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Tech Academy students learn about moving forward on 'Motivational Monday'

By Howard B. Owens

Keep moving forward, that is what Adam Thorman said he has done since graduating from Byron-Bergen High School more than 10 years ago and joining the Navy.

He's moved forward in his Navy career, from E-2 out of basic training to E-6 after 10 years of service. He's been recognized by his superiors for his hard work and dedication as a military security specialist. He's gotten married and become a father to a 17-month old daughter. And he has overcome tragedy in his family, the deaths in separate accidents of his twin sister and his younger sister.

He said he's moved forward with the help of friends and family but meeting his wife a couple of years after the deaths of his sisters in 2011 "kind of opened up my eyes that I could still move on while unfortunately still missing two of my family members," he said during a presentation Monday at the Western New York Tech Acadamy.

Thorman was one of four speakers for "Motivational Monday" at the academy. The other speakers were Gina Lathan from Lathan Construction, Jakob Terranova from Six Flags Darien Lake, and Kelley Yates from Sedgwick Business Interiors.

Thorman fielded a variety of questions from the three dozen students who attended the talks, including questions about his deployments overseas, his career plans, life in the military, and how he overcame obstacles (such as bringing his reading skills up to the necessary level to complete college) to advance his career.

"I really enjoy reading books now," he said.

Daniel Norstrand

So the soldier was 1 of 4 speakers but gets 99.999 % of the publicity. Do I detect bias Howard? Gotta make sure the kiddos get a good dose of militarization. They look thrilled. They should have a rep. from Veterans for Peace, or some other anti war speaker to give some semblance of fairness to the exposure. But at least being techies, they have a better chance of finding the truth about our wars.

Dec 11, 2018, 4:05pm Permalink
John Roach

With people like Daniel, I am glad Howard gave this sailor the coverage he did. True, there were 3 other speakers, but only one has volunteered to put his life on the line so Daniel can say stupid stuff.

Dec 11, 2018, 4:14pm Permalink
Howard B. Owens

Daniel, the next time there's an event like this, I'll send you to cover it.

No disrespect to the other speakers -- but I showed up at 11 a.m. and only had time to stick around for less than an hour.

Next time I'll send you and I won't have that problem.

Yes, Daniel, there really is a conspiracy lurking around every corner. We're all in on it except you.

(FWIW: The press release that invited me to cover this listed four speakers. It was ambiguous as to if they were all on the same day or different Mondays. The way it was worded, I took it that they were all on the same day. I could be wrong. The class went on a break after Adam was done and I left. The speaker series is, however, an ongoing series. BTW: I was the only media that showed up in this time slot.)

Dec 11, 2018, 4:22pm Permalink
Daniel Norstrand

Well nothing precluded you from interviewing the other speakers. And Howard, when you have yourself insinuated that others are the victims of their own subconscious bias, I think it's pretty hypocritical to throw me under the bus with conspiracy blah blah. And... with people like John, stupid stuff is blind faith to political hacks. As well as to self aggrandizing former military who support wars that have been fleshed out to be the horrific, genocidal exploits of lying politicians and their masters. And if Howard, the "bias" I detected was simply a lack of information compounded by logistics, then I'll apologize. The 4th paragraph makes it sound like he was one of four speakers at the event.
Joining the military isn't "putting his life on the line" John. Our military is so far advanced compared to the impish countries we so courageously pummel that there are a number of jobs in the private sector that are more dangerous. And, by extrapolation, take more courage.

Dec 11, 2018, 5:14pm Permalink
Howard B. Owens

Daniel, you look for a conspiracy under every rock, whether it's what happens in Washington or my reporting. It's beyond ridiculous.

We're a small operation. We do the best we can. If our inadequacies, regardless of how much we work, triggers your conspiracy theories, there isn't much I can do other than point out how ridiculous it is. If you can't accept that we provide a lot of coverage you wouldn't get otherwise, even if we miss a few things, then, really, there's nothing I can say that will sound reasonable to you. I'm just part of the conspiracy.

