More wasteful spending of tax dollars because, a few people cannot comprehend what they hear or not willing to accept the plain truth! Not to mention the lack of responsibility by the media. Anderson, DR Drew, Brockovich, local/national media’s. Anderson Show interviewed a girl who claim she had tics and she was not from LeRoy. Her mother later stated that they were in LeRoy August of last year and believes her daughter contracted Tics while in LeRoy. However, she stated, “That her daughter was diagnosed in May of last year with Tic like symptoms.” Maybe I am wrong but, isn’t May before August?
Bowcock admitted on Channel 10, that he found no environment hazards that endanger the Town of LeRoy. Amazing it was only announced one day in the news but, several days/weeks and months for the rest of the drama! Not to mention Bowcock lied on Anderson’s show that, LeRoy lied. Yet, here we are paying for more test because; a few parents are unwilling to accept truth. I can only assume what the drama parents are looking for from the school. Fifteen more minutes of fame? If, Bowcock who everyone seems to trust stated, “There is NO ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS!” What are they trying to blame on the school now? You cannot blame a school for the illness if, that is the case colds, upset stomachs, headaches, etc… would be the schools fault.
I hope these Drama Parents are happy for the waste of money and the ill affect on the local businesses and the childish behavior demonstrated by some Drama Parents. We have displayed such bad representation for our quaint and great community, LeRoy! For those that will view my post negatively, stop and look at the facts closely and listen to what is being said.
It's not the school that will pay for this additional testing; it's the taxpayers. Let those who want additional testing use their own money if they want more testing done.
The way that Bowcock and Brockovich went about their business with the media in tow was a bad approach. The school stonewalling individuals like them, most likely for fear of liability if something was found, was stupid as well. Telling parents that they are just creating drama because they are concerned about their kids makes you look foolish John. If you don't like someone criticizing you then don't post inflammatory comments.
They tried that Patrick, the school stone walled them. Bowcock was going to do the testing at the request of Brokovich who was working on behalf of some of the parents for free. The school said, "No."
#1 The school wants to do more testing to totally eliminate any concerns of environmental hazards at/around the school. The school system said the health of its student is it's top priority. Nothing wrong with that.
#2Any monies spent for testing does not include the Town of Leroy so comments about Mr Bowcock and others has nothing to do with the school testing on their property.
#3 The school school is asking state reps for help in securing funds for the testing. If NYS has their act together, the school system should receive the funds.
#4. The doctors have given their results, now let the testing provide the total picture.
Jeremiah, Jeremiah, yes I am criticizing some of these parents. Yes, it is drama. Yes, they are concern about their children. As a parent of three teenagers that go to LeRoy as well, let me tell you. If, your child is diagnosed with something and you do not agree, fine get a another opinion. However, when you do not agree with a second, third or fourth diagnoses, where do you stop? Parents arguing the fact it takes years to test somethings but, want answers now! Then some who argue they want independent testing done by someone other than government agencies and Leaders is an independent agency. Then you have parents argued that there is an environmental hazards that is causing this illness and you have Bowcock publicly state, "There is NO Environmental Hazards that is contributing to the TICS outbreak. What do you call parents that keep screaming that it is not conversion disorder, it is an environmental cause? If people criticize me they have the right to do so. I do not have to like or dislike it. I know one of the parents who are making the most noise, his own daughter is embarass by her father's actions. Judging by how some of the parents behave, I can understand why some of these girls are stressed.
The school is doing more unneeded testing. How many times do you have to test the same soil. The EPA,DEC and Leader have conducted test. Tim, I like to argue your statement, "Mr Bowcock and others has nothing to do with the school testing on their property." Did or didn't the parents of these girls stand behind Brockovich team's discovery of the derailment site? Yes, it became an issue from the very start. These parents allowed Bowcock to test their homes as well. Bowcock and Brockovich both stated, that the derailment site could be behind the girls illness. Now they have learned there is no way. So, where does your arguement stand? As far as the others, who are you referring to? Leader is testing school property.
Yes, the school is asking for State help in financing the testing but, hmmm where does the state money come from? Tick Tock, tick tock, "TAXPAYERS!" By the way the Town of LeRoy taxpayers are also, paying for the cost since, they are part of the school district.
Jeremiah, it is the taxpayers who are paying the cost of testing on the school grounds (Sports fields included). Brockovich only tested the parents property. Why because, these parents are trying hard to find something physically responsible for their child's illness, rather than accepting it is Psychological.
Dr. Pies is a native Batavian. He concurs, to some extent, John's perception that the families do not want to accept the diagnosis. However, I don't believe he would belittle the parents for their concern.
My apologies if, I offended anyone. I am tired of the BS drama because of the media and a few individuals who keep the nonsense going! However, I also believe this is far beyond concern by a few parents and more that they are unwilling to accept facts and truth. I am concern since, I have three teenagers at LeRoy yet, I am not screaming at meetings and requesting further testing that has been conducted a few times already. I have accepted the medical diagnoses and the environmental findings.
Oh, I have one more point. If, all these parents are truly concern then why have some parents failed to have their daughter tested a second time and why have some ignored the doctors and not follow instructions on how to make their daughter better? I would as a concerned parent try everything possible to get my child better.
