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Today's Poll: Is the United States still a credit-worthy, AAA, country?

By Howard B. Owens
John Oakes

Till we get our spending in order (A BALANCED BUDGET) They will continue to downgrade us and you know what that means folks... Higher interest rates.... Yipppeee

Aug 9, 2011, 7:49am Permalink
Pat McGinnis

We do not deserve to have the AAA credit rating. US Debt to GDP is way too high for us to still have that. In 2008 we had 5.8 Trillion in debt - equal to 40% of GDP. End of Fiscal year 2010 it was 62% this highest it’s been since just after WW 2. We are currently sitting at 14.5 Trillion in debt so in around 3 years we have more than doubled our debt. We have little signs of stopping and our Government is no help, both sides do nothing but play politics with it to try to get power. Neither has the political will to make the hard decisions. So we don’t deserve the rating of AAA runaway debt with no signs of getting it under control. We are close to approaching the debt to GDP that countries like Ireland have, they currently have a BBB+. The only difference is we can print our own money.

Numbers provided by the CBO and the

Aug 9, 2011, 9:06am Permalink
Loy Gross

Credit-worthy doesn't just mean we're in debt, it also refers to whether we can be counted on to repay that debt. As long as eighty-odd people can stop reasonable financial action from happening in Washington, then, no, we're not credit-worthy.

Aug 9, 2011, 9:33am Permalink
Ed Gentner

This is the same rating agency that gave the mortgage default swaps the "AAA" rating shortly before the '08 collapse of the market. The USA is going to pay its debts one way or another.

The question of how responsible the political leadership is an entirely different question. The Tea party and their patrons have done significant damage to the economy, however a great deal of the fault is the failure of our President to stand up to these half-wits two years ago when they first appeared on the scene with their birther, death panels, he's a Muslim socialist. If you wont't stand up and fight back for yourself, you can't be counted on to stand up for anyone else. The lesson is when the bullies first get in your face, put them back on their heels and in his and in their place.

The bottom line is our elected leaders failed to lead, instead allowed themselves to be lead around by the fringe,"We the People" suffer as a result.

Aug 9, 2011, 10:43am Permalink
Mark Potwora

AAA rating is like your credit score...And if your Debt to Income ratio was as high as the USA's,your score would be pretty low....And not a good credit risk..At this point in time with high unemployment..High cost of all entitlement programs i would say we are a credit risk..Grow the tax base ,bring in more money..Cut the spending..I would like to know ,now that the debt ceiling has been raised and we were downgraded who came in last week and loaned the USA money..Was it China..If all of Europe is in economic turmoil who has all this money to lend to all of us Debtor nations...

Aug 9, 2011, 10:47am Permalink
John Roach

Loy, what reasonable financial action? There were vague statements from one side that they were willing to put entitlements on the table, but refused to say what they were. They also refused to agree to tax reform and wanted only tax increases. Even then, not on everyone.

Some liberals like to mention that in the 1950's the highest tax rate was a bit over 90%, which was true. But the lowest rate was 20%, on every dollar from $0 to $2,000. I don't think anyone wants to go back to those rates, but until everyone has to pay at least some taxes on earned income, then there should be no increase on anyone.

We need tax reform, not just tax increases.

Aug 9, 2011, 11:01am Permalink
Loy Gross

In the final days, Boehner had an almost reasonable starting plan involving cuts and increases. Couldn't get the TP to vote for them.

Dave Ramsey has a quote going around that if the US was a family, it'd be making 58k, spending 75k and 327k in debt. People see that and think "we've got to cut spending."

Well, yes, but think about this - if one family cut their spending that drastically, it might work. But if _every_ family in the US cut their spending by that percentage, we'd have drastic layoffs, far more folks out of work and a completely stagnant economy.

This is what the 'cuts only' people are going to create and it sickens me to think we may have to go through decades of stagnation ala Japan a few years ago when all we need to do is look at history.

