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Today's Poll: Which of the top two VP candidates would make a better president?

By Howard B. Owens
John Woodworth JR

Amazing how arrogant VP Biden is. His demeanor was absolutely a "First Class JACKASS!" He acted as if everything was a joke with his constant smiling and laughing! He continues to lie about Libya! For all you anti-Bush people remember how upset you were with his so call lying to the American People. Yet you all seem to accept this Libya as a lack of intelligence. Romney and Ryan saw Libya for what it is and the President and VP did not. The President continued to campaign and play Golf. If, Obama wins election and this country collapses we got what we deserved! Heck, we get poor choices because, most Americans seem to feel helpless and unable to make a difference.

FYI, I am not saying Romney is our savior by any means but, I feel that a Business Grad would be more qualified than a Civil Law Grad to help this country's economy status. I am tired of Obama's arrogance, lies (Libya/Economy/Unemployment/etc...) and bs policies. Heck, his healthcare and economical plan is based off the European standard and we all can see where that is going. Do I need to point out Greece, Italy and Spain?

Oct 13, 2012, 10:56pm Permalink

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