A severe thunderstorm is passing through the area and a storm warning is in effect until 6 a.m. for parts of Genesee County.
A storm capable of producing damaging winds up to 60 mph is currently centered around Medina and moving southeast at 30 mph.
The storm may pass directly through Oakfield and Byron.
Heavy hail and cloud-to-ground lightning are part of the storm.
The National Weather Service warns that people outdoors should seek shelter immediately.
UPDATE 5:02 a.m.: New warning from the National Weather Service says the storm is centered near Attica and continues moving southeast at 25 mph.
Photo: Hail on the porch of Tammy Way at 4 a.m.
Hail just passed through
Hail just passed through attica about 15 minutes ago (7:15 a.m.)Luckily it wasnt too much and not as big as the photo on this artical. Right when i heard hail in the forcast i parked the cars in the garage. It was a very cool storm though, it got very dark, downpoured, hailed, lightning left and right and the thunder was so loud! All along with a very nice rainbow in the middle of the storm clouds, was very cool!