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Today's Poll: Should Sarah Palin run for president?

By Howard B. Owens
Dave Meyer

Actually, I am **PRAYING** that she gets the Republican nomination in 2012.

That will prove that either - the American electorate are intelligent enough to realize that this bimbo should never be within 10 miles of the presidency - or - the electorate thinks that she's the greatest thing since sliced bread.

I happen to believe the former.

Her nomination would be the supreme gift to the Democrats...that's why I doubt it will ever happen. Say what you want about the Republicans, but I don't think they're *THAT* stupid.

Nov 19, 2010, 11:43am Permalink
Dave Olsen

Frank Caliendo while doing an imitation of Bill Clinton on Fox NFL Sunday a couple of weeks ago: " The Buffalo Bills are like Sarah Palin, Neither will ever win the big one, but will be a lot of fun to watch" LOL, I'm still pulling for the Bills, in 2012 that is.

Nov 19, 2010, 11:57am Permalink
Kyle Couchman

Its her right and priveledge to do so if she wants. As far as peoples reasons why she should, I dont think she'd be any better or worse than any other candidate.

Nov 19, 2010, 12:03pm Permalink
Dave Meyer

Oh I don't disagree with her "right and priveledge" [sic]. In fact, I find her quite entertaining.

The fact remains that anyone who thinks she has what it takes to be president is delusional. She simply lacks the gravitas that should be present in a serious presidential candidate. She's a buffoon.

Nov 19, 2010, 12:44pm Permalink
Peter O'Brien

Like Obama Dave? She has more governing experience than him not to mention more real life experience than the Marxist Street Organizer.

I hope she runs so we can see the vitriol of the Left.

Nov 19, 2010, 1:12pm Permalink
Jim Cody

Dave, Dave, Dave.

You got your answer! "That will prove that either - the American electorate are intelligent enough to realize that this bimbo should never be within 10 miles of the presidency - or - the electorate thinks that she's the greatest thing since sliced bread."

Remember what Mencken said "As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."

Remember W? It can happen again!

Nov 19, 2010, 1:46pm Permalink
Thomas Mooney

Sarah Palin would be as good of a president as her daughter Bristol is Dancer . Bristol should have never been or lasted this long on dancing with the stars and her mother should never be President . By the way shouldn't one be a star first to be on Dancing with the stars .Just a thought !!!

Nov 19, 2010, 2:05pm Permalink
Cheryl Boyer

If someone can win the presidency by giving good speeches, she may have a chance. At least she is a proud American not like the one we have now.

Nov 19, 2010, 4:06pm Permalink
Tim Howe

Anyone who reads these forums on a regular basis knows what a die hard right wing conservative I am, and even though I think she would have alot to offer in an administration, I absolpositutely don't think she should be anywhere even close to president.

I say Bobby Jindal 2012. That man knows how to get things done!!!

Nov 19, 2010, 4:11pm Permalink
Bob Harker

Tim, I agree she is probably not the right person for president. She does have a viable role to play though - bringing some common sense to within the beltway.

Jindal is a good man, and I would consider voting for him after learning more of his ideas.

BUT! If Newt decides to run, I'll be working hard for him. Now I fully expect to hear from the others on this board with insults to his character. Especially since their party is so squeaky clean. I hold him in high regard as a leader, a thinker, and a doer.

I can't imagine obama running again, in spite of his arrogance. Hillary will challenge him in a primary and likely receive the party backing. obama has the unions in his pocket and that's about it.

Nov 19, 2010, 4:29pm Permalink
Bea McManis

None would come from here.
Why when she is elected your taxes will be reduced to nothing; she'll do away with all social programs; and we'll enjoy the undying gratitude of nations throughout the world who can look to her leadership in foreign affairs.
Sounds like a winner to me.

Nov 19, 2010, 4:35pm Permalink
Tim Howe

I gotta tell you my dear this darn sarcasm detector's needle went flying to the right, it kept beeping and wouldnt stop, all the little do hickey's were swirling around and around and it caught fire.

You owe me a new sarcasm detector.

You have a nice weekend too :)

Nov 19, 2010, 4:53pm Permalink
George Richardson

Joe, Did you buy them at Walmart? I signed about 250,000 Sarah Palin books for Walmart at twelve cents apiece. She wanted a dollar and fifty cents but Sam said: "Hell No!" and he called me instead. I have nice handwriting, does the handwriting look nice? If so, it's probably one of mine. I'll give you seventy five cents for the book, right now. I'm talking cash.

