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Today's Poll: Do you support a zero tolerance policy on underage drinking at Darien Lake?

By Howard B. Owens
Gary Spencer

Here's what I think, if the police find kids drinking, they should make they should make them dump it out and say "Hey kids have a good time and stay safe!" I think by giving tickets and the courts imposing fines, it just makes the kids learn to hate the police.

Jul 31, 2012, 8:20am Permalink
Pat McGinnis

I Agree with Gary on this, drinking is a lot better than bath salts or any of the other synthetic stuff they have been able to get over the counter till this recent mass arrest.

Jul 31, 2012, 9:04am Permalink
Kyle Couchman

LOL I agree Gary, actually if the underage law is interpreted correctly parents can give their children limited amounts of alcohol. Its frowned upon and not reccommended, but like in the example of a immigrant family from spain or italy where alcohol (wine specifically) or Sangria (which is wine or alcohol mixed with a fruit juice (wine and grape juice for instance) is consumed with dinner, then a parent isnt gonna be busted for serving a minor alcohol. But if you do the same to other children eating dinner with your own without permission (and in this day and age written is better) then you can be.

Because of lawyers things that are clear cut and common sense become convaluted and twisted. Court isnt about justice anymore, its more like theater where the two lawyers try to convince a jury to see things the way they want them to. We need to go back to a system where evidence and sworn statements are argued, instead of interpretation of the law. Arguements over the law itself and its interpretation should be determined out of the jury's presence between the lawyers and the judge, but not in private, in the view of the courts audience and witnesses.

Personally I think nowadays people that watch shows like law and order, or other crime/drama should take a day or night or two and go to a courtroom and watch an actual case happen. Even if its just a traffic or civil court it would educate alot of people on what is or isnt factual about police, crime and how it is handled. rather than taking the word of reporters (No offense meant Howard) and others and their interpretations of how things go in a courtroom.

Jul 31, 2012, 9:24am Permalink
John Roach

If they just took the alcohol away and did not issue the ticket, and later the kid had a DWI related accident, a lawyer could make a case that the park and police did not use due diligence to prevent the the accident.

Jul 31, 2012, 10:26am Permalink
Howard B. Owens

Kid comes to show, gets his six-pack of beer dumped on the ground. No ticket. Too bad, so sad. He's bummed, but shrugs it off.

Next week, same kid thinks, "I saw some teens drinking at the last show, maybe this time I won't get caught," so he brings a six pack. What's the risk? Getting his beer dumped on the ground. Worse things happen, like, maybe his parents finding out he drinks with his buddies when they go out.

A ticket sends a message and ensures parental notification. What the parents do with the information is up to them, but the process will discourage a lot more kids (not all of them) from trying it again.

Jul 31, 2012, 11:12am Permalink
John Roach

The ticket, besides maybe getting somebody to stop drinking right then, can show a jury the park and police were on the job trying to prevent further problems. Now we all know that does not always work, but makes it harder to sue the park later if there is a DWI related incident.

Jul 31, 2012, 11:14am Permalink
Jason Crater

I see your logic, John, but in the same vein, if a kid goes and drinks and doesn't get caught, but later gets in an accident due to drinking...does he have standing to sue?

Jul 31, 2012, 11:15am Permalink
Howard B. Owens

If the park can show due diligence in trying to curb underage and problem drinking on its property, it would be on a lot sounder legal ground than doing little to nothing.

The more it does, the better it will look to a jury.

Jul 31, 2012, 11:19am Permalink
Peter O'Brien

The problem isn't kids drinking. It a culture that glorifies alcohol. If kids are brought up enjoying the occasional glass of wine from a young age and learn to respect it, they are less likely to abuse it in the future.

Jul 31, 2012, 12:02pm Permalink
Wendy Morse

If they want to curb the under age drinking, maybe they shouldn't allow people into the concert parking area until a couple of hours before the show. A lot of the young people show up at noon and party all day waiting for the show. I could be wrong but I don't believe the parking area is being monitored all day long for kids drinking.

Jul 31, 2012, 12:39pm Permalink
Howard B. Owens

There are constant patrols through the parking lot, which is part of the reason Darien Lake officials want to shepherd all concert goers into their own parking lot, where they control monitoring and enforcement.

Jul 31, 2012, 1:06pm Permalink

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