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Former funeral director tests positive for COVID-19, delaying sentencing on fraud charges

By Howard B. Owens
Michael Tomaszewski

The sentencing of former funeral home director Michael Tomaszewski on fraud charges has been delayed again because he's tested positive for COVID-19.

District Attorney Lawrence Friedman said Tomaszewski's attorney produced a document showing his client had tested positive.

County Court Judge Charles Zambito ordered Tomaszewski to the Genesee County Jail where he was tested again.  That test, according to Friedman, was also positive.

Tomaszewski's court appearance has been delayed until an as yet undetermined date.

The former funeral director entered a guilty plea in April to counts of grand larceny, scheme to defraud, offering a false instrument for filing, and untimely burial.

Jail Superintendent William Zipfel said he can't discuss the health status of an inmate at the jail but said since the start of the pandemic, per the protocol of the state's Commission of Corrections, all new inmates are quarantined for their first 14 days in jail.

His sentencing on the conviction has been delayed multiple times for various reasons.

Story updated at 4:11 p.m.


This entire case is bizarre. It has been delayed so many times already that his time served may cover the sentence?? Question#1. What happened to these millions of alleged dollars that he stole?? Question#2. How do people trying to be made whole going to get their money of he is in jail.? Question#3. Is he a danger to our community? If not why send him to jail? It makes better sense to offer parole with restitution. Even if garnishing any wages he may make the rest of his life. He did at least serve this community to some degree at some point. The burial thing I understand could have been a problem with winter and covid. It will be interesting to see if this case ever gets resolved to the satisfaction of all involved.

Dec 7, 2021, 6:30pm Permalink

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