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Collins says he will 'actively' campaign, McMurray responds

By Howard B. Owens

Rep. Chris Collins announced on Twitter today that he will "actively" seek reelection to the NY-27 seat he's held through three terms despite being under federal indictment for alleged securities fraud, wire fraud and lying to the FBI.

Collins released his statement in a graphic. Below is the graphic:

Below is a response from Nate McMurray, who is challenging Collins in the November election:

Nate McMurray, the Democratic and Working Families Party Candidate for New York’s 27th Congressional District, reacted to today’s news that indicted member of Congress and master insider trader Chris Collins would suspend suspending his campaign.
“It looks like the criminal is returning to the scene of the crime – and I’m not just talking about insider trading, lying to the FBI and everything else he’s been accused of – I mean the derelict(ion) of duty he did by ignoring his constituents and their interests for every second of his elected life.

"I’m curious to know what Mr. Collins means by ‘actively campaign’ because he hasn’t talked to his constituents, hasn’t held town halls, and has been hiding in his penthouse since the FBI arrested him. Now he thinks that the voters of this district who are getting hurt by a trade war, are struggling to make ends meet, and know that Washington is more corrupt than ever, he thinks they’re going to trust him? Give me a break. He looks out for himself. And maybe his donors.

"Chris Collins has been charged with a crime. He can’t buy his way back into his job.

"Chris Collins thinks the rules don’t apply to him. They do.

"Chris Collins represents everything that’s wrong with Washington.

"Chris, if you’re listening from Manhattan, here are a few words you may remember, ‘lock him up’ ‘drain the swamp’. I hear your next court appearance is on October 11. I bet some folks from NY-27 may take a road trip.

"In the meantime, I welcome you on the campaign trail, sir. Bring it.”

Robert Mattice

I find Mr. McMurray’s comments confusing. While Congressman Colin’s has been charged with a crime he is innocent until proven guilty. If the person being presumed guilty at this point were one of Mr. McMurrays’ “voting demographic” he would be screaming prejudice. On the other hand Mr. McMurray is endorced by the Democrats and“working families” party. That I find ironic as the Democrats tend to pander to NON working families... I will be voting Colin’s or WHOMEVER appears on the REPUBLICAN line.......

Sep 19, 2018, 6:09pm Permalink
tom hunt

A bunch of BS from the Collins Camp. He has stated that the purpose of his office is to line his own pockets and those of his friends. He does not care for the plight of the working man and his family. BTW the SEC and FBI have an air tight case against him or they would not have taken it this far. Anybody but Collins.

Sep 20, 2018, 8:10am Permalink
Thomas Callan

Robert,, SPOT ON! Bud,, Very good thinking! Nate McMurry - SHAME ON YOU - I`m curious, as to Why & How you SLITHERED into the Matthew Cleary Post # 255 in Caledonia recently, under the auspices of meet & greet? I was not there, so I have to rely on media (Livingston County News) accounts. You told the Board that your visit was going to be respectful, and non biased toward any political party. Then,, you jumped up on the proverbial Hickory Stump, and just bashed our President!!
Did you read those names carved in Granite under the American Flag? Do you HONESTLY think those War Dead Hero`s would condone, or approve of your One sided Rhetoric?? You Lied and Hoodwinked those Humble Veterans on the Board!! You Sir,,, are no Nathan Hale!! Not even close. You misled and lied to our Proud Veterans at the Matthew Cleary Post. Is this a precursor of how we would be represented in Congress? Maybe this is why Davey Crockett always had `Ole Betsy by his side!!!

Sep 20, 2018, 9:17am Permalink
bud prevost

Blind party loyalty is pervasive on both sides. Hands down, Kathy Hochul was the best rep we've had in the last 20 years. Collins and Lee are morally bankrupt souls who disgraced the office. The fact Collins refused to hold town hall meetings still irritates the snot out of me.His condescending tone is not flattering. Fix it Larry, the more I read, the more I like.

Sep 20, 2018, 9:33am Permalink
Daniel Norstrand

Your right about blind party loyalty Bud. And both sides are pretty much corrupted so a third party candidate can't often make headway in any election since the almighty dollar is heaped upon the corrupt. This is actually a situation where a 3rd party candidate could gain momentum from the lack of interest in either red or blue candidate. McMurray has very limited experience and his political doublespeak I've witnessed regarding guns, puts him out of contention for reds, as well as for me. Collins, guilty or not is an unsavory character as a corporate raider who made his fortune by sending or jobs to China. I'm still researching Larry Piegza but he stands a head above the others with me as a 3rd party candidate. Everone on both sides should seriously consider him as an alternative to the status quo.

Sep 20, 2018, 12:31pm Permalink
Brian Heick

I'd rather vote for the candidate/party that supports common sense and isn't blatantly greedy. Chris Collins s pretty much a turd in my book at this point. You can polish and shine it up all you want, but its still a turd in the end.

If he can hold one single town hall I might slightly change my mind.

Sep 20, 2018, 2:22pm Permalink
Thomas Callan

Brian, I do not agree, but you have very good points. But,,, if the Mick lies to our Veterans,, what do you think he will do in the Halls of Congress? Hence my remark of Davey Crockett and `Ole Betsy` whose Aim is always True!

Sep 20, 2018, 6:35pm Permalink
Daniel Norstrand

So your voting Libertarian Brian. Good choice. And as far as an "airtight case" goes, the FBI's involvement makes the charges LESS believable rather than more so. So far 25 plus FBI and justice department officials have been fired or resigned in the wake of the Russian meddling ruse.

Sep 20, 2018, 8:12pm Permalink
Brian Heick

Daniel, As for the FBI, I don't buy into the Trump/crowd bashing of the DOJ and FBI. I probably never will. Its just stupid. As for me voting for Collins, nah. I'll pick someone else. Maybe someone who isn't afraid to be heckled by a few people. He can't have my vote.

Thomas, I only heard about issues with the meeting afterwards. It was a meeting that was paid for by a political campaign and open to all. Tim Kemnitz, who approved the meeting, probably should have asked more questions before approving it. The "political campaign" part should have tipped him off to the type of meeting that it would be.

Sep 21, 2018, 7:41am Permalink
Daniel Norstrand


Little james comey --- barack & hillary 's homey --- having bent over backwards to see things --"right" --- must feel deep shame for his --- "decided" failure --- to stand tall & fight the good fight--
now this bend over spineless form --- acquiescing to beelzebubs norms will forever be viewed as the one who eschewed his oath to stop such political porn. Little james comey seemed a stand up guy -- straight and tall when he offered his arm -- to guide Madam Justice who is willingly blind -- to see that she'd come to no harm -- at the 1st sign of trouble over backwards he doubled using his charge for shield -- like the littlest of men refusing to fend for our only True First Lady --- and her ideals. His FBI with such sordid past is now bound for the scrap heap pile - with Little james comey -- being the "man" who Shepherded our True First Lady -- Lady Justice -- her last mile.

Dan Norstrand 7-

Sep 21, 2018, 12:02pm Permalink
Thomas Callan

Tim Kemnitz was hoodwinked, plain and simple. He is on the board, NOT the owner of Post 255. Hindsight is 20/20. He (mcmurry) promised the board that the meeting was NOT going to be a bash Trump event. He LIED!! Plain & Simple! The board voted to rip up the check, and return it to liberal liar! All the bleach & perfume in the world can`t hide the smell of a democrat`s lie!

Sep 22, 2018, 12:53am Permalink

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