Tim, the school is conducting more test because, these parents are still crying out for further testing. I mean why test the water supply at the school? It is not well water it is public water from Monroe Water. So, if there is environmental issue involving water, it would not be at LeRoy HS. So, to answer your question Drama? Childish behavior? Hmmm? Yes in many ways. I am not saying parents have no right to be concerned. That would be heartless and cruel. What I am stating, when is enough, ENOUGH? Why, make all these appearances and public statements, which have already been answer? As a parent I would find it hard to accept a psychological diagnosis for my child and would look for another answer, but, how many times should I allow the anvil to slam on my head before I accept the cold hard facts?
Hmmmm someone claims to be tired of the BS Drama, yet it seems to me if he's creating the drama.... Like claiming to vote in three districts for example, then it's ok. Also on your last point, where do you get your information that "Some parents failed to have their daughter's tested a second time?" Could that be from the same spot on media that claims the ground was too frozen to be tested or that no testing was originally done? Seems to me the benefit of the doubt should be given to the parents as they are supposedly the ones who are in the most contact with the officials with no intermediary media. Seems to me (no offense meant to Howard) the media has been less than reliable.
Kyle if, you are going to bring up past comments " Like claiming to vote in three districts for example, then it's ok." please, at least get them right. Once again you may over look the fact but, why do I have go to the news when the issue effects my family as well? If, you actually read all my statements, you would have seen I blamed the media as well. So, thank you for your lame comment.
Jeremiah, do you know why the school did not allow Bowcock on school property? Well it may be due the facts that Bowcock started walking on school grounds without a prior notification and approval. As far as Brockovich and Bowcock stating they do not sued companies or people, hello Brockovich is an environmentalist lawyer, that her job. Bowcock once addressed by school officials try to make it sound like he was working for the EPA. LeRoy HS requires all visitors to report to the main office when visiting school grounds and that is for the safety of students and staff especially, in a society that, Active Shooters incidents are increasing and are a real concern for schools.
If you are complaining that you have to go to the news to get your information then the Leroy school district failed you John. Which leads us back to your complaint about the drama parents. Who went to the media because they dont have faith in what they were being told by the school you just implied. Talk about full circle logic. Doesnt seem that lame a statement to me.
"If you are complaining that you have to go to the news to get your information then the Leroy school district failed you John."
Kyle, where do you get that I have to go to the news to get my information? Read the comment again, I do think you failed to comprehend what it stated. The media was brought in by a selected few who thought the school was not doing enough to protect their children or getting answers. Brockovich was contacted by a family as well. I have read and heard what the media and some of the families have said. If, you actually know what is going on, you will see and hear the errors and lies being stated on the news. Unfortunately outsiders are judging this situation on the news and chiming in on something they absolutely no nothing about. BTW, your previous comment was lame.
Here Kyle let me spell it out for you one more time. I will used the key sentence that you copied and pasted.
"why do I have go to the news when the issue effects my family as well?"
Are you seeing it yet? It doesn't state anywhere in my comment that I get my information from the news. It is asking, (you Kyle) "WHY" do I have to go to the news when the issue effects my family as well? My children and friends hear a lot that the news does not report. Does that clear it up for you?
I see John so that means you rely on hearsay and gossip instead of the school district, or media outlets. Normally there would be a comment here about how reliable hearsay and gossip is but in this particular news story your probably right on par accuracy wise.
Hi Kyle it is not hearsay and gossip. Texts, conversations with families involved. LeRoy is a small community and everyone knows everyone. Which BTW, is not good thing growing up especially, when you caused trouble and returned home to parents who were outside ready to tanned your bum. I know the families of several girls involved. I know not all the families are making a big issue out of this. It is a selected few. This situation has torn LeRoy apart and it will take awhile to heal wounds. My opinion about the select few is solely my opinion and maybe for a few others, I do not speak for them. Kyle, not to be mean but, you are an outsider as far as I know. You may have connections to LeRoy, I do not know. What I can tell you is the media has turned this situation into a circus along with a few parents. Answer me this Kyle, when is enough, ENOUGH? How many tests need to be repeated and conducted before people accept what the doctors, government and independent agencies have found. People are refusing to send their teams here because, they believe they can get infected with the "TICS". You have other schools like York who come in and chant "TICS" at a sporting event. Like I stated, most people only hear what the news reports and that has not always been correct.
John, you say "the school is doing more unneeded testing. How many times do you have to test the same soil. The EPA,DEC and Leader have conducted test."
Where did you get your information that all of these agencies conducted soil testing? The vote to approve soil and air testing by Leader just took place last night and it is my understanding that the DEC and the EPA have not conducted any soil testing.
