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Today's Poll: Are you optimistic about 2019?

By Howard B. Owens
Tim Miller

January 3rd and some semblance of checks and balances restored cannot come quick enough. With any luck (and wisdom), any talk of "impeachment" will wait until an impeachable offense is proven. Anybody who reads my comments knows I am not a fan of the White House resident, but it is still way too early for any talk of impeachment.

Those checks are needed and will be timely, though.

Jan 2, 2019, 10:28am Permalink
Howard B. Owens

Comments that should have been taken down sooner because of personal insults taken down now ... which makes the last three comments somewhat nonsensical but ...

Jan 3, 2019, 10:49am Permalink
david spaulding

Back to the original question, I am optimistic about 2019 I can say that I am still able to work and pay all my bills. I used to fear not being able to pay them when I retire, but now that I am older and I see how the system works I have no fear what so ever. When my cash runs out, You are going to pay the bills. Once I become disabled I will move to the front row, the best seats, you suckers (which I am one of now) will have to get out of the way.....

Jan 3, 2019, 4:34pm Permalink

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