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Photo: Local businessman showing his support for Hawley's bid for ballot line for Congress

By Howard B. Owens

Assemblyman Steve Hawley's pitch to the committee of eight selecting the possible GOP candidate to replace Rep. Chris Collins on the November ballot got the support of Andrew Young today.

Young grabbed a couple of Hawley signs from his garage and replaced "Assembly" with "Congress" and stuck the signs in front of his business, Reliant Reality, on West Main.

Young said he made the signs on his own with "no input or awareness on Steve's part. I did it because I think he is the best man for the job. He has proven to be an effective advocate for our community and he has lived up to the highest level of integrity. Perhaps more important than anything right now, we could use some old-fashioned integrity."

UPDATE: Michael Pullinzi did it first out on Route 98, which Young noted when we spoke about his signs.

Young submitted the top photo, Pullinzi​ the bottom photo.

Daniel Norstrand

it would be nice to know Steve Hawley's views regarding the many national and world level subjects that he will be charged with "manipulating" as a US Congressman. If placed by the Republican committee as the nominee he would be a virtual shoe in for the seat so now is the time to enlighten us. Does he have the backbone to do the right thing? To stand up against the warmonger deep state? To buck the money fisted political axe wielding lobbyists?
As a long standing politician from the area he has been rubbing elbows with some of the world's most politicaly savey, and politicaly corrupt power coveting huxters our country has to offer. His petition to create a new state (Western New York) in order to separate us from NYC gives reason to believe he has the right stuff, and enough of a handle on the type of political machinations it takes to be successfull at helping to drain the swamp. Talk to us Steve.

Aug 20, 2018, 9:23am Permalink

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