Finally. Thank you Beth. There has been NO soil testing or testing of the gas wells. NONE. I was at the meeting and at no time did Leader even commit to soil testing. It was a definite maybe, after they had conducted the mold and air testing. Maybe. Only after repeated questioning from many parents, during the meeting and after, was it finally confirmed last night that the school would pay for soil tests to be conducted. And maybe even the gas wells. Whoo Hoooo!!! Had the media not bought up the fact that the gas wells spilled chemicals all over in July, we as parents would have NEVER known. Did you know John? Don't you think that we should have been informed by the school before hearing it from outsiders? Did you see the Google Earth maps of the dead trees and grass that were killed by the chemicals used to frack those wells on school property? Chemicals that were leaked directly onto our children's athletic fields. Do you not have a problem with that? Or with the fact that no one told us as parents that this spill had occurred on land our children play on? And please do not bitch about the cost to the taxpayers and Bob Bowcock coming on public property in the same breath. The fact was that man and his team would have done that testing at their own expense and probably a lot more comprehensive tests than Leader and their office of 5 will do with our money.
Hmmmm Well lets start with the hearsay and gossip John. Just because you read other peoples texts and have conversation with the families invovled it is called hearsay. If you were to go to a court of law, your testimony wouldnt even be heard as it is a universally known truth that every story changes with telling. There are even games based on this fact. Ask a Journalist how hard it is to tell a story without putting it through your own personal filter of experience. Its is a very basic fact that is learned by everyone early on in school. And forgotten by adults until they try to tell someone what happens or has happened. You as a police officer if you have ever had to take statements from people will know that for every witness there is a version of what happened, and you determine truth by getting all those versions together and finding the common factors.
As for my residence, trying to invalidate my opinion or comments by classifying me as an outsider is about as Unamerican and bigoted as you can get. If I was defending your opinion and or comments it wouldnt matter one bit where I was from. (By the way look up Couchman on my grandfather came over from England as an immigrant after WWI and settled at 138 Lake St. My father grew up there and my father settled in Adams Basin to be close enough to come back home to Leroy when he wanted) I think that qualifies me to care about Leroy as much as anyone else. Even though it doesnt bear one bit on the discussion here.
As for whats going on in Leroy, I have maintained from the beginning that things weren't handled by the school district well. Its my belief that their actions, not their words but their actions have demonstrated more concern for how they look and what liabilities they have. Which have trumped concern for the public and parents of this tragic incident and only when pressured and pushed to have they been forthcoming. Those are apparent cold hard facts. All the controversy and "drama" as YOU have classified it, has resulted from this initial "first response" The school district may be guilty of nothing more than assuming that people arent as well informed and more complacent then they turned out to be. I myself saw the initial diagnosis of the girls as a dismissive one designed to label it to make it easier to get beyond. We all have learned alot now but it is only through the suffering and sacrifice of these parents and kids who suffered in this. I see the public now pointing fingers @ these girls classifying them as similar to the Salem Witch trial girls, or accusing them of faking, even when all sides know now this is a real condition.
Step back and try to look at the reality of the situation John not make assumptions and take gossip and hearsay and put it out there like it's fact. The true facts are shared between the principals. As I have said before these girls are like the rope in a tug of war. Something isnt right here and if things were as innocent as the school and agencies want us to believe then they would have been very open and matter of fact from the beginning. I think the parents now are unreasonable because of how they were treated, I myself might not have taken the route they have, but reaching out to the media is the only real power they have been able to exert over the situation.
Let things play out and we will all know the truth eventually and either be really pissed or have a "no shit, now I see it" moment.
Good luck and best hopes for the families suffering through this. Get together and try to support each other as best you can.
Judith, I think if I remember correctly, it was reported that there was some sort of incident involving a vent that sent a couple of adults to medcial treatment. If thats true or not I dont know. With the level of scrutiny there is it is dubious at best. Could this be related as well?
Yes the school should notify us about the spill but, there is no gas well on the new high school lot. As far as the well causing dead trees and grass where are they in reference to? Dead trees are numerous since October 2006 snow storm and I visit Genesee County Park and see hundreds of dead trees. Which athletic fields are swarmed with chemicals and from what well? The school well I know of is downhill from the Football, Soccer and Baseball fields.
If, all these chemicals are behind the girls' illness then there would be boys affected along with a higher number of illnesses. Even the chemicals that Bowcock found were under the legal limit. Our environment is polluted with numerous chemicals. We have people burning trash in their backyard and smoke should not be black if they are burning just paper. I am not saying we should not worry about pollution. Like I stated why are parents asking for the school water to be tested? It is not well water to begin with, it is from Monroe Water. We treat our water and are able to consume small amounts of chemicals that would normally kill you if consumed alone. Acid rain still effects our environment. My compliant is parents that are trying to blame the environment for the girls’ illness when the doctors have proven their diagnosis of the girls’ illness. Even some of the girls stated, that before the news started their campaign of public awareness they were getting better. Bowcock stated that he found NO Environmental Hazard to the LeRoy community. Yes he found small trace of an illegal chemical banned in 2004 but, at levels far below the acceptable limit. Brockovich found the train derailment site that was mention as a toxic wasteland and how there was 80 barrels of hazardous chemicals on this site. However, it turned out only one barrel had a small trace of this hazardous chemical.
