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Today's Poll: Do you agree with McCain and Lieberman that the U.S. should send troops to Syria?

By Howard B. Owens
Greg Siedlecki

I am getting frustrated with the fact that the US has always thought that it needs to be involved in other Countries problems. I don't care what we give them or what they give us financially, let them fight their own battles. We don't need to put our guys (and girls) in harms way again. We should be protecting our own borders not someone elses.

Apr 11, 2012, 10:52am Permalink
Mark Brudz

I voted no for different reasons than those previously stated. The Medditerain part of the Mideast is a powder keg right now. The Arab spring has changed the leadership in Egypt from a nation willing to be at peace with Isreal to an anti Isreal posture. In order to support military operations in Syria, we would have to stage massive amounts of troops in both Isreal and lebanon.

I am very much in support of of Isreal, but staging troops there to conduct Syrian operations would be provacative to the entire region and would jepordize our relations with Arab states in Saudi Arabia and other gulf states where we now have basing privlages and such.

In both Gulf wars and Afganistan we DID have collation forces, in this particular region, short of Great Brittain, we wouldn't. Every nation is reluctant at this point to jump in there simply to prevent the appearance of Isreal vs Syria.

Also Russia is a very close ally of Syria as Syria is thie number one customer of of weapons systems in the world, jumping in here risk a restart of the cold war.

Apr 11, 2012, 10:59am Permalink
Tim Miller

Should have had an option for "HELL NO!".

Hopefully the folks in charge have more sense than GW "Gotta prove my pecker's bigger'n my daddy's" Bush, and have a bit of restraint.

Apr 11, 2012, 12:00pm Permalink
Brian Heick

Nothing more heartwarming than sending American troops to another foreign country and burning billions American tax dollars in the process.

Apr 12, 2012, 7:27am Permalink

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