing recently.

Danielle Clark is offering a return for his return.

The grey and white kitty was last seen on Tracy Avenue in Batavia.

If you see Nimitz or know where he is, Clark can be reached at (585) 409-9833 or email

An alert neighbor and quick response contain fire on Tracy Avenue to the kitchen

By Mike Pettinella

Story and photos by Alecia Kaus

Just before noon today, the City of Batavia Fire Department responded to 127 Tracy Ave. for a report of smoke coming from the roof vents of a single-family home after an alert neighbor reported seeing smoke coming from the roof. 

"When we arrived on scene there was some smoke coming out of the roof area, we made entry and found a fire that appeared to originate in the kitchen. Nobody was home at the time," said Interim Chief Dan Herberger.   

The cause of the fire is under investigation.

"We will look for any mechanical issues or stove issues, it definitely started in the kitchen in the stove area," he said.

Herberger said a pet cat died in the fire.

The house is not a total loss, but did suffer a significant amount of smoke damage. 

"It was an oxygen-deprived fire so there was a whole lot of smoke and not a lot of fire," the chief reported.

The fire was contained to the kitchen area which also suffered water damage, no one was injured.

Herberger says at least one person is displaced due to the fire.


Tracy Avenue storm sewer repair work set for tomorrow in the city, road will be closed

By Billie Owens

From the city Bureau of Maintenance:

From 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Tuesday, July 2nd, Tracy Avenue in the City of Batavia will be closed to all through traffic for storm sewer repair. The work will be performed between North Street and Hart Street.

All motorists that regularly use this road are asked to seek alternative routes during the operation.

Residents within the area of the closure should anticipate delays, but we will do our best to accommodate getting you to and from your residence.

This work is weather dependent and subject to rescheduling if it rains.

Contact the Bureau of Maintenance and ask to speak to the Streets Supervisor or Superintendent at 585-345-6400, opt. 1, if you have any questions. Thank you for your cooperation in advance.

Tracy Avenue in the city to close for paving Thursday

By Billie Owens

From the city's Bureau of Maintenance:

On Thursday, Aug. 30th, Tracy Avenue in the City of Batavia will be closed to all through traffic. The closure will be between Washington Avenue and North Street from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. in order to pave Tracy Avenue.

All motorists that regularly use Tracy Avenue are asked to seek alternative routes while the closure is in place. Residents within the area of the closure cannot park on the street while the paving operation is ongoing. Please plan on parking on adjacent streets until the street is reopened.

This work is weather dependent and subject to rescheduling if it rains. If we are rain delayed the work will be rescheduled after Labor Day.

Contact the Bureau of Maintenance and ask to speak to the Streets Supervisor or Superintendent at 345-6400, opt. 1, if you have any questions.

Thank you for your cooperation in advance.

Mill work scheduled for Tracy Avenue tomorrow

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

On Tuesday, Aug. 21,  from 7 a.m. to 5  p.m. Tracy Avenue in the City of Batavia will be closed to all thru traffic for cold milling of pavement. The work will be done between Washington Avenue and North Street.

All motorists that regularly use this road are asked to seek alternative routes during the operation. Residents within the area of the closure should anticipate delays,, but we will do our best to accommodate getting you to and from your residence.

This work is weather dependent and subject to rescheduling if it rains.

Contact the Bureau of Maintenance and ask to speak to the Streets Supervisor or Superintendent at 345 - 6400, opt. 1, if you have any questions.

Water main repair planned on Tracy Avenue, Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

On Wednesday, March 1, the City of Batavia Water Department will be repairing a water main on Tracy Avenue starting at 9 a.m. The water will be turned off on Tracy Avenue from Hart Street to North Street.

We will keep water service interruption to a minimum. This work may result in a period of discolored water in this general area after service is restored. Residents should check to make sure water clarity has returned before resuming activities such as laundry, which may be impacted. 

Tracy Avenue closed this morning for water line repair

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The City of Batavia Water Department will be making a repair on a broken water line on Tracy Avenue between Washington Avenue and North Street starting at 9 a.m. today. Tracy Avenue will be closed from Washington Avenue to North Street for all traffic. Please avoid Tracy Avenue until repairs are made. Water service may be interrupted on Tracy to make the repair.

Photo: Rime ice on tree on Tracy Avenue

By Howard B. Owens

Dave Twichell shared this photo he took this morning of the spiky ice on a tree on Tracy Avenue, Batavia.

The formation is known as "rime ice," which is formed by the rapid freezing of cold water droplets of fog onto a cold surface.

