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Poll: How do you get your news?

By Howard B. Owens

We're testing an other poll provider.  Here's today's poll:

What is your primary source for news?
( polls)

We here in Le Roy like the polls, so keep them coming.
This one is kinda like a survey, which makes it informative to see what other people are doing.

Dec 2, 2008, 10:20pm Permalink
Howard B. Owens

Yeah, but not very scientific ... of course most people on an online news site are going to say they prefer online for news ... still ... fun to watch that number go up :).

Dec 2, 2008, 10:25pm Permalink
lazario Ladou

Here is a question

What does not getting your "news" by word of mouth mean to/say about a community such as ours? or even society in general

What exactly are the implications of knowing what is going on -out there- but perhaps not really knowing what is going on right here that is affecting the lives of neighbors
Course, people can say they read the Daily/local/RNews whatever
But I wonder
I wonder if people see local news as news at all
and I mean backyard smalltown local news
Dale, NY news
Stafford news
Batavia news

3000 people die elsewhere
hundred or two die elsewhere
One person dies/is injured on our roads here OR WHATEVER
Not even a comment on the post if provided one on thebatavian

I'm retty sure some dude got shot last night in Rochester or Buffalo or perhaps a couple in each
Where is all the ____________ for that news story
Where is the collective outrage on that
maybe you get a 25 person vigil
Not much vigilance is likely to come

I chose TV myself but it's likely a split with internet
Television news?
Murder, gas prices, war, politics, weather
How much does this stuff really
truly matter to us
right here at home?

Murder is over
Gas prices are out of your control
Weather? if its not severe weather time just look outside
Who even has a clue about whats really going on over there in combat

Is NEWS just the "daytime story/SOAP" for the middle-aged
If knowing your current events is truly ALL THAT important
Why don't we watch the news from all other countries
Is anyone watching El Newso? Probably not
Anyone watch al jazeera? Probably
Probably those interested in politics
Why would that be?
Are these same people the world leaders that truly want to bring peace to everyone not experiencing it
Highly doubt it form your own conclusions as to why they would/do

People live without news
and well

Maybe if people worked a bit harder at becoming better people instead of becoming better informed of why some other people aren't better people we wouldn't need the news at all ..or at most for 10 minutes ..a week

It doesn't take years, decades or centuries to fix problems unless there are
alterior motives

What is in the average news broadcast that is actually new
If you cannot answer with much than the news has been relatively useless

365x500 years? 300 years at least
Gotta have more than a couple hundred positives to share

Dec 3, 2008, 2:47am Permalink

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