We need to increase income. That same US family overspending is also throwing away a huge chunk of income by shipping jobs overseas and not collecting taxes on corporate earnings.

But back to the main point, Boehner did have a reasonable plan. And eighty-odd people who have the goal of tearing the government down (because it's too big) stopped him. And that's going to haunt the US credibility for a long time.

Aug 9, 2011, 12:19pm Permalink
Rex Lampke

So let me get this straight out of 435 voteing members of the house 80 or so stopped everything and caused all this mess wow a powerfull bunch.LOL the demonizing of the tea party is all preperation for the next elections the only ones that are fooled are the fools.

Aug 9, 2011, 1:17pm Permalink
Bob Harker

For those of you that voted "yes", please go out and buy US bonds. You'll be helping Obummer spend more, and since we're "AAA" your sure to receive a good ROI.


Aug 9, 2011, 1:25pm Permalink
terry paine

Loy, as far as I know the 80 People where willing to sign either plan ( left or right) but wanted to add wording to ensure a balanced budget in 4 years.
Wouldn't such wording have help credibility.

Aug 9, 2011, 1:49pm Permalink
Charlie Mallow

Terry, you know it wasn't just wording they wanted to change. They wanted to alter our constitution under economic threat.

Loy makes a lot of sense and so does Rex, when he is talking about a balanced approach. Not sure about the rest of you but, those Teabaggers were the direct cause of a huge loss in the value of my 401k this week. So much for my "wealth". In fact, their dumb-ass political move cost me far more than a tax increase would have. Economics is hard, just because they have a catchy phrase and are "angry", doesn't make them right. I have thousands of reasons to spit in their faces right now.

Aug 9, 2011, 2:17pm Permalink
Mark Potwora

I agree with you Rex..Blaming this debt downgrade on the tea party is crazy..Two years ago all we heard by the democrats was the the tea party was meaningless..They were nothing to worry about ..But know they are the cause of the world collapsing...The downgrade had more to do with their not being enough cuts..2 trillion was nothing when spread over 10 years...the debt is still going to rise..The plan to CUT ,CAP and Balance made alot of sense..What is so wrong with a balanced budget amendment...Why are the democrats opposed to such and easy solution..Cities,States and county's do it.....The Tea Party has brought this issue to light..Last year Obama had no plan to do anything about all this debt that has been created in the last 15 years...This is more important then the health care bill he wasted his first two years on...

Aug 9, 2011, 2:29pm Permalink
Charlie Mallow

Mark, there wasn't enough cuts, because the TP didn't have the guts to face up to their special interest groups and compromise. That's no different than any of the other worthless politicians we have in office. The Teabaggers stole my wealth and I got nothing for it. Their political move didn't build one bridge, fix a road or even feed a kid lunch. What did I get for my Tea Tax???

Aug 9, 2011, 2:41pm Permalink
Howard B. Owens

Anybody who says they want to balance the budget but then doesn't propose meaningful cuts to military spending (at least $100 billion, but seriously, more) isn't serious about balancing the budget. They're just blowing political smoke.

Aug 9, 2011, 2:45pm Permalink
Ed Gentner

The mountain of debt was created in the last 10 years not 15, with the majority of the debt created by the Bush/Cheney administration that squandered the surplus that was left by the Clinton administration. The debt was caused by the Bush tax cuts, two unfunded wars, an unfunded Medicare prescription plan that benefitted big Pharma,the near complete collapse of our economy at the end of the Bush administration caused by little or no enforcement of financial regulatinons by the Securities and Exchange Commission which had Republican majorities appointees, and a Republican majority in both houses of Congress for six of the eight years and a Rebublican minority in the Senate that held up most legislation demanding a three fifths majority vote even to debate proposed legislation.

Aug 9, 2011, 2:52pm Permalink
Ed Gentner

I belive you are right on target Howard, deep cuts to the military as well as ending the Bush Tax cuts will solve the problem in both the near term and long term. Our country needs to rebuild OUR infrastructure, not that of other counutries around the globe. The men and women who serve in todays military can just as easily be utilized here at home rebuilding America.