Nov 20, 2010, 12:13pm Permalink
Doug Yeomans

The political arena has become a circus so why shouldn't she run? I like the woman and she'd probably do a far better job than Bush or Obama. She is who she is and doesn't pretend to be anything else...WYSIWYG! I can't give the same credit to many other politicians.

Nov 20, 2010, 12:26pm Permalink
Doug Yeomans

I'd rather have an woman in office who can fish, rock climb, cook and take the abuse she does while still smiling over a polished, Harvard educated, deficit quadrupling, whitey hating, promise breaking, stuffed shirt failure.

Nov 20, 2010, 12:35pm Permalink
Joe Lullo

Wow George, that's mature. Do I go about slamming you're political beliefs? If you disagree with someones views and talk about in an adult-like manor, considering others peoples views may be different from yours, is one thing. Being a pretentious douche is another.

Nov 20, 2010, 9:21pm Permalink
Bea McManis

Posted by Tim Howe on November 19, 2010 - 4:53pm
I gotta tell you my dear this darn sarcasm detector's needle went flying to the right, it kept beeping and wouldnt stop, all the little do hickey's were swirling around and around and it caught fire.

You owe me a new sarcasm detector.

I'll try to stop by my local "ACME" product store and see what they in the line of an upgraded sarcasm detector. It sounds like you need the heavy duty model.
Trying to troubleshoot your malfunction, I determined that it was the lack of emoticons that tripped the trigger.

Nov 21, 2010, 9:50am Permalink
C. M. Barons

Alaska's rank by population- out of 50 -is forty-seventh, ahead of Vermont and Wyoming. Alaskan government (and citizenry) is funded by oil trust payments amounting to 82% of state revenue; not state sales or income tax. Alaska's DOT budget for 2010 was $1.63 Billion; Texas with 1/3 the area of Alaska, $9.7 Billion. Current issues discussed on Alaskan Blogs: increase in snowmobile registration fees, Murkowski/Miller vote recount, Former-governor Palin's personal fiscal improvement: Governor- $125,000, Author/commentator/TV Host: $12 Million and proposed Wasilla mayoral campaign slogan- 'A meth lab in every trailer park!'

Quoting the Christian Science Monitor, "52 percent of US voters view Palin unfavorably, according to the Gallup survey. Breaking down the score, some 81 percent of Democrats, and 53 percent of independents, see her in a negative light." They went on to compare her to I-am-not-a-witch Christine O'Donnell.

...Maybe if Sarah enrolled in an intensive program, the UTI of governmental preparedness- put aside her celebrity status on cable-TV's premiere credentials-challenged network and crammed books; figured out where Afghanistan and New Hampshire are located on the map and worked on her giddy, Prozac-user appearance.

Rock-climbing and fishing skills notwithstanding; the difference between Mickey Mouse (write-in standby for protest vote) and Sarah Palin- she if elected will actually take office!

Nov 21, 2010, 4:51pm Permalink
George Richardson

From Wikipedia being too kind:
"Palin was elected to the Wasilla City Council in 1992 winning 530 votes to 310.She ran for reelection in 1995, winning by 413 votes to 185."
Could she win in Batavia? I think not, does Corfu have a City Council?
I have a degree in Communications Media from GCC, class of '74, vote for me instead. I love America and I care about the people of Batavia and everywhere else within the Continental USA plus Hawaii and Alaska. The rest of the woirld, except Amsterdam, sucks big time. So vote for me as President in 2012. Thank you.

Nov 22, 2010, 2:24pm Permalink
Randy Smart

In 2004 (before Novemver) Democrats all over this great nation of ours were rejoicing in the fact that they would be able to oust George W. Bush from the White House--their victory was assured. But what happened when election day came? George W. Bush won reelection, to the shock and awe of the Democrats. Here it is 2010 and Republicans all over the nation are confident of victory in 2012 when they can finally oust Obama...but they have to come up with a truly outstanding candidate who genuinely cares about this Nation and its people (not a John Kerry) for that to happen. If Sarah Palin wins the Republican nomination, Obama wins in 2012. If Sarah Palin doesn't win the Republican nomination, but decides to "go rogue" and runs as a Tea Party candidate, Obama wins in 2012. Remember--you heard it here first in 2010.

Nov 23, 2010, 9:09am Permalink

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