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Batavia woman accused of selling methadone to a task force agent

By Howard B. Owens
       Leona Polk

A 39-year-old resident of West Main Street Road, Batavia, has been arrested and accused of selling a quantity of methadone to an agent of the Local Drug Task Force on two occasions.

Leona J. Polk is charged with two counts of criminal sale of a controlled substance 4th, a Class C felony.

Polk was arraigned in Genesee County Court on Thursday and given her status as a lifelong Batavia resident and her lack of any prior criminal record, she was released on her own recognizance. 

She was arrested March 8 and held without bail until her appearance before Judge Charles Zambito on Thursday.

She is accused of making the sales on June 17 and 18.

Frank Bartholomew

Thomas, what does your comment have to do with this article. Nothing I read said anything about junkies, unless of course you are making assumptions. What type of " junkie " are you talking about, drugs, food, gambling, and do they all lay low? Please inform me as to where you got this info, I love fiction.

Mar 17, 2019, 3:46pm Permalink
Thomas Callan

frank, I honestly thought that you were above childish name calling. So, in the interest of fairness, I will try to explain my previous comments in basic terms. Please try to stay with me. "A junkie never dies, they just lay low" That was an expression that was used commonly during the 1960`s. The term 'junkie" is an acumen meaning Addiction. Am I going too fast? When a person is addicted, they will resort to any way, shape, or manner to quench that thirst (addiction). That person is an addict. Some addictions are easier to stifle, than others. Methadone is commonly used to help addicts wean their heroin addiction. However, it is a marketable product. A junkie will do anything to avoid being "Dope Sick" that means withdraw symptoms. Methadone does not in itself, relieve withdraw symptoms. That is where street economics come in. Remember frank,,, an addict will do ANYTHING for that next fix. That is why a "Junkie Never Dies, They Just Lay Low" I can`t explain it any more simple than that.

Mar 18, 2019, 10:06pm Permalink
Jim Urtel Jr

Thomas, if you think Frank uses name-calling on here you ought to see what he has to say on facebook on the free-speech for genesee county site about you and Howard.

Mar 19, 2019, 7:29am Permalink
Frank Bartholomew

Howard, you let this guy keep insulting people in recovery, says a lot about this site. In your case, I find it hard to understand. He is insulting thousands and you leave his posts up, yet I'm defending thousands and you delete mine.

Mar 19, 2019, 6:11pm Permalink
Howard B. Owens

There have been no rules broken (except for the comments already deleted) ... unless, Frank, you're coming out against free speech.

We've always protected a person's right to their opinion so long as it isn't personally directed at another person (personal insults).

You don't need Facebook for free speech. You get it right here.

Mar 19, 2019, 5:39pm Permalink
Frank Bartholomew

Jim, those were deleted by myself, I haven't totally learned to not post in anger, or on subjects I am passionate about. It serves no purpose to try an educate people on this site when the owner of the site picks and choses who can and who can't insult others. I guess instead of being straight forward, I have to disguise my insults like some others .Thomas used the term dry drunk, anyone with half a brain knows who, and what he is getting at. It really don't bother me because through the grace of God I have been sober for 19 years. I also consider the source. I know plenty about addiction, methadone, and suboxone for that matter, and both can be bought on the street. Unlike some, I did get educated on the subject, still plenty to learn, but at least I have enough knowledge to not make a fool of myself with assumptions and stereotyping. The story said nothing about junkies, that came from Thomas. 60 year old terminology doesn't quite cut it on this subject, but if that's all you got, go with it Thomas.

Mar 20, 2019, 6:26pm Permalink
Thomas Callan

To All Readers of The Batavian. I am sorry that I allowed him to partially get my goat. I feel bad if my comments offended all others.

Mar 20, 2019, 8:08pm Permalink

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