Aug 9, 2011, 2:58pm Permalink
Mark Potwora

I want military spending cut.I would rather spend that money on infrastructue for this country..Ron Paul says it all..End all overseas operations..I want to see overseas bases closed..We should charge counties that we defend for our services..Charlie just as you think you got nothing for your tea tax ,I got nothing for all the stimulus spending..remember shovel ready.How much did Batavia get...All i got was more debt for my future children and grandchildren..Tea Party bought their issues to the for front..Why don't all those who live on someone elses money start their own party and then they can shut the government down when they ask for more and more and more...

Aug 9, 2011, 3:00pm Permalink
terry paine

Charlie,If I was truly be represented my vote would have been no to the increase. Should I be on the look out for you to spit in my face?

Aug 9, 2011, 3:00pm Permalink
Mark Potwora

Edmund do you want to get rid of the Medicare prescription plan..How is Obama care paid for again i forgot...It wasn't about cutting 500 billion out of Medicade was it...That is an entitlement that is spose to be off the table to all democrats.....

Clinton had a growing deficit...It had more to do with the extra money in the Social Security fund...

Year Year
Ending National Debt Deficit
FY1993 09/30/1993 $4.411488 trillion
FY1994 09/30/1994 $4.692749 trillion $281.26 billion
FY1995 09/29/1995 $4.973982 trillion $281.23 billion
FY1996 09/30/1996 $5.224810 trillion $250.83 billion
FY1997 09/30/1997 $5.413146 trillion $188.34 billion
FY1998 09/30/1998 $5.526193 trillion $113.05 billion
FY1999 09/30/1999 $5.656270 trillion $130.08 billion
FY2000 09/29/2000 $5.674178 trillion $17.91 billion
FY2001 09/28/2001 $5.807463 trillion $133.29 billion

Aug 9, 2011, 3:13pm Permalink
Charlie Mallow

Mark, we don't know if the stimulus money had an impact but, at least we can see what most of the money was spent on. What was my Tea Tax used for? It surly won't get Americans behind a Congress that is now only supported by 14% of the public. Don't think I'm the only one who won't forget what those Teabaggers did to our savings. By the sounds I heard yesterday at work, I wouldn't be walking around waving a Tea Party flag anytime soon.

The idea of the movement might have been grand but, the results are near criminal.

Aug 9, 2011, 3:13pm Permalink
Rex Lampke

To add to Marks post in 99 there was no surplus we were 5.6 trillion in debt Bush added another 4.4 t but our wonderful leader has added 4 trillion in 3 years and thats not counting the famous healthcare pakeage that kicks in soon so blame Bush all you want but its both sides

Aug 9, 2011, 3:17pm Permalink
Mark Potwora

The Tea Party is being trashed by everyone on the left ..including the White House..blaming them for this whole debt downgrade...The Tea Party are just a bunch of americans who don't agree with Washington DC..Do you really think that they want to see the down fall of the USA...I don't believe Obama wants that either..But he wanted the job..That is the problem with Obama,he can hold himself accountable for anything that goes wrong...Its time he mans up and starts admitting that his policys arent working..He is the president not the tea party...His first two years in office everything was controled the the Democrats..Seems to me things are getting worst.Charlie what did the tea party do to your savings..The market was doing pretty good all year until this last week...The Tea Party did not cause all this debt..Time to lay blame at the man in charge....

Aug 9, 2011, 3:26pm Permalink
Charlie Mallow

Mark, debt didn't cause the fall of the markets, brinksmanship did. If I made a lot of money in the market earlier in the year, why should I now be accepting of theft?These Teabaggers used our economy as a weapon and it backfired on them. They will get no shelter in this country any longer. Think of how much money this political stunt cost our economy? Last I heard it was over a trillion dollars wasted! How is that going to effect the "job creators"? I know how it affected my retirement savings and there should be no forgiveness for these criminals. Ignorance is no excuse.

