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Genesee County Fair setting pace in state for growth, plans to add two days in 2019

By Howard B. Owens

The recent success of the Genesee County Fair is encouraging organizers to push for even more growth, including adding two days to the fair schedule in 2019.

One more day at the start of the week and one more day at the end would give parents two more weekend days to bring their families to the fairgrounds.

It's worked for Wyoming County, Sue Duyssen (the one speaking in the photo), a member of the Ag Society's Board of Directors, told the Human Services Committee during an annual review of the agencies efforts at Monday's meeting.

"We think that's why Wyoming County has such good attendance, when patrons can come out, spend those extra days together," Duyssen said. "We'll try it and see if it works and if it doesn't we can go back to the old schedule."

The fair is one of the few in the state that has managed to increase revenue over the past couple of years, Duyssen said. This year leaders of Downstate county fairs visited Genesee County to see how the Genesee County Fair was doing it.

The final attendence count for 2018 was 35,000.

So impressed are fair officials from throughout the state with the success of Genesee County that the annual conference of the state's fair managers will be at Batavia Downs this weekend. From 60 to 75 people will attend, staying in local hotels.

It's possible, Duyssen conceded in answering a question from Legislator Shelly Stein, that some of the local fair's success is tied to the end of other annual carnivals in the area, such as Stafford and St. Joe's.

At the same time, the combination of the fair's growth and number of fewer festivals through out the state, has prompted a vendor that is considered among the top ones in the industry to contact the local fair to see about participating in 2019.

Duyssen didn't name the vendor or say what kind of service it provides, but she said it is one that board members have wanted to attract for years.

Off-season activities continue to be an important source of revenue for the fairgrounds, including dog shows, horse shoes and competitions.

A perhaps little known source of revenue is the use of buildings on the fairgrounds as winter storage for RVs, boats, and golf carts. The Ag Society charges $10 per foot plus a set-up fee of $100 if you bring our vehicle or craft to the storage within a specific four-day window. The fee is $200 if you want an appointment outside of those four days.

That's a bargain, Duyssen said, over what storage facilities in Buffalo charge.

Stein also asked if there was a chance of making the fair parade a "real parade" again by running it on Route 5. Duyssen said Assemblyman Steve Hawley has said he will work with the fair board to make that happen.

Linda LaPorte

hi Sue, thank you for your support of the fair....miss you will always remember our working together!!!! hope you and your family are well!!!

Oct 2, 2018, 3:46pm Permalink

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