Yes the school is public property but, still has certain restrictions. One is announcing yourself and your purpose of visit on school property. For someone that is concern about safety I would think you would understand why that is necessary. Or is not the safety of students and staff a real concern for you. It is why you can’t bring alcohol, weapons on school property as well. Bowcock has already lied on national TV so, I would be wary about him being left alone while roaming school property. He also, tried to mislead school officials to believe he was someone he was not (such as trying to make it sound like he was working with the EPA). My question is why should this testing be place solely upon the school? If, chemicals were spilled then make the company liable for the site pay for the testing.
Sorry did not read your entire comment but, how is it hearsay when I know two of the families that have daughters involved personally? My brother and I do not agree on this issue. I feel he is buying into all this conspiracy theory.
Yes our concerns are for the girls but, these parents need to actually listen to the doctors and try the medications and therapy they prescribe before, making assumptions it is something else. If, I remember right, there is only three girls, one for sure that has been diagnosed with tourettes. Like I mention before, around 200,000 Americans suffer from severe tourettes and 1 in 100 have some sort of mild type of tics/tourettes.
GOD Bless these girls and cure them. GOD Bless LeRoy and bring back the friends and families torn apart from this incident.
John, you seem to have skirted around the issue of soil testing. Where did you get your information that Leader, the DEC and the EPA all did soil testing? Did you get a text message?
John, why do you keep bringing up Tourette's? It has been made clear that that most of the students are not suffering from Tourette's. Tourette's like symptoms but not Tourette's.
"As for my residence, trying to invalidate my opinion or comments by classifying me as an outsider is about as Unnamerican and bigoted as you can get."
Kyle, first this has nothing to do with being Un-American so, to use that is nonsense! It is like saying if, you don't serve in the U.S Armed Forces you are Un-American. Second, I was not invalidating your comment. I am merely pointing to a fact that you have relied on news and as you put it hearsay for your comments. As far as your Grandfather living on Lake St after WWI doesn't make you in touch with the LeRoy community. My family has come from Scotland, Ireland, England and Italy. My Great Grandfather settled in Massachusetts but, that doesn’t make me in touch with a state I never lived in.
You talk about true facts but, when you have numerous doctors come to the same conclusion how is that dealing with true facts? These families should like I stated try what the doctors prescribe before, assuming it something different. A couple weeks ago I was listening to WHAM news and a caller from LeRoy named "Joe" stated, "That his daughter was diagnosed with something different than Conversion Disorder." He declined to say what it was because, it was no one else's business. So, my question is, if it was something to do with the environment or an infecteous disease, why wouldn't he warn the community? My assumption is someone may be trying to make up a new illness since, it would be hard press for the medical community to disprove. It would take years of researching and medical professional agreeing on it causes and effects. This chemical spill does not mean the school truly knew the extent of it. Companies have a habit of hiding things. This company should know the regulations and maybe they found the spill not to be significant enough to worry about. Just like watching people over fill their gas tank and spilling gasoline on the ground and just taking off.
You say let it play out but, for how long? Some of these parents will think the test weren't done right and want another test. Some will try and locate a different cause. Conspiracy Theory plays a lot into what some people believe and think. I think we need to trust the doctors more on this incident rather than conspiracy theories.
Beth if you noticed I have tourette/tics and because, a one girl for sure has been diagnosed with tourettes and maybe a couple others. Tics are associated with tourettes. Hench, Tourette like symptoms aka "Tics". Oh, lets not forget PANDAS.
Doctors all say the same thing? Are you for real John? The whole problem is they dont agree. And the only sources I have used for my commentary here is the media.
If, you are referring to DR Drew, is another out of loop soical media show and in my eyes is not reputable. As far as the local doctors, Dent specialist, and other national experts have all concluded that this in more than likely Conversion Disorder. Could it be something else? Sure, just like if you feel you are suffering from a common cold could be something else. Let's not forget some of these out of loop doctors are trying to make a name for themselves and if they can find a different diagnosis they will keep trying until proven wrong. You keep overlooking the fact that most of these girls self admitted before, the media outbreak they were getting better. Until the parents actually follow through with doctors treatments we will not know the truth.
So, where else are you getting your information? The Batavian? The comments, which by your own words would fall under hearsay. What actual ties do you have to this issue? I have cousins who are suffering from Tics.
I know Beth, sometimes I am in a hurry and get ahead of what I am writing. Once again sorry Beth. I do believe that the school and LeRoy should not pay for anymore testing on there grounds. If, anyone does it should be the company who installed and built the Nature Gas Well. Especially since, there was a leakage.
More wasteful spending of tax
More wasteful spending of tax dollars because, a few people cannot comprehend what they hear or not willing to accept the plain truth! Not to mention the lack of responsibility by the media. Anderson, DR Drew, Brockovich, local/national media’s. Anderson Show interviewed a girl who claim she had tics and she was not from LeRoy. Her mother later stated that they were in LeRoy August of last year and believes her daughter contracted Tics while in LeRoy. However, she stated, “That her daughter was diagnosed in May of last year with Tic like symptoms.” Maybe I am wrong but, isn’t May before August?