I'm one of the 86% who can't stomach that worthless Congress and their Teabagger friends. .

Aug 9, 2011, 4:28pm Permalink
Mark Potwora

Charlie..yesterday was a good day to buy...Don't worry about those job creators..they know how to make money in a down market..So if by the end of the year you are up...what will you say then...

Aug 9, 2011, 4:42pm Permalink
Tim Howe

Bottom line nobama has failed miserably at EVERYTHING he claimed he could do. He has no clue how to lead and is an absolute joke.

I am VERY proud of the tea party for being strong enough to stick to thier guns and remembering WHY they were voted into office, while the spendthrift democrats wanted business as usual, which means more taxes and much BIGGER gov't To coin the phrase that nobama used its time for CHANGE. The gov't needs to scale WAY back with spending (and yes as a republican i say this also includes defense, although we need to be careful not to scale back to much on the ONE AND ONLY thing the federal gov't is actually supposed to be doing for us) The dems keep calling for compromise, what those tools call compromise is just thier way of calling for business as usual. This whole mess that is now costing all of us republicans and democrats alike is going to be disastrous for the dems come next novermber. The white house and spendthrift liberals can try all they want to bring us tea partiers down, but americans know who really caused this and mark my words things are going to "CHANGE" in 15 months.

Yesterday nobama actually came out and asked for more money to fund infrastructure jobs. First of all REALLY? Really? Really? We are in debt up to our eyeballs, actually past that up to our foreheads and the best plan of action you can think of is to borrow and spend more money we dont have. He things that will look good on the unemployment/jobs report but keep in mind they would only be temp jobs, just like all the other "good" unemployment numbers that come out right around summer and CHRISTmas when seasonal workers go back to work.

I just keep telling myself 15 more months of cluelessness, and if he does not triple our debt again and totally destroy us then we can get a capable leader in the white house.

Aug 9, 2011, 4:51pm Permalink
Charlie Mallow

Then the "job creators" won't have any trouble paying $30 more in taxes for each $1000 earned over the first $250,000 per year, done deal! It's not like they haven't collectively lost over 1 Trillion dollars in their investments this week....

Aug 9, 2011, 4:53pm Permalink
Chris Charvella

People continue to ignore the fact that the debate about cuts is completely separate from the debate about raising the debt ceiling.

Adding spending cuts etc.. to a conversation about paying for things we already bought was a deliberate tactic by the Republicans to obfuscate the issues at hand. Our credit was downgraded because the fight went on so long and certain of our politicians were obviously willing to consider default, even welcome it.

Cuts are good, I like cuts, but the time to discuss them is budget season. If The Tea Party hadn't forced this to go on for so long and quietly raised the debt ceiling so we could pay our bills, our credit would still be AAA rated and retirement accounts wouldn't have been decimated for the second time in five years.

This isn't about cuts or spending, it's about the next Presidential election. That's not necessarily true for you guys, you're just people who want certain things from your government and maybe have different ideas about what those things are. The stakes are higher in Washington, though, and you'd do well not to forget that the next time a politician tells you what you should be thinking.

Aug 9, 2011, 4:56pm Permalink
Rex Lampke

Flat tax and across the board cuts! wake up and stop being so selfish its so easy to spend other peoples money but lets see you cough up the same percentage as the rich and then watch you cry!

Aug 9, 2011, 5:01pm Permalink
Mark Potwora

Chris the Democrats had the votes to pass a debt ceiling back in December and choose not to..wanted to lay raising it all on the Republicans...Seems to me they were the ones playing politics on this issue...They knew what the Tea Party stood for ...They said the were going to Washington and cut all the spending that was going on that was not being paid for...The Tea Party got it roots back in the Bush days..When he started the medicade drug program...They were against spending with no way to pay for it..To that end they are doing just what they said they would...You can not keep raising the debt ceiling with no plan on the table to slow in down and stop it..They have tired to slow it down...I think their next move will be to stop it all together..Balanced Budget Amendment....