Dec 11, 2018, 5:44pm Permalink
david spaulding

When I first saw this article I had similar feelings as Daniel's but I was afraid to share them. If you've read the Batavian for awhile you know Not to share any anti military feelings. See post 2 . Just because someone served in the military does not mean they have done anything for my freedom or my rights or anything else I do. I don't owe them or anyone else anything. Killing people all over the world has not given me any of the freedoms or any of the rights I still have.

Dec 11, 2018, 6:21pm Permalink
Daniel Norstrand

Thanks David. I don't like being the bearer of bad news, but people need to speak up or things will get even worse. Tell me Howard, what conspiracy theories have I expounded on. Because frankly I can show you reasonable proof that makes your accusations sound conspiratorial. Your out of your depth here. LOL. And though I differ in opinions very often with you, I have given you accolades in the past that show that I do indeed appreciate your work. And I do not. Let me repeat... I do not, promote theories. "Conspiracy theories" is the montra of people and entities that are being exposed to the scrutiny of the truly patriotic, or true journalism.

Dec 11, 2018, 8:09pm Permalink
Tim Miller

Thank you for the clarification, Howard. I was also curious as to the featuring of just one of four speakers, and your comment clarified the situation perfectly.

Dec 12, 2018, 10:45am Permalink
Daniel Norstrand

Still nothing but crickets Howard. You ridiculed me by stating that I'm "beyond ridiculous," as well as painting me with scarlet as some kind of paranoid conspiracy theorist. I'm waiting for the "proof" that you hang your hat on. Accusations without proof is blather.

Dec 13, 2018, 8:26am Permalink
Howard B. Owens

The proof is in the pudding as they say. You stated I'm part of some sort of conspiracy to support the militarism without proof and with no knowledge of the actual facts.

But that's how conspiracy theories work, and just like all conspiracy theorists, you persist in the face of facts and evidence.

Dec 13, 2018, 9:20am Permalink
Daniel Norstrand

Well at least 2 other readers were confused by your article. And being that you have denigrated people in the past "who have not served" your attempt at a point is simply more blather. I don't like pudding, I like facts. Your cliche is more obfuscation and distraction. Just like your original premise.

Dec 13, 2018, 1:32pm Permalink
Daniel Norstrand

Also, I asked originally if I detected bias on your part. I didn't say anything about a conspiracy on your part, although as I stated there should be a counterpoint in schools for every military speaker and recruiter. You have, in the past, insinuated and/or accused people who have a different view as having confirmation bias. You should acknowledge your hypocrisy. It's good for your psyche (mind, soul, spirit). A simple apology would go a long way in the same vein.

Dec 13, 2018, 1:46pm Permalink
Howard B. Owens

Suggesting an overt bias is very much part and parcel of conspiracy thinking, that I'm willingly participating in some militaristic propaganda conspiracy. Other's had questions. They didn't accuse me of bias.

It's pretty rich that you think I should apologize because I'm offended at your insults and refuse to accept the simple explanation of the facts.

Dec 13, 2018, 4:17pm Permalink
Daniel Norstrand

I already know, as you do, that you are biased toward the military, and to deny it is beyond ridiculous. Your bias in that regard is pointed to in #12 when in the past you denigrated people who speak out against our militarism "who haven't served". That is biased. Still nothing but crickets regarding facts. That is because you have none to back up your blather. That bias coupled with the "confusion" caused by the "The other speakers were" in your story, would, through sound reasoning, lead a perfectly reasonable reader to deduce that the writer ignored the other speakers for some reason. Oh yeah, bias! LOL...
Jack Nicholson
“In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.”
Thomas Jefferson

Dec 13, 2018, 5:57pm Permalink
Howard B. Owens

Where have I ever "denigrated people who speak out against our militarism 'who haven't served'?

That's just nonsense. Your whole comment is nonsense. Talk about not facing up to the truth. Exhibit A is the comment above this one, followed by every other comment you've made in this thread. I've given you the facts and the truth. You don't want to believe it. That's on you but I'm not going to continue this argument.

Dec 13, 2018, 7:58pm Permalink

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