Bowcock admitted on Channel 10, that he found no environment hazards that endanger the Town of LeRoy. Amazing it was only announced one day in the news but, several days/weeks and months for the rest of the drama! Not to mention Bowcock lied on Anderson’s show that, LeRoy lied. Yet, here we are paying for more test because; a few parents are unwilling to accept truth. I can only assume what the drama parents are looking for from the school. Fifteen more minutes of fame? If, Bowcock who everyone seems to trust stated, “There is NO ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS!” What are they trying to blame on the school now? You cannot blame a school for the illness if, that is the case colds, upset stomachs, headaches, etc… would be the schools fault.
I hope these Drama Parents are happy for the waste of money and the ill affect on the local businesses and the childish behavior demonstrated by some Drama Parents. We have displayed such bad representation for our quaint and great community, LeRoy! For those that will view my post negatively, stop and look at the facts closely and listen to what is being said.
It's not the school that will
It's not the school that will pay for this additional testing; it's the taxpayers. Let those who want additional testing use their own money if they want more testing done.
The way that Bowcock and
The way that Bowcock and Brockovich went about their business with the media in tow was a bad approach. The school stonewalling individuals like them, most likely for fear of liability if something was found, was stupid as well. Telling parents that they are just creating drama because they are concerned about their kids makes you look foolish John. If you don't like someone criticizing you then don't post inflammatory comments.
They tried that Patrick, the
They tried that Patrick, the school stone walled them. Bowcock was going to do the testing at the request of Brokovich who was working on behalf of some of the parents for free. The school said, "No."
#1 The school wants to do
#1 The school wants to do more testing to totally eliminate any concerns of environmental hazards at/around the school. The school system said the health of its student is it's top priority. Nothing wrong with that.
#2Any monies spent for testing does not include the Town of Leroy so comments about Mr Bowcock and others has nothing to do with the school testing on their property.
#3 The school school is asking state reps for help in securing funds for the testing. If NYS has their act together, the school system should receive the funds.
#4. The doctors have given their results, now let the testing provide the total picture.
#5 Drama? Childish behavior? Hmmm.
Jeremiah, Jeremiah, yes I am
Jeremiah, Jeremiah, yes I am criticizing some of these parents. Yes, it is drama. Yes, they are concern about their children. As a parent of three teenagers that go to LeRoy as well, let me tell you. If, your child is diagnosed with something and you do not agree, fine get a another opinion. However, when you do not agree with a second, third or fourth diagnoses, where do you stop? Parents arguing the fact it takes years to test somethings but, want answers now! Then some who argue they want independent testing done by someone other than government agencies and Leaders is an independent agency. Then you have parents argued that there is an environmental hazards that is causing this illness and you have Bowcock publicly state, "There is NO Environmental Hazards that is contributing to the TICS outbreak. What do you call parents that keep screaming that it is not conversion disorder, it is an environmental cause? If people criticize me they have the right to do so. I do not have to like or dislike it. I know one of the parents who are making the most noise, his own daughter is embarass by her father's actions. Judging by how some of the parents behave, I can understand why some of these girls are stressed.
The school is doing more
The school is doing more unneeded testing. How many times do you have to test the same soil. The EPA,DEC and Leader have conducted test. Tim, I like to argue your statement, "Mr Bowcock and others has nothing to do with the school testing on their property." Did or didn't the parents of these girls stand behind Brockovich team's discovery of the derailment site? Yes, it became an issue from the very start. These parents allowed Bowcock to test their homes as well. Bowcock and Brockovich both stated, that the derailment site could be behind the girls illness. Now they have learned there is no way. So, where does your arguement stand? As far as the others, who are you referring to? Leader is testing school property.
Yes, the school is asking for State help in financing the testing but, hmmm where does the state money come from? Tick Tock, tick tock, "TAXPAYERS!" By the way the Town of LeRoy taxpayers are also, paying for the cost since, they are part of the school district.
Jeremiah, it is the taxpayers who are paying the cost of testing on the school grounds (Sports fields included). Brockovich only tested the parents property. Why because, these parents are trying hard to find something physically responsible for their child's illness, rather than accepting it is Psychological.
Dr. Pies is a native
Dr. Pies is a native Batavian. He concurs, to some extent, John's perception that the families do not want to accept the diagnosis. However, I don't believe he would belittle the parents for their concern.
My apologies if, I offended
My apologies if, I offended anyone. I am tired of the BS drama because of the media and a few individuals who keep the nonsense going! However, I also believe this is far beyond concern by a few parents and more that they are unwilling to accept facts and truth. I am concern since, I have three teenagers at LeRoy yet, I am not screaming at meetings and requesting further testing that has been conducted a few times already. I have accepted the medical diagnoses and the environmental findings.
Oh, I have one more point. If, all these parents are truly concern then why have some parents failed to have their daughter tested a second time and why have some ignored the doctors and not follow instructions on how to make their daughter better? I would as a concerned parent try everything possible to get my child better.
Tim, the school is conducting
Tim, the school is conducting more test because, these parents are still crying out for further testing. I mean why test the water supply at the school? It is not well water it is public water from Monroe Water. So, if there is environmental issue involving water, it would not be at LeRoy HS. So, to answer your question Drama? Childish behavior? Hmmm? Yes in many ways. I am not saying parents have no right to be concerned. That would be heartless and cruel. What I am stating, when is enough, ENOUGH? Why, make all these appearances and public statements, which have already been answer? As a parent I would find it hard to accept a psychological diagnosis for my child and would look for another answer, but, how many times should I allow the anvil to slam on my head before I accept the cold hard facts?