Aug 9, 2011, 5:16pm Permalink
Charlie Mallow

Mark, then why didn't the Teabaggers accept the big deal and do exactly what they said they were going to do? The answer is they are liars! They don't care about the debt, just getting rid of the president. The Teabaggers sold our country out for political gain. Everything I keep hearing is political spin, they had a big deal and left the table. They intened to crash our economy to make the president look bad. That was their sole reason, you been duped.

Teabaggers are just run of the mill lieing scumbag politicians, molded by and owned by the two party system.

Aug 9, 2011, 6:30pm Permalink
Phil Ricci

The Tea Party lost all credibility as soon as the aligned themselves with the GOP far right.

This whole thing was nothing more than a political show. It did not have to get to this, but both sides, Democrats and GOP/Tea Partiers are to blame.

The Tea Party stood for values? What values? Where are they? They kept the GOP from negotiating and then when the country got even closer to collapse the still rejected everything and got nothing! Wohooo! That's a great service they did for our nation.

Look at who they are putting out as the monikers...Palin? Bachmann? These are the people that are representing a movement of average citizens who are tired of Washington? Really? You can keep them.

Oh and please don't put Dr. Paul in the same light with these wackos. Ron Paul is the only man in Washington who really gets it, and I will not allow you to classify him with Jackasses like Palin or Bachmann.

Aug 9, 2011, 7:14pm Permalink
Mark Potwora

Phil he and his son have allready went down that road with the Tea party..He believes in what they are doing..Ron Paul would be the best thing for this country..He knows the federal reserve is BS..He knows that propping up dictatorships is wrong..He is backed by the TEA party..So yes Phil he is in with the TEA party..

Aug 9, 2011, 11:12pm Permalink
terry paine

Chris, you said "Our credit was downgraded because the fight went on so long and certain of our politicians were obviously willing to consider default, even welcome it."
Do you truly believe that's the reason? You don,t think the reason for the downgrade is that the nation is bankrupt.
As far a welcoming a default, this vote had nothing to do with a default. A default only happens when the interest on debt isn't paid. There is plenty of money taken from people every day to pay the interest.

What would you think are the first five things that should be done to get this country out of bankruptcy.

Just a fun fact,
If we imposed a 100% tax (that's stealing all their salary)on the top 500 evil CEOs yearly salaries that would cover current federal spending for a little over one day (28 hours). Obviously there's a lot more that 500 evil CEOs. After the top 500 the salaries drop off quickly making the median salary of all CEOs $140,000 per year. That's $34,000 less than a congressman's salary.

More fun facts after your top five list.

Aug 10, 2011, 8:04am Permalink
Charlie Mallow

Just watching my wealth plunge again. Oh thank you Tea party, what would I have ever done without your "values". Like thieves, they steal from me everyday.

If you held Bachmann's head up to your ear, you could hear the ocean...

Aug 10, 2011, 5:04pm Permalink
Tim Howe

Just watching my wealth punge again. Oh thank you liberals , what would i have done without your wreckless spending. Like thieves they steal from me everyday. If you held nobama's head up to your ear, you would hear a cash register followed by pure evil laughter....

Aug 10, 2011, 4:49pm Permalink
Tim Howe

LOL Charlie. Are you talking about "punge" I am assuming you meant plunge? That is so funny dude, I didnt even notice that till I read your response. :)

Aug 10, 2011, 5:53pm Permalink
Tim Howe

You know Charlie, the more i think about it the funnier it is. Here i took all that time to
plagiarize your post to put my own spin on it, that i copied your typo (keeping in mind that i typed everything out word for word, and did NOT use copy/paste) and had no idea it was a typo. LOL!!!

Aug 10, 2011, 7:47pm Permalink

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