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Today's Poll: Do you believe Batavia is a good place to live and work?

By Howard B. Owens
Cheryl Wilmet

I was born here but moved to Buffalo at 8 years old. Always wanted to come back. Finally got the chance 17 years ago and have never regretted the move. It is definitely better to raise your children here than sending them all the way across Buffalo to school.

Feb 23, 2012, 8:44am Permalink
Eric [Rick] von kramer

I believe things are heading in the right direction, more small businesses popping up. Our industrial developement areas are drawing more attention, due the thruway, and a few forward thinking individuals. I have been a small buisness owner here for 35 years,and i am very optimistic about our future

Feb 23, 2012, 9:20am Permalink
Jason Crater

I live in Batavia and work in Williamsville. I think Batavia is a great place to live and am glad that I have the opportunity to raise my kids here.

Feb 23, 2012, 10:12am Permalink
Mike Weaver

Moved from Buffalo to Batavia 9 years ago. I prefer Batavia and don't see myself moving back to Erie County. All Batavia needs is more higher wage jobs.

Feb 23, 2012, 10:25am Permalink
Dave McCarthy

The people who voted NO in this poll have to live outside of Batavia since only an idiot would reside in a place that was not a good place to live & work.

Feb 23, 2012, 11:10am Permalink
Kyle Couchman

Dave....thats not the case, if you READ the question it asks if its a good place to live AND work. Its a great place to live as far as I'm concerned. However jobs are pretty scarce and you have to get outside of Batavia to find something decent. So thats why I voted no.

You assumptions that idiots voted no is as wong as my assumption that people making generalized statments are self centered morons.

Feb 23, 2012, 5:10pm Permalink
Peter O'Brien

I voted no and live tin Batavia. There is no where in Genesee County to do the work I do. Also it is very discouraging towards younger couples getting their start.

Feb 24, 2012, 3:35pm Permalink

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