Hmmmm someone claims to be
Hmmmm someone claims to be tired of the BS Drama, yet it seems to me if he's creating the drama.... Like claiming to vote in three districts for example, then it's ok. Also on your last point, where do you get your information that "Some parents failed to have their daughter's tested a second time?" Could that be from the same spot on media that claims the ground was too frozen to be tested or that no testing was originally done? Seems to me the benefit of the doubt should be given to the parents as they are supposedly the ones who are in the most contact with the officials with no intermediary media. Seems to me (no offense meant to Howard) the media has been less than reliable.
Kyle if, you are going to
Kyle if, you are going to bring up past comments " Like claiming to vote in three districts for example, then it's ok." please, at least get them right. Once again you may over look the fact but, why do I have go to the news when the issue effects my family as well? If, you actually read all my statements, you would have seen I blamed the media as well. So, thank you for your lame comment.
Jeremiah, do you know why the
Jeremiah, do you know why the school did not allow Bowcock on school property? Well it may be due the facts that Bowcock started walking on school grounds without a prior notification and approval. As far as Brockovich and Bowcock stating they do not sued companies or people, hello Brockovich is an environmentalist lawyer, that her job. Bowcock once addressed by school officials try to make it sound like he was working for the EPA. LeRoy HS requires all visitors to report to the main office when visiting school grounds and that is for the safety of students and staff especially, in a society that, Active Shooters incidents are increasing and are a real concern for schools.
If you are complaining that
If you are complaining that you have to go to the news to get your information then the Leroy school district failed you John. Which leads us back to your complaint about the drama parents. Who went to the media because they dont have faith in what they were being told by the school you just implied. Talk about full circle logic. Doesnt seem that lame a statement to me.
"If you are complaining that
"If you are complaining that you have to go to the news to get your information then the Leroy school district failed you John."
Kyle, where do you get that I have to go to the news to get my information? Read the comment again, I do think you failed to comprehend what it stated. The media was brought in by a selected few who thought the school was not doing enough to protect their children or getting answers. Brockovich was contacted by a family as well. I have read and heard what the media and some of the families have said. If, you actually know what is going on, you will see and hear the errors and lies being stated on the news. Unfortunately outsiders are judging this situation on the news and chiming in on something they absolutely no nothing about. BTW, your previous comment was lame.
Where do I get that you get
Where do I get that you get your info from the news???? Oh I dont know, maybe from the sentence in your comment that I now print below....
"Once again you may over look the fact but, why do I have go to the news when the issue effects my family as well?"
Here Kyle let me spell it out
Here Kyle let me spell it out for you one more time. I will used the key sentence that you copied and pasted.
"why do I have go to the news when the issue effects my family as well?"
Are you seeing it yet? It doesn't state anywhere in my comment that I get my information from the news. It is asking, (you Kyle) "WHY" do I have to go to the news when the issue effects my family as well? My children and friends hear a lot that the news does not report. Does that clear it up for you?
I see John so that means you
I see John so that means you rely on hearsay and gossip instead of the school district, or media outlets. Normally there would be a comment here about how reliable hearsay and gossip is but in this particular news story your probably right on par accuracy wise.
LOL explains alot, thanks for the clarity.
Hi Kyle it is not hearsay and
Hi Kyle it is not hearsay and gossip. Texts, conversations with families involved. LeRoy is a small community and everyone knows everyone. Which BTW, is not good thing growing up especially, when you caused trouble and returned home to parents who were outside ready to tanned your bum. I know the families of several girls involved. I know not all the families are making a big issue out of this. It is a selected few. This situation has torn LeRoy apart and it will take awhile to heal wounds. My opinion about the select few is solely my opinion and maybe for a few others, I do not speak for them. Kyle, not to be mean but, you are an outsider as far as I know. You may have connections to LeRoy, I do not know. What I can tell you is the media has turned this situation into a circus along with a few parents. Answer me this Kyle, when is enough, ENOUGH? How many tests need to be repeated and conducted before people accept what the doctors, government and independent agencies have found. People are refusing to send their teams here because, they believe they can get infected with the "TICS". You have other schools like York who come in and chant "TICS" at a sporting event. Like I stated, most people only hear what the news reports and that has not always been correct.
Kyle I will chat with you
Kyle I will chat with you tomorrow, have a good night.
John, you say "the school is
John, you say "the school is doing more unneeded testing. How many times do you have to test the same soil. The EPA,DEC and Leader have conducted test."
Where did you get your information that all of these agencies conducted soil testing? The vote to approve soil and air testing by Leader just took place last night and it is my understanding that the DEC and the EPA have not conducted any soil testing.
Finally. Thank you Beth.
