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Two-car crash with injuries at Washington and Porter in the city

By Billie Owens

A two-car accident with two injured victims is reported at Washington and Porter avenues in the city. It is blocking traffic. Mercy medics and law enforcement are on scene and firefighters are responding.

UPDATE 12:03 p.m.: A female is being taken to UMMC with a complaint of right ankle pain.

UPDATE 12:10 p.m.: A 37-year-old female is also going to UMMC with complaints of tenderness in her abdomen and on her face. There was air-bag deployment in her vehicle and she was seat belted.

UPDATE 12:48 (by Howard): A witness, Leonard Johnson, said he saw the PT Cruiser trying to make a left-hand turn from Porter Avenue onto Washington and the Ford Focus hit the Cruiser. He said it was a pretty hard impact. "It wasn't a good accident," he said.

Cheryl Wilmet

Howard I just need to Tease you but have you ever seen a "good accident". Sorry I couldn't resist. I know it was the,witnesses statement. Makes me think of comedian Bill Engvall "here's your sign"!

Sep 12, 2012, 3:08pm Permalink
Doug Yeomans

The damage to the PT cruiser doesn't fit the witnesses accident description. If the cruiser was turning left onto Washington from Porter, it would've been turning Westerly. The Cruiser ended up in the SE corner of the tee intersection so the Eastbound Focus would've hit the left front or left side of the Cruiser. That clearly didn't happen. The location of both vehicles and the damage to the Cruiser indicate that the Cruiser was turning left onto Porter from Washington, directly into the path of the eastbound Focus.

Sep 12, 2012, 5:44pm Permalink
Kyle Couchman

Doug theres only the PT cruiser in both pictures and I cant see any of the damage in either picture, but judging from the postiton at the pole in relation to the church it looks like it was turning right, I am not very familiar w that intersection though so I will defer directions to you :D

Sep 12, 2012, 6:52pm Permalink
Mark Brudz

Doug my analytical friend, observe that the blue alongside the cruiser is heading toward the pole.

If you look closely at the PT ceuiser, you can see damage to the left bumper

We do not know if the vehicles A) Spun B) were pushed or driven to the curb

You are correct there are two vehicles facing east
but that left bumper damage sure is consistant with the witness' statement

Sep 12, 2012, 10:35pm Permalink
Doug Yeomans

I see no damage to the left side of that Cruiser anywhere. The headlight is intact and the fender appears to be undamaged. I don't even see left front bumper damage (drivers side). I just google imaged a PT Cruiser and there's clearly a black bumper and a recessed fog light in the lower scoop and there's no damage. The damage to the PT Cruiser is in the right front (passenger side).

Sep 13, 2012, 6:28am Permalink

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