Tracy Avenue residents will go without water for a time next week

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

On Monday Aug. 12, as part of the Tracy Avenue construction project, two water valves are being replaced in the water distribution system. This requires water service to be shut down in the area of Tracy Avenue, North Street between Bank and Ross streets, Summit Street north of Ellsworth Avenue, and Seneca Avenue.

It is expected that water service will be shut down at approximately 9 a.m. and will be off for approximately four hours. Every effort will be made to minimize the time that service is down. Residents in the immediate area should be aware that this may cause a period of discolored water in this vicinity, and should avoid activities such as laundry, which could be affected.

FYI: This will not affect UMMC Hospital and they are aware of this.

NOTE: This post replaces one we put up a few minutes ago that was based on an old press release inadvertently sent over the city.

Person reportedly suffers ankle injury jumping from 2nd floor of building on Tracy Avenue

By Howard B. Owens

A person contacted dispatch saying he jumped from the second floor of a residence on Tracy Avenue and suffered an ankle injury.

There was reportedly a party at the residence at the time.

Law enforcement on scene and the person has been located. Mercy EMS dispatched.

The ambulance dispatched to Summit Street for better access to the patient's location.

UPDATE 4:24 a.m.: Patient being transported to UMMC.

Futon fire reported on Tracy Avenue

By Howard B. Owens

A futon caught on fire this morning at 29 Tracy Ave., but the apartment was not damaged.

The initial alarm came in around 10 a.m. and city firefighters responded.

Firefighters found the futon outside the apartment, where the resident had dragged it.

According to Lt. Jay Steinbrenner, the resident was apparently smoking on the futon when he fell asleep. When he woke up, he tried putting the fire out himself. He apparently tried a few times, according ot Steinbrenner.

"This apparently went on for an hour and a half," Steinbrenner said.

When the futon flamed up pretty good, the resident dragged it outside and called 9-1-1.

Batavia police looking for suspect in Tracy Avenue shooting

By Howard B. Owens

Police now have a suspect in the case of shots fired on Tracy Avenue last Wednesday. It's the same person they've been looking for all along; he's now formally a suspect.

And he's also suspected of stealing a truck from Western NY Concrete on East Main Street prior to the shooting.

The truck was found on Ellicott Avenue about three hours after the shooting, according to Det. Richard Schauf, and police believe it's the same truck used by the alleged shooter on Wednesday. The truck is being checked for evidence.

There's no new information available on the suspect.

Police are also not saying how many shots were fired, just that several hit the car.

Detectives now want to talk to a third person they believe was in the car with the two 18-year-olds mentioned in previous reports. The third person is male and a teenager. He has not made himself available for an interview. It's not believed he was wounded during the attack.

Law enforcement agencies throughout Western New York have been advised to be on the lookout for the shooting suspect.

Police also continue to try and retrace the steps of the occupants of the car in an attempt to further the case.

Batavia police looking for person of interest in Tracy Avenue shooting

By Howard B. Owens

Last night's shots fired on Tracy Avenue was likely no random act of violence, according to Batavia Police Det. Richard Schauf.

"Our investigation right now is leading us toward a possible relationship as opposed to a road rage incident," Schauf said during a press conference this morning. "Based on early investigation and comments that were made, it's looking more pointed than random."

At 10:30 p.m., two 18-year-old men were driving on Tracy Avenue being followed by a truck, when they pulled into a driveway to try and evade the tail, somebody in the truck opened fire on the car. The car, a 1999 Mazda 626, managed to plow through a snow bank and escape the scene of the shooting.

Neither occupant was injured. One of the victims is a Town of Batavia resident and the other is from the Village of Albion.

Police are looking for a person of interest and have sent bulletins to law enforcement agencies throughout New York.

Schauf said that based on the number of shots fired at the car, the shooting was intended to actually cause harm instead of just intimidating the young men. The two people may still be in some degree of danger with the shooter still at large.

The police have the name of the person of interest, but are not releasing that information.

While the 18-year-olds are being cooperative, Schauf said, their first statements were the most useful in identifying the person of interest.

"Initially in the excitement of it, there were some statements made by the victims that led to a person who might be of interest," Schauff said. "As the investigation has gone on it hasn't been as clear as it was during the initial excitement."

To help identify the likely shooter and uncover a connection, police are interviewing the youths as well as their friends to try and retrace their steps yesterday.

There is no definitive description of the shooter's truck, if it was indeed a truck. Police are unsure if  there was one person or more than one person in the vehicle.

Police would like residents to report any unusual driving they saw last night in the area of Tracy and East avenues. 

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