Finally. Thank you Beth. There has been NO soil testing or testing of the gas wells. NONE. I was at the meeting and at no time did Leader even commit to soil testing. It was a definite maybe, after they had conducted the mold and air testing. Maybe. Only after repeated questioning from many parents, during the meeting and after, was it finally confirmed last night that the school would pay for soil tests to be conducted. And maybe even the gas wells. Whoo Hoooo!!! Had the media not bought up the fact that the gas wells spilled chemicals all over in July, we as parents would have NEVER known. Did you know John? Don't you think that we should have been informed by the school before hearing it from outsiders? Did you see the Google Earth maps of the dead trees and grass that were killed by the chemicals used to frack those wells on school property? Chemicals that were leaked directly onto our children's athletic fields. Do you not have a problem with that? Or with the fact that no one told us as parents that this spill had occurred on land our children play on? And please do not bitch about the cost to the taxpayers and Bob Bowcock coming on public property in the same breath. The fact was that man and his team would have done that testing at their own expense and probably a lot more comprehensive tests than Leader and their office of 5 will do with our money.
Hmmmm Well lets start with
Hmmmm Well lets start with the hearsay and gossip John. Just because you read other peoples texts and have conversation with the families invovled it is called hearsay. If you were to go to a court of law, your testimony wouldnt even be heard as it is a universally known truth that every story changes with telling. There are even games based on this fact. Ask a Journalist how hard it is to tell a story without putting it through your own personal filter of experience. Its is a very basic fact that is learned by everyone early on in school. And forgotten by adults until they try to tell someone what happens or has happened. You as a police officer if you have ever had to take statements from people will know that for every witness there is a version of what happened, and you determine truth by getting all those versions together and finding the common factors.
As for my residence, trying to invalidate my opinion or comments by classifying me as an outsider is about as Unamerican and bigoted as you can get. If I was defending your opinion and or comments it wouldnt matter one bit where I was from. (By the way look up Couchman on my grandfather came over from England as an immigrant after WWI and settled at 138 Lake St. My father grew up there and my father settled in Adams Basin to be close enough to come back home to Leroy when he wanted) I think that qualifies me to care about Leroy as much as anyone else. Even though it doesnt bear one bit on the discussion here.
As for whats going on in Leroy, I have maintained from the beginning that things weren't handled by the school district well. Its my belief that their actions, not their words but their actions have demonstrated more concern for how they look and what liabilities they have. Which have trumped concern for the public and parents of this tragic incident and only when pressured and pushed to have they been forthcoming. Those are apparent cold hard facts. All the controversy and "drama" as YOU have classified it, has resulted from this initial "first response" The school district may be guilty of nothing more than assuming that people arent as well informed and more complacent then they turned out to be. I myself saw the initial diagnosis of the girls as a dismissive one designed to label it to make it easier to get beyond. We all have learned alot now but it is only through the suffering and sacrifice of these parents and kids who suffered in this. I see the public now pointing fingers @ these girls classifying them as similar to the Salem Witch trial girls, or accusing them of faking, even when all sides know now this is a real condition.
Step back and try to look at the reality of the situation John not make assumptions and take gossip and hearsay and put it out there like it's fact. The true facts are shared between the principals. As I have said before these girls are like the rope in a tug of war. Something isnt right here and if things were as innocent as the school and agencies want us to believe then they would have been very open and matter of fact from the beginning. I think the parents now are unreasonable because of how they were treated, I myself might not have taken the route they have, but reaching out to the media is the only real power they have been able to exert over the situation.
Let things play out and we will all know the truth eventually and either be really pissed or have a "no shit, now I see it" moment.
Good luck and best hopes for the families suffering through this. Get together and try to support each other as best you can.
Judith, I think if I remember
Judith, I think if I remember correctly, it was reported that there was some sort of incident involving a vent that sent a couple of adults to medcial treatment. If thats true or not I dont know. With the level of scrutiny there is it is dubious at best. Could this be related as well?
Yes the school should notify
Yes the school should notify us about the spill but, there is no gas well on the new high school lot. As far as the well causing dead trees and grass where are they in reference to? Dead trees are numerous since October 2006 snow storm and I visit Genesee County Park and see hundreds of dead trees. Which athletic fields are swarmed with chemicals and from what well? The school well I know of is downhill from the Football, Soccer and Baseball fields.
If, all these chemicals are behind the girls' illness then there would be boys affected along with a higher number of illnesses. Even the chemicals that Bowcock found were under the legal limit. Our environment is polluted with numerous chemicals. We have people burning trash in their backyard and smoke should not be black if they are burning just paper. I am not saying we should not worry about pollution. Like I stated why are parents asking for the school water to be tested? It is not well water to begin with, it is from Monroe Water. We treat our water and are able to consume small amounts of chemicals that would normally kill you if consumed alone. Acid rain still effects our environment. My compliant is parents that are trying to blame the environment for the girls’ illness when the doctors have proven their diagnosis of the girls’ illness. Even some of the girls stated, that before the news started their campaign of public awareness they were getting better. Bowcock stated that he found NO Environmental Hazard to the LeRoy community. Yes he found small trace of an illegal chemical banned in 2004 but, at levels far below the acceptable limit. Brockovich found the train derailment site that was mention as a toxic wasteland and how there was 80 barrels of hazardous chemicals on this site. However, it turned out only one barrel had a small trace of this hazardous chemical.
Yes the school is public property but, still has certain restrictions. One is announcing yourself and your purpose of visit on school property. For someone that is concern about safety I would think you would understand why that is necessary. Or is not the safety of students and staff a real concern for you. It is why you can’t bring alcohol, weapons on school property as well. Bowcock has already lied on national TV so, I would be wary about him being left alone while roaming school property. He also, tried to mislead school officials to believe he was someone he was not (such as trying to make it sound like he was working with the EPA). My question is why should this testing be place solely upon the school? If, chemicals were spilled then make the company liable for the site pay for the testing.
Sorry did not read your
Sorry did not read your entire comment but, how is it hearsay when I know two of the families that have daughters involved personally? My brother and I do not agree on this issue. I feel he is buying into all this conspiracy theory.
Yes our concerns are for the girls but, these parents need to actually listen to the doctors and try the medications and therapy they prescribe before, making assumptions it is something else. If, I remember right, there is only three girls, one for sure that has been diagnosed with tourettes. Like I mention before, around 200,000 Americans suffer from severe tourettes and 1 in 100 have some sort of mild type of tics/tourettes.
GOD Bless these girls and cure them. GOD Bless LeRoy and bring back the friends and families torn apart from this incident.
John, you seem to have
John, you seem to have skirted around the issue of soil testing. Where did you get your information that Leader, the DEC and the EPA all did soil testing? Did you get a text message?
John, why do you keep
John, why do you keep bringing up Tourette's? It has been made clear that that most of the students are not suffering from Tourette's. Tourette's like symptoms but not Tourette's.
"As for my residence, trying
"As for my residence, trying to invalidate my opinion or comments by classifying me as an outsider is about as Unnamerican and bigoted as you can get."
Kyle, first this has nothing to do with being Un-American so, to use that is nonsense! It is like saying if, you don't serve in the U.S Armed Forces you are Un-American. Second, I was not invalidating your comment. I am merely pointing to a fact that you have relied on news and as you put it hearsay for your comments. As far as your Grandfather living on Lake St after WWI doesn't make you in touch with the LeRoy community. My family has come from Scotland, Ireland, England and Italy. My Great Grandfather settled in Massachusetts but, that doesn’t make me in touch with a state I never lived in.
You talk about true facts but, when you have numerous doctors come to the same conclusion how is that dealing with true facts? These families should like I stated try what the doctors prescribe before, assuming it something different. A couple weeks ago I was listening to WHAM news and a caller from LeRoy named "Joe" stated, "That his daughter was diagnosed with something different than Conversion Disorder." He declined to say what it was because, it was no one else's business. So, my question is, if it was something to do with the environment or an infecteous disease, why wouldn't he warn the community? My assumption is someone may be trying to make up a new illness since, it would be hard press for the medical community to disprove. It would take years of researching and medical professional agreeing on it causes and effects. This chemical spill does not mean the school truly knew the extent of it. Companies have a habit of hiding things. This company should know the regulations and maybe they found the spill not to be significant enough to worry about. Just like watching people over fill their gas tank and spilling gasoline on the ground and just taking off.
You say let it play out but, for how long? Some of these parents will think the test weren't done right and want another test. Some will try and locate a different cause. Conspiracy Theory plays a lot into what some people believe and think. I think we need to trust the doctors more on this incident rather than conspiracy theories.
Beth if you noticed I have
Beth if you noticed I have tourette/tics and because, a one girl for sure has been diagnosed with tourettes and maybe a couple others. Tics are associated with tourettes. Hench, Tourette like symptoms aka "Tics". Oh, lets not forget PANDAS.
Doctors all say the same
Doctors all say the same thing? Are you for real John? The whole problem is they dont agree. And the only sources I have used for my commentary here is the media.
And the soil testing John?
And the soil testing John? If you know something that the rest of us don't, we'd love to see the results.
Sorry Beth, I made mistake
Sorry Beth, I made mistake and was referring to Train site.
If, you are referring to DR
If, you are referring to DR Drew, is another out of loop soical media show and in my eyes is not reputable. As far as the local doctors, Dent specialist, and other national experts have all concluded that this in more than likely Conversion Disorder. Could it be something else? Sure, just like if you feel you are suffering from a common cold could be something else. Let's not forget some of these out of loop doctors are trying to make a name for themselves and if they can find a different diagnosis they will keep trying until proven wrong. You keep overlooking the fact that most of these girls self admitted before, the media outbreak they were getting better. Until the parents actually follow through with doctors treatments we will not know the truth.
So, where else are you
So, where else are you getting your information? The Batavian? The comments, which by your own words would fall under hearsay. What actual ties do you have to this issue? I have cousins who are suffering from Tics.
Leader has never been to the
Leader has never been to the train site as far as I know John.
I know Beth, sometimes I am
I know Beth, sometimes I am in a hurry and get ahead of what I am writing. Once again sorry Beth. I do believe that the school and LeRoy should not pay for anymore testing on there grounds. If, anyone does it should be the company who installed and built the Nature Gas Well. Especially